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/lit/ - Literature

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11509119 No.11509119 [Reply] [Original]

Basically that. I decided to improve my life once and for all and I thought the best place where I could start is from here. Can you recommend some actual self-help books?
Preferably those which could cover a 20/30yo anon life on his social field (learning how to get your shit together, debating successfully, how to pick up women, being responsible, etc?

>> No.11509128

Start by learning how to learn so you can look up this kind of fucking information on your own.

>thinking fast and slow
>how to read a book
>every god damn video on collegeinfogeek

Start there.

>> No.11509143


>> No.11510072

no philosophical shit please, the clearer and understandable the better

>> No.11510093

can you recommend a book on learning to read that can be found online (for free, obviously)?

>> No.11510412

Read Models by Mark Manson. Get the original version if you can.

>> No.11511393

Read the Chimp Paradox by Steve Peters, changed my life and it's simple and easy to understand. Genuinely cured my depression

>> No.11511396

there are none

>> No.11511484

lol. Maybe your problem is that you're such a brainlet.

>> No.11512613

thinking fast and slow is such a meme. incomprehensible gibberish auto-recommended by people for some purpose or another. absolute garbage book. one of those "concept" books that is best written as some new yorker essay, but stretched out to 200 pages to sell books. its a "book" in the way that habit one by duhigg is a book, one easily summarizable idea.

try scott adams - how to fail at everything etc - it's actually a good read and i bet will inspire you

>> No.11512627

this is the type of person that made "thinking fast and slow" a bestseller. haha im so smart cause i read some pop-psychology book backed with 0129301293021 "scientific" studies. summarized the whole 'intellectual' culture these days, in the same way something like freakonomics did. ah yes, did you read the book? so many fascinating ideas, i do declare. yes mad

also, for something plebby but should inspire you and put you on a good path: the millionaire fastland by mj demarco

>> No.11512702

and her book a Mind for Numbers

>> No.11512715

>learning how to get your shit together, debating successfully, how to pick up women, being responsible, etc?
>trying to fix the symptoms instead of the problem
This is why self-help books are shit and why you won't be able to help yourself unless you change your approach radically.

If you still want an advice: read a Bible (The New Testament) and try to actually understand what it says instead of mindlessly breezing through it like you do with your life. Quran or some Eastern religious texts would also work, though I'm too ignorant on the latter to give any specific recommendations.

>> No.11512723

12 Rules for Life by Jordan Peterson.

>> No.11512762

>no philosophical shit please, the clearer and understandable the better
but how to be better is the basis of greek philosophy since heraklitos was attributed with
>ethos anthropoi daimon
ethics is the soul of man (or more simply: you are what you do)
work out what your idea of the human you want to be is, and then plan how you would achieve that. then you work it at it, chipping away your old self, and becoming better than you are in hopes of becoming better than that. you might need more than one book in that plan.

>> No.11514139

lmao seething

>> No.11514395

What’s wrong with later versions?

>> No.11514407

This is what you’re looking for OP

Also, do you know why my thread about Peterson was deleted?

>> No.11514698
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>he wastes time reading self-help books instead of real literature

>> No.11514809
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>he spends valiable time reading useless shit which wont lead or help him to achieve anything in real life

>> No.11514891
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>> No.11514929

How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie

>> No.11514937

the most life-affirming book I have ever read is friday by michel tournier

it is very special, and it will change you

>> No.11514942
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>> No.11514960

god damn you act like the universe gonna implode because some fag wanna read something

>> No.11515010

Lost in the Cosmos
Walker Percy

>> No.11515267

the fuck that book has more than 150 pages! I clearly said no philosophical shite ie less tahn 50 pages maximum, preferably with drawings explaining the definition of every statement

>> No.11515275

Gravity's Rainbow

>> No.11515290


>> No.11516244

Because he's a pseud and /lit/ hates JP and his terrible shit 'philosophy'.

>> No.11516258

>thinking fast and slow
>incomprehensible gibberish
So this is the power of double digit IQ..wow.

The author invented the field of behavioral economics and won a Nobel prize for it FYI. The book definitely reads like pop and is written for the layman so if you have a hard time understanding the concepts and their significance then im genuinely worried for you

>> No.11516264

12 Rules For Life by Dr Jordan B Peterson