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/lit/ - Literature

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1151477 No.1151477 [Reply] [Original]

>presenting projects on allusions
>some girl has The Divine Comedy
>"Well, it was very boring.."
> :|
>"And it wasn't very funny."
>my face

ITT: when the English major in you died

>> No.1151486

but it wasn't funny, why is it a divine comedy if it isn't a comedy? Good job at mislabeling dumb faggot! XD

>> No.1151484

When I realized physics is much more interesting and useful

>> No.1151488


Original title was just The Comedy, of course not referring to "comedy" as we know it today.

>> No.1151492

Back then comedy = happy endings
tragedy = sad endings

>> No.1151493

>you missed the joke.jpg

>> No.1151494
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>ITT: when the English major in you died

>> No.1151498

>when the English major in you died

I took a grad-school class as an undergrad. God, what a bunch of assholes with no real opinions, insight, or idea of what the hell they're doing. herping and derping all over the room

>> No.1151505

>Take additional module in English literature
>Go to seminar
>Majority of class is female
>All go on about 'girl, interrupted'

>> No.1151508
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>girl, interrupted
People other than me have read this book?????

>> No.1151516


every girl I know aged 18-25 has read this book

>> No.1151517

>teaching 10th grade ap english
>class full of hipsters
>assign book report
>love is a mixtape, love is a mixtape everywhere

>> No.1151527

what i want to know is how do stupid people get into higher education? there have been so many times i've wanted to beat someone over the head with my book hoping that they might learn through diffusion.

>> No.1151534


the fact they have money and that there's a method to knowing how to pass exams. All my teachers used to admit that you could write the most intelligent essay but there's a certain structure and plan that if you can conform to can bring an otherwise C student an A

>> No.1151552

>first English Lit class
>teacher obviously has a motive and goal for the class
>instead of presenting it upfront, forces class to "figure it out on their own" through free-form discussion
>class time consists of bullshit superficial discussion that only thrives because of participation grades
>no one ever comes close to approaching teacher's ideas
>teacher gives up one day and just outlines everything on the board

>second English Lit class
>exact same thing happens

>third English Lit class
>exact same thing happens

And then I never took another Lit class again

>> No.1151577


And clearly you didn't come close to the teacher's idea either. What are you trying to hide here?

>> No.1151621

Trying to hide? Nothing. I rarely talked in discussions, because it just felt sleazy and forced. I usually aced my papers and the most I got out of those classes were the discussions I had with my profs after class.

I just find the class structure to be flawed. I understand what teachers are trying to do (build critical thinking skills), but the concept just falls on its face in reality since most people there are just trying to get the grade, get the diploma and get out.

>> No.1151623

>first day in a Lit class
>teacher asks everyone their favorite book
>nearly every male in class answers '1984'

bonus that revived me:

>only two girls in the class
>one says The Last Unicorn
>the other says The Brothers Karamazov

>> No.1151645

>First day in Lit class
>Teacher asks if we've done the required reading (Aristotle - Poetics, Sophcloes - Oedipus)
>No one has apart from me
>Continues asking us what our favourite novels are
>3 girls say Twilight, All guys say Fight Club, rest of hipster bitches say hipster bullshit
>No one has heard of my favourite author
> ostracised, ostracised everywhere

>> No.1151660

>usual day in sh/lit/ class
>halfway through Of Mice & Men
>kid skips to the back and shouts out the ending
>i laugh
>get told off

Nobody gave a shit

>> No.1151662


Then this teacher should be, if anything, eligized, not undermined. Clearly he's doing something our education system fails constantly and whether it is effective on most people or not is beyond the point. The effort and purpose of his teaching method has, in the very least, awakened one or two minds that needed the right stimulation.

If you want to get to some school that push-feeds you things for you to chug and then spit out on command without any reasoning or critical thinking then be my guest. On the other hand, if you truly want to contribute to the world, become someone capable of forming his/her own opinions and back them up then you would appreciate the teacher's efforts more.

I don't give a shit how good you were in the class: it is people like you that ruin the educational system by thinnking it should be all about some carton with signatures on it.

>> No.1151668


lol Of Mice and Men, highschool much?

also i ruined the ending of Stone Cold for everyone in my class by shouting out Jill says: I'M A REPORTER basically just cutting off someone with the last part as they were reading.


also mog come to chat

>> No.1151675


Fuck, *eulogized. Yeah, you can ad hominem on that if you wish but my point is still the same.

>> No.1151680

Yeah was Year 10
>implying I'd take up Eng Lit A Level lol

Also naa I cba for it

>> No.1151705


>implying 1984 is a bad book.

>> No.1151711

english lit was a great A level

>> No.1151714

high school? seriously? I read Of Mice and Men in like 7th grade. And all the smart kids in the class finished in like an hour of reading time - on the first day we were assigned to read it, the teacher was like "okay we're just going to read for the rest of the afternoon because I can't be fucked to teach" and literally half the class finished the book and were depressed because we were like 13. it was awesome.

>> No.1151729

That sounds gay, you gay dude?
Why you gay??

>> No.1151732

Group of girls in my 300-level literature class:
"If a word is over six letters long, I don't ever bother to read it"
"Yeah, fuck that haha"
"I don't understand why they can't like, use easy words"

>> No.1151736

yeah, i am literally a homosexual irl

>> No.1151738

You're making a lot of bullshit assumptions about me. Do you really think I'd be hanging around on a literature board if I was "thinnking it should be all about some carton with signatures on it"? I wasn't describing myself in my last post, I was describing the general class attitude.

My gripe isn't with the teachers. I liked most of them, and I liked what they taught. But the discussion environment is a waste if people aren't going to be using discussion time properly to actually engage the text.

The flaw is with contradicting interests. My lit profs were adhering to a model that doesn't work for most career-minded students, and the learning suffered as a result. In a more interested environment, I'm sure those classes are significantly better. But from what I've found, I can't afford the kinds of schools that attract those kinds of students, and I've already grown disillusioned enough to have zero interest in pursuing it further.

"Critical thinking" classes need to either revamp their structure to work for those kinds of students, or break away from them. The middle ground simply isn't working.

>> No.1151749

God forbids homosexuality, but it's ok son, you'll be fine.

>> No.1151763

one could say you were literarily a homosexual

>> No.1152702
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I died a little inside

>> No.1152713


No middle ground? How about the teacher was shit at what they were doing and just couldn't be fucked to do it right?

It's about guided discussion, not just letting students talk amongst themselves. You don't need to outline everything, but you also don't sit around and just let the students talk amongst themselves. You guide the discussion and push the students in the right direction.

You had shitty experiences with shitty professors who tried to employ a teaching method they obviously weren't very good at implementing. That has nothing to do with the teaching method and nothing to do with your peers--it has everything to do with the professor.

>> No.1152739

>First day of Lit class
>Asks everyone to get in groups
>"Oh no"
>Beautiful girl asks if I would like to be in her group
>I join in
>Everyone talks, I only listen
>Beautiful girl asks If I have anything to contribute
>My mind is blank.
>"I pretty much agree with what everyone else thinks"
>She's disappointed


>> No.1152750

>Sitting in a World Lit class
>Reading Yeats's "Leda and the Swan"
>Girl: This is an insult to women everywhere!
>She walks out, having clearly and fully understood the meaning of the poem.

>> No.1152752

>She wants to fuck

>> No.1152755

>English major
>Divine Comedy
I didn't know Dante was English

>> No.1152757

Comedy = Story that ends well
The Divine Comedy is a comedy

>> No.1152759
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>> No.1152768

Comedy actually translates to something like "pain for everyone" or "general pain". It's based on the idea that most comedy is funny because we're not in the situation. think of your favorite comedy movies, and how much it sucks to be the main character for 90% of them.

>> No.1152788

Where did you find this out? I'm taking a class where sadism is heavily involved, so I thought this would be useful to know.

>> No.1152793

late 14c., from O.Fr. comedie (14c., "a poem," not in the theatrical sense), from L. comoedia, from Gk. komoidia "a comedy, amusing spectacle," from komodios "singer in the revels," from komos "revel, carousal" + oidos "singer, poet," from aeidein "to sing." The classical sense was "amusing play or performance," which is similar to the modern one, but in the Middle Ages the word came to mean poems and stories generally (albeit ones with happy endings), and the earliest English sense is "narrative poem" (cf. Dante's "Commedia"). Generalized sense of "quality of being amusing" dates from 1877.

>> No.1152801

He found it out in the place where people don't know what the fuck they're talking about.

>> No.1152811

He's wrong in what it translates to, but I feel like most comedy is a form of vicarious sadism.

>> No.1152818

A pretend story about Zeus raping a girl who ends up inspiring a war is an insult to women everywhere?

>> No.1152820

Whatever I hate literature I don't even know why I came to this board.

>> No.1152826

But basically I just remember my college professors spouting so much bullshit that I eventually found out was wrong. Straight up wrong. The whole thing was a fucking scam. These people figured out "if I say a buncha bullshit with enough conviction that classrooms full of nineteen year old morons will thing it's true, I can secure myself a decent income with a pretty easy job." Then these 19 year old morons get PhDs and thecycle repeats itself. Fuck I gotta stay off four chan when I take ambien

>> No.1152846

> Brit lit in high school
> Have to do report on Pride and Prejudice
> Do a Marxist-feminist analyses
> People call me a communist as an insult

>> No.1152854

> 12th grade english class
> Writing paper over Frankenstein
> Analyze Frankenstein through the lens of Romanticism and the Decadent movement
> Teacher doesn't know who Baudelaire, Lord Byron or Goethe were

>> No.1152863

I;m pretty sure he was being sarcastic

>> No.1152879


You also used a shitty school of lit analysis

>> No.1152898

I think you have mistaken Marxism for Objectivism.