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11516586 No.11516586[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What's his problem?

>> No.11516590

Nothing, he's just shit at arguing.

>> No.11516611

That last panel is some quality qringe.

>> No.11516667


> Everyone who believes being a whore is bad holds some double standard

Nah, men who have tons of casual sex and many partners are gross too. And just like that, their entire premise falls apart.

>> No.11516820

Why do nu-males always have to relate something quite obscene with something quite playful and family friendly?

Comparing a woman who has had her pussy pounded, squelched and stretched by 46 different cocks is not as acceptable as trying different cereals.

A more apt comparision would be 'hey, I've wiped my ass 46 times with the same 2 sheets of toilet paper!'

>> No.11516835

They have underdeveloped moral foundations, in this case lacking in sanctity/ degradation

>> No.11516847

Perhaps that is it.

It's almost like they're children. A woman who has fucked 46 cocks has likely done coke, takes anal while drunk, has been in multiple threesomes, has rubbed many cumshots on her face and tits and love every second of it. That's being conservative and generous to the girl.

Does a numale not understand this? Do they think she 'accidentally' made those decisions? Why can't they actually see moral bad and good in the world past tolerance or the lack thereof? Some people are just gross and shitty man.

>> No.11516909

Does he really think promiscuity is the same as cereal?

>> No.11516920

So what? Why are these actions so bad?

>> No.11516930

something something crumbling western civilization, where is my 10/10 virgin gf etc.
this is what will follow in the next 200 posts or so

>> No.11516941
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>> No.11516964


Do you not instinctively feel disgust thinking about your gf taking loads from four dozen different guys?

>> No.11516970

do you not feel disgust thinking about your dad doing your mum

>> No.11516973

>only women do this

>> No.11516974

Why are you comparing having sex to wiping your ass?

Having sex is not comparable to eating cereal or wiping your ass. The moral standing of a girl who has taken 46 cocks is entirely dependent on the context. She might be 17 years old, a whore who doesn't give a single fuck and has little to no discretion or sense of decency. She might be a 26 year old who has spent the last 10 years celibate after escaping a childhood of sex trafficking. She might be a frigid virgin who was horrifically gang raped. She might be a 30 year old who spent her teenage years studying and staying in, married at 18, had 2 children with 1 man and was the perfect wife and mother - until something traumatic happened, perhaps she lost her family,, and then fell off the rails into a period of debauchery because of grief or lack of money, before coming out of it embarrassed and tortured by her terrible choice and then returned to a life of perfect celebracy and repetence. You simply can't tell from a number. Judge the person.

>> No.11516975

Is this an amerimutt thing, thinking women are either pure virgins or turbothots who done 40 cocks?

>> No.11516982


Presumably the complaint is directed at women without a traumatic history like your outlandish examples.

>> No.11516985

lack of a strong father figure and/or religious upbringing.

>> No.11516987

don't judge people. it's a bad habit

>> No.11517008

Could you quote the part of the meme that says this?

>> No.11517011

it's unequivocal

>> No.11517013

Do you feel disgust thinking of me doing you're mum

>> No.11517014

If you only ever had one cheerio in your life, the taste would be rather memorable and novel; you could more strongly associate the enjoyment of eating cheerios to the satisfaction of this one moment.
By continuing to eat cheerios, you devalue that first one. You start to want more and more, eating cheerio after cheerio, searching for that same enjoyment the first one provided but not quite ever reaching it. The constant consumption of cheerios turns you into a glutton, likely leading to undesirable weight gain and imbalanced appetite.
You reach this point and now cheerios just don't do it for you so you start eating unhealthy cereals, full of sugar, and your health declines. You spiral into degenerative eating habits chasing the once real sensation of that single cheerio.

>> No.11517027


Why are you avoiding the question by dishonestly accusing me of having posed a false dichotomy?


Not in the sense that my mom shouldn't have done that. I do feel a disgust in the sense that my gf shouldn't have taken 46 guys.

>> No.11517039


>> No.11517048

what if your mum's body count was 40+

i feel disgust about you in general

>> No.11517071

>what if your mum's body count was 40+

I'd think that is disgusting of her? How are you not getting this simple principle?

>> No.11517093

really? you wouldn't defend your mum against all these weirdos on 4chan?

>> No.11517114

personally I'm not a fan of cereal

>> No.11517120


>> No.11517127

Not him but nah, a slut's a slut.

>> No.11517139


I recognize that my mother is a individual with agency, who is perfectly able to take responsibility for her own actions, and not beyond all criticism because of some magical qualities assigned to her for being my mother.

You know, like an emotionally mature person?

>> No.11517144

big mood

>> No.11517145

good lord

>> No.11517152

oh right, i guess i'm not emotionally mature because if it was me i'd stand up for my mum

>> No.11517161

Lol, bitch boy

>> No.11517176


Why are you talking about "standing up" for your mom? We are talking about feeling disgusted with something.
You do understand that it is possible to love your mom and at the same time disagree with some of her actions or character traits? You know, like an emotionally mature person?

>> No.11517180

Most of you would consider your own undesirability untarnished by years of masturbating into socks over anime girls, watching increasingly degenerate porn and having disgusting thoughts. If you happened to sort yourself out and get a gf, you wouldn't consider yourself at all spoiled, even after losing your virginity in that one awkward night with that fat smelly drunk goth girl. That was the past and it has no bearing on you as a person now.

But somehow a girl's partner count is forever etched into her body and like a precious flower every sexual feeling she's ever had is a petal plucked from her

>> No.11517183

>it is possible to love your mom and at the same time disagree with some of her actions or character traits
yeah this was my point. if you love someone it doesn't really matter

>> No.11517190


>> No.11517192

>years of masturbating into socks over anime girls, watching increasingly degenerate porn and having disgusting thoughts.
I do consider that. The count is etched into a woman though due to how pair bonding works, among other things.

>> No.11517193

This man is trying to convince himself of that. How slutty is John Green's wife?

>> No.11517197


The gf would be equally disgusted if she was aware of the anime girls and the degenerate porn.

>> No.11517199


> if you love someone it doesn't really matter

That's not at all what I am saying you fucking idiot. It matters regardless of whether you love them. My mom taking 46's guys jizz on her face is fucking disgusting of her and I will judge her for that, and it does matter. Regardless, I still love her.

>> No.11517205

Hahaha roastie detected. This post is its own refutation.

>> No.11517208
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Yes, when you hear clopping always expect to see a zebra and not a whores

>> No.11517211

What a terrible argument. Loving someone does not justify their actions. It is not wise to fall in love and have a relationship with someone who has a long milage of cock.

>> No.11517225

if you loved your wife, she could have lived before you got married and you would still love her

well mister thomas hardy said a lover without indiscretion is no lover at all

>> No.11517227

Is taking 46 dicks living?

>> No.11517228

i'm being polite

>> No.11517231

Nice so you agree then?

>> No.11517240

agree with what?

>> No.11517244

that black people ruin everything

>> No.11517254

>if you loved your wife, she could have lived before you got married and you would still love her

And if she took 46 different dicks that'd be fucking disgusting.

Stop trying to use "love" as a magic trump card that invalidates all reason. The world isn't a fucking disney film.

>> No.11517262

Okay. What is living then in your view?

>> No.11517269


like an insect

life is Sex

>> No.11517272

>Stop trying to use "love" as a magic trump card that invalidates all reason. The world isn't a fucking disney film
you're breaking my heart

like 20

>> No.11517278

What if she genuinely loved all the 46 men who'd dicked her?

>> No.11517290

It is impossible for humans to love that many people.

>> No.11517293

i've loved twice that easy

>> No.11517298


Then I'd be worried about what exactly she calls "love", and distrustful of her love for me. I don't think I could believe she truly loved me if she had the same feeling for 46 other guys.

>> No.11517301

careful, women don't like insecure men

>> No.11517303

You haven't because humans are not wired that way.

>> No.11517304

Well newsflash buddy, the quantity of Seratonin released during sex decreases every with every new partner you pairbond with.

>> No.11517308


You don't know what love is.

>> No.11517311

John Green is an idiot, how does this surprise anyone?

>> No.11517312
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>> No.11517313
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>> No.11517317

then how do you explain poets

everyone knows what love is

>> No.11517321
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>everyone knows what love is
I don't

>> No.11517323

>then how do you explain poets
What the fuck sort of follow up question is this?

>> No.11517325


Yes women love the kind of men that will care for them after they've rode a 46 dicks cock carousel. I don't particularly care to be that man.

Go ahead and consider yourself a self-confident man for not caring about that. I hear this is the joy in being a cuckold? You being so confident of your love for eachother that you let her get banged by another man in front of you?

>> No.11517326

Pretty sad that thots gotta remind her how ugly she is all the time.

>> No.11517334

>everyone knows what love is

This is wrong in several ways.

>> No.11517337

>soiboi defends traditional relationship values and slut shaming

>> No.11517347

oh, don't say that. it's a word you must often have come across in conversation and literature. are you going to tell me it sends you flying to the dictionary each time?

>> No.11517353

don't you know poets are always in love

>> No.11517354
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Oh, I know definitions for it... but my experience with 'love' is purely academic