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1150999 No.1150999 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.1151005

fairy tales?

>> No.1151004

nice triples

>> No.1151006

mid-tier fiction.

good read, considering it's age.

>> No.1151013

I got this for free at uni!

>> No.1151017

999 is 666 upside down.

nice one, op.

>> No.1151023

I know where you're house is now OP.

Good luck!

>> No.1151076

religion is the cause of all the world's problems

>> No.1151079
File: 115 KB, 640x480, are you fuuu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Make Troll thread
>sage it

>> No.1151083

>troll thread

>> No.1151101

The Bible is a fascinating book, all of it. I think it's one of the few books that can truly be said that it has pretty much everything.
However I can't appreciate it as a "spiritual" guide or whatever. I just see it as a philosophical novel that got really lucky.

>> No.1151112

Thanks for your reply. I really really appreciate it.

I looked in the contents part though for a certain problem & then it referred me to the psalms though, which are like poems. So not that helpful :(

>> No.1151130

what was the problem?

>> No.1151135

"afraid of people".

maybe i should get a koran.

>> No.1151134

uh, the odds of all of the prophecies being fulfilled in the Bible is roughly infinity:1. it is a little more than "lucky".

>> No.1151140

like, you're agorophobic?

>> No.1151152

did it refer you to Psalms 23? that is an awesome work by king david outlining the benefits of being a christfag.

yea, though i walk through the valley of the shadow of death, i will fear no evil, for thou art with me

>> No.1151158

no "social anxiety" apparently.

no it lists psalms 56, 62 & 27.

>> No.1151163

kill yourself christfag. go suck off your pedo leader

>> No.1151174


What prophecies would those be?

See there's also a way biblical scholars measure prophetic writings. They start off by taking the prophecy, relying on each event as described, ticking it off almost like on a checklist. They keep doing this until the said "prophecy" goes awry and starts stating stuff that hasn't happened. They deduce from this the date of when it was written and voila, myth-busted.

>> No.1151179

uh, wouldn't that technically be catholicfag?

>> No.1151181



>> No.1151184

A fascinating work of legend, integral to understanding the development of Western culture and civilisation. Jesus's near-socialist teachings are similarly very interesting, and quite admirable. The whole "there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth" thing is a bit much, though.

>> No.1151185

um, no, there's a prophecy written down, and it comes to pass exactly as the prophet of the Lord said it would.

you have the cart before the horse because you are attempting to belittle God and the scriptures.

the unfortunate side of unbelief is living in this age clearly subject to prophecy and being so blind that you cannot see it unfold around you.

>> No.1151191


Well actually I'm not, I very much respect religions and am slightly religiously inclined myself, so don't talk shit.

I asked what prophecies those are, so please tell me them?

>> No.1151193


You are mentally ill.

>> No.1151198


>implying Revelations wasn't a damning polemic against the Roman Empire

lolChristians still think Crazy John's book still applies

>> No.1151205

how many do you want to explore? how about isaiah prophesying that Jesus would be born of a virgin, in bethleham, and be called emmanuel? and be descended from King David?what are the odds of all three prophecies coming true in the person of Jesus Christ?

>> No.1151207

>very much respect religions


>> No.1151210

yes, truly crazy to think that after 2,000 years, the nation of israel would be reborn from the desert.

because, like, countries spring into being after thousands of years like, every day

can't think of any off-hand, but i'm sure there's thousands of examples...

>> No.1151214


um, the Roman empire is being re-built as we speak, and in a sense has never gone away through the efforts of the catholic church, so not sure what your point is.

>> No.1151218
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>mfw when this descended into arguments rather than being nice

>> No.1151233

it's pretty civil imho. however, if you are looking to the Bible as your source of combatting your social anxiety, i'm really not sure how successful you are going to be. the Bible is not clearly understood by non-Christians in that it is the Holy Spirit that guides and teaches you.

Your first step, then, would be to become a Christian, be filled with the Holy Spirit, and then pray about overcoming your social anxiety (assuming it persisted, which I really doubt it would). I think that problem is not beyond Him.

If you choose to fight it on secular grounds, i would think you would turn to drugs and alcohol to diminish your inhibitions and loosen your tongue. can't say as this wouldn't be trading one problem for another, though.

>> No.1151236


>all three prophecies in the same book

What are the odds?
Such things make me sceptical vis a vis revisionism. Bear in mind scholars had over 1000 years to piss about with the scriptures to tweak them to their reference.

>> No.1151239


Which had nothing to do with bible bashers driving policy and making dodgy bargains to gain more territory and power in the Middle East, right?

>> No.1151253


The point is that in moderate and reasonable scholarly and academic circles that the Revelation book is an indictment against the Roman empire, specifically that under the tenure of Nero.
It's present relevance, if any, has little to do with the New Empire or whatever.

>> No.1151266

well, the odds of being born of a virgin (prior to the advent of modern technology) were zero, then Christ was born of a virgin, so now the odds are about 12 billion to one. picking the town? 1 in, say, 5,000. picking the name? 1 in, say, 10,000. picking the lineage? 1 in, say, a million. multiplying all of those numbers together to pinpoint the odds of it being random? 1 in 600,000,000,000,000,000,000,000

>> No.1151272

there are truly none so blind as those who will not see.

the prophecies in the Revelation of John and Daniel are playing out as we speak; they are not correct if applied to Nero the insane.

no truly Christian scholar would say the book of revelation, and daniel, dealt only with the past.

>> No.1151274


I think you don't quite get what's been said in >>1151174. Does it seem so impossible that it's been revised through the ages to give Jesus an even more divine aura?
It's a really interesting book, seriously and I would love to commit myself to some kind of moral lifestyle, but I cannot for the life of my take that leap of faith.

>> No.1151275

oddly enough, if you actually cared to look into it, the scriptures discovered in the dead sea scrolls, and other artifacts, have been faithfully maintained throughout the ages.

>> No.1151278


>are playing out as we speak

such as?
You've had Israel. What else?
The Mesopotamian war?

>> No.1151282

the only thing i would encourage you to do is to actually read it, and re-read it. starting with the gospel according to John. that is the book that devotes itself to outlining Jesus' diety.

i understand how the world dismisses biblical prophecy, and is in awe of secular prophets like nostradameus. it is very clear there is a bias and an agenda. i would suggest you consider that in your "well, they could have re-written all of the scriptures to make all of the prophecies seem like they were written after the events happened" theory.

>> No.1151284

Why doesn't AMDG come onto this board instead of baiting liberal atheists on /new/ or /r9k/?


>> No.1151290


Look for the girl reading The Brothers Karamazov.

>> No.1151295

Iranian nuclear ambitions to destroy the nation of Israel. All of the nations around Israel turning against it to destroy it. The rest of the world chiding Iran but not stopping it. The sudden and utter destruction of Damascus, Syria (you will see this in your lifetime). The rise of a one-world government. The implementation of a global "mark" in order to buy and sell goods and services. The placing of that mark on the right hand, or if you don't have a right hand, the forehead. The beginnings of sorrow: earthquakes, floods, famines, plagues, pestilence, wars, rumors of wars, etc. You are living through these now.

>> No.1151302


Do you think the nation of "Rosh" that Persia is allied to is Russia?

>> No.1151315

i'm sorry, i don't know.