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11527363 No.11527363[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

/Ourguy/, Richard Spencer, has just dropped 10,000 words on Nietzsche and may very well have solved Philosophy



>> No.11527373
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>fat stupid American whigger LARPing as a Nazi

Surely you jest. Pic related is more of an /ourguy/ than Spencer.

>> No.11527382

Dee ar oh pee pee ee dee

>> No.11527387

so some faggot that claims to speak for european heritage despite being an american mongrel that actual europeans can't stand posted his homework from 2007? tell me more

>> No.11527400

Richard Spencer is pretty embarrassing. His "people of the sun" line at that little Nazi rally he held was cringe-inducing. And I say that irrespective of politics. Adolf Hitler was at least a genuinely powerful and effective orator.

>> No.11527403
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>I wrote this essay in 2007
>has just dropped

is this actually worth reading?

>> No.11527443

Some fucking graduate paper from Duke University?

I shouldn't fucking think so, anon.

>> No.11527458


can someone post that webm or gif of him talking about his retarded pepe pin and then getting punched in the face like the beta he is?

>> No.11527736
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>Black guy

>> No.11529011

Not really. At best, it's merely alright.

At worst, he does things like try to pretend Nietzsche wanted tyrants in this peculiarly narrow way. He points to the following passage:

"What I’m trying to say is: the democratization of Europe is at the same time an involuntary exercise in the breeding of tyrants–understanding that word in every sense, including the most spiritual." BGE, 242

But he just quotes the word "tyrants", and pretends there's no qualification there, like "most spiritual", which is an odd way to use BGE, since earlier we see the following such passages about tyrants and tyranny which someone with a brain would think would shed light on what "most spiritual" might mean:

"...But this is an old, eternal story: what happened back then with the Stoics still happens today, just as soon as a philosophy begins believing in itself. It always creates the world in its own image, it cannot do otherwise; philosophy is this tyrannical drive itself, the most spiritual will to power, to the “creation of the world,” to the causa prima." BGE, 9

"Our strongest drives, the tyrants in us, subjugate not only our reason but our conscience as well." BGE, 158

He has a better reading of Nietzsche than most people, but he still can't but help using him to prop his own sense of self up, even when Nietzsche's resistant to it.

>> No.11529037

Your interpretation of Nietschze is a fucking joke.

>> No.11529211
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Good read. Good post.

>> No.11529260


could you lads post some of your original writing on the topic of philosophy I am ready for the surely big brain /lit/ takes after reading spencer

>> No.11529265


>> No.11529271

> Nietzsche
> Judeo-Christian
> European

he's one of (((them))) asshole

>> No.11529364

Shilling is against site rules
Also nazis fuck off