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11514108 No.11514108 [Reply] [Original]

Alright, I've seen this fucker mentioned far too many times in shit books that were going out of their way to call this book shit. What should I expect when I read it? Is it so bad that even the bad writers hate it? Or is it so good that it somehow eludes the bad writers?

>> No.11514138

It's so bad that even the bad writes hate it.

>> No.11514159

But why?

>> No.11514163

It's ok but a bit boring in the first 600 pages. The end is pretty good. Not as bad as the leftists say, not as good as the objectivists say. The philosophy is bad, if you want the same politics just read Nozick.

>> No.11514190

>in the first 600 pages
It's that long?

>> No.11514216

Prepare to slog through hundreds of pages of the same self serving, self felating speeches.

>> No.11514217

It's roughly 1000 pages long.

>> No.11514263

It's ok. Just take it like it should be taken - a diesel punk fantasy novel

>> No.11514359
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I read about something the other day that reminded me of the bit in Atlas Shrugged where the train full of people dies. Cosmonaut named Vladimir Komarov died in 1967 because he underwent a mission in an unsafe craft. Basically everyone involved knew it was unsafe and expected him to die, but no one dared tell this to Brezhnev, so they had to go through with the mission on schedule. There were many technical fuckups and ultimately he crashed.
>his superiors' faces when he requested an open casket funeral
At least in the AS version, the politician responsible is one of the people who dies. Anyway yeah, I guess it's is pretty good dystopianism at times. One of the themes is the disaster that results when everyone thinks they can avoid responsibility by just going along with things and are afraid to speak out and how there are messed up systems that reward this behavior.

>> No.11514511

i really liked it. you feel like you can read anything after you finally trudge through this mofo. I like the philosophy okay. My favorite aspect of her philosophy is that it encourages people to take control of their own destiny and to take responsibility for your own mistakes etc. Kind of a reminder that "the money has to come from somewhere" lol

>> No.11514541

Don't do it OP
It's literally just railways and smug characters

>> No.11514610

300 pages of fun mystery dystopia, 500 pages of mediocrity with some good speeches here and then, then the mother of all speeches that either becomes great or breaks everything.

>> No.11514803

Th Fountainhead is way better and has essentially the same theme of all Rand's Books