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File: 8 KB, 235x215, france.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11507783 No.11507783 [Reply] [Original]

Is there a good chart for learning french?

>> No.11507787


>> No.11507807

What the fuck? WHY!?

>> No.11507815


>> No.11507855


>> No.11507859

chart yourself over to france/canada and surround yourself with native speakers

>> No.11507895

you mean a guide with recommended stuff ? educational books to learn French or just adeaquate literature that is both beginner-friendly and worth the read ?

>> No.11507900

Pourquoi apprendre le français ? Y a que des negros qui le parlent.

>> No.11507904

Commence par les Grecs

>> No.11507923

you have to know french before you can write poetry in english

>> No.11507936


>> No.11507938

Explain please.

>> No.11507965

anon to learn any new language you do the same process. use Anki for vocabulary, learn to conjugate whatever there is to conjugate, and pick up a book that deals with beginner grammar. then you move onto native material (which u should be at least trying 2 read always) and more complex grammar

>> No.11508057

you can't be a poet in english, except a peasant poet, unless you're familiar with the whole history of the english language, which you can't understand without some knowledge of latin and french. -robert graves

>> No.11508074

That's fucking stupid. To write in English you must know English, dummy. I've studied French for five years and no, it didn't help my poetry. Reading an superabundance of poetry in ENGLISH was the only thing that ever improved my poetry.

>> No.11508085

You should only listen to great poets, if any. Graves is a hack.

>> No.11508088

>Reading an superabundance of poetry in ENGLISH was the only thing that ever improved my poetry.

did it also teach you to use big words like "superabundance" inappropriately?

>> No.11508090

Graves isn't even a good poet. Mediocre at best. All you need is one great English poet who didn't know French to BTFO his gay theory. There are tons. Also there have several movements to avoid the Latinate, or Frenchified, side of the English language and focus on the Germanic side of the language.

>> No.11508092

what makes you say that
i think he's the greatest poet of the last 100 years

>> No.11508099

"A quantity that is more than enough." I used it as I wanted to, you twat.

>> No.11508105

are you thinking of peasant poets like (say) thomas hardy?

>> No.11508107

post a good poem of his

>> No.11508112

Would you say "abundance" if it's only as much as needed ?
Thre difference between abundance and superabundance is not clear to me.

>> No.11508114

As an example of this, read Yeats (in my opinion, the best poet of the 20th century). He often completely avoided the Latin/French side of English and focused on the Germanic side and his poetry was great.

>> No.11508119

english is an impossibly rich language, and poets need to know the history of words

haven't you read his poetry? it's quite easy to find

>> No.11508123

The difference is that one is "more than enough" and the other is "much more than enough." It's a difference in quantity that is implied by the prefix "super-." Not that hard to understand.

>> No.11508127

>Also there have several movements to avoid the Latinate, or Frenchified, side of the English language and focus on the Germanic side of the language.

yes and they're about as likely to succeed as the "let's all switch to base 12" except the base 12 people look less retarded because they don't have to call money "worthstuff" or whatever.

>> No.11508126

I agree, but that doesn't mean it's necessary to know French to write good poetry in English. That's such a stupid idea. It might help just like learning any language helps you improve your understanding of your own, but it's not something that makes or breaks a poet.

>> No.11508158

but it's not stupid, they did it in england for centuries; a classical education

>> No.11508166

fine, therefor
lacks accuracy.

Also, the line between "enough" and "more than enough" is very clear, but that between "more than enough" and "much more than enough" isn't.
Not trolling. I'm actually thinking about Thomas Aquinas who stated that the poor can seize "superabundance" from the rich.

>> No.11508189

yeats wrote his best poetry in the 19th century when he was a misty-eyed dubliner with genuine feeling for ireland before pound transformed him

>> No.11508203

nope, superabundance means excess. excess is what lies "beyond" (super) abundance. you wrote that only too much is enough. i don't think that's not what you wanted to say. i think you just wanted a fancy way to say "a lot" and wrote something stupid by accident like all the other thesaurus pseuds.

>Whatever a man has in superabundance is owed, of natural right, to the poor for their sustenance.
see, this makes sense when superabundance means excess - the rich have more than is good for them.

>> No.11508214

why would you read more than enough poetry when you could just read enough?

>> No.11508221

recently started learning french (currently on lesson 12 of french in action)
the hardest part for me is auditory comprehension

>> No.11508248

French is nice and pretty "easy" if you're already familiar with other Romance languages. Just pick up a decent book for grammar, and vocabulary should be not hard to find. The only thing that you'll really have trouble with if you're self-studying is pronunciation; a good mentor or foreign friend who can voice chat would be handy to have.

>> No.11508350
File: 74 KB, 810x780, When+people+asks+me+why+fun+things+are+fun+_8245665a8856c8069c47c32e86fee58c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree. His early stuff is his best. Also, his super late stuff is good too. I think when his family life and job with the theater also changed him- shifted his focus from the stars to the ground.

Okay, pedants. You know roughly what I mean. Reading a lot of poetry in English is the best way to write good poetry in English. Learning French would help, but isn't necessary to be a great poet in English and there are a multitude of examples to that point. That's all I'm saying, friends.

>> No.11508432

in any case he knew french

if you're a poet you've got to be very careful how you use english

>> No.11508453

top post m8

>> No.11508511
File: 47 KB, 615x409, 1506796654519.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw trying to learn french in western canada
kill me famalam

>> No.11508590

Where is evidence that he knew French?

>> No.11508620

>To write in English you must know English, dummy.
>[can't write a 4chan post without a jarring misuse of language]
>Okay, pedants. You know roughly what I mean.

some poet you turned out to be.

>> No.11508642

he lived in france for years. plus he went to an english public school, they all teach french.

>> No.11508730

lol you're so dumb. i misused nothing

>> No.11508735

hmmm i'm not convinced but if he did learn it, he actively cut it out of his writing.

>> No.11508780
File: 106 KB, 750x924, 1531612244157.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> get constantly BTFO'd after posting gay retarded quote from amateur poet
> ignore all reasonable critique
> instead autistically zone in on the prefix of a word in order to avoid the fact that he got BTFO'd hard
> still never respond to points even after
> wants to learn gay frog language to become good poet


>> No.11508826

you'll find plenty of french/old french words in his poems

>> No.11508849

you're mixing up like three different posters.

>> No.11508865

you used a word that means "too much" as if it meant "a lot", producing a jarringly nonsensical sentence, in the very same post in which you were boasting of being incredibly well read and offering advice on how to be a good poet. you're a joke and you're never going to improve because you can't even admit a mistake.

>> No.11508872

who are you talking to?

>> No.11509072

idk anymore
i couldn't even tell ahah
yeah, you're right, actually. however, i doubt knowing french was necessary for him to be a great poet as the graves quote suggests. i think you'll agree with me on that.

>> No.11509171

actually i don't think he's a great poet at all.