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/lit/ - Literature

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11520155 No.11520155 [Reply] [Original]

what does /lit/ think of him, now the dust has settled?

>> No.11520182

Unironically based and one of the great writers of the 20th century.

>> No.11520865

based and breadpilled

>> No.11520892

A sort of lesser Jordan Peterson

>> No.11520921

Breaded and pillbugged

>> No.11521461

>muh dilbo baggings

he was a fucking retard

>> No.11521469

Based and redpilled. Knew a lot of things. A great lover of our LORD.

>> No.11522717

Did not discuss taxation, so no thank you.

>> No.11524037

>We stood by in case we were also wanted, and indeed spoke with the BBC crew, who had come to realize, as Wayne put it, that they had stumbled into a nest of Tolkien scholars; but they weren’t sure how to handle a pair of them at once. In the end we weren’t recorded, as the crew already had a lot ‘in the can’, and we’ve not been able to find that anyone recorded that day made it to the air or to the BBC website. Instead, the BBC released a video of a Tolkien fan who has ‘mastered Elvish and Dwarvish’ (serious enthusiasts will understand this necessarily involves a certain amount of invention).

What side are you guys on, staid Tolkien academics or retarded Tolkien super-fans?

>> No.11524145

>Write a pagan fantasy world
Christians on suicide watch. Another reason why Tolkien was so based and dare I say: redpilled.

>> No.11524159

>pagan fantasy world?
top kek. Everything in lotr is Catholic. One God, one evil, tiers of Angels, paradise, rise and fall of mankind, divine providence, sin and punishment...

>> No.11524183

It's a mixture of Christianity and pagan mythology.

>> No.11524188
File: 123 KB, 912x429, let.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What did Tolkien mean by this?

>> No.11524208

Kind of like everything in Christianity is Christi- oh... Nope.