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11532769 No.11532769 [Reply] [Original]

What is the best book on journalism and the media?

>> No.11532795

There is none. What's happening to modern journalism is too fresh for quality works on this evolution to have emerged yet.

>> No.11532835
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What u call media is no MORE nor LESS than the EXTENSIONS OF MAN *60s radio voice cough*


>> No.11532836

I don't know but I can recommend what is the best board for you. Care to guess what it is?

>> No.11532837

>a population of this area has this skin colour

this is so fucking racist, what

>> No.11532847

I can recommend what is the best website for you. Care to guess what it is?

>> No.11532869

Oh, I don't need to guess, I know every single word you're going to spew because I've heard it all before. Every single one of them gets repeated ad infinitum by mindless adolescent narcissists like you.

>> No.11532873


>government officials and bussiness leaders say that homogenity is limiting options in a state with an aging workforce and stagnant population growth.
>bussiness leaders
> aging workforce

it's obvious this is all about the economic need for cheap immigrant labor, despite being superficially packaged in the language of clickbait journalism and 'progressive' managerial liberalism. no conspiratorial jew agenda here, unless you happen to be in direct competition with said cheap immigrant labor, or actively looking for identity threats to rage about.

>> No.11532876
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Pic related. However, for some unclear reason, I found it quite odd and wasn't able to read further than a few pages. Anyway, google it.

>> No.11532893

but anon, the cultural marxists are trying to destroy Western Civilization by making capitalist companies more profitable!

>> No.11532899

we are all trapped in the turned on cybernetic groovy media ecosystem the hippies promised us. except it has become a form of mass pacification


>> No.11532914

dont post this shit, i have high blood pressure holy fuck

>> No.11532917

>describes conspiratorial jew agenda
>"no conspiratorial jew agenda here"

>> No.11532941

you're being played like a fiddle with this Us vs Them attitude

>> No.11532958

as >>11532873 points out, the main factor here is Capitalism, but >>11532873 is wrong to dismiss the identity threat since that too is an intentional goal of capitalism to create ever more compliant consumers and weaker, more materialistic culture.

Capitalism is the galvanizing factor here and Capitalism stems from Avarice.
Avarice, me friends. We must destroy it.

>> No.11532979

Boorstin's The Image
Ellul's Propaganda

>> No.11532983

>if you fight, they win!
fuck off Trudeau

>> No.11533000

I just told you there is no Them, even when you try to make a strawman you can't even concieve of such a world

>> No.11533027

damn. enlightened af

>> No.11533032

The fetishization of novelty is the engine of capitalism.

Part of the reason we have to keep having the exact same arguments over and over and over is that knowledge-production under capitalism is moderated by institutions and outlets that fetishize the excitement of novelty over the fractal plod of history.

>> No.11533092

Honestly, at this point I kind of feel that white people basically of deserve to go extinct. No other creature on the planet has such a suicidal lack of a sense of self preservation.

Nothing this pathetic deserves to exist.

>> No.11533112

can anyone recommend some books that helped you transcend identity politics? I think OP and the /pol/ cretins might need them.

>> No.11533156

what's more fucked up is that it's not white people saying it, it's the (((New York Times))) pretending jews are white.
It's backwards, if I went to a ghetto and peeled off my ebonics dictionary in tandem with pre-memorized Malcolm X speeches I'd get shot on site.
Literally all of this issue is white people not having the balls to tell other people they can't speak for them.

>> No.11533166

why do white people even care? No one wants them around and they'll soon be bred out of the human race anyway. In 20 years only 33% of the population will be white.

>> No.11533174 [DELETED] 
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For my Legionaries

>> No.11533179

Socialist takeover of /pol/ fucking WHEN?

>> No.11533197

>dude shitskins will be okay if we're all equally poor lmao

>> No.11533207

Le Society Of Le Spectacle

>> No.11533219

Robert McChesney is pretty good, try "Rich Media, Poor Democracy"

>> No.11533247


if you don't recognise that identity confers group membership into a superorganism then you will be outcompeted by one that does. it's like trying to fight a guy with a gun whilst believing you have "transcended" the need for guns. it's just fucking suicidal and retarded.

>> No.11533248

Who are you quoting?

>> No.11533256

>New Hampshire

>> No.11533263

please don't respond to me, it's evident you don't read.

>> No.11533264

They're absolute brainlets.
>DUDE fuck capitalism, these fat cats are importing immigrants to pad their profits
>also when we get into power we'll have open borders and a completely jew run government ;^)

>> No.11533275

most of them just want the liberty for the sex and drugs to be frank

>> No.11533282
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>> No.11533286

why do you hate jewish people so much anon? honest question please no memes

>> No.11533322
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Where the fuck do I even start with a question as open ended as that one?

>> No.11533351

>WOW I can't believe the zulus fell for the identity politics meme. don't they know that we're all individuals with our own goals and aspirations? baka

>> No.11533357

please, you I am trying to understand, I see many posts on this board disparaging the jews and alleging they are at the head of a vast conspiracy but I want to hear it explained because I want to give your ideas the credit they're due. I will not judge you or attack I only want to listen to your point of view.

now please tell me, why do you hate the jews so much anon?

>> No.11533364


>going with the legion bootlickers in their gay little lacrosse outfits rather than the patrician Mr. House
>actually willing to die for a man who thinks Hegelian dialectics is thesis-antithesis-synthesis

Fallout New Vegas is the perfect Rorschach test for the human soul, and anyone who goes with the legion is a total and utter pleb.

>> No.11533422

Friedrich von der Hagen said (this was on 1832 mind you) that due to a lack of a native language "the jew was forced to adopt the low prose of journalism, an argot as corrupted and disgusting as their accent talking german"

>> No.11533425

It is said that the jews run everything in western country and try to destroy the western culture to replace it with a cheap and stupid mixed race population.
Also greater israel

>> No.11533447

>try to destroy the western culture to replace it with a cheap and stupid mixed race population.
to what end?

>> No.11533481

Intrinsic behavior

>> No.11533487

Balzac - Lost Illusions

>> No.11533506

I see. And you believe that all 6.5 million jews in the world are in on this scheme? or just the 4 million in america?

>> No.11533513

I apologize 15 million jews worldwide.

>> No.11533572

are you stupid? you have to be retarded to use that logic

>> No.11533584

The State and Revolution

>> No.11533585

okay so not all jews are in on this conspiracy? about how many are? ballpark?

>> No.11533597

there are factional differences for example some jews are not zionists but the zionists one want an israeli state to expand so they get involved in the world stage and manipulate it. this isnt exactly hard to understand and the fact you deny it by saying 'but are these 15 million people in on it' is really stupid.

>> No.11533614
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Manufacturing consent

>> No.11533622

he didn't deny it. he was just asking for their motivation.

>> No.11533624

Bernays' Propaganda.

>> No.11533626
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Who's pushing diversity on whites again?


>> No.11533627

>>government officials and bussiness leaders say that homogenity is limiting options in a state with an aging workforce and stagnant population growth.
If this were only about capitalism, the easy solution would be to stop sending people to college who don't need it, and get people to marry/have children earlier by promoting traditional sexual mores and making it economically incentivized.

One has to wonder why nobody wants to reform the white population and would rather import non-whites. /pol/ will be happy to inform you why.

>> No.11533642

NYT is a propaganda mill. I grant you that. What I don't get is, why do you make the leap to blame ALL of the jews based on a subset of elite jews. Jews are disproportionately likely to become elite due to their natural high IQ average. In short, yes, jews are overrepresented in elites, but it is not because of a vast conspiracy. But rather, it is because they are smart and work hard.

>> No.11533658

the elite's don't want to be public either, the less people know how well off they are, the more they can siphon money from people innocently under good intentions.
The great irony being that as soon as (((they))) become the majority, they'll have no one to capitalize off of (see Agent Smith's speech in the 1st Matrix)

>> No.11533675

>But rather, it is because they are smart and work hard.
Fun fact: young Jews (ie millenial and Gen Z) are actually increasingly losing the habits of hard work that made their fathers and grandfathers rich. They're coasting, and Asians and whites are taking their place. That's why elite universities discriminate against Asians. So the elite probably won't be Jewish in 30 years.

>> No.11533734
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Narcissists, Narcissists, none of you are free of Narcissism.

>> No.11533743

the elite probably won't be human in 30 years either

>> No.11533748

Jews are tribal, they rarely if ever go against their own, so ALL jews get the blame and ALL jews must go. Stop naively thinking of them in European individualist terms they're semites.

>> No.11533755
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Foolish and wrong. Jews are 67% of Harvard's graduate school students, they are not losing power until whites take it back from them.

>> No.11533760

Manufacturing Consent.

>> No.11533766

>pls give us cheap labor and ez votes

Shits so fucking transparent

>> No.11533767


>jews want to usher in a COMMUNISM where the workers own the means of production and life is good for everyone
>jews also want to control the world

Honestly I'm confused

>> No.11533768

In case you haven't noticed, Harvard is getting sued right now for discriminating against Asians. And the reason Harvard wants to discriminate against Asians and (to a lesser extent) whites is because they know that on a level playing field Harvard would not stay 67% Jewish for long.

>> No.11533769

>golly its just ruthless consumerism at work what’s the problem hyuck hyuck
Sterilize yourself my guy

>> No.11533770

Better get that to a 100. Kill those damn niggers

>> No.11533784

Brainlet beta detected

>> No.11533790

Being a communist, being a Communist, and acheiving communism are different things. Stop playing word games.

>> No.11533792

Why can't the janitors just clean up obvious political bait?

>> No.11533814

Got any of dat bait?

>> No.11533896

And? People should question your motives for trying to proclaim that jewish power will inevitably decline. Whites have to take it from them and remove them from western countries so they can't do this again, period. >>11533768

>> No.11533939
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>another stupid thread about politics stays up and doesn't get deleted

Why are our mods so fucking worthless?

>> No.11533975

>Jews see themselves as the 'Chosen Ones'.
When the Messiah arrives, the goyim (other nations) will voluntarily be there slaves.
>Jews have been persecuted generation after generation, due to their inability to assimilate into the host culture
>This goes on for so long, that it's not even a matter of religion. They are a specific exclusive tribe that views itself as both victims of the world, exiled wanderers and the eventual rulers.
>Goes beyond religion after hundreds of years of this. Jews see themselves as different, yet want to appear 'assimilated' to the host country.
>Believes their way is superior, and that the goyim can be manipulated for their gains, as that is the will of Yahweh. (Plus hold a deep resentment for the goyim.)
>Being a minority is scary, as shown in WWII, and so in order to survive, must implement policies which will increase the number of minorities, so that there isn't a strong majority.
>Promotes liberalism, racemixing and other forms of degeneracy in order to break down any sense of tribalism except within their own.
>Not their fault, its years of environmental pressure which have biologically molded them to be like this.
>Huge increase in rate of mental illnesses in Jewish minds. (Neurotic etc)
>Just overall a tribe which has no homeland. And so in order to survive seeks to destabilize other homelands and control them.

>> No.11534021

um sorry sweetie but you we saw what happens when you “have balls”. we call it the holocaust and to make sure it doesn’t happen again we’re like, letting you go extinct, mk?

>> No.11534038

>but you we saw
next time we need to abolish slavery and ebonics

>> No.11534129

Ted Kaczynski was right about leftists. Some of the best sections of his manifesto concern the psychology of leftists and the so-called "power process."

21. Leftists may claim that their activism is motivated by compassion or by moral principles, and moral principle does play a role for the leftist of the oversocialized type. But compassion and moral principle cannot be the main motives for leftist activism. Hostility is too prominent a component of leftist behavior; so is the drive for power. Moreover, much leftist behavior is not rationally calculated to be of benefit to the people whom the leftists claim to be trying to help. For example, if one believes that affirmative action is good for black people, does it make sense to demand affirmative action in hostile or dogmatic terms? Obviously it would be more productive to take a diplomatic and conciliatory approach that would make at least verbal and symbolic concessions to white people who think that affirmative action discriminates against them. But leftist activists do not take such an approach because it would not satisfy their emotional needs. Helping black people is not their real goal. Instead, race problems serve as an excuse for them to express their own hostility and frustrated need for power. In doing so they actually harm black people, because the activists’ hostile attitude toward the white majority tends to intensify race hatred."

22. If our society had no social problems at all, the leftists would have to INVENT problems in order to provide themselves with an excuse for making a fuss.

>> No.11534135

219. Leftism is a totalitarian force. Wherever leftism is in a position of power it tends to invade every private corner and force every thought into a leftist mold. In part this is because of the quasi-religious character of leftism; everything contrary to leftist beliefs represents Sin. More importantly, leftism is a totalitarian force because of the leftists’ drive for power. The leftist seeks to satisfy his need for power through identification with a social movement and he tries to go through the power process by helping to pursue and attain the goals of the movement (see paragraph 83). But no matter how far the movement has gone in attaining its goals the leftist is never satisfied, because his activism is a surrogate activity (see paragraph 41). That is, the leftist’s real motive is not to attain the ostensible goals of leftism; in reality he is motivated by the sense of power he gets from struggling for and then reaching a social goal. [35] Consequently the leftist is never satisfied with the goals he has already attained; his need for the power process leads him always to pursue some new goal. The leftist wants equal opportunities for minorities. When that is attained he insists on statistical equality of achievement by minorities. And as long as anyone harbors in some corner of his mind a negative attitude toward some minority, the leftist has to re-educated him. And ethnic minorities are not enough; no one can be allowed to have a negative attitude toward homosexuals, disabled people, fat people, old people, ugly people, and on and on and on. It’s not enough that the public should be informed about the hazards of smoking; a warning has to be stamped on every package of cigarettes. Then cigarette advertising has to be restricted if not banned. The activists will never be satisfied until tobacco is outlawed, and after that it will be alcohol, then junk food, etc. Activists have fought gross child abuse, which is reasonable. But now they want to stop all spanking. When they have done that they will want to ban something else they consider unwholesome, then another thing and then another. They will never be satisfied until they have complete control over all child rearing practices. And then they will move on to another cause.

220. Suppose you asked leftists to make a list of ALL the things that were wrong with society, and then suppose you instituted EVERY social change that they demanded. It is safe to say that within a couple of years the majority of leftists would find something new to complain about, some new social “evil” to correct because, once again, the leftist is motivated less by distress at society’s ills than by the need to satisfy his drive for power by imposing his solutions on society.

>> No.11534189

When you are considering liberal media outlets it is important first to understand the psychology of the persons responsible for selecting the stories that get printed and for writing them up. Next you should understand how such a selection of stories is intended to affect public opinion. For example an editor might decide (wether consciously or no) to select a series of stories all of which (in their own way) serve to collectively steer public opinion toward belief A. They might also do this precisely by choosing NOT to cover certain topics or stories as well. Then you have to actually consider the stories and opinion pieces themselves. How the issues are "framed," which is a process of taking a whole subject and presenting only certain information about it. Etc. There are a number of techniques that are used. The NYT for example is very pro-woman, pro-jew, and pro-homosexual. They are ambivalent toward blacks and transsexuals (probably skew negative here). And they are openly hostile toward men and fascists, etc.

This kind of analysis isn't hard. You simply have to be aware of the pool of possible events and topics, in order to comprehend the decisions behind the selection of stories chosen and topics discussed. Then you have to be aware of the totality of these chosen events and topics in order to understand the way they are being "framed." This is all of the top of my head. But it ought to be a good start.

>> No.11534242
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>> No.11534253
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However on point some of Kaczynski's ideas may have been they are dated in that today we know that the problem doesn't stem from some indistinguishable group known as "leftists," but jews and the jewish cultural elite who set this universalist, post-Christian moral agenda for the goodwhites and true believers and so on who go along with it, and who ultimately benefits from it.

You don't win the war by picking off the lowly infantry, you win it by identifying the decision-makers and brass. The core problem is the alien tribe of jews in charge of our institutions, not "leftists."

>> No.11534429
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>tfw to smart to display common decency

>> No.11534432

Propaganda by Jaque Ellul
Crystalizing Public Opinion by Edward Bernays

>> No.11534439
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The True and Only Heaven is better tbqh

>> No.11534503

Its impossible to do. All politics is identity politics. Its just become more cancerous than normally because local politics has been obliterated and so we are forced to pour all of our identity into impersonal, untouchable mega-structures; someone saying gays shouldn't marry is is now a national crisis of collective. Disagreements over diversity is not only grounds for ending any social ties one might have (not to mention friendship), but a casus belli.

This is not to say that political differences were not seen as problematic to a common sense of decency and unity in the past, but its become all-consuming.

>> No.11534527

The camp of the saints

fuck you. become a mormon. have lots of white children. catholics are cucks.


>> No.11534536

Oh yea sure, lets revive union militancy. Those impotent student activists would be way dangerous and less manipulative for capitalists as trade unionists.

>> No.11534544

all white people are cucks. Their homogeneous culture is in it's final death throes. Trump is not a bang but a whimper.

>> No.11534547

MTV already made nignogs cool, as was ordered. What's holding them back now? Geez, illuminati sure are not the most intelligent club.

>> No.11534557

>conquers the world

>higher average salary
>lower sexual partner count
>higher rates of monogamy
>higher rates of education
>better looking
>more intelligent

whites are the master race.

Should the elves have rolled over because Saruman was breeding millions of orcs?

>> No.11534560

Far from it, and the jewish-led transformation of white societies has only recently begun and set in, and is something most whites don't even feel the effects of yet. It can and will be easily reversed, if not simply because the mudskins invading us are completely incompetent.

>> No.11534591
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the article is purpously baiting you in with the racist title, its actually about the aging work force of new hampshire, its not about race.
The news media jew knows how to get your panties in a twist and give them attention

tss nothing personal goy

>> No.11534597

>this global trend should reverse any day now

>> No.11534608

>it is another human vs orc analysis

>> No.11534613

99% of the nonwhites jews have let into the west have arrived in a very short period of time and due to poor policy; they can leave in a short period of time with good policy.

>> No.11534630
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too true, fair as the elves of yore, nobler than all others

behold the beautiful master-race!!

>> No.11534644

they wont though
>Europe’s Muslim population is projected to increase by 63%, growing from 43 million in 2010 to 71 million in 2050. The religiously unaffiliated population in Europe is expected to grow by about 16%, from 140 million in 2010 to 162 million in 2050. Hindus, Buddhists, members of folk religions and members of other religions in Europe are expected to experience large gains relative to their 2010 population size, but none of these groups is forecast to exceed 3 million people in 2050. In 2010, there were roughly equal counts of Jews, Hindus and Buddhists in the region (1.4 million each), but by 2050, the Jewish population (1.2 million) is expected to be about half the size of both the Hindu (2.7 million) and Buddhist (2.5 million) populations.


I'm sure because pew rhymes with jew it's all bullshit though

>> No.11534661

Not that guy but there is no reason to assume Muslism's fertility rates will not drop over time since the other religions have done the same

>> No.11534674

there is no reason to assume they will either. plus even if they do other religions fertility rates are already lower and dropping. can you into stats?

>> No.11534687

Yes and my point is the material conditions that made these religions drop their fertility rate will force Muslims to drop to their level.

>> No.11534699

If the Muslims assimilate then they will drop. but I doubt they will.

>> No.11534704

There could be 10x more and they could still be removed with ease because they're completely dysfunctional people. Even if they took over European systems and governments those things would collapse immediately because they could never build or run them themselves, which is why they are coming to western countries in the first place.

>> No.11534709

Nope. The fertility rate of Muslim will drop but not to the level of other religion. See Lebanon, India, France. Material conditions are always tempered by culture. The reductionist Marxist approach of seeing culture as merely an extension of material conditions is wrong.

>> No.11534736

maybe they take over your European government and maybe they break it, but if that happens you'd still be fucked. And I doubt they could be removed with ease. White europeans are a weak peaceful people for the most part and these muslims mostly come from warzones and many would rather die than return not to mention the white europeans are divided and the radical racists like yourself who want to kick them out of europe are a minority even among only your own race. So you'd be fighting the majority of white plus all the muslims to kick them out of europe.

it won't happen buddy. they're there to stay. whats been done is not so easily undone. I think your delusion is the first step on the path to accepting the death of your "culture". Think about what I'm saying you know it to be true.

>> No.11534738
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counterexample: Iran.

>> No.11534753

Persians are civilized, arabs are roaches.

The only reason france has a higher birthrate is because of its black and arab populations.

>> No.11534754

>they're there to stay
Absolutely not and that claim is absurd. All of them have arrived in recent decades and the majority in the last few years. They can and will leave as quickly as they came in. It's all about will.

>> No.11534758
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I am a reactionary, I am in fact, so reactionary I unironically believe the islamization of europe would represent a tremendous improvement over the current feminized, liberal, sorry state of the place. I think racists should be going over to the ghettos, we should be talking to the radical mullahs and the islamic youth, the real enemy is ZOG/ feminists/leftists.

>> No.11534759

Is it /tv/?

>> No.11534770

Okay striker. I got you

>> No.11534778

ok I hope that works out for you

so your counterargument is because something happened recently that means it can unhappen? I just explained to you europe has no will. even this guy>>11534758 recognizes that.

you probably have Aspergers. Just because you want it to be a certain way won't make it so.

>> No.11534791

This situation is recent and changing fast. It was one generation who was manipulated by jews into destroying their nations, and that has already worn off with much of the younger generations, which is why the rhetoric on sites those people frequent, like this one, is unambiguous as to what must be done. Furthermore, the fatalism you are pretending exists is nothing more than a jewish demoralization tactic. The arc of history is long, anyone who buys what you're selling is foolish.

>> No.11534807

Literally anything, just read a lot and read widely. The majority of fuckwits like those in OP have no actual knowledge about anything.

>> No.11534808

yeah, prepare for a long life full of disappointment my delusional racist friend.

>> No.11534823

It's just begun and the tides are already turning against your favor. Whatever shitskin group you belong to is incapable of taking over or sustaining what whites have built, and whatever shitstain country your parents came from is one you will be returned to in time.

>> No.11534838

so when good things happen it's because whites (not you but people who look like you) made them happen but when you have a setback or failure it's because the jews. so it's the jews fault you're a loser?

lmao keep waiting for the day.

>> No.11534856

What? No one said that. But thanks for confirming the person trying to tell whites it's all over itt is a jew. This is what people like myself are talking about wrt the jewish problem and why your people will be the first to go.

>> No.11534872

i win

>> No.11534880
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You always lose.

>> No.11534962

But Iran is around upper 1.0, which is the level most developed countries are in

>> No.11535827

You don't. Niggs will be 50% of the total world population by the ending decades of this century, and they won't quietly stay in Africa. Also the comparative rise in relevance of nations that don't give a fuck about promoting themselves.
If you are tired of the big bad identity politics, you might as well kill yourself right now because it's not going to decrease in the coming 100 years at least.

>> No.11535881

Mr House is obviously the best choice.
At least he went Legion and not NCR.

>> No.11535893
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>> No.11535895

And it's beautiful

>> No.11535930
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What happened to modern journalism will happen to everyone

>> No.11535936

All the cool journalists are covering wars and shit

>> No.11535969

This is interesting because I am planning on moving to New Hampshire because it is majority white (I live in California; have connections in NH) and want to raise my children somewhere where they don't have to constantly be around non-whites and be demonized for being white. The left and non-whites don't want us to have freedom of association: they want us to be stuck dealing with their bullshit even if we escape to the farthest corners of the country. They need to fuck off already.

>> No.11535983

This is going to be the century of the Chinese, and it's interesting how nearly no one points out they don't give a fuck about black people.

>> No.11536144

>cucking yourself for a pickled old man in a jar with 5 INT
>not going the patrician Yes Man route
Pathetic desu

>> No.11536242

>natural high IQ average
>israel has a below 100 average IQ
>ashkenazi kikes are outclassed by certain denominations of WASPs in the US
Keep believing your masters deserve to rule you though, goy.

>> No.11536259

What does that pic mean?
I keep seeing that green guy with the camera everywhere!

>> No.11536271

ashenazki jews have 115 iq avg iq. ashenazki jews are majority of diaspora jews in america and european countries. israel is a nation of all different kinds of jews with some palestinians to drag down the average. if wasps are smarter, then i expect to see their number in elite to increase over time.

>> No.11536307

There are far more high IQ whites than jews. The elite has become increasingly jewish in the postwar era due to rampant ethnic nepotism.

>> No.11536314
File: 1.02 MB, 1365x638, ASSUME_THE_POSITION.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yep. NCR is middlebrow: the faction.


Pic related.

>> No.11536327

literally any early postmodernism. the focus on how language and experience shapes you and the existentialist idea of your culture is only your memories of a slice of culture are the defining problems of most genres from then out (fahrenheit 451's reconstruction of books is a classic example of how what you consume as media is what you can regurgitate as policy)

i'd start with nietzsche: if you're already ruined by 30 sec infomercials, read the new idol chapter of Zarathustra

from jung, memories dreams reflections:
>It is the individual's task to differentiate himself from all the others and stand on his own feet. All collective identities... interfere with the fulfillment of this task. Such collective identities are crutches for the lame, shields for the timid, beds for the lazy, nurseries for the irresponsible.

burroughs idea of language as a virus and cutups also are generally good for media and forming postmodern identity

(if you're a peterson faggot reading this, you've been taught bad things that are going to make it harder for you to learn basics about the past few centuries even from the sources he "cites" and then misrepresents. postmodernism deals with schizophrenia and pastische for a reason, and you should start with jameson on postmodernism and late capitalism if you're interested in it at all as politics.)

>will it cure /pol/
leave /pol/ alone, it knows what it's doing.

>> No.11536352

any books on this (that aren't das kapital)?

>> No.11536354

>love of money is the root of all evil
is the bible better than das kapital?

>> No.11537413

what about hebrew

>> No.11537487
File: 14 KB, 232x346, 41E3KHQXFKL._SY344_BO1,204,203,200_[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read pic related