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11505711 No.11505711 [Reply] [Original]

Write what's on your mind.

>> No.11505733

pussy eater nigga 69

>> No.11505799
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>meet nice girl
>get together for drinks
>great conversation
>laughs all the way through
>a few hours go by like nothing
>wake up the next day
haha again lol oh man what a wacky life

>> No.11505805

I'm going to become a member of the church I've been attending lately.

>> No.11505818

if you're attending aren't you already a member

>> No.11505833

Trying to cope with my longterm gf of 5 years who recently developed alcoholism at 26. She had two 1+ month benders this year, and goes on antabuse once she is sober.

It is really hard and we are fighting 50x more (every other day). She sees a therapist and psychiatrist weekly, and her family is like 50% alcoholics.

I am really scared and want the future to be okay.

>> No.11505840


>> No.11505841

im sorry dude, but you gotta drop her

>> No.11505857

Tell her she needs to quit outright, if she doesn't, strongly consider ending the relationship.

>> No.11505863

I can’t decide whether to be picky about women or to just settle. i’m 30 for fucks sake

>> No.11505877

i want to die

>> No.11505880

im depressed af

>> No.11505884

Imagine dating a girl for more than one year and not marrying her and moving on. You have wasted five years

>> No.11505885

I'm currently working on a Lord of the Rings knockoff romance story about a young knight who teams up with a tsundere, tomboy princess to stop an evil spirit from taking over the world. He's always had the hots for her, but she constantly degrades/insults him to disguise her attraction. The two gradually form an effective partnership and grow to truly care for one another. The story ends with the evil defeated and the knight severely injured. The princess tearfully confesses her feelings for him and the two get together. I've found that fantasyy considerably more difficult to write compared to science fiction.

I'm also putting the finishing touches on a 12k word sci-fi romance story. I just love writing and reading cheesy, lighthearted romance. It's one of life's true joys.

>> No.11505887

imagine dating a girl at all. I will never understand it

>> No.11505888

jesus christ you are going to be a very unhappy man in ten years

>> No.11505890

I'm going to be happily married with a family and a successful, independent career in ten years

>> No.11505917

and what if your wife develops alcoholism?

>> No.11505920

I'm thinking of contacting an old friend from high school so I can stop being so isolated.

>> No.11505922

be brave ! I'm rooting for you anon!

>> No.11505923
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>> No.11505926

I'm more discerning than that, she won't.

>> No.11505929

don't do it, being alone is better

>> No.11505940

There's a lot of shit in my room, but I get rid of three or four things and suddenly I can carry my whole life on my back. Is there a word for how that feels?

>> No.11505941

ok, I can accept that, thanks for the clarification, so you believe that anon is either wrong for not, 5 years ago telling if this could occur, for not successfully establishing conditions for that too must certainly not occur, for not marrying her with a year or so andas to further establish less reason to alcohol, or he himself has driven her to it, but what if all things considered your wife did, what would you do?

How have you talked about her use in the past, and why did she recently? how much has she drank in her past? and you? how much have you ever talked of marriage? anything happen in life recently to compel her? you talk seriously about her not? how much of her use is depressed? how often does she use?

>> No.11505946

Are you English?

>> No.11505951

If I loved my wife I'd support her but I'm telling you that it wouldn't happen at all. Choose better mates. The purpose of marriage is procreation and raising children and "dating" some aging unfit girl for sterile sex over the course of five years is a terrible decision

>> No.11505954

If you refer to your wife as your mate you should probably go ahead and eliminate your own map

>> No.11505962
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Women are so god damn obnoxious to deal with. They make everything dramatic and over complicated. I almost wish I was gay. Why must pussy be so desirable?

>> No.11505971

>my wife, my mate?!
>I would never do something so base as to procreate, I am an enlightened Demapped® individual!

>> No.11505976

there's a difference between having children and being autistic
but something tells me you won't have to worry about what to call your hypothetical life partner

>> No.11505979
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>Haha... God, anon is so much uglier than his older brother...
What did I do to deserve this fate /lit/? Why was I given this face?

>> No.11505985

I think you're just gay. There is something incredibly gay about referring to your wife or girlfriend as "partner" or "life partner" and divorcing family and children from marriage. I'll take fruitful autism over hen-pecked homosexuality.

>> No.11506001

You can have children without getting married. Your entire autistic, overly primitive worldview clashes with the supposed need for the institution of marriage. If the only reason for marriage is procreation, why be married in the first place? Besides tax breaks

>> No.11506002

You're supposed to joke about it and say how he got the looks but you got [insert punchline here]

>> No.11506006

God, it feels like my MC has a terminal case of retardation and since I changed a scene to put her back on the right track plot-wise it's not even funny anymore how badly she fucks up

>discovers magic is real
>turns down an apprenticeship to do her own research
>goes on a mini adventure
>ends up getting lost in the woods before escaping chasing a fairy that fucks her up and ends up with glass cuts, second-degree burns and two missing toes in the process
>asks for a second chance on the apprenticship
>within three hours of getting it she's accidentally lost the book that's supposed to help her with her first assignment
>goes on another adventure against a friend's helpful alternatives
>encounters a sphynx
>blurts out the first answer that comes to mind
>ends up getting a friend nearly killed as a result and loses her magic potions that are supposed to help her
>goes back to her assignment
>ends up following an alchemy recipe that's basically just bleach and ammonia in a poorly ventilated area admittedly though she had no way of knowing the recipe was an intentional fake to poison book thieves

>> No.11506010

I keep re-reading The Book of Disquiet because I’m miserable and relate too much to it. About all of my days are spent reading it now, over and over and over again, or contemplating suicide.
I want to slit my wrists over it and mingle my soul with its ink, and shout excerpts of its passages into the void as I bury myself inside death.

>> No.11506016

you okay man?

>> No.11506021

I was not meant to overhear it.

>> No.11506024

Why does it hurt you then?

>> No.11506028

Because am I ugly

>> No.11506041

As much as the rest of us on here, brother.
But thank you for asking. May your mind remain healthy.

>> No.11506044

aright good, but seriously don't kill yourself mang

>> No.11506045

I don't know who cares, everyone is ugly. Even the full of plastic kpop idols are bound to be ugly. Are people disgusted by your face? I mean like are you a burnt victim or have a tumor or some shit? That's the only reason I would feel bad if someone said I'm ugly but if that were the case they wouldn't say it because it's common courtesy to not say it in that situation.

>> No.11506067

you don't get it

>> No.11506079

The social isolation is making me suicidal. I just need an excuse to leave the house and talk with someone.

>> No.11506106

The world sucks.
Humans suck.
Jews suck.
America sucks.

>> No.11506134

The world is a fine place and worth the fighting for and I hate very much to leave it.

>> No.11506144

An alien

Its very tall, standing at almost 8 to 9 feet, and has pale skin, that is almost kinda blue looking. It has hind legs and long arms. It's incredibly thin to the point you can see most of its bones.
It has a large around head with no hair and pure black eyes with two little curled horns on it. They have a very small mouth filled with hundreds of tiny, razor sharp teeth. On its back are a large pair of bird like wings.

They are incredibly frail but their intelligence far exceeds that of the average human and they have low level psionic abilities, and are very fond of small animals.

I don't know what they are called.

>> No.11506146

Humans ruin everything.
Just look at factory farming.
We do the same thing with humans and the quality of people as a whole drops every single day.
When people recognize this the only ones who keep defending it are those chasing after some ridiculous hope that we will soon colonize space only to ruin other planets.
I'm not really into people killing themselves or wanting to kill themselves but they should at least have the respect for life to see just how much we ruin everything.

>> No.11506163

she's probably dating five guys this week and deciding which one she actually wants to keep seeing. it's not you, anon. she's just being choosy while she still has her looks. don't worry about it.

>meet nice girl
that was your first mistake. assuming she was nice.

>> No.11506169

>I scheduled myself to read an introduction on phenomenology today
>I don't schedule myself to read translation on important philosophers any time soon
>I decide to give myself a break on reading and to lie on couch and shitpost all day

Still, I learned some important keywords about "phenomenology of history":
I can experience a thing as past, present or future. That is probably related to why I experience a country as 'backward' or 'advanced' based on my feeling about past and future, though the relation shouldn't be reduced too simply.

>> No.11506176

It took me a while to figure out what that picture was supposed to be but once I did I lol'd.

>> No.11506187

As a musician i really need to get back into writing shit like i used too. I wanna start going to gigs again with friends and have fun like we used to, but all seems distant. Hopefully later in the year when we are closer in school well make arrangements for gigs and writing sessions like we used too

>> No.11506200

Different anon here, i get it. Ive been there. That illness is no stranger to humanity. Theres no point in halting the process of life. Theres no point in quiting. I myself used my illness as a stepping stone to being well, i had already set what i wamted to do, be present. Ive been there man, dont attempt to harm, its useless. I still have scars i look at everyday that reminds me were i was. So listen when i say its bullshit. because you have a few bad deals in your life, it feels better to just die? Bullshit. When i escaped that i felt alive. I hope you will soon

>> No.11506218

I want to be alone forever

>> No.11506397
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i will never experience the Spartan agoge

>> No.11506406

I should have masturbated earlier and read books later but instead I wasted all my time yesterday here. Now I can't neither of those.

>> No.11506413

You could join the military if you want military training. If it's more the gay sex you're interested in then you could join the military.

>> No.11506440

Tall, pale white and with wings?

Call them Angles. Or Valkyries.

>> No.11506722

Jewish humans living in the US, Earth are your biggest peeve then?

>> No.11506908
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You could still have a wank anon
I might have one later. I’m at work but i might sneak into the toilets to bash the bishop because one of my female work colleagues is looking very hot today

>> No.11506937

I really want to convince my gf to eat better and stop being a lard ass, treating her body like a dump, but I don't know how. Anything I ever try or say works, if it works, for a couple of weeks before she regresses into fatfaggothood again. Meanwhile I'm out in the garage slinging weights around and eating blueberries and shit. Why do I never get a break... why do I try, and do, accomodate other people so much, but nobody wants to accomodate me?

>> No.11507092

>jewish humans

>> No.11507117

Recently I've found myself speaking and writing like Trump. For example I'll end a thought like he does with a little quip at the end. Very interesting!

>> No.11507157

Work out harder, dress better, and flirt with other women. If she says anything mainly just ignore her. With any luck she'll become terrified that you'll leave her and get her act together. If you do this and she doesn't care then leave her.

>> No.11507171

Co-existing with nature is an important thing that too many people dismiss.

>> No.11507236


>> No.11507316

See? You don't get it. It's not a fucking illness. At most it's one of the several possible states of the human condition. It's not about actually committing the act either. It's like porn, or drugs, or literature.
There are Indian ascetics that literally kill themselves by starvation as an attempt to liberate themselves and in that particular context and culture no one would even think about saying it's an illness. I'm sorry about your scars, but you and I knew exactly what the consequences of our actions were and are.

>> No.11507356

I appreciate the peptalk but I'm hopeless. I don't know how to approach strangers, or even where, I have no one to flirt with. And even if I did it's not like she would see or know, unless I was going out of my way to be almost belligerent in my letting her know I was doing such a thing.

My current horrible plan is just to get fit and tell her no every time she asks me and my swole pecks to have sex. Too bad that will take over a year to achieve. And I'm already a 28-year-old boomer. Time is short.

>> No.11507361

How do you do it? I have been wanting to become a member. Just talk to a Priest?

>> No.11507557

I might choose to minor in Russian language an literature.

>> No.11507618

thinken about Katie

>> No.11507727

What? You don't have to be successful at anything. Literally just start taking better care of yourself ( which anyone ought to do anyway) and make her look like an ungrateful flesh beast. But don't threaten her directly. Listen, I don't give a shit if you take my advice, but if you enjoy taking care of yourself and working out then my suggestion is only to enjoy yourself more. If you don't *enjoy* any of the things I recommended then don't do them, but I'm not saying you have to achieve anything or gain a certain possession. It's a state of mind. Domt do anything that makes you feel shameful.

>> No.11507795

I'm from Syria, and man, if there ever was a shithole it's this country. You look at people's faces and you see nothing but vulgarity. Everyone is a brute or a tyrant in the making. The bureaucracy is stifling and omnipresent. The draft is the shadow hunting everyone's mind and threatening to fuck their lives up. Seven or eight years of service in what had degenerated into a grouping of militias living off looting and brigandry. No hopes for a good education or a job you might enjoy, and the only way to make money is to have someone send some your way from Germany. The news is an endless deluge of women raped to death, men with kidneys beaten into failure, high school children picked off checkpoints for no reason whatsoever, and elderly men arrested while collecting their paychecks by the same government for whose sake their children died. All of this while dolled up women and finely groomed men shamelessly roam around Damascus in Lexuses land rovers. You don't know how bad it is until you live in a third world country.

>> No.11507824

You planning on staying? I've seen videos of women and children left behind by draft dodging refugees. Good luck buddy.

>> No.11508674
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I have literally nothing left in my life that I actually care about. My friends have moved on and I barely see them anymore. My short-lived romance is dead. I'm not inclined to continue my education into grad school since modern academia is such a shitshow. My job (software dev) is a meme and requires around an hour of work a day, and it can be done remotely so I don't even have a reason to leave my house. I'm successful on the surface but underneath I'm just a lazy, lonely, aimless degenerate who will never live up to whatever potential he may have once had. What's the point in fucking living like this? Maybe if I had some other loser deadbeats to share in life with but I don't. Unironically considering buying a van and just fucking off to somewhere else, not like anyone would miss me.

>> No.11508713

Her dad got me my first postgraduate job in a very niche field, and we have helped each other tremendously while in college and after. She has only started this stuff in the last 6 months.

If it goes on for the rest of the year (2018), I will seriously consider it.

>How have you talked about her use in the past,
Her compulsions used to be work and school, she has become extremely disillusioned with work and unable to cope with our line of work.

>how much has she drank in her past?
Very little, in college we drank on weekends for parties, and I drank more than her significantly. We were essentially sober 23-25 (1/month, no binging), and we are the same age. I stopped drinking completely since this happened.

>how much have you ever talked of marriage
We both want to get married 28-29

>anything happen in life recently to compel her?
Struggling at work, her divorced alcoholic mom is crumbling in her mid 60s due to alcohol abuse (her real age is 80+) and her healthy, great remarried dad is suffering from kidney problems and somehow beat cancer 3 times. He is probably going on dialysis in ~2 years. She is extremely unhappy about aging, and is more depressed than I have ever seen her.

>you talk seriously about her not?

>how much of her use is depressed?

>how often does she use?
5-7 times a week, she buys (under our agreement) 1 200ml bottle of 40% abu vodka per day.


Thanks for the replies, really sweet of you guys

>> No.11508750
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I wish I could write the stories I want to tell but I hate myself so much that I feel that everything I do is wrong so I'm constantly nagged by the feeling that they're not worth saying and that I'll fail writing them well.

>> No.11508886

Yes its an illness. We have or had ill minds. Our minds are harming us, poking us, giving us evil thoughts that harm us and take form, is it not an illness? If everyday you wake up with hurtfull thoughts, are you not sick? I didnt think so when i was sick

>> No.11508969

But to add i see why you would think its an illness, i understand, its a different experience for everyone. I happen to recognize myself as ill thats what helped me heal myself. But so many others live on the harmful side were they rely on prescriptions for something you can heal with human effort. On most cases i would call that ill. I hope you heal soon whatever you are in, i know it man.

>> No.11509019

I unironically feel anxious if I don't have a book to read. Tomorrow I will buy something but this evening I don't have anything to read and so I feel like a turmoil inside me. Same thing with masturbation and cigarettes. I should find a girlfriend, if only it wasn't the hardest task in my life (for now) and it gives me some kind of taedium vitae

>> No.11509187

Has she tried rehab? Really sorry to hear about that bro.

>> No.11509208

I want to think that there is no free will and everything is predetermined to happen

>> No.11509261

I have OCD and it’s “latched itself” on to my struggle with porn addiction. I spend almost every waking minute of every day lost in these thought loops. I feel extreme guilt at all times because I’ve ashamedly watched porn that revolved around the degradation and manipulation of women, everything from shakey-cam videos titled “real” incest to videos involving animals and possible coercion. I haven’t felt positive emotion for a long time, and it’s ruining my life. My self-confidence is nonexistant and I feel absolutely unredeemable, like those stupid videos are somehow representative of my personal convictions. I can hardly even find refuge in books anymore. The only reason I don’t kill myself is because of the responsibilities and relationships I have to maintain, and out of fear from the afterlife, which is in and of itself a borderline obsession.

Any books for this feel? Pls help anons

>> No.11509515

I've had a varicocele in my right testicle since puberty and it's been harmless but for the past few days it started hurting when I'm approaching the point of no return and I don't know if it'll go away on its own but every day since I've been torn between testing it out to see if it still hurts or to abstain so I don't get fucked up mental associations between cumming and pain and develop a phobia or something.

>> No.11509532

You have to sell 15 magazine subscriptions to become a junior member.

>> No.11509555

Don't quote me on this, because I don't remember which book I read this from and I don't care enough to look for it, but, some native american tribes didn't do any farming, they obtained their sustenance by adapting their lifestyle to the natural rhythms of production of the local flora and fauna, living in an ez mode hunter/gatherer sociey where they just quite literally took the shit the planet provided them with. When European colonizers appeared, they thought that these guys were lazy fuckers and started conquering shit and doing their gay ass farming, proud of their hard work they started shaming the native lifestyle and ruined everything for everyone. Humanity as a whole didn't ruin America, in fact, the native people were doing a decent job of not destroying the land,it was the European fucks with their abrahamic religions and their African slaves that fucked the land and have kept doing so for centuries, expanding their bullshit everywhere.

>> No.11509802

You guys know the Drive greentext where the anon acts like drive from the movie? I do that with whatever character I am interested in. I try to emulate them and then I move on to another. Is this a mental illness? I'm serious too. I am self aware about it but I can't stop. I have done this from a child to an adult and beyond.

>> No.11509809

I feel like this will be me before very long, ie the next year or two, and it terrifies me to death.

The only thing I can say is, if you feel lazy lonely and aimless it's precisely because you're isolated (or at least feel that you are). I find myself much more motivated to do something if there are people around me either doing that same thing or encouraging me to do so. There are not many people in this world who can drive themselves to do things while alone, that's why their success stories are flaunted so much, because it's so rare.

And how do you find people to support you? Christ knows, I get lucky every so often. I can't find them when I want to. 4chan has been a pretty consistent source, though. Go to /lit/ meet ups, look on zeemaps, even fuckin omegle. Or the usual, go out to some hub of cultural activity and try to strike up conversations there.

Or fuck off in your van. Or both. They're not mutually exclusive, really.

>> No.11509858

Windows form a small mountain of light that blinds the entire world and I see you in a shadow of tragic contentment. The original idea of love is a weak platform for people to be, democratic continuity poisons the dream and the soul each, drama becomes a reality that has not changed, the known has become a zombie.

>> No.11509887

Everything is useless, pleasure is a chemical, pain is physical. Then we die and life goes on here and there until there is nothing thanks to you and me, indirectly.

>> No.11509933

There's way too much noise, noisy kids, noisy cars, noisy music, noisy walls, noisy pictures, noisy tables full of noisy ornaments. Each time I hear somebody's baby crying I'm one step closer to stabbing myself in the dick. How hard can it be to find a couple of hours of silence? I need to cut off the external world for a while to have peace with myself but the universe isn't gonna ever let me have it my way. Killing myself sounds like a viable solution to be desu.

>> No.11509941

ayy lmao

>> No.11509958

I really need to finish my Master Thesis. But I'm going too slow and procrastinating reading Philosophy instead. This avoidance of duty however increases the productivity of my reading. If I didn't have an obligation making me feel guilty I wouldn't even be pretending to do something useful and I'd be playing videogames or something worse.

>> No.11509975

the nature of humans is love and compassion. it takes one autistic man to say otherwise and suddenly u have religious sex cults that want to fuck kids and plunder the innocent for their lives and lands

to that extent, satan is a real historical figure

>> No.11509981

the notion of material property was a mistake, violence is everywhere, sex is so often violence, breaking this cycle globally is impossible

>> No.11509998

I love Jesus

>> No.11510008

I just had this awful experience trying to initiate a relationship with a girl via text message which has led me to the conclusion to never try that again, ever.

What really drew my attention was at the end, when she finally stopped being a coward and outright rejected me, was that she used this emoji of this hideous, hairy demon with the implication, of course being that was what I was. Now, a little bit of backstory about me: I'm the fucking Moshiach Ben Yoseph. I understand that I sound crazy claiming to be some modern age biblical prophet on an anime imageboard, but everything seems to be pointing in that direction and I look the part too. Seriously, when I haven't shaven I look like your archetypal "Old Hebrew." For example, I've achieved gnosis. Then, a couple months later, God made a covenant with me in the wilderness, telling me that he will shortly destroy the earth, and that I was destined to live out the story of Noah, "present the treasure to the king," (become a mystical bookseller in the future provisional capital of the United States: Detroit, MI), and that, furthermore, I would help rebuild the temple in Jerusalem (dedicated to Lucifer, the daemon of mankind). Along with that, I've had instances where I've had to act out quintessentially biblical stories such as when I had to banish the devil from my house (his name was symmetrical, he was red, had horns, and wore a hood).

Anyways, when this bitch sent me the final snap, my first thought upon seeing this monstrous emoji was, "So I'm a beast am I, THEN A BEAST I SHALL BE!" Something clicked, and I realized that me, being a biblical prophet, am not permitted to have a mundane love life, but that I must enact the fairy tale of "The Beauty and the Beast." Like, when I've established myself in the caves of Hart Plaza, someday a beautiful girl will beg me for food, shelter and all that good stuff, but that I must enslave her, torment her, shave her head, only allow her to wear sackcloth, rename her "Gash" and basically make her my captive. She will be materially well off and I won't sexually abuse her, but the only person she will be freely able to talk to will be my brother (named Jonah, which fittingly means "Dove" in Hebrew) and her only respite will be that she will be able to read the books in my library. I will keep this up until she realizes I'm a "prince." Thinking about this, I was weeping inconsolably at the thought of having to so torture the woman I love and my imminent tragic death at the hands of some white-knight Gaston motherfucker thinking he's saving the day. It's like if you learned the exact time, place, and situation of your death and knowing you have no ability to stop it.

>> No.11510011

weird nap last night stayed up till 5 then woke up at 8, tired all day and took too much caffiene so now I'm simultaneously jittery and exhausted

read catholic stuff and it felt real guilty when I subsequently masturbated to horrible porn. I almost feel like at this point I feel I have some ethical duty to continue to do evil. I know that sounds edgy, I don't consciously think that I have such a duty (that would be insane), but I feel it when I'm whacking. I can sense sometimes that normal hetero stuff would be infinitely more pleasurable and even metaphysically truthful.

Lately I've been having this sort of melancholy self-absorbed idea that because I had some seizures as a child... that that symbolized a crack in my soul, through which, from time to time, celestial lights shine. Ever since I was a child I expressed that feeling by saying that my subconscious, my unconscious, was much smarter than I am. and I truly believe that, from time to time, a beautiful muse visits me and passes me notes (usually when I'm on high amounts of caffeine).

By reading theology I have the bitter feeling that I am cheating and making myself hurt more than I have to. I should just listen to the advice of a friend and go to church instead of wear out my energy running around these metaphysical circles.

I think that most of philosophy is established on things that you really understand and feel. So reading theology when I don't understand or feel anything is just fucking me up, and I should stop. Last time I complained about stuff like this in one of these threads everyone criticized me and called me vain and self absorbed and self obsessed. And I can take all that on, as long as you're direct and frank with your criticism. Just give me some steps to a solution and don't pretend that you yourself are some wise sage who can look on me with an indomitable granite expression

In class today discussion of Plato's Republic books 8-9, or 7-8, I don't remember. The idea of the democratic man and the tyrannical man shook me. I'd known a little about his theory of political degeneration before, but I had no idea that there were psychological profiles that went in such depth. The description of the democratic man as a guy who waters all of his passions and is just listlessly blown around everywhere by the wind—that shook me, because it was so true to my existence. I'm sure almost all of you feel the same. We have no discipline... I don't say "we" to tug you down to my level, but because I truly believe that the amount of discipline people have these days is extremely low relative to the past. So many of you young men get into stoicism or whatever as a remedy for that, merely because you are aesthetically attracted to stern-sounding words like "discipline" and even "stoic" and the pleasant images that they conjure in your minds. Maybe I'm wrong, maybe you can think and reason independent of pleasant pictures... but frankly, I doubt it.

>> No.11510020

Shit man, I'm really sorry about that. I wish I had some advice to give but I don't know much about alcoholism, just that it fucking sucks. I think a big solution would be to reduce the stress in her life. I know that sounds silly but career change/shifting to a chiller job, etc.

You've probably thought of all that stuff a million times before, but whenever I turn to drugs/addictions its because I feel I have a sucky life.

Also remember that setbacks are not permanent. Sorry for the trite cliches, really I am. Good luck

>> No.11510028 [DELETED] 

But I won't actually die because Donald Trump will save me at the last moment

>> No.11510036

r/minimalism or some shit

ya buddy tuff love. You're sure a good christian

it's hard but it's at this point you have to overcome victim mindset and MAKE yourself heard. You are not a frail little girl who lives and dies on how pretty she is (in fact, that's not even true of little girls, or of anybody). You're a man with convictino who can surge forth like a sudden tropical typhoon at any moment.

You should blast onto the scene confront everyone and even deny the charges if necessary. They will remember your strength of soul. That shit truly matters.

>> No.11510041

don't let your mind become poisoned by literature, man. At least level up to Kafka. You need to walk up the stairs of learning until you escape into the world of the truth. Just because someone can express themselves in pretty words doesn't mean that they speak the truth. Often, in fact, it's the opposite (see paradise lost). Good luck bro.

Also get a taste/sense of what is and isn't maudlin and brand that into your mind. So much self-consciously literary shit is really just pathetically maudlin and should be disposed of, poste-haste.

>> No.11510042

you can't want, you must do. Like start today, if you can.

>> No.11510047

fuck bro. at least you can express your situation well. I wish you luck and I hope things get better

>> No.11510056

self hatred is cruelty and rage directed inwards. You must develop self-love. Even hardass catholics like St. Augustine say that a well-adjusted love of self is vital to being a good person. I don't mean eat pray love self-absorbed narcissism. Your current self-hatred is a reaction to your resistance to self-love. If you love yourself, the whole issue will disappear and you will rejoin the ranks of healthy humanity. Except you will also be maybe %10 tougher and more interesting cause you kicked your own soul's ass so much. Capiche?

>> No.11510059

go see a doc. they're allowed to look at your dick

>> No.11510062

I think you are basically me, but catholic rather than muslim. I haven't had seizures though.

(Especially the reading theology and whacking to weird extra sinful shit right after with intense guilt - I also tend to read the Qur'an and even the Bible when really drunk or fucked up off dissociatives. I also got into the idea of lack of order in democracy and wrote my bachelor thesis on the function of religion in modernity, understood as democracy.)

>> No.11510068

Jesus dude. You know there used to be people called eccentrics in this world. People used to have their own colors and flavors, just like countries (well, actually, countries don't really have this any longer, but they used to have their own color and flavor, too). Sometimes it seemed like people were as different from one another in some ways as certain animals. i.e: it made sense to talk about one person as catlike, another as dog-like, etc.

Put yourself in that mindset and learn to chill

>> No.11510070

So you don't like capitalism?

>> No.11510074

bruh don't get brainwashed by your college professors

>> No.11510090

(I'm replying to my own post btw, I think it is pretty funny desu fyi)

>> No.11510092

Why, may I ask, did you elect to become a muslim, rather than a Christian?

This just occured to me (I just remembered it)—I once heard some weird insight that the agency in the soul that obsessively denigrates sex is the same that obsessively pursues it.

This is not to cede the dumb secular point that "you can't deny any impulse or it will just become stronger"—that's obviously sickeningly bullshit. But instead I think that someone who excoriates and morbidly focusses on avoiding certain passions... this obsession is the mirror of those passions themselves. Feeding the passions feeds the hatred of them, and vice versa. Hatred is a closer friend to love then apathy, etc.

Therefore the solution to both of these problems is to acknowledge sexuality as sort of a lowly, embarrassing, mildly comical thing. Neither the treasury of heavenly delights nor the dwelling place of eternal filth... worthy to be set aside because it is lower than true joy

>> No.11510094

It was pretty funny desu
here's a (You) in case you are lying >>11509532

>> No.11510151

I've been thinking of giving up writing as a pursuit. What I write is inferior to what I think and I cannot envision myself ever writing something equal to or beyond what I think. Even if I were to somehow rival the greats in ability, I believe it still would not be enough. In fact, such skill might just make the gap between the two all that more apparent. This is not to say my thoughts are somehow so much superior to those of other writers, but that I believe that reading, watching, experiencing, is much more stimulating to me that the actual act and product of my own writing. If I look in myself, I see that my desire to write is more to prove my own worth, both to myself and others. Its some means of justifying my existence, to put me above my peers, to insulate my own ego and call myself better.

Anyone ever read something on this feeling? Ought I just give it up? The only ethical reason I can find for continuing is that, if you enjoy something, you should try to contribute to it as well.

>> No.11510171

I was a Muslim, I think, primarily because it was the faith I was brought up in. And reading the great minds of this tradition as a teenager made me fall in love with it and my breaking up with the faith that much more painful.

What I, right now, have a problem with in the Islamic tradition is how it normalizes sexual impulse by seeing marriage, for example, as a contract to use each others bodies, kinda in a proto-Kantian manner. So if marriage is the agreement to use one anothers bodies for sexual pleasure, and rape means non-consensual sex, rape in wedlock cannot be rape.

Sex, however, is inherently evil. It is a form of being together than requires a smooth oneness in order to sustain the fantasy (like how Aristotle views tragedy, having one place, one time, one plot to which all disparate elements contribute). Irl, though, it is anything but. It has hiccups and awkward stumbles, and questions (i.e. do you mind if i slip my finger up your ass) detract from that fantastic (or phantasmagoric) side.

I don't normally post in these threads but I don't know man. I think the issue of sex is weird - and personal experiences, as well as the times we are living in makes me think about it a lot. I feel torn between my traditionalist (i.e. reactionary mystical monarchism) upbringing and radical 'leftist' tendencies. I think Zizek's latest about Peterson and enforced monogamy is a good one because it touches on my worries about the sexual contract. He does miss out on some substance too, I feel but yeah.

Besides sex though, what you are saying about the duty to sin, or to stop obsessively avoiding sin, reminds me of this letter by Luther (next post):

>> No.11510175

>Whenever this temptation of melancholy comes to you, beware not to dispute with the devil nor allow yourself to dwell on these lethal thoughts, for so doing is nothing less than giving place to the devil and so falling.

>Try as hard as you can to despise these thoughts sent by Satan. In this sort of temptation and battle, contempt is the easiest road to victory; laugh your enemy to scorn and ask to whom you are talking. By all means flee solitude, for he lies in wait most for those alone. This devil is conquered by despising and mocking him, not by resisting and arguing. Therefore, Jerome, joke and play games with my wife and others, in which way you will drive out your diabolic thoughts and take courage.

>Be strong and cheerful and cast out those monstrous thoughts. Whenever the devil harasses you thus, seek the company of men, or drink more, or joke and talk nonsense, or do some other merry thing. Sometimes we must drink more, sport, recreate ourselves, aye, and even sin a little to spite the devil, so that we leave him no place for troubling our consciences with trifles. We are conquered if we try too conscientiously not to sin at all. So when the devil says to you, “Do not drink,” answer him, “I will drink, and right freely, just because you tell me not to.” One must always do what Satan forbids. What other cause do you think that I have for drinking so much strong drink, talking so freely and making merry so often, except that I wish to mock and harass the devil who is wont to mock and harass me. Would that I could contrive some great sin to spite the devil, that he might understand that I would not even then acknowledge it and that I was conscious of no sin whatever. We, whom the devil thus seeks to annoy, should remove the whole Decalogue from our hearts and minds.

>> No.11510224
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I watched the pervert's guide to ideology but I couldn't understand shit, or almost nothing. I don't know if it is because I was paying attention to the movie scenes of it's because I'm stupid.
On the other hand, I'm trying to see what are the motivations behind by hidden dreams now, namely dressing nice, and look like a interesting talented person to impress people. Could them be a capitalistic ruse?

>> No.11510234

I confronted the girl that was stalking me today. I think she feels bad, but she kept making excuses.

>> No.11510255

I'm sorry to hear that you think the human nature is an illness. I'm sorry you can't see it. Saying it's an illness is the same reason that those people seek medications and get dependent on them. I guess that having a medical background makes me have a completely different vision of it. You might want to look into some medical anthropology to understand what an "illness" means and all the shit it entails, specially when talking about the mind. You might also want to look into general anthropology and history to see how our society has lost all its mythology and has to create all these mockups to cope with the loss. It has to create things like depression as an "illness" to explain shit that never needed any explanation. Not to mention the mega corporations behind farmaceutics and medical investigation. Same goes with ADD and all that.
People need to understand depression as an illness only because they can't make sense of it any other way due to the pitiful sociocultural conditions of our society. And that same society needs to push that definition up your ass so it can preserve itself.
I won't even go on the whole anti-psychiatry discourse because I know you are not ready for it.
Will you say that the ascetics I mentioned are ill because they want to die? You haven't given any solid arguments about why all this is an illness whatsoever.
tl;dr depression is a spook

>> No.11510266
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Columbus was a Jew.
Read blindlight's articles on colonialism.

Of course not. It's an even worse version of Communism.

>> No.11510314


What does that have to do with what I said?

>> No.11510315

I think one solution to your dilemma is to see writing as a form of play. I think that we often take writing too seriously. As a consequence, we get creatively blocked, which creates angst.

From what you're saying it seems like you have great ambitions for your writing. I think that, ironically, these are getting in the way of you writing good stuff. I think that the impulse of delight which first led you to creative thought is what you should try to return to; I imagine it probably preceded all these concerns about greatness and eternity, which have latched onto that initial impulse and are parasitizing it and disabling it.

Just speculation, but I think that that's how it is with me.

>> No.11510417

i used to be so creative and did what i wanted always trying out stuff and piddling about doing whatever i felt like but now all i do is nothing and i have no idea how to go back to how i was before

>> No.11510454

Broken glass


>> No.11510521

Just got my dick sucked. See you queers later, I’m a normie now.

>> No.11510575

Private property isn't a mistake it is a contrived scheme executed by disparate actors with varied levles of awareness of the past few hundred years.
Privatization just may be the worst thing to happen in human history imo
>Don't get brainwashed by your college professors
Take your own advice.
t. Land owner

>> No.11510615

What did you say to her?

>> No.11510617

>People pissin on the stairs, you know they just don’t care

>> No.11510684

If you're from the US or maybe another anglospheric nation, I recommend that you look into going to another country on a working holiday visa. For the US, Australia is probably the most fun option. I'll likely be doing this post-grad too.

>> No.11510700

I'm so incoherently angry it doesn't even make sense, can't even stand up from my chair without feeling pure rage coursing through me. I have become the physical manifestation of 4chan.

>> No.11510725

I can't stop doubting myself and it's starting to become a crippling problem

I've got a novel to finish editing but every three days I think "does this really need changing, or am I just making this whole scene worse" and then I throw away days of work because I'm afraid of destroying something good

>> No.11510728
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what are you angry at, anon?

>> No.11510814

I spent a fairly large part of my day (at least five hours) flirting with women online and masturbating. I feel super disappointed and like I've wasted my whole day. I still read for two hours (usually I read much more) but still, not feeling too good.

>> No.11510874

i got high yesterday and society felt way too real. like we're all just a bunch of apes kept in line with words on documents written in the 1700s. everything is an illusion.

>> No.11510961

Classic high

>> No.11510964

yeah it was fun desu

>> No.11511528
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Time has left the building as I was coming up. All at once I could feel the energy in every object around me. The pressure of the world was pushing down on my body and I became paralyzed. Someone had flipped the switch and turned on all the lights upstairs. The electricity bill from my mind would bankrupt the rich. A tsunami of thoughts cover every memory. I cannot begin to sift through the wreckage. I plunge, headfirst, into the water. Have I yet to rise to the surface?

>> No.11511724

is not English

>> No.11512322


will amber
ever be
the blood of my flower

in that moment
when the icycle first breaks

only once
and never again
but held forever

as the blossom be cut
so does the firm bark ooze
sweet shiny resin

pour onto her petals
and let time forget
till the warm crystal embraces
their youthful joy
the first tremble
that holiest moment

once in a lifetime
yet forever preserved
in the warm glow
of this orange realm
of light and love`s promise

to stop time
so as to forever steal from you
that sweet shell of innocence
that paper-thin skin of ice
which you so yearned for me to melt

>> No.11512899

I want to own the collected papers of Charles Sanders Peirce in print because reading the PDFs are hell and it's the kind of thing that I fill with annotations.
Each vol costs $300 USD and it's $1000 dollars for the set. I could probably get a plane ticket to Suriname for that price. I really like the work and I could justify buying one volume at a time and it would really help me as a scientist. Then again it's not like I get paid to research Peirce or anything, I'm not even an academic or a college grad. I have alot of good ideas that are Peirce influenced and I am torn between either commiting myself to doing that and life science or commiting myself to cynically making a ton of money so I can buy land and save my home and potentially fund all my own research. I think it's a gamble either way but I need to choose to go all out one way or the other. I'm very intellectually inclined and know alot for how old I am, I have all kinds of questions I want to answer but I'm so disgusted by acedemia. I think I might have a better chance being a capitalist. Which wouldn't be hard as I'm posed to take over a small business in an area flush 'devolpment' and fluid capital.
As a kid all I wanted to do was explore the world researching bugs and fish and the way all the living things play together, but things aren't so simple now even though that's still all I really want to do. I'm 22 and I feel like I've fell far behind my ambitions.

>> No.11513153

Being homeless has been awful. I hate relying on my friends for the break between my apartments, and not having a place where I can be alone is driving me absolutely nuts.

>> No.11513198 [DELETED] 

every day i plot my escape from the city, my goal is to just move to some dinky 50k max college town in the middle of fucking nowhere and just either do remote work, or just work retail or something, i mean the cost of living is so fucking low in those places, the one chick that i sort of didnt want to leave because of pulled some bullshit (her usual) but this im im like yeah im fuckin over it, also sick of freezing every god damn winder, and getting rained on, recommend me a college town or other artsy fartsy kind of burg that has a bookstore and venue were small time indie fags play, where i can just cop a dinky apartment or maybe a small house

>> No.11513213

So sugar shall suicude
Diabetes does do demise
This time timely too
Bye boys begoing

>> No.11513218

yo will mother fucking shittorrent stop fucking crashing jesus christ i need this fucking pdf its only 70 megs (libgen only has some gay "draft" edition that i swear publishers float on purpose to screw with pirates)

>> No.11513283

drank "protein coffee" for breakfast now ima be holdin farts all day at work

>> No.11513313

Bazinga for Harambe

>> No.11513548

I think you should deepthroat her on a daily basis to make her throw up.

>> No.11513567

Awesome blog, man.
Upvoted, liked & subscribed.

>> No.11513573

Am I the only one who want porn with these dolled up women and finely groomed men in Lexuses?

>> No.11513592

the game penetrating the society of pickup artists

>> No.11513595


But Hitlerto is.

>> No.11513601

You're lucky, for me it's the other way around. When I have a paper to write or learn for a test, I stop reading or doing anythink productive and instead just waste my time on the computer.

>> No.11513604

you don't have access to a bathtub?

>> No.11513637

Im afraid to actually read Kierkegaard because I might be converted to christianity

>> No.11513654

just print the fucking pdf and go to surinam, faggot

>> No.11513815
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>mfw someone actually deleted the recent thread "god and creation" after i posted a triumphant comment interrupting the neetzschian circlejerk and someone said i should consider leaving this board because it made HIM want to leave this board

Quite weak and ill-constituted.

>> No.11513855

Well, if you do, at least it's the good kind.

>> No.11513905

That unironically sounds comfy. If you ever get it done ,send a link to my myspace.

>> No.11513933

im already an unhappy man
check and mate

>> No.11513935

Homemade burgers are amazing.

>> No.11513938

seriouslt though what the fuck are we going to do when africa becomes more uninhabitable and the migrant crisis gets worse because lets just admit it this time we fucked up and its only going to get worse

>> No.11513945

We're going to reverse climate change and then we're going to invest in Africa in order to make it not a shithole. They'll have no good reason to leave.

And if they STILL want to leave, public opinion will be so overwhelmingly anti-migrant that keeping them out will be easy.

>> No.11513949

my gf is fat, I am not fat, this is annoying.

>> No.11513953

Like, keeping parts of the world from becoming uninhabitable, my dude

jk, let's build bigger shopping malls instead. If I can't buy a new LCD screen every two years this country's a shithole and it's the bankers fault.

>> No.11513954

Tell me a fat person story about her. I love fat people stories.

>> No.11513959

I'm drunk so the pertinence of my thoughts varies.

>> No.11513968

Tell me about it, fat girls are extra needy for some reason. Fuck I wish sex wasn't sych a motivatinh factor in my decisions involving girls.

>> No.11513970

Break up with her, idiot. You're your own worst enemy.

>> No.11514073 [DELETED] 

See, I don't get it. Here you show that you can speak like a normal person, why did you have to go and be a faggot?

>> No.11514100 [DELETED] 

The more I read people's thoughts on this site, the more convinced I become that unloading a gun into a crowd is the perfected moral act.

>> No.11514200
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>In The Aeneid, Aeneas and Dido's lovey-dovey romance reaches its highpoint and subsequent consummation after they take refuge from a sudden rain in a cave

Just like anime. I bet Dido was wearing white too

>> No.11514504

just how fat is she

>> No.11514761
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this tbqhwyf

>> No.11515239

I wish I were deaf sometimes

>> No.11515247

jews maybe really did ruin everything with capitalism, but i still hate most all leftists

>> No.11515268

The room is humid and I am half naked. I have to sleep in the guest room because our temporary cat "Alice" likes to rub against my face and arms while I lay in bed. If I try to read she steps on the pages with a sort of nonchalant triumph. I am likely just projecting the triumphant aspect though, I'm sure she plainly doesn't care. I did read once that all cats are royalty by nature. Mani, the cat from The Knight said that. I'd never seen a more cat-like cat in anything before; Wolfe really captures the feline essence.

My skin is getting sticky and I'm thinking about masturbating even though I just had sex. I prefer masturbating and I think that is common with men and probably women too. Or maybe that's also a projection.

>> No.11515285
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Serious answers pls :’(

>> No.11515297

With fear of sounding ironic, I have a slight complaint. I am perturbed slightly that to trust someone in the intimate experience of watching together a film that should personally mean something to us, only to have her not even remotely giving a fuck and using it as a pretext for hooking up. I hate the modern disconnect form artistic virtues, how we are reaching Huxley-esque era of biological necessities of a deeper, more meaningful experience of being and it makes me want to bomb someone (hypothetically). Christ please allow me to forget the time a girlfriend managed to coax me into discussing poetry with her as a means to send me her inhumane filth. After begging and begging from her I finally send her my “favorite” poem (in reality it was just one I remembered well, from lunch poems by o’hara) to which she quickly told me she didn’t get it and described to me how it could have been better. She revealed the entire conversations true purpose was, in reality, to send me her thrown-up-alphabet-soup poem titled “goodbye” in which she just kept writing teenage girl shit like “goodbye to the ones who weren’t there for me, goodbye to the ones who abandoned me” over and fucking over like jesus Christ if you don’t apologize for making me read that then goodbye to your fucking life holy shit. In reality, I managed to reply “wow that’s really good” because I wanted to fuck her more than the amount I hated her at that moment. She replied with some emoji so I opted to go to bed. That night I dreamed of being a Ugandan blood diamond warlord, and i can no longer speak to a woman without remembering the fear in the eyes of the children slave soldiers in that dream

>> No.11515299

>With fear of sounding ironic, I have a slight complaint. I am perturbed slightly that to trust someone in the intimate experience of watching together a film that should personally mean something to us, only to have her not even remotely giving a fuck and using it as a pretext for hooking up. I hate the modern disconnect form artistic virtues, how we are reaching Huxley-esque era of biological necessities of a deeper, more meaningful experience of being and it makes me want to bomb someone (hypothetically)

post was based right up to the parenthetical, at which point i stopped reading

>> No.11515302

Some native american tribes clearly controlled the land. I believe the Great Plains only came about because of controlled burning on the humans' part that, well, obviously went out of control.

Not to say that they have done the same or worse damage than industrial society has on the planet, just that this whole myth about hunter gatherers being protectors and guardians of nature doesn't hold any merit when we talk about any tribes or societies with sizeable populations

>We do the same thing with humans and the quality of people as a whole drops every single day.

i don't really believe that the quality of life of the average person has lowered, but I absolutely do believe that the 20th and 21st century has hit some absolutely stellar highs as well as some truly abominable lows. we have discovered penicillin and space travel, but have also brought forth the holocaust and the yugoslavian genocide rape war.

>> No.11515305

how non-white are you, coposter?

>> No.11515345

ill remove it when i publish my diary

>> No.11515347

based and /lit/pilled

>> No.11515357


>> No.11515361

Depression at the fact that as of right now I am the most vapid that I have ever been. My intelligence is so low that I can't maintain a good conversation anymore. I wasted a good portion of my life trying to make others happy. I am not happy still despite leaving that situation. I wish I knew a way to increase my conversational skills.

>> No.11515408
File: 101 KB, 1280x720, sfds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get home every day
>check /lit/
>open several threads that look interesting
>find some interesting recommendations I never would have heard of in a thousand years anywhere else
>talk to some crazy schizos who actually care about philosophy, in a way you almost never find at a university
>use my own meagre knowledge to help someone out with a recommendation or advice
>openly admit heterodox political views and sometimes act like a retard
>no one minds or tries to socially shame me
>even make someone laugh once in a while
>thank god that /lit/ exists
>do it all again the next day

>> No.11515468

reminds me of how someone tried to romanticize /fit/ the other day
>isolated young men from across the globe
>gather on an online forum to discuss body building and philosophy
>roam the streets at night to find a gym, a holy temple of sorts
>do it all over again the next day

in reality everyone on this website is just autistic

>> No.11515474
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>> No.11515480

Cats literally control you through toxoplasmosis. That's why you prefer to sleep in another room rather than your own instead of just keeping the cat outside of it. I mean, what the fuck, it's a cat, it doesn't have any of the traits you are projecting on it. It can't 'not care' either it's just a fucking cat.
I don't have anything against cat to be honest but I don't have anything for them either.
About the masturbating issue. For me, it's like taking a shit or eating. It's just another physical need to be quenched. I don't really do it for pleasure. I don't know if this is considered normal.

>> No.11515659

>and the two get together.

a tragic ending would be more suitable

>> No.11515673

>and MAKE yourself heard
I have nothing worthwhile to say. What does this even have to do with my friends calling me ugly behind my back? You've been reading too much BAP

>> No.11515753

I face a choice between continuing my ontological disintegration or suicide. What do all of you think I should do?

>> No.11515955

I think ivemade a horrible life mistake. I’m meant to be with another woman. I know it deep in my soul we were meant to be and yet I’ve spent the last 3 years with another woman while thinking about her daily. I remember the moment I met her. And I thought then that she would be my gf one day and now it’s 7 years later and I want to kms.

Is there anyway to ignore the pangs of my heart? I can’t believe I still think about her it makes me want to erase my life for fucking it all up

>> No.11515976

Similar situation.... Except with kids...

Let me tell you. FUCKING RUN. I only stuck with mine because of the kids which has made it worth it. Without them ida flushed the bitch for sure.

And thats a bullshit drug shes taking btw. She will quit when she wants to not because of any stupid pill.

I can already tell you your arguments "are you drinking today?"
"How dare you think that you know im taking x y z med."

You need to learn the reaction to this pleading;
"Fuck you bitch you are drunk!"

>> No.11515981

there’s no such thing as a phenomenal self and there’s no such thing as rights or punishments or any kind of agential power in genetic outcomes. You are the result of 14 billion years of stupidity. There is nothing but evolutionarily programmed reactions to stimuli that you are displaying in this post. Every aspect of your personality and taste, incl the weird neotenized display of emotion here, is programmed, there is no power behind any of it. Im sorry man.

>> No.11515993

If your friends call you ugly behind your back then its time to make some new friends. Not only because doing what they did is a crappy thing to do, but because people that care about what their "friends" look like aren't people you want to associate with anyway.

>> No.11516066
File: 12 KB, 480x360, theseBoysAreSharks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I met these dudes that were total sharks. Banged everyone's bitch. Talked smooth. Dressed in their burnt burgundy (I'm too lazy to look in my phone for the vocab words from Kevin Kwan's China Rich Girlfriend) dress attire torso pieces. It's always 'They're sharks!'. Then they're dancing in this shit from my past and swimming in this pool, sometimes running on the patiio around it. It's pretty funny at times. And way too obscure during the other moments.

>> No.11516070

I can't stop watching her belt, it's so fucking huge.

>> No.11516148

I think if my life ever starts becoming so unbelievably shitty and I am just as unhappy as I can be with no end in sight, I'm gonna move to the midwest and try and just live a quiet life working some blue color menial job. I know how to weld so I feel like I'll be able to find work anywhere, but working on a farm sounds nice too
I also really wanna hike around South East Asia too, maybe I'd save up and just get a plane ticket there with no return ticket

>> No.11516172

famous last words lololol

>> No.11516176
File: 1.43 MB, 1280x692, Thief 01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feels good to know I've finally outgrown you

>> No.11516494

that's unfortunate
you missed this:
>i can no longer speak to a woman without remembering the fear in the eyes of the children slave soldiers in that dream

>> No.11516504

you'll never get this other woman, anon
and you'll lose the other one as well
you need someone new

>> No.11516508

A voice calls out through the dust-choked air.
"Boy, you aint nothin but a hog in heat in the summer street."
He stops in his tracks a moment and turns his head. A pig squeals in the distance. His shoes hit the red dirt once again, faster now. He had given himself up for this life of the snout long ago.

>> No.11516515

>South East Asia
do it

>> No.11516531

Dear FBI,
My life sucks, since my last gf (which was raped and had daddy issues) my dick went limp and i don't give a fuck about fucking anymore. Just want to live a lonely life in a corner of society doing something that i can at least do for the next 60 years. The only problem is that, since i don't fuck i go a lot to the gym, practice bjj three times a week and have a healthy diet, and by consquence i must be attractive since there are a lot of bitches trying to start a conversation with me (all crazy, with crazy families) and my friends, people who started their relationships at 15 years old, are judging me as a weird guy while they see me pass the chance of shagging bitches wildly. I guess my problem is that my dream was to marry with a perfect girl, live in a perfect family (with my parents being healthy and happy beings) and had a job that made sense. Instead my father is an alcoholic, my mother is bipolar that refuses to treat her disease and I am a creepy little turd that thought that life was easier.

>> No.11516597

12 rules of life by Jordan Peterson

>> No.11516682

YOu fucked the cat?

>> No.11516747

They've been friends with me for ages even though I'm ugly I don't think they care

>> No.11516809

all along have I been not interesting
only fluffed by the noise I make
did it all make sense when silence was all I said?
or was it when I took a step back from the circle and saw the bigger picture on how things worked?
do i deserve them?
do they deserve me?

the love a man deserves is weighed always by his worth

>> No.11516977

thanks anon, that'll be the last time i literally do stop reading a good post

>> No.11517075

as long has it has them being raped by the plebs, I'm on board

>> No.11517209

Normal desu

>> No.11517247

I do the same thing but instead I find random foreign women, talk to them until they like me, get them to record themselves reading my work and then jerk off to the recording

>> No.11517502

I've consumed nearly 600mg of caffeine in about 4 hours thinking it would jolt me into a productive reverie (I guess I thought, given enough of it, it would act like adderall or something). It has not. How much more before cardiac arrest becomes a distinct possibility?

>> No.11517604

yo that's my major and I have no regrets, just be ready to do some language study on your own time if you want to get really proficient

>> No.11517606

a lot, like some amount measured in grams.
but stop taking caffeine anyway dumbass.

also a adenosine receptor antagonist like caffeine is really nothing like a monoamine reputake inhibitor / releasing agent like amphetamine.

it's like saying benzo or opiates or alcohol are the same since they're all depressants. (ok fine, alcohol is a weird one but you get my meaning)

sorry to say there's no real OTC substitute for Amphetamine (or closely related ones like Methylphenidate)

Closest, maybe, is Adrafinil -- but it's too new by comparison.

>> No.11517943

How come Jane Austen is so exceedingly popular when her english is quite hard to chew on? How could all these millions of plebs read and enjoy her novels?

>> No.11517947

>600mg of caffeine
You mean 600mg of coffee. 600mg of caffeine will kill you ten times over.

>> No.11517975


Well, there are a few mammals you could kill 10 of with 600 mg of caffeine. They don't post on 4chan.


Try theanine, or other nootropics or stimulants.

>> No.11518178

>reading holy texts on drugs
You are riding the tiger harder than ebola-chan ever did, senpai.

>> No.11518191

i'm ok with this
part 2 will be rich fuckers coming back for revenge tho

>> No.11518214

>I find random foreign women, talk to them until they like me, get them to record themselves reading my work and then jerk off to the recording
nice fetish anon
same here mostly except I'm a musician

>> No.11518288

So, recently, I've thought about creating a folder with pictures of aesthetically pleased women. All clean, no NSWF. We're all cultured people in here, right my dear Anon?

Now, let's be completely honest, there is very little to like about man's physique. The only thing one can make reference to is practical use of the body, and since we only wear clothes in public (remember, we're all cultured around here), athletic physique may not be fully visible. Hence, it has mostly the psychological purpose for the one who has such physique, and indeed is worth pursuing for personal reasons.

The female body, however, is essentially for display. Well, at least females like to display it. The features of a female body are much more fitting for aesthetic purposes, and every cultured Anon should therefore collect large amounts of photographic materials.

>> No.11518290

I take these gas station CBD capsules that also have GABA, passionflower, skullcaps, magnolia bark and whatnot. I find CBD really helps the over stimulation, so does passionflower and skullcap which I regularly gather in the woods and in my backyard. Those "hemp bomb" cbd pills make amphetamine and methleRitilan feel really rolly, alot like molly without the 5hta serotonin trippy action. Highly recommend, take the entire packet or even two.

>> No.11518692
File: 16 KB, 336x280, 50996337.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11518719

wish i knew what to do with my life t.b.h. Can't pick a college major everything feels useless and I'm not smart enough for anything that is. This shit is really making me depressed

>> No.11518724
File: 10 KB, 857x131, 1501792238883.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you not let your creative writing interfere with your academic writing? I just can't seem to switch between the two styles in a short period of time, am I autistic?

>> No.11518847
File: 74 KB, 386x661, wageslave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't deal with being a wagie. I want to go back to that comfy neetdom.

>> No.11519050

Remove the ability to namefag already.

>> No.11519150

I think I'll have a wank but my fleshlight is smelly and I don't want to clean it. Maybe the old cum in there will work as a lubricant.

>> No.11519165

You guys should start a movement like those 2016 clowns but where you run up to beautiful women in public and get down on one knee and offer them your used sex toys

>> No.11519205

They wouldn't let me get close to them, I really mean it when I say it's smelly.

>> No.11519225

My (non biological) brother just died. My heavenly twin (a la Remus Romulus, Callus Pollux, Gilgamesh Enkidu, Cain Able). My best friend. My mortal enemy.
He died emaciated, with missing teeth, and on heroin.

>> No.11519248

Christ anon, I'm sorry for your loss.

>> No.11519282

Why do I want to copulate with my older sister?

>> No.11519286

RIP, have the comfort that his death was painless if it was an OD

>> No.11519287

Why do communists?

>> No.11519521

I want to find value in things again. What's the point of reading timeless books or films that can teach you something if you'll never have the capacity to take these lessons and apply what you've learnt to the real world. What's the difference between Dostoyevsky and Harry Potter to an idiot. Its all entertainment.

If I can't learn and contribute to the world what's the point in learning. I feel guilty for not being smart enough to develop something that will help the world.

>> No.11519554

Why do you want to help the world? Why is that meaningful or valuable?

>> No.11519790

What else is there to do?

>> No.11519803

I got a job and my friends are assholes

>> No.11519942

You know how every generation makes its own genre or variation of previous genres?
The current generation's musical development is trap. You can't deny it. It's the only new genre that has popped up. Everything else is a revival of old genres (see stoner rock, shoegaze, various pop subgenres).
It's our duty to be acquainted with the only original movement of our generation. Even if you don't like it you can't detach yourself from it. This is why I've been listening to it recently and it's actually not as bad as you'd think.
Chads who only listen to this stuff are not uncultured if you yourself don't listen to it. You are just as uncultured as him if you don't know the current popular genre. Everyone knows this and in their own time they knew and followed the scene of their generation's original musical development.


These are the songs I've had on repeat for the past few days. If you have some recs, throw them at me.

>> No.11520027

>The female body, however, is essentially for display
the female body built for a much more important function than the male
>wide hips for birthing
>organ that self cleans once a month, let's you know if you're pregnant
>well placed fat storage areas means they can go longer without food
>lack of high testosterone levels means more long-term thinking about the ideal partner to help raise your kid
but i also want to fuck men so

>> No.11520186

really wish my parents forced me to go to college like every other millennial fuck fuck fuck

>> No.11520200

You can still go.

>> No.11520454

I just spent a few days at a friends house and I'm extremely attracted to his sister (only a 3 year age gap no pedo). I'm the dominant/masculine kind of friend so she's all impressed even though I'm actually an autist with girls, feels weird.

>> No.11520462

What are some examples? I'm interested

>> No.11520495

I can be so immersed in the nice things around me - art, religion, friends - going on the internet and seeing the world's tragedies is like waking up from a dream. I allow myself to be too absorbed by these pleasures I think. I believe that there's an obligation to face and contemplate the horrible.

>> No.11520536

I want to fall asleep I don't like this restlessness. Having energy is annoying I like the feeling of being tired. I'd like to be a lump of grey feathers glued to a sofa. I regret killing ants but I do feel like God when I do. When I blow them off of my arm I imagine its like a gale through the mountains to them. I think that's a silly way to feel powerful and pathetic as well but I don't really do it for that reason; I don't like their putter tickling me. I want to sleep right now but I may have to jerk off first.

>> No.11520545

It's amazing how people can be so different. I'm your exact opposite. I have no energy naturally, all I want is energy to fend off the torpor that I know is coming if I don't take stims. The same one I dealt with for the first 18 years of my life.

>> No.11520817

Valkyries is probably more appropriate

>> No.11520825
File: 295 KB, 1259x1600, resurrection-icon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look, an hour is coming and has already come when you will be scattered, each to his own home, and you will leave Me all alone. Yet I am not alone, because the Father is with Me. I have told you these things so that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take courage; I have overcome the world!

>> No.11521127

>want to buy degenerate weebshit games
>dont want people in my house to see me playing them
>go to bed really early so cant just play at night

mild reee

>> No.11521163

Im here lying naked next to a nude woman. We had sex three times and she's asleep. I can't wait for her to take an uber and leave me alone to wank.

>> No.11521186

Have you tried Slaughter House 5 by K. Vonnegut? >>11509261

>> No.11521220

I accidentally knocked my laptop off the couch, and it bent the 3.5mm jack off of my pair of headphones, so that the plug is still stuck in the former, while the latter is currently useless. Perhaps I'll call an electronics shop and ask if they could replace it, since I can't solder. I had no one else to tell, but this just about ruined my night and I felt like telling someone.

>> No.11521227

I've been taking massive shits lately and it feels really good. I'm not gay though

>> No.11521306

I don't think you're as far from happiness as you think

>> No.11521964
File: 63 KB, 500x413, 41a59492545d01b505e2e0b607a85fe1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Start reading Man and his Symbols
>Decide to make a dream diary
>Wake up today, in the middle of the night, the dream still fresh on my mind
>Write down all those symbols and go back to sleep, I can barely wait to analyse that shit when I wake up
>Wake up
>Just a bunch of faint markings on the paper, can't read shit
There is alaways the next night, amirite?

>> No.11522170

Everyone in this town is so fucking liberal. I’m scared to tell anyone I’m conservative, let alone discuss politics.

>> No.11522780

Fucking Plato is going over my head. IQ ain’t shit folks.

>> No.11523913

Holy shit humans exist?! Is that shopped OP?!

>> No.11524025

No I haven’t—will it help me?

>> No.11524123

I managed to do something so apparently medically disgusting I sent a MD out of the room, gagging, today.

>> No.11524126

I want to know what this was.

>> No.11524287

Is there any real individuality in capitalist and consumerist culture

>> No.11524342

no it wouldn't, idiot. there are lots of preworkouts with more than that in it.

>> No.11524349

ODing is very unpleasant actually

>> No.11524355

tell pls

>> No.11524359

One of my nice dress shirts accidentally got caught up in my regular laundry instead of in the pile of things I send to the dry cleaners. Now I'm annoyed because I'm worried that it shrunk in the wash.

>> No.11524362
File: 14 KB, 924x235, vdsvsv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck ?

>> No.11524390

I used to be more tolerant of the pol crossposters because I'm kind of sympathetic to their politics and find it amusing when they piss off lefties, who I am glad no longer infest this board like they did in 2012. But it's apparent that these pol retards are exactly that, retards, clowns, buffoons, good for a cheap laugh here and there, but illiterate apes who are too dumb and lazy to read about their own politics much less discuss them at a level beyond what they learned in their American high school english classes

They are like a blunt weapon, what Stalin deemed "useful idiots," except not particularly useful

>> No.11524462

Jane Austen died a virgin.

>> No.11524472
File: 13 KB, 378x135, gr friends.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Truly /our girl/

>> No.11524494
File: 25 KB, 480x360, hqdefault (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't go back to normal society. Everyone thinks your weird. LOL they don't actually noone thinks about you. You don't register in their thoughts. Why would they? Why would anyone care about someone who threw a shitty tantrum and "dropped out of society" to prove a point. Well the point is proven noone cares.

Now you're stuck having to justify your life choices. The luxary of chosing what clothes you get to wear is running thin. If you cant do anything meaningful with this abundance of time that you are going to die a pointless meaningless existence. You will have to live with the fact that nothing you have done will matter and you will die like George Bell alone, fat and miserable with diabeetus.

Its been 3 days. You haven't talked to anyone. You know that this is abnormal. You know that friend you are seeing in two weeks? She is going to think you are fucking weird because you forgot normal conversational hygiene. Stop chasing windmills, go back to work. There is no crusade here. You lost most of your money investing and your shitty business idea isn't going anywhere. Its been 5 months there is no glamor in this. Be a good little sycophant go suck up to a boss somewhere raise a mediocre family, have shit conversation, talk to people you find annoying, hate yourself for not enjoying things. You don't get rich. You are doomed to middle class monotony forever.
That dream you have of buying a bar in a third country is bullshit. You don't have the balls to do it and you'd probably fuck it up. Do you really think you can just sit and write and drink all day? thats not how it works. You would be miserable and sick most of the time.

You're not funny. Noone reads your blog. Your writing style is obonxious. And here you are. Its mid day. You should be working on your business or being creative. But instead your shitposting your one shot away. On fucking 4chan.


>> No.11524505

Wtf was wrong with the law general?

>> No.11524607

im committed not addicted but it keep controlling me

>> No.11524613


hey anon i'm not qualified to judge poetry but i'd say that wasn't half bad!

>> No.11524619

Once we reach limitless transhumanism, what will prevent us from just making unconscious subhuman labor slaves? What will stop us from creating new generations to be incomprehensibly more intelligent then ourselves? What will stop us eliminating pain and sorrowful emotions from our minds? Why would we not just forge our minds into machines for infinite pleasure?

>> No.11524624

irrelevant questions

>> No.11524630

Irrelevant to what? Transhumanism? Okay, then just take the questions on their own and suppose they arise whenever they become possible. Nitwit.

>> No.11524641

A massive torus-shaped black hole surrounding our solar system would create a local gravitation pull the magnitude of which would be indistinguishable from an ever-expanding universe.

>> No.11524644

>Once we reach limitless transhumanism
Your preamble is wrong, thus every question that arises from the assumption that "we" will inevitably reach "limitless transhumanism" is just a waste of time. Unless of course, you have a fetish for sci-fi.

>> No.11524646

which of his works are you reading?

>> No.11524656

That doesn't change anything about the questions themselves. And your proclamation that what I said is wrong is itself an assumption. You're the one wasting time.

>> No.11524666

The air conditioner was running but it was still hot, and I wanted to touch her but she kept shooing me away. My feet were sweaty. She kept going. She would sob and sob and sob while I stared at the ground; tracing over grain in the wood I'd think about nothing. Every once in a while i'd see her pale, genteel hand reach out for another tissue -- I wondered why my dad had left at such a young age. The question kept repeating over. Why would he wait until I could remember his face?
More questions came about, eventually. Meredith buried her face in a pillow.

I wonder if he foresaw it all. Maybe he was repulsed. Maybe mom got to be a drag with her problems. Either way I was borne: a crooked sapling arching out of a mudball. And here I sit now, on a tender sofa: nesting to my sickly little sweetbay.

Meredith. The girl who cries watching Forrest Gump.

>> No.11524677

>I wondered why my dad had left at such a young age

>> No.11524680

I really want to fuck my step aunt. We've had moments before, but now she has this idiot fuckhead shes fucking. I wish she would dump him and get all lonely so I could inseminate her pussy. She's a sexy thick milf who loves sex.

>> No.11524682

Cringe harder baby

>> No.11524693

How the fuck do I reconcile with the knowledge that one's power is founded on the other's weakness, that one's prosperity is founded on the other's exploitation, and that one's greatness is founded on the other's inferiority?

>> No.11524707

Is an autistic place for autistic people, but with the new meaning of autistic, that of liking something

>> No.11524714

>And your proclamation that what I said is wrong is itself an assumption
Seriously? That sounds like a child's response: "no ur the one who is assuming".
I'll break it down to make it more explicit:
>Once we reach limitless transhumanism
Implies that there will come a time were we will INEVITABLY reach transhumanism. How is that NOT and assumption?
Who is we? If we, for the sake of this argument, accept that transhumanism is the obvious conclusion of humanity, it will not come when you are alive. It's stupid to say that you are included if you are actually not included.
>limitless transhumanism
Now this is just plain science fiction. Clearley not an assumption, right? (that was sarcasm *wink* *wink*)

All the questions you make are irrelevant to our current condition which is what we should be paying attention to. You are just wasting time day dreaming about one of the infinite possible futures, and fixing yourself to it. You are no different than the schizo apocalypse cults' average member.

>> No.11524715

It's a strange feeling to discover a lost love for learning after all these years. It's funny to think that 2 years ago I was on my way to competing nationally and now I'm here. I wouldn't have it any other way.

>> No.11524724

competing what?

>> No.11524742


>> No.11524745

How autistic can you be? It's literally just a couple hypothetical questions. Is there really any reason for you to be so upset about it, let alone readon to even respond if it's so 'irrelevant' as you say?

>> No.11524748

I read Zizek's In Defence of Lost Causes in the Japanese translation. I say 'read' but I don't understand Japanese so it was more a case of tracing the pictorial lines with my eyes. I thought to my self, whilst doing this rather laborious reading, my God I am learning nothing even though I am expending the same amount of energy and concentration as someone who could understand the text. Here I could claim, had I understood the text, is the classic Lacanian mistake. However I didn't so I can't.

>> No.11524756

Oh, you don't like discussions? Sorry, I thought one would post in these threads to put to test one's thoughts and arrive at better conclusions through discussion with other anons.
By the way, you asked me to expand on why I said they were irrelevant. My first post was pretty simple.

>> No.11524758

classic conroy

>> No.11524794

You aren't discussing anything but semantics. You're just dismissing my questions on a basis which you yourself constructed because you don't want to answer questions that are hypothetical and not grounded in reality (according to your perspective). My questions are somehow irrelevant to something (which you did not actually explain) because they were founded on my own assumption, and so you argued about this assumption which offended you for whatever reason rather than answer or simply ignore the hypothetical questions themselves.

>> No.11524807

My mom's back in town no thanks to anything I said to her. The guilting and prying and constant complaining has begun again. I get it, and I feel bad for her seeing as how she takes care of my grandfather who shits his pants all the time. But shit man, it's the worst kind of interruption from the peace I've been finding around.

>> No.11524844

>You're just dismissing my questions on a basis which you yourself constructed
You are asking the questions on a basis which you yourself constructed. That was literally my whole argument about why the questions are irrelevant.

>My questions are somehow irrelevant to something (which you did not actually explain)
This makes me feel like you didn't actually read or understand my posts. Refer to >>11524714
>All the questions you make are irrelevant to our current condition which is what we should be paying attention to

>which offended you
What the fuck, why would you think I was offended? Stop projecting dude.

>> No.11524850

I am going to create an alt-alt-right posthumanist draconic nation state alternative to Malatora while simultaneously building on and refuting Moldbug, Rothbard

>> No.11524873

>All the questions you make are irrelevant to our current condition which is what we should be paying attention to
Yeah I did read that and you're retarded for thinking that. Not every question posed has to be entirely relevant to what occurs now. I guess I implied my question was relevant because I said 'once' instead of 'if'? If that's really the only reason you bothered to respond then please fuck off. I'm not here to argue over the basis upon which the questions are founded.

>> No.11524920

>Yeah I did read that and you're retarded for thinking that
Wow, name calling now! Nice turn of events anon! really strong argument!! You can see me as a pragmatist for the sake of simplyifing my views. Surely, you have strong arguments agains pragmatism applied to this particular topic we are discussing right now.

>I guess I implied my question was relevant because I said 'once' instead of 'if'
Yeah, we could say that. Hypothesizing is still a waste of time though, unless the situations are close enough to reality. In this case, they are not.

Why even bother to post if you are not willing to involve yourself in a discussion about what you posted? You are getting way too defensive and butthurt about this.

>> No.11524969

everything makes me uncomfortable after a while

>> No.11524983

Cry me a river. Having to read your foul posts is much more of a needless insult.

But yeah what you're arguing about is what's irrelevant. Like responding to the questions posed by the concept of the pleasure machine by debating the possibility of such a thing being able to exist. Why do you even hate hypothetical questions so much? Did one kill your parents or something?
Your assertion that my hypothesizing is a waste of time is really meaningless since the questions were obviously about the ethical and moral concerns that could arise from such a scenario which easily relate back to our own beliefs in ethics and morality both today and across history. Also why do you say I'm not willing to involve myself in discussion when I'm still responding to your (inane) posts?

>> No.11525004

I'm feeling so down

>> No.11525021

>Your assertion that my hypothesizing is a waste of time is really meaningless since the questions were obviously about the ethical and moral concerns that could arise from such a scenario which easily relate back to our own beliefs in ethics and morality both today and across history
So it's not a waste of time to discuss the ethical and moral implications of the possibility that we were elephants instead of humans? If you want to make a political statement using absurdity as your mean, then I can agree with you.

>Also why do you say I'm not willing to involve myself in discussion when I'm still responding to your (inane) posts?
Because you are constantly saying you don't want to keep repĺying. You are obviously replying only to have the last word on this and get the impression that you "won" or something.
I mean, if you have to resort to name calling to continue you arguments then I truly don't know what to think of you. Reading back I notice that you started name calling since your first reply, with an obvious butthurt tone. But enough of the personal talk. I guess it was my fault for not seeing through that.

I'm tired. Hope you get a sense of the real world and learn some common sense and courtesy.

>> No.11525039

>You are obviously replying only to have the last word on this and get the impression that you "won" or something.
How can you possibly lack this much self-awareness

>> No.11525046

sue me

>> No.11525123

I went in to get a physical last summer. The nurse asked me questions about drug use. Drinking. I proudly say that I don't do drugs, and I'm not lying when I do. She asks about my drinking. I tell her that two times a week I will drink around six beers, while doing research, or studying. To pass time. In reality I drink eight beers, because the quantity is 4 ounces above the standard quantity, per each. so each drink is actually 1.3333 (etc) drinks. 16 per week. I don't explain this. She tells me that the quantity of alcohol consumption to be at risk for dependency is 15+. She asks me about whether I have suicidal thoughts. I tell her I don't. Although I made a promise after breaking up with my last girlfriend that I was going to kill myself if I didn't have sex within two years.

I haven't had sex in two years, even though my best friend's wife tried to get me to fuck her a week and a half ago. I didn't, and she had a nervous breakdown three days later and is now in an institution. The staff have her on a lazy-river of pharmaceuticals, trying to see which one will prop her up enough to live functionally. I didn't seek this out. I know my best friend blames me. He told her that I am a good listener and she must have been having a hard time. She mistook a very wane attempt at trying to be human as a genuine soulfulness that I fundamentally lack. The idea that I have consistent traits or characteristics seems like a contrivance because living seems unnatural. Whatever my personality is, is beyond me. She initiated the physical things and I kissed her on the neck and face but not the mouth and I can't stop wondering whether the reason I didn't fuck her was either because of the noises that she made, or because I was scared, or if I felt genuine guilt. There have been three other women who I could have slept with easily in the last two years, but I rarely feel attraction to other people other than on a purely aesthetic level. Abstracted from the reality of biology. I don't know if my libido is gone forever or if I have ED or what exactly happened. I technically had sex with one of those three women but felt nothing with a condom on. I don't know if it was too tight or improperly lubricated. I no longer wake up with erections. I smoke a lot of cigarettes. I binge drink. I don't sleep well.

The nurse asks me if I am depressed.
I pause.

>> No.11525131

>Although I made a promise after breaking up with my last girlfriend that I was going to kill myself if I didn't have sex within two years
who would make that promise wtf, just go to a whore or something

>> No.11525152

I've been struggling to edit for 8 months and have made no progress

I finally gave up and decided it's time to get professional help. Now I'm learning editors will reject your manuscript if it isn't edited

in other words, I'm fucked, my work was wasted and I'm seriously considering deleting the entire 88,000 word file and then killing myself

>> No.11525171

wake me up in 5 hours from now
i made the calculations and this will give me a +01:11 advantage if i keep the same pace
wish me luck, big big day tomorrow can't fail

>> No.11525306
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I work up the courage to break up with her on Monday. I spend the next three days feeling sad and angry yet also relieved. Tonight I go out to my campus bar with some friends. I sit down in the booth. Immediately my phone vibrates with a text. I ignore it. Two minutes later my phone vibrates with a call. Its her. I move to the patio of the bar where its quieter. I answer the phone. She was sitting outside and saw me walk in. She asks me to come out and talk. I do. We speak for an hour. I can feel my sadness and anger receding, slowly being replaced by familar happiness. Throughout the conversation we begin to touch, subtly at first; a knee against a knee, and then more blantantly as the time goes on; a hand on a thigh. I say I should get back to my friends. We stand up and hug. We pull apart. We kiss on the lips. I get an erection. She giggles and walks away. I go back into the bar. Im distracted for the rest of the night. My phone vibrates again. Its her. She wants to see me this weekend. Deliberate for a long time. Tell her to come over on Saturday. Curse myself for being so weak.

>> No.11525328
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>go home drunk afterwards
>write a greentext story without greentexting it

>> No.11525407


>> No.11525862

how do you talk about literature/philosophy without sounding pretentious? asking for a friend