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11506065 No.11506065 [Reply] [Original]

I consider myself a Christian/Platonist but goodness me this guy is a joy to read.

>> No.11506072


>> No.11506099


>> No.11506127

cringe and bluepilled

>> No.11506145

Why is Nietzsche so good?

>> No.11506152

Because he was intelligent, nihilistic and with a wicked sense of humor.

>> No.11506154

Bexause he smash
Its cons too

>> No.11506160 [DELETED] 

Anyone have a link to a catalog of his personal library? I see academics reference it sometimes but can't find lists of it online.

>> No.11506165

Imagine an eternal recurrence of being a christcuck.

>> No.11506334
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You can't be serious

>> No.11506338

Lurk moar you tool

>> No.11506362
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>I consider myself a Christian/Platonist

>> No.11506512

literally what is wrong these opinions?

>> No.11506529


>> No.11506552

Nothing's wrong with them. It's just that reddit is here

>> No.11506707

christlarping is reddit and plato ruined philosophy and was wrong about everything

>> No.11506715

Reminder that most of Aquinas's ideas come from Plato.

>> No.11506718

Learn the difference between existentialist nihilism and cosmic nihilism

>> No.11506727

>"Atheism," Eugene wrote in later years, "true 'existential' atheism burning with hatred of a seemingly unjust or unmerciful God, is a spiritual state; it is a real attempt to grapple with the true God Whose ways are so inexplicable even to the most believing of men, and it has more than once been known to end in a blinding vision of Him Whom the real atheist truly seeks. It is Christ Who works in these souls. The Antichrist is not to be found primarily in the great deniers, but in the small affirmers, whose Christ is only on the lips. Nietzsche, in calling himself Antichrist, proved thereby his intense hunger for Christ...."


>> No.11506734

christlarping is /pol/ if anything, certainly not a mainstream reddit view. no comment on plato

>> No.11506743

>I consider myself a Christian/Platonist
It's easier just to say 'faggot'

>> No.11506772


Since when did this board become full of leddit atheists.

>> No.11506861

Issa meme you dip

>> No.11506885

t. le based christian DEUS VULT AVE MARIA xDDd retake Constantinople when christbost amirite???

>> No.11507880

>t. le based christian DEUS VULT AVE MARIA xDDd retake Constantinople when christbost amirite???

The Crusades were a travesty and I'm neither Catholic nor Orthodox.

>> No.11508001
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Heavens to betsy! Some of those "Zoroaster" parts were kinda scribbly-dibbly, but those aphorisms in The Twilight left me all giggly-wiggly. Too bad he's in hell!

>> No.11508426

that is an interesting way to say aristotle

>> No.11508436

good post, sir

>> No.11509370

i'd never come across this before but had thought it. Thanks for this post anon.

>> No.11509393

I just realized you're a lutheran, ew, catholicism is the most rational religion

>> No.11509602

>just assumes christian premises


>> No.11509608

they were a reasonable response to contemporary geopolitical tensions

>> No.11509614

I just finished Zarathustra. Intense book. Seemed repetitive or hard to follow in the middle maybe but maybe i'm just a branlet. Or maybe the translation was bad and the original prose justifies it.

>> No.11509747

"Break up, break up, ye discerning ones, the old tables!"

nah, the guy just didn't like antique furniture

>> No.11509875

>I just realized you're a lutheran, ew, catholicism is the most rational religion
And the smartest down syndrome drooler will never be smart

>> No.11510198

Oh baby

>> No.11510223

It is inherently fallacious to attempt to capture the mystic and numinal nature of the ultimate transcendental reality in logical language. Theologians commit the worst sin of worshipping reason instead of God.

>> No.11510289
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>Calls Nietzsche a nihilist

>> No.11510371

Also quite able-bodied and from a provileged family. He was even served by slaves! VERY problematic

>> No.11510416

Nietzsche truly split the history of philosophy into two. There is a before him, and an after him. No one before had fully espoused "evil", let alone elevated it above "good": not even the daoist sages, not even Heraclitus. But that is only part of it. The other part is that, though he was very good at presenting complex ideas simply, his most valuable ideas were nevertheless terrifically complex. Witness Alain Badiou telling us that doctors create a disease by naming it, then being chased off stage by doctors laughing at his pathetic attempts to explain what that means. The idea is correct, but you have to be a fucking genius to understand it, much less explain it to people, especially to doctors, who will roast your ass over hot coals, as they should, if you are not a complete and total master of the idea. These are such complex conceptions that non-geniuses simply have no hope with them. At best, they grasp one part here, a corollary there, some application to their daily life; but the essence of the idea, and its relationship to all others, remains forever beyond them. Deleuze, Artaud, Bataille: they each grasped some things, and Baudrillard by far the most. The mess of gibberish produced on the continent is the result of their sometimes sincere, sometimes dishonest grasping with these terrifically complex conceptions that Nietzsche bequeathed us, just as the simplistic stupidities of the "analytic" morons is how they dealt with the same stuff. No one would propose that Rorty or Dewey invented their best stuff: it's got N's mark all over it, and they copied it straight off him (and in the instances where they denied him credit, they plagiarized...) Or Adorno and Horkheimer. Or Heidegger. One after another, failed attempts at understanding what N had said. And the HIGHEST ideas of his of all have not even been TOUCHED on. I have yet to read of anyone even MENTIONING his invention of the central ideas of quantum mechanics, decades before the quantum mechanists ran up against them in the lab. Or the Big Bang-Big Crunch cycle decades before the astronomers dreamt it up. I am literally the first person to find these ideas and the beginnings of such ideas in Nietzsche, while everyone else had trouble parsing such simple statements as "men aren't equal". Deleuze was still trying to "deconstruct" that lol (read: convince us that he meant the opposite lol). All this is simply what happens when genius texts fall into the hands of merely above-average intelligences, and the fact that two entire massive traditions — the "analytic", and the "postmodern" — flowed directly from him, is merely a symptom of how vast the power of his intellect was, and therefore, naturally enough, how vast his influence, for better or worse (and in the case of the "analytics" and the "postmoderns", clearly for the worse).

>> No.11510424

I love your posts, NeetcheeQM-anon, but, as one of the other N. scholars on this board, I still don't see it. What passages best support your thesis?

>> No.11510781
