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11521729 No.11521729 [Reply] [Original]

Why is it that uglier authors always write with more cynicism?

>> No.11521808

I think there is some intuitive anwser to this question OP...

>> No.11521953

i'm pretty hot and cynic desu

>> No.11521962

Life as an ugly man is hell, particularly in this snapstagram epoch.

>> No.11521963

Every ugly person deep down hates people and society.

>> No.11521967

And rightly so.

>> No.11521969

ugly people rise up

>> No.11521972
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It helps them get pussy, it helped Bukowski.

>> No.11521973

because they're more exposed to the Outside that the collective exists to repress and beautiful people monopolize

>> No.11522102
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>cherrypicking qt goblin pics to make some silly 'point'

>> No.11522916


>> No.11522971

why are 'pretty' authors all surface?

>> No.11523016
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why indeed

>> No.11523875

because they have shittier lives

>> No.11523896

Because being uglier reveals the uglier side of society. People treat you more badly than not.

Attractive people, by contrast, have society bending over backwards to suit their whims more often than not. So they end up with a distorted view of other human beings.

This is also why you don't see that many attractive authors imo. To be an author, you need a clear vision of what people are actually like. Attractive people only see the masks that others put on for them. Ugly people see what lies beneath.

>> No.11523909
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>> No.11523974

>That many

>> No.11524047
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Would Schopenhauer be so salty against women if he looked like pic related?

>> No.11524057

Of course not ya fuckin dweeb, and that guy would have no reason to think you just need to bee yourself if he looked like Schopenhauer. Congratulations you just realized philosophy is physiognomic. This is what Nietzsche was trying to say. Now align yourself with chad philosophers

>> No.11524068

That's like saying that rich people are less likely to be Marxists. It's true, but that doesn't make every critique of capitalism wrong. An ugly man is more likely to experience the nastier aspects of womanhood, and his experiences are as valid as chad's.

>> No.11524078

The opening soliloquy of Richard III (which is basically an incel rant) articulates the resentment felt by the ugly better than any other piece of fiction

>> No.11524177

Michel Houellebecq was pretty handsome and long since had a wife and child when he was writing Whatever and The Elementary Particles.
But obviously people will address problems more if they themselves face them.

>> No.11524214

schopenhauer was a womaniser who got plenty of pussy in his younger years.

>> No.11524339

he was never good looking just degrees of unatttractive

>> No.11524346

His mom was a slut and a social climber, which is why he hated women.

>> No.11524460



>> No.11524461

Celine wasnt ugly.

>> No.11524676

He wasn’t particularly attracting physically, but his attitude and his career definitely would make him attractive to a number of people.

>> No.11524747

He wasnt salty, he said nothing but the truth.

>> No.11524860

t. salty incel

>> No.11524865


>> No.11525312

>This is what Nietzsche was trying to say.
That's what he did say, almost explicitly, numerous times in fact. Ugly people don't read Nietzsche though because they can sense a mile away that he doesn't care about them.

>> No.11525408

It's not like Nietzsche wasn't ugly himself

>> No.11525415

schopenhauer didnt really hate women, he just thought they were inferior. there is clearly some projecting going on because he was addicted to casual sex himself, and probably didnt like that about himself because of his larping about asceticism

>> No.11525576

They see less value in life, as one source of value in life is sex in order to propagate the specie and women will forever deny them this pleasure.

>> No.11526269
File: 131 KB, 810x571, Michel Houellebecq - Portrait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Houellebecq used to be a pretty average looking man. He looks like he does now becuase of his cynicism

>> No.11526273

and by cynicism I mean his alcohol and tobacco use

>> No.11526298
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Houellebecq's point is that the dynamics of the sexual marketplace, like any free market, trend inexorably towards monopoly. There is an elite class of men who have an enormous amount of sex, while the bottom 80% have none or significantly less.

In Extension of the Domain of the Struggle, Tisserand is describly as hideously ugly. He tearfully admits to the narrator (who is clearly Houellebecq himself) that he is still a virgin in his late 20s. Houellebecq says in interviews that he was a virgin until his mid-to-late 20s too, but he was never as hideously ugly as he described Tisserand. The ugly shots of Houllebecq (pic related) were mostly taken after his dog died (which happened a year or so after a girlfriend broke up with him). This interview (https://www.ft.com/content/651b5c58-3120-11e6-ad39-3fee5ffe5b5b)) describes him as elegant and handsome

>> No.11526346
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Nietzsche was pretty handsome.

>> No.11526388
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No ego boosts from female attention.

>> No.11526396

>I put it to him that he is the atomised modern man he always rails against.

>“Yes, yes,” he agrees. “I’m railing against myself. I deplore what I am.”
Based and redpilled.

>> No.11526404

Must have gotten laid a lot then.

>> No.11526425

houellebecq and ligotti are nowhere near each other. houellebecq is one of the greatest living wirters and ligotti is a childish hack

>> No.11526427

Many women wanted him, but he rejected them. N had far greater aspirations than ejaculation.

>> No.11526450

Pynchon is pretty optimistic desu

>> No.11526457

I look a bit like him. Only I'm not old yet. Should I sudoku, bros.

>> No.11526465
File: 115 KB, 736x736, kneecheefedora.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

... no...

historical materials of Nietzsche by Lou Salome shows that It was a physical problem she kept away from nietzsche. I forgot many of them but there's hemorrhoids part, apparently he cannot sit in a fixed position even for several minutes.

little bit a overkill, he look good at famous pic but here's a nietzsche wearing fedora

>> No.11526469
File: 43 KB, 663x902, jeune michel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rester vivant

>> No.11526477

Nietzsche was very sickly, but that's different from being ugly. It's its own type of repulsive.

>> No.11526489

Really, it's just that people treat you less good compared to better-looking people when you're ugly. Though that alone wouldn't the main reason for uglier authors beings proponents for cynicism, I think it's one of many reasons why they chose that path.

>> No.11526496

he looks cool in that pic, it's not like some lardass 15 year old in a trenchcoat and jeans wearing a fedora

>> No.11526890

This literally isn't verified by anything, yet you faggots keep parroting this nonsense.

>> No.11526908

This: >>11526477

Anon beat me to it. He wasn't ugly, he was sickly, which is different. If he hadn't been sickly he would have probably had a more fulfilling military career and may not have even become a philologist and philosopher. Being sickly does not deprive you of life-affirming vigor like being ugly does, it intensifies that vigor.

>> No.11527155

That's not a fedora.

>> No.11527163

There is little incentive to pursue philosophy of you're attractive. You already have meaning: pursuing your biological imperative.

>> No.11528619

It's verified by biographies, which you obviously haven't read.

One of his baby mamas even gave birth to his child, but it was stillborn. Checkmate natalists.

>> No.11528626

Unless you suffer from mental illness and still need to figure things out despite being pretty.

That's why the only interesting and attractive women are the ones that are fucked in the head.