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File: 267 KB, 1268x1974, kafka on the shore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11515751 No.11515751 [Reply] [Original]

It's perfect
I found the perfect book

>> No.11515760

>terrible sex scenes
>generic MC
>200 pages too long
>almost ruins Hard-Boiled Wonderland by posing as a sequel

>> No.11515772
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>> No.11515857

It's pretty decent if you ignore the part where Murakami tries to bring in philosophy. Anytime he does so he just ends up either entirely missing the point of the ideas he's invoking or presenting inane one-line summaries from a philosophy dictionary. The shitty mixed metaphors are also a constant negative in his works.

>> No.11515932

Why is this so divisive? Also, are you meant to read it before/after Hard boiled wonderland, or does it not matter?

>> No.11515945

It's divisive because it reads like a watered down version of Murakami's earlier works the quality of which he hasn't been able to reproduce since the late 90s. Also, it has a protagonist who is something like 14, and another who can talk to cats, which makes the whole thing read like an involuntary attempt at literary YA.

>> No.11516075

It was so bizarre and fucked up. I don't know why I'm still reading his books.

>> No.11516085


I read it before Hard Boiled and it didn't hurt.

>> No.11516231
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>> No.11516238


The book appears to be building up something awesome...but then goes out like a fart, when it turns out the author was just making shit up as he went all along. What a disappointment.

>> No.11516259

>be me
>a 14 year old boy with voices in his head
>run away from home because my dad is an artist
>see girl that looks like she could be my sister
>get hard, she jacks me off
>go to massive library big enough to contain books nobody has ever read
>but not big enough to contain my chad intellect
>talk to librarian dyke
>dyke lets me go to a cabin in the woods for the weekend
>spend the whole time naked and getting fit
>go back to library
>see MILF librarian that's definitely not but totally is my mom
>stay in library and work a job at 14 because I'm so grown up
>ghost visits me in the night
>oh shit it's that MILF but when she was my age
>jack off
>she notices me and we get it on
>smells like fish
>suddenly mackerel rains from the sky
>turn around and see my dad, ronald mcdonald, holding 20 dead cats in a trashbag
>my family gets back together
>best day of my life

>> No.11516392

This has been true for all of his books that I’ve read, which is why I stopped reading his books.

>> No.11516471

Pretty good description. Oshima is so fucking annoying

>> No.11517034

softly kekked

>> No.11517038

This fits Wind Up Bird nicely

>> No.11517084

Is this what his books are actually like or are you meming?

>> No.11517105

This is more or less what happens in Kafka on The Shore and I have been more faithful to the books content than meming.

>> No.11517289

He's like a modern day plebian Dostoyevsky. I really enjoyed the Wind Up Bird Chronicles when I read it a few years ago, but I couldn't get into Dance Dance Dance. Should I give it another try or get Kafka on the Shore?

>> No.11517315
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It's literally the book.

>> No.11517322

Wind Up Bird and Kafka are very similar. If you feel like re-reading Wind Up Bird would be a huge waste of time then I wouldn’t bother.

>> No.11517348

What a coincidence, I just picked up this book yesterday afternoon. I'm about halfway through it, so far I enjoy it a lot. I'm probably going to finish it today, it's raining after all.