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11528943 No.11528943 [Reply] [Original]

>went to Del Prado
>saw a lot of interesting books on art and couldn’t decide which one to take

>> No.11529132

Hans Prinzhorn's book on the art of the mentally ill.

>> No.11530866

This seems like an interesting thread, bump!

>> No.11530872

get one on goya.

>> No.11531058

oh boy a young man who likes art wooooow how original
i'd recommend necking yourself or getting a life

>> No.11531089

Daniel Arasse - Le Détail. Pour une histoire rapprochée de la peinture,
Svetlana Alpers - The Art of Describing
Gardner's Art Through the Ages
Henri Focillon - The Life of Forms
Erwin Panofsky - Studies in Iconology
Susie Nash - Northern Renaissance Art
Umberto Eco - The History of Beauty/Ugliness
Victor Stoichita - A Short History of the Shadow
Hal Foster et al - Art since 1900
Max Friedlander - On Art and Conoisseurship
Michael Baxandall - Painting and Experience in Fifteenth Century Italy
Rudolf Wittkower - Sculpture
Fritz Saxl - The Life of Images
Wilhelm Worringer - Abstraction and Empathy
Heinrich Wolfflin - The Fundamental Concepts of the History of Art
Kenneth Clark - The Nude

And a lot of others.

>> No.11531659

got some of them as ebooks, thanks mate

>> No.11531691

seiobo there below by laszlo krasznahorkai is the most real book about the artistic process, and the experience of art i've ever read

>> No.11531749

Leonardo da Vinci’s notebooks, you faggot

>> No.11531783

how about some books on real art, not virtue signaling by masturbating over the plight of the marginalized peoples and pretending to like their """art"""

>> No.11531792

Something by Ruskin. I think he's too harsh on Constable, but even so he's a good critic. His Stones of Venice was especially good.

>> No.11531817

Hogarth's Analysis of Beauty
Reynolds' Discourses on Art
Vasari (obviously)

>> No.11531832

Philosophies of Art and Beauty: Selected Readings in Aesthetics from Plato to Heidegger
ways of seeing
The Ten Books on Architecture
On Painting by Leon Battista Alberti
The Notebooks of Leonardo Da Vinci
Arts and Ideas
Writings on Art by Winckelmann
Wonders and the Order of Nature, 1150-1750
Albion: The Origins of the English Imagination
Louvre: 400 Masterpieces
The Sense of Beauty

>> No.11531883
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>hurr it's bad because there's no wikipedia article durr
It's a research book that examines mental patients works, retard.