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/lit/ - Literature

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11534777 No.11534777 [Reply] [Original]

English: Hamlet, Moby Dick, Alice's adventures in wonderland, Infinite Jest
Spanish: Don Quixote, Fictions, 2666, 100 Years of Solitude
French: Les Miserables, The Stranger, The Count of Montecristo, Madame Bovary
German: Faust, Siddartha, The Metamorphosis
Russian: War and Peace, Anna Karenina, Crime and Punishment, The Brothers Karamazov
Italian: The Divine Comedy, If on a winter's night a traveler
Norwegian: Hunger, A Doll's House
Greek: The Iliad, The Odyssey, The Bible
Latin: The Aeneid, The Metamorphoses

>> No.11534847

gay lol

>> No.11534868

And portuguese?
Nice trips

>> No.11534874

French: in search of lost time

>> No.11534886


>> No.11534888

For spanish I would add Hopscotch and remove Fictions and 2666. Only Faust and Madame Bovary are correct in german and french, there’s a lot of stuff that’s more important than The Stranger or Siddharta. You forgot Tristram Shandy too.
>Infinite Jest

>> No.11534905

Why would you remove Ficciones and add Hopscotch?

>> No.11534926

cien años is not a very good book. And ive read it three times. Id put pedro paramo in its place (since garcia marquez ripped a few elements from it). Fucking meme list made me reply

>> No.11534935

The Book of Disquiet, Blindness, The Devil to Pay in the Backlands, Dom Casmurro

>> No.11534947

A Doll's House was bad and the writer should feel bad

>> No.11534986

Waste of trips

to be fair borges and bolaño don't belong there either. neither does calvino, dumas, camus, hugo, dfw, carroll, ibsen, hesse, kafka, probably ovid

>> No.11535034

Isn't most of the Bible written in hebrew and in aramaic?

>> No.11535093

What are you supposed to read then

>> No.11535188

Spanish: Don Quijote
English: Hamlet
German: Wilhelm Meister's Apprenticeship or Faust
French: Madam Bovary
Italian: Divine Comedy
Portuguese: Os lusiadas
Russian: Karamazov
Classic Latin: Odes (Horace)
Ecclesiastical Latin: Vulgate
Homeric Greek: Homer
Attic Greek: Oresteia
Koine: NT

you can go on

>> No.11535194

Borges is the best writer in Spanish in the 21st century. Gtfo

>> No.11535225


Now that I think about it Le Cid or Gargantua and Pantagruel should be in French

>> No.11535232


It's good, Bolaño is a great writer but he isn't one the best of the history. You, anglos, overrate him so much.

>> No.11535233

>Borges is the best writer in Spanish in the 21st century. Gtfo
What did he mean by this

>> No.11535248

>You, anglos, overrate him so much.
Name a better writer from his generation. I'll wait.

>> No.11535257

He is probably the best of his generation, but we are talking about the best spanish literature of history.

>> No.11535273

Tirso de Molina is probably my favorite Spanish writer.

>> No.11535304

He still better than those rancid Spaniards from the 1700-1800s.

>> No.11535310

>only one book
And then?

>> No.11535418

>French: Les Miserables, The Stranger, The Count of Montecristo, Madame Bovary
No no no. The Stranger is strongly overrated outside France. Nobody in France would count it as an essential book. It's probably among the top 5 novels of the 20th century, but no more than that.
Monte Cristo : no. Too popular stuff. You have Rabelais, Montaigne, Balzac (Le Père Goriot), Voltaire, and many others who deserve much more than Dumas.

>> No.11535499

Hopscotch is an ambitious yet succesful work. It’s very charged with questions and problems for the reader. A defining novel to be honest. It’s what art is about.

Also you could read Borges essays’ and you would get nearly the same you get with Fictions