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/lit/ - Literature

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11515365 No.11515365[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>be STEMfags
>crossover into literature after school is over out of boredom
>Still friends with STEMfags, Chads, Stacey, etc.
>Get shut down in conversation all the time.
>complain about this in private one day
>Stem buddy says it happens because it sounds like "im bullshitting instead of relying on facts"
>Start studying the greeks and literary criticism intensely.
>Finally get published as a writer.
>They still accuse me of making shit up about my field.

When will I get respect /lit/?

>> No.11515377

>Get shut down in conversation all the time.
stop being a pussy and ditch those people. nobody respects pushovers. until then you will never gain respect from anybody

>> No.11515382

Science-types are in general a bunch of faggots. Good riddance if you drop them.

>> No.11515384
File: 127 KB, 571x591, AD703451-F856-463F-9855-EAA2D964B733.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You people talk about academic shit with each other?

>> No.11515385

I'm not really a pushover it's more that I only have 2 modes conversationally: accidentally completely eviscerating people or just letting people say stupid inane shit. Everytime I tried the former people got really butthurt even if I didn't assert facts in pompous ways. I guess what I'm asking is, are there even people IRL who can share opinions on literature without sperging out or acting like a douche?

>> No.11515402

It's generally not academic. I'll just share interesting facts I learn about literature and give educated opinions on things. Then they chimp out and start shit flinging. I've approached it several different ways and I'm starting to think it's hopeless. The problem is these are the most intellectual people I've been able to find for real life conversation. A few programmers, 2 doctors, and actor, etc.

>> No.11515403

you are still STEMfag
go away nobody cares

>> No.11515422

It's too hard to say what is going wrong and whose "fault" it is with such lack of context. You said you only have 2 modes of conversation, find a middle ground, instead of blowing somebody up with facts try to make suggestions. If the person you are conversing with can realize that they are wrong on their own rather than you telling them so then they will be far more receptive. Remember, its a conversation not a heated debate.

>> No.11515451

If you can’t easily eviscerate anyone on literally any subject, you may just be an idiot. Sorry

>> No.11515453


>Remember, its a conversation not a heated debate.

This is genuinely helpful advice anon. I don't know how it's coming off like a debate but I have to admit most people seem to take it that way.

>> No.11515458

By the way, tell the programmers they’re fucking parasites to society

>> No.11515478


No offense but it sounds like you're acting like an asshole about it instead of trying to have a convo. Normal convos don't consist of some guy eviscerating people Or looking down on them. Nobody wants to be around someone who looks at things like that because people see right through it.

In summary: act like an adult and people will treat you like one.

>> No.11515484

lol okay ted

>> No.11515643

STEM people don't meet subjectivity and doubt on their point of view with good eyes, and will most likely chimp out when you confront them saying they might be wrong about something. Not that humanities people are any better, they're ridiculously smug and won't accept your thoughts on anything if you disagree with them at one point (even if it is completely unrelated to the subject at hand).
In an illustrative way: a stem person won't take you seriously if you say morality is subjective and his ways of thinking have no way to be proven right or wrong. A humanities person won't listen to you if you don't agree with their political thoughts.

t. engineering student

>> No.11515647

I worded that poorly. What I meant was when all was said and done people act like I was an asshole. Ive been very polite about people. I think the other anon nailed it in people seem to have arbitrary lines between debate and discourse. And again, not looking down on them, but I don't see how simply stating an interesting fact and then defending it when people attack it is considered a heated debate. I'm just stating what I know.

>> No.11515671

>a stem person won't take you seriously if you say morality is subjective and his ways of thinking have no way to be proven right or wrong
Except this is largely true. Morality IS objective, but not 100% so. Murder, for example, is universally prohibited except in cases of self-defense (which is also a universal exception). The only things that are "subjective" are things like rape and even then, that's largely because the people who are "legally" raped have been denied full personhood (eg wives in Islamic culture).

Moral relativists are the cancer killing the humanities.

t. English major

>> No.11515678

>t. English major

Way to prove his fucking point, unless u are being ironic in which case 10/10

>> No.11515682

you and your friends sound like sorry sons of bitches that just aren't very good at being social creatures. none of you sound polite or courteous. definitely not witty. look up some videos of william f. buckley and learn to be charming

>> No.11515742

Murder is wrong because we aim to preserve our species, it's an instict to preserve life. But there are moral dillemas attached to it, such as self-defense, death penalties, abortion, etc, that portray the subjectivity of moral, as its own foundations are on animal instinct, and our rationalization of it generates trouble and uncertainty in ambiguous aspects.

But that was not the point of my post, the point was that, if this discussion was being held with a stem person, they'd flip out and say you're insane for contesting what they hold as incontestable truth.

>> No.11515755
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u mean STE
mathematicians are a god race

>> No.11515979

It sounds like you and your friends seem insecure pseuds

>> No.11516048

Are they in any way interested in literature? Some STEMfags just seem to hate literature and chimp out at anyone who talks fondly of it.

>> No.11516090

>When will I get respect /lit/?
When (or if) the STEM fags realize that not all questions can (or should be) be answered by science.
These people are starting to believe that they are the ones who have unassailable truth because they are the ones looking rationally at the universe and you are not, neglecting the entire history of science.

Either wait for them to grow up and realize that whatever they are studying isn't the final destination of Truth or look for better friends.

>> No.11516097

>Stem buddy says it happens because it sounds like "im bullshitting instead of relying on facts

>> No.11516156

>Still friends with STEMfags, Chads, Stacey, etc.

Your actual friends are: an insecure pajeet, an effeminate asian manchild, a shy polish immigrant and a jewish gamer girl.

Chads and Staceys are out of your league.

>> No.11516159

They are all white (except for the asian guy)

>> No.11516175


90% of STEM majors are retards who think their BSc in something like Biology will lead them places.

>> No.11516182

American white is 50% true white ie not white

>> No.11516187

>>Stem buddy says it happens because it sounds like "im bullshitting instead of relying on facts"
Red flag opinion.