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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 374 KB, 1195x1600, Antonio_Salazar-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11528660 No.11528660 [Reply] [Original]

If a woman calls Orwell "lackluster and superficial", and she has an *extremely* reactionary bent, does it make sense to point out to her that by her very own politics, female opinion is trash?

>> No.11528668

You wanna get laid tonight or not?

>> No.11528671

Not prepared to get married before tonight

>> No.11528694

>she has an *extremely* reactionary bent, does it make sense to point out to her that by her very own politics, female opinion is trash?
Are you actually stupid enough that you believe this? What's it like to always breathe with your mouth open? gay thread, reported

>> No.11528709

Maybe make your point without acting like a douchebag?

>> No.11528738

Orwell is a mediocrity, and you do not know what reactionary politics has to say about women, so shut up e pare de usar imagens do Salazar.

>> No.11528741

So by leftfag logic any ideology on the rightwing spectrum is sexist?

>> No.11528745

>does it make sense to point out to her that by her very own politics, female opinion is trash?
No because women's opinions still matter in a reactionary worldview despite what your drug addled lefty mind might think

>> No.11528760

>say retarded shit
>get called a retard
>acts retarded in response
hmm, very interesting constant denominator here...

>> No.11528765

women are inferior to me. I dont care about their opinions which come from the head of a cow.
Roastwhores, know your place in the hierarchy (subservient to me as a white man)

>> No.11528802

Reactionaries, everyone

>> No.11528806

>Maybe if I construct a stereotype to strawman of people I don't like then I have coherent ideology
Ummm... Actually gumdrop... No

>> No.11528812

Based and redpilled

>> No.11528818

Name a women who has made a meaningful contribution to our white world. I'll wait.

>> No.11528828

Well I didn't say that had to do with *my* sentiments, but when you're dealing with a prude what do you expect?

>> No.11528833
File: 177 KB, 1080x1152, 1529106456102.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have good literature reccomendations for Salazar? I'd like to know more about his government and Portugal under it.

>> No.11528836


>> No.11528847

Women don't need to be architects, philosophers, or generals to be important in society, just being a good mother is extremely important

>> No.11528853

I agree that we need them to realize that they're better off in the home, serving their husbands and children. But how do we bring that about? Through sheer force? Who has written on this. Think women deep down realize they're better off without le 'right to self-determination'

>> No.11528879


We raise the social and economic value of being a good mother. You need carrot as well as stick.

>> No.11528883

God, I wish that were me.

I'm talking about the dude chilling in the recliner in the background

>> No.11528891

Sounds great. Hope we can bring it about. Hate seeing all these women having promiscuous sex with all these Chad retards instead of valuing virtuous men whom they can devote themselves to

>> No.11528901


>> No.11528908

I'm not one of those "men", though. I am redpilled and have always valued masculinity

>> No.11528914

>They need to be stay at home moms
In a an urban environment no, although ideally employers should be paying a single person full wages instead of society expecting to sacrifice the family unit by forcing both partners to work , as it is in urban areas.

In rural environments being a stay at home mother is essentially taking care of a homestead and while engaging in community activities important for social cohesion.

>> No.11528915

Maybe. But don't let politics prevent *you* from family and happiness

>> No.11528958

Difficult to start a family when all the girls I meet prefer apes and don't value traditional values and virtue. I won't settle for a degenerate

>> No.11529251

>This how liberals see rightists
What's with the constant cuck fetishes among them like holy shit

>> No.11529310



>> No.11529314

Oh, would you shut the fuck up. I come to /lit/ to avoid this sort of boring regurgitation

>> No.11529322

Maybe you're not the prize you think yourself? Maybe those "apes" aren't as primitive or degenerate as you lead yourself to believe?

>> No.11529344

Abolish welfare, birth control, and abortion and watch how quickly social degeneracy corrects itself.

>> No.11529409

You're about a year or two too late now

>> No.11529616


>> No.11531051
File: 153 KB, 1024x683, 1511994313725.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All mothers, nurses and early childhood teachers for a start.