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11509653 No.11509653 [Reply] [Original]

>mfw Greek mythology speaks of giants who lived beyond the North Wind
>mfw mentioned in antiquity over and over
>mfw even Hitler tried finding Hyperboreans
>No one knows where or what they were talking about

People gloss over this here fact like it's nothing. Motherfucker, where are the giants?

What the fuck did they mean by this?

>> No.11509665

Odin and his company of gods killed them before our time.

>> No.11509685

Imagine a time before large tools that can build and destroy buildings in the same day, imagine staring at a mountain and considering it a completely rigid object.
Thats giants to them, the beings who actually can actually do these things and have largelly created the world.

Didnt there exist a few giants still?

>> No.11509756

>Didnt there exist a few giants still?
They might have been driven to Jotunheim which exists on a different plane from Midgard.

>> No.11509778

Drop some more knowledge wise man

>> No.11509791

Prolly just interpreted Norse myth as fact

>> No.11509808

Tf u niggas on about y’all play too much na sayin

>> No.11509847

>People gloss over this here fact like it's nothing
don't forget
>actual living Phoenix repeatedly mentioned by multiple historical soures throughout history
>that android that Thomas Aquinas destroyed
>inner-earth civilizations casually mentioned by Arabs and Pagans alike throughout the dark ages
>documented accounts of levitating across chasms as the final Mystery Rite trial

>> No.11509855

wtf im hollow earther now

>> No.11509876

>When people began to multiply on the face of the ground, and daughters were born to them, the sons of God saw that they were fair; and they took wives for themselves of all that they chose. Then the Lord said, “My spirit shall not abide in mortals forever, for they are flesh; their days shall be one hundred twenty years.” The Nephilim were on the earth in those days—and also afterward—when the sons of God went in to the daughters of humans, who bore children to them. These were the heroes that were of old, warriors of renown.

>The majority of ancient biblical versions—including the Septuagint, Theodotion, Latin Vulgate, Samaritan Targum, Targum Onkelos, and Targum Neofiti—interpret [Nephilim] to mean "giants".

>> No.11509881

Read into native American giants.
These guys were averaging 8-10 feet tall.

>> No.11509883

There aren't any extensive studies of height in ancient Greece, but those I've been able to find have indicated an average male height of 5'6" and under (Angel and Metapontum). A 5'10" or 6' Germanic tribesman would have been gigantic.

>> No.11509888

>>inner-earth civilizations casually mentioned by Arabs and Pagans alike throughout the dark ages
This could easily refer to places like Derinkuyu. I don't see any mystery here.

>> No.11509905

Hyperboria, OP.

>that android that Thomas Aquinas destroyed

wait what?

>> No.11509927

What if the real giants were the friends we made along the way?

>> No.11509934
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>> No.11510221

>>that android that Thomas Aquinas destroyed
come again please?

>> No.11510232
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Australopithecus Africanus, OP.

Neanderthal and similarly shorter and stouter hominids account for the dwarf and gnome/hobbit/brownie stories as well. Remember, the world was sparsely populated until fairly recently. There was a lot of totally untouched wilderness on every continent until the 1940s.

And if you think it's ridiculous, there are 30-500mya fish being caught every year which you can go see pictures of right now, that were thought to be extinct for millions of years

Pic related, first volume, talks about proof of Welsh habitation of the West Virginia area in ancient times with eyewitness accounts from French explorers of tribes of blond Indians

>> No.11510259
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This here is a cool story from The German Sectarians, a book about secret societies of colonial America

>> No.11510420

Andre the Giant said his whole family was like him. I think he was from the Baltic area or something--definitely north of the Mediterranean.
Probably just weird little genetic pockets in out-of-the-way places that don't get a lot of new additions to the genepool recurring every few generations in certain families. A traveler sees two Andre the Giant-sized brothers and goes home, tells everyone it was of a village full of 15ft men. His children embellish it even more, etc.

>> No.11510822
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>> No.11510842

>that android that Thomas Aquinas destroyed
every time

>> No.11510852

I thought I was on /x/

>> No.11510932

The Giants in those stories were mountains, literally just mountains.

>> No.11510969

https://esoterx.com/2015/03/25/the-temptingly-transhuman-android-of-albertus-magnus/ what the fuck is this???? Thomas Aquinas fights a robot???

>> No.11511060

This is fucking hilarious

>> No.11511097

Nope Zeus killed them when they tried to overthrow him

>> No.11511141

Neanderthals. They died out.

>> No.11512263

The Greek Giants are the same as the Don Quijote's windmills.

>> No.11512337

>Norse mythology isn't lit
Get the fuck off my board

>> No.11512455

Did not expect that end.

>> No.11512477

>be short squat little greek man
>barbarian nordies live to the north
>sometimes short squat little greek men go up north and come back
>"Hey so uh what ya see while you were up there?"
>[Hm, I could tell him that I saw men, much like myself, yet who were somewhat taller on average than my fellow Greeks...]
"They's fuckin' giants up there, like insanely huge I'm talkin'"
>"Oh fuck, you mean, the nords who live in the north? Yeah, they're pretty tall."
>[Oh fuck he's found you out, keep it cool]
"Nah, uh, ofc I know about the nords, I, uh, I wasn't talking about them, I mean, these giant dudes, they lived like, even way norther than those guys... A-And they were huge."
>"Wow that's pretty cool! Guess we'll have to write that down in the big book of facts now."

This is what happened.

>> No.11512491

fuck you and your fucking arrogance

>> No.11512502


>> No.11512553
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>> No.11512564

Brainwashed drone

>> No.11512664
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>> No.11512684

Inside the earth...

>> No.11512690

Probably Neanderthals.

>> No.11512761

Nice samefag but you're a retard
Fuck off this board

>> No.11513779

Listen dude the Castelnau giant and other things may be real, but the main thing is that they were considered bad due to their promethean nature of egoism. They attempted to raise up "me" instead of rising to "I'

>> No.11513843

Look up Charles Upton you dindus

>> No.11514304

Works and Days mentions 5 races of men
>golden race
>silver race
>brazen race (did not eat bread so this one is thought to be the last pre-agricultural society)
>god-like race (i.e. Achilles, Hercules, ...)
>the iron race ("current" race)

Maybe this is somehow connected to your giants

>> No.11514349

>Didnt there exist a few giants still?
How to spot someone under 6' tall

>> No.11515417

>want to tell OP about theosophy and vril and other crazy fuckers who tried to figure this shit out
>only know about that shit because crazy old burnouts told me about it
>don't want OP to fall down a rabbit hole his psyche is already unknowingly clambering for

>> No.11515994

I'm already crazy, so I'd like to know anon.

>> No.11516014
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Giants take on a particular reality if you happen to be Christian, since they're mentioned repeatedly in the Old Testament. In addition to Goliath, the story of Joshua and the Israelites includes multiple accounts of races of giants inhabiting the lands in and around the Holy Land.

>> No.11516550

What ancient sources mention their height? I remember Hyperboreans appearing in Herodotus and Pindar but they didn't mention much about them being huge.

>> No.11516595

OP here. Drop the knowledge

>> No.11516816


>> No.11516845

Did you know Britain (or Albion) was inhabited by giants until Trojans came and slew them all? True story

>> No.11517297


>> No.11517332
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>> No.11517351

It was just manlet Greeks marveling over Northern European Chads.

>> No.11517373

>Herakles left a foot trace 90cm long
>The tomb of Agamemnon's son contained a skeleton 2.8m long.
Source: Herodotus.
I don't think the Greeks meant tall Chads, but really tall people.

>> No.11517383

>9 ft tall
nigga what

>> No.11517390

I was just memeing, personally, I'm sure giants existed. After all, there are still some pretty massive dudes in the world. I don't see why there couldn't have been entire lineages of them that died out for one reason or another.

>> No.11517462

It still doesn't explain the strange link between giants and Gods.

>> No.11517497
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>Source: Herodotus

>> No.11519092

Kratos birthed Atrius, who ends up being half giant and a catalyst for the end of the world by birthing the world snake and heralding Ragnarok

>> No.11519108

Then what happens

>> No.11519123

But the Norse also have stories about Giants from Jotenhiem. Who are those giants?

>> No.11519222

Do you think Herodotus is a valid, trustworthy source for things like the size of Heracles

>> No.11519246


>> No.11519400

>that android that Thomas Aquinas destroyed
thanks anon, that was a good rabbit hole to go down
>Michael Maier declares that he received from the disciples of St. Dominic the secret of the philosophical stone, and that he communicated it in turn to St Thomas Aquinas; that he was in possession of a stone naturally marked with a serpent, and endowed with so admirable a virtue that on being set down in a place infested with such reptiles, it would attract them from their hiding places; that for the space of thirty years he employed all his knowledge as a magician and astrologer to construct, out of metals carefully chosen under appropriate planetary influences, an automaton endowed with the power of speech, and which served him as an infallible oracle, replying plainly to every kind of question which could possibly be proposed to it. This was the celebrated Android, which was destroyed by St. Thomas under the impression that it was a diabolical contrivance

>> No.11519493

sometimes I think these threads are government honeypots to bring out the paranoid schizophrenic conspiracy theorists who lurk this board.

>> No.11519500

Would be a waste of time. You're thinking of Q anon type shit.