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/lit/ - Literature

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11513674 No.11513674 [Reply] [Original]

any recommendations for anarcho-primitivist literature? or at least literature which seems to glorify that kind of lifestyle.

I'm not an anarcho-primitivist myself but i find something comfy about it and would love to read something about it. Things about people living in forests and stuff.

>> No.11513682
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His philosophy is all about living with nature and not against it.

>> No.11513696
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Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Defoe

I really enjoy the kind of stuff you mentioned in OP and I loved this book.

>> No.11513723
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Ted says that AnPrims have a very naïve perspective regarding primitive life. Nature is harsh and unforgiving. It's certainly not the egalitarian wet dream that some leftists pretend it is. However, that doesn't mean it's not the right way to live. Just be aware that many people who use the label are quite delusional.

>> No.11513744

is anprim a leftist ideology still? Tell me more.
It seems to me like it's been hijacked by the reactionary right, while the left is all in on the cult of progress.

>> No.11513756

Ah, I hadn't even thought of Robinson Crusoe and it's so popular too.
Thanks anon.
I find nature quite terrifying as much as I find it beautiful. And I'm going to probably grow to move to London and work a high-payed high-rise job. So it's fair to say I'm not quite invested in anarcho-primitivism. It's more of a comfy fantasy I have, and I'd like to read it.

>> No.11513759

Read John Zerzan

>> No.11513789
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You won't find many anprims that don't cling to lefty ideas. Zerzan is unfortunately one of them too but at least he had the balls to include some non-lefties (Including Ted) in his collection of essays. I think it's a good starting point if you want to get a lay of the land.

>> No.11513794

thanks for the rec friend.

>> No.11513802
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Works and Days briefly mentions a "Golden Age" as the greatest of ages, before civilisation emerged. Hesiod also gives extensive details about the agricultural life.

>> No.11513814

Some works by Jules Verne also have these vibes. The Mysterious Island is pretty good.

>> No.11514144


>> No.11514238

my side of the mountain

>> No.11514780

Someone should start new charts and guides for this stuff. I'm thinking about where to begin myself.

>> No.11516032


>> No.11516081

throw away the pc your typing on for starters hypocrite

>> No.11516102

The Dispossessed by Ursula K. Le Guin, although it's not about living in a forest. It's more focused on how such a society works.

>> No.11516127

>asks for anarcho-primitivitist recommendations
>posts a phicture of agriculture
are you sure its not actually agrarianism you're thinking of?

>> No.11516168

both, I guess. I'm trying to be too specific

>> No.11516566

Against the Grain by John C. Scott
Anarchy, Geography, Modernity by Elisée Reclus

>> No.11516612
File: 36 KB, 324x499, man-and-technics.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This book is really underrated.

>> No.11516637

I'd also recommend Seeing Like a State by John C. Scott.

>> No.11516664

Seconding this
All of his books are good

>> No.11516756

The works of Ludwig Klages published by Arktos Media (two books: The Biocentric Worldview and Cosmogonic Reflections). Not a primitivist writer, but explicitly opposed to technocratic rationalism, illusions of progress and destruction of nature.

>> No.11517549

How does it compare to his main work?

>> No.11517794

It's more specifically about man and technology. His perspective on constitutes technology, man, western civilisation and the affects of all the above. He does reference Decline of the West a handful of times though.

A very short book and thoroughly enjoyable reading. I don't regret a single minute of it.

>> No.11517798

on what constitutes*

>> No.11517852

Agriculture can still be primitive. Most indigenous North Americans had agriculture.

The Bible of anarcho-primitivism is "Against His-story Against Leviathan". That's what you should read before anything else.
Also read Camatte for theory, because he is one of the best critics of the organised Left (while still understanding their ideas, because he is still a leftist).

>> No.11518852

So which would you recommend reading first in that case?

>> No.11518991

>anarcho primitivist

>> No.11519746

Should we all start buying up land?

>> No.11519771
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>Pentti Linkola

>literal eco-facist
>lived his life as commercial fisherman using rowing boat
>only modern comfort is electric light that he got in the 2000's
>writes about enviroment and how people should live like 200 years ago

>> No.11520238

Even though it would be without doubt a failure, a small self-sustaining /lit/ colony out in the woods would be so cozy.

>> No.11520272

Propriety is theft.

>> No.11520305
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>> No.11520831

I meant generally, though intellectual communities like that do interest me. Any good books on them anyone?

>> No.11520843

Who are those leftists? Bitches are all about FALC

>> No.11521110

I fucking love these books I have 1-5 +7 it's a shame how the later books suck.

>> No.11521245

Walden by Thoreau

>> No.11521250

Read Man and Technics first. It's short and self contained.

>> No.11521253

It's too expensive and the government is too restrictive about how you can use your land. Otherwise I'd already be doing it.

>> No.11521496

For more information about natural/primitive farming I recommend The One-Straw Revolution.

>> No.11521688


>> No.11521697

I struggle to see how he is an eco-facist and always presumed it was a label by his opponents to smear him. He liked Stalin and Hitler both for their effect on the global population and holds that the way of life of the Khalahari Bushman is superior to the west which he hates and singles out constantly as the main source of the ecological decline of the west.

>> No.11522429


I belive that those most provocative speeches and choise of words especially about germany are for media attention. "Look how terribly he said" gives headlines and lots of advertisement for his thougts.

ps. He did not like stalin since he had most ineffective genocide system. Allies were better because of dresden and tokyo.

>> No.11522449

Therefore I say unto you, Take no thought for your life, what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink; nor yet for your body, what ye shall put on. Is not the life more than meat, and the body than raiment? Behold the fowls of the air: for they sow not, neither do they reap, nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feedeth them. Are ye not much better than they? Which of you by taking thought can add one cubit unto his stature? And why take ye thought for raiment? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they toil not, neither do they spin: And yet I say unto you, That even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these. Wherefore, if God so clothe the grass of the field, which to day is, and to morrow is cast into the oven, shall he not much more clothe you, O ye of little faith? Therefore take no thought, saying, What shall we eat? or, What shall we drink? or, Wherewithal shall we be clothed? (For after all these things do the Gentiles seek:) for your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things. But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof.

>> No.11522547

A "land" can be found only in America

This one
Kropotkin - Mutual Aid

>> No.11522548

beyond the need to cull the human population he also has a strong dislike of invasive species, and you know what he really means by that

>> No.11522572

La Chaumière Indienne
Paul Et Virginie

>> No.11523362

Culling the human population isnt fascist at least when compared what the general eco-fascist ideals, in particular, the idea of races that are differentiated along lines of a biological and spiritual hierarchy which connects them to the land which is itself made an object of devotion. Yes, Linkola holds the environment in the highest devotion. Yes, he advocates the need to cull the human population but it doesn't make sense to be both an eco-fascist and want to wipe out your own race and its culture.
Yeah he is against immigration because it is a part of the global economic system that is ruining the world and is transforming cultures that are more ecologically sound to conforming to the most destructive ecological culture there is. He really does mean cats when he means invasive species. He harps on about how much he hates cats as an invasive species since his first intellectual passion was ornithology. He wrote about their impact on the environment, how they should be culled and kept as pets under severe state scrutiny and wrote articles arguing against a Finnish greens party member who advocate the rights and welfare of cats.

More to the point then, he isn't a fascist if he praises the campaigns of death waged by the allies as positives for the environment.

>> No.11523407

Hesiod was a pseud

>> No.11523419

>anarcho-prim lit dispensed in books made by the printing press

oh no

>> No.11523810
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This, idk if /lit/ shits on it or not, but if nothing else just reading about him chopping woods in the forrest in winter time, fishing, taking long walks in the forrest when spring arrives, bathing in the ocean every morning and staying in his little cabin reading Homer on rainy days is super comfy.

>> No.11524519


>> No.11524609
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>> No.11524614
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>> No.11524629

Books more like

Ogga bogga

>> No.11525552

Need an extended Anprim reading list.

>> No.11525633

Malick BTFO