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File: 51 KB, 680x457, albertcamus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11519743 No.11519743 [Reply] [Original]

Going to France in a month.

If I read Camus and then namedrop him and his ideas will I get French pussy?

Should I take up smoking too?

>> No.11519751

Yes and yes
Buy a trench coat or else you are a faggot

>> No.11519819

if you actually want to slay don't try to relate, play up your nation's stereotypes

>> No.11519861

talk about hitler a lot and mention there pussy like surrender in ww2

>> No.11519869

Smoking is a big yes. Speak expressively and make hand gestures. Stylish clothes too.

>> No.11519882

just be black

>> No.11519987

Express his ideas but don’t namedrop. You’ll seem to more naturally exude Frenchness.
He won’t mind the lack of credit. He’s dead.

>> No.11519998

We're not Italian, anon

>> No.11520002

Or pretend you're a Muslim.

>> No.11520012

Name drop Louis-Ferdinand Celine and his ideas instead, the French consider him their greatest writer and all the qts will be really impressed, guarantee it.

>> No.11520145

French roasties are just like any other roasties, anon. You're making it more complicated than you have to.

>> No.11520308


This. Unless you're American, then that's the complete opposite of a good idea.

>> No.11520325

the french will fuck anything that can be fucked. I stopped there once for an hour layover and I was fucked 7 times in the airport.

>> No.11520352

How should an Anglophone Canadian do this? Should I talk about how I want to force Quebecois children to renounce their French heritage at gunpoint?

>> No.11520362
File: 27 KB, 650x366, 7fe558ee0c53554c965e94f443fa2885.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do french people like australians?

i look like an australian surfie which girls love here

>> No.11520366

no one in the world likes australians

>> No.11520371

well everywhere i have ever been (USA, england, south america, italy, germany, denmark) all light up when i say im aussie

>> No.11520406

yeah you're an alright bunch

>> No.11520411

Where are these surfies that aren't nationally despised? You're either LARPing as Australian or are so rural that we might as well live in different countries.
t. City slicker Australian

>> No.11520429
File: 32 KB, 554x554, f72cdac0ab854942df28232d6889e2a1--french-models-french-actress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stay away from our pure Celtic women!!!!!

>> No.11520431

they're probably making fun of you. Everyone in the world knows how australians have an average iq of 87 and they're easily tricked

>> No.11520435

Cam-mouse .... cam - ussss .... came - uzi ... cam - oooooohhhhh

>> No.11520475

I can't lie, it's pretty hard to hate you fuckers in person.

>> No.11520481

aussies are the best manifestation of the anglo. americans are the worst.

>> No.11520482

camus can do

but sartre is smartre!

>> No.11520522

cum - pUSS

>> No.11520544

Spent a year of my adolescence there and didn't get a single piece of native pussy there, as a white brazilian. My experience showed basically that either they just don't give a fuck about strangers, as a exotic sexual thing (or as a special company in any sense), or that they were just too used to have immigrants from third world countries around there. My best friends at school were all syrians and moroccans and the only girls I've been with were asians and latinas. Might have been a thing of teenage years social construction, though. I wish you luck, anon. It is a beaultiful culture and the french can be really interesting in their particular way of "occuring", but I advice you not to expect the same kind of reception you would get from our good and old New World behaviour.
And cigarettes do help indeed. Most of the french friends I had were the kids of the smoking area.

>> No.11520557

Surprise, our women don't like beaners, reef thugs, or nignogs.

>> No.11520595

The cutest girl in my class used to date a so-black-it-looks-blue guy from Congo, I think. The SJW cult there is not a total myth. I'm just not that good looking and half of my time there was spent as a Werther-like cringeworthy worship of a New Zeland girl. Well, that's what youth is for, I suppose.

>> No.11520605

what about Americans with a dirty, filthy, almost std ridden Philly accent?

>> No.11520676


Just make sure to specify that you're Canadian in conversation, but do so in French. You'll be surprised how much of a difference this makes, first trying to communicate in French and designating yourself as non-American. In any case, the French are generally aware that Canadians really hate being mistaken for Americans.

For example, if you're in a bakery and want to buy a pastry, ask in French "Sorry for my poor French, I am Canadian. May I please have ______. Thank you."

You'll get points for not coming into their shop and demanding they speak English to you, and in turn specifying that you aren't American. The two things they hate the most. It doesn't really matter if you get the pronunciation wrong, or the sentence sounds choppy, in fact most people will find it kinda cute if you make an effort.

>> No.11520686


They'll love you if you're lovable. I'm Australian, and people everywhere in Europe were very warm to me, girls especially, and most mentioned their good experiences with Australians. Just follow the no-dickhead policy and don't try to use your nationality and our reputation in place of a personality.

>> No.11520692


I live in Cronulla cunt, on fucking Elouera Road no less. The people who embody surfie culture are loved, but the people who embody Shire bogan culture are hated

>> No.11520791

I'm going to spend at least next summer, and maybe my entire junior year, in France to study the language. How do I survive and prosper - with the ladies especially - as an American?

>> No.11520851

literally not true, i'm an american and play up the fact that i'm american all the time and the euro girls love me, although i'm a southerner so that might help
the trick when being an american is again to play to the stereotypes but walk a fine line, be slightly stupid but well-meaning, obnoxious but romantic, and if you have any regional accent play it up

>> No.11520853

>people who embody surfie culture are loved
We must live in different Australias

>> No.11520955

No. Any french person that knows a bit of philosophy would be very surprised when realizing how Camus is taken seriously abroad. He's a decent novelist though.

Maybe this, but don't be too racist

Good thing.

And saying "Sartre" with a foreign accent is so cute... You should always mention Sartre, OP.

Also if you're homosexual, don't show it in town unless you really know the place.