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File: 176 KB, 419x564, John_of_Damascus4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11525592 No.11525592 [Reply] [Original]

Is Christianity defensible? Is "reasonable faith" an oxymoron or can faith indeed be reasonable?

>> No.11525605

Christianity, yes. Christians, not so much.

>> No.11525608
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Yes. And yes.

>> No.11525693

I think so. I don't think reason is the most important thing, though.

>> No.11525717

There is no logic in faith. You just believe

>> No.11525867

This. You can try to racionalize it a little bit, but if you go to far you loose the essence and the purpose of faith

>> No.11525928

Mate, have you even read any of the books you asked for like a month or so ago? You keep making these threads with the same John Damascene pic

>> No.11525930

If you're in a desert and about to die of thirst, and a well pops up out of nowhere... do you drink the water or do you wax and wane over the rationality and existence of a randomly popping up well?

>> No.11525937
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Wrong. There is logic and reason in the Christian faith but you don't start from the premise of logic or reason. You start from the premise of Divine revelation and reason and logic your way from there. If you try to do religion without a revealed tradition you aren't doing religion, you are doing philosophy and contrary to what the pseuds on this board may think, those things are quite different.

>> No.11525994

No. Yes and no.

>> No.11526009

Christianity, like any sort of belief, has an internal logic and explains worldly phenomena in a coherent and humanly meaningful way. Unless you believe it's major claims are true, there's nothing special about it's rationality or irrationality.

>> No.11526021

Faith comes first and then you try to understand that faith.

>> No.11526046

Do you think you're better than Christians?

>> No.11526167

Go read Suma Teologica's intro

>> No.11526272


>> No.11526286

Islam is the ultimate redpill desu

>> No.11526435

St.A outlines what >>11525937 says

>> No.11526448

Read Tolstoyan religious works.

>> No.11526521

Pascal proved that faith in God is more reasonable, even though we don’t know if he exists or not.

>> No.11526733

It's not more reasonable. Especially if you believe in the wrong God. Punishment would be worse than a non-believer.

>> No.11526810

True hells and heavens could only exist if God is an evil 4th dimensional alien. The punishment is the life you live, never recognizing how much better the world is with a supreme God, not like the ones mentioned in most religions. If I were a Christian I’d be a Marcionite, or else I couldn’t understand the OT.

>> No.11526933

are there any “tolstoyan” writers other than tolstoy? i’ve read some of his non-fiction and i really like the way he approaches religion; do you know any similar writers?

>> No.11527206

No he doesn't, he proves that anything with infinite reward attached to it 'needs' to be believed in; but nothing precludes something from just offering infinite reward, so you're stuck having to believe multiple things that contradict each other. If a girl believed in pascals bullshit, you could tell her that if she fucks you you guarantee she gets into heaven and she logically has to do it.

>> No.11527250

>hasn’t actually read Pensées but masturbates over atheist meme images

>> No.11527282

believers can't even agree on what faith is lol

>> No.11527292

This is good.
Thank you anon.

>> No.11527294

>religion is just philosophy with added delusions
this is actually a pretty good point!