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/lit/ - Literature

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11505261 No.11505261 [Reply] [Original]

>claims she loves to read
>only reads fiction

>> No.11505270

>book is not worn out

>> No.11505282

>Reads fiction at all
Sign of the pseud 100%

>> No.11505316

>date a girl who's pretty educated
>huge into theatre, as am I
>I'm reading Les Miserables
>"Oh I love that!"
>"I never knew you read this before"
>"You don't need to read it to understand Les Mis"

>> No.11505319
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>her favorite authors are JK Rowling,Rupi Kaur & Elizabeth Gilbert

>> No.11505382
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>tfw Stephen King is her "favorite author"

>> No.11505405

>she reads at all
uppity bitch

>> No.11505419
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>he associates with females
this is NOT the board for you

>> No.11505424

>he reads 4chan more than he reads books

>> No.11505426

>reads self-help books
>reads pop philosophy or pop psychology
>reads new age shit
>reads airport fiction
>reads anything written by a Hollywood celeb
>majority she reads is genre fiction
>only reads from "woke" authors
>uses books as decoration instead of reading them
>Her reading list is NYT best sellers or Oprah's Book of the Month Club

>> No.11505428

>claims she loves to read
>doesn't read any fiction
Clearly someone who can't appreciate symbolism.

>> No.11505446
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Stop talking about women, I miss her

>> No.11505456

>Loving _to read_ by farming information from non-fiction.
>Anyone who claims to love to read.
>People who talk about what non-fiction they're reading at the moment, and recommend it to you.
>I've read the western canon.
>_Famous_Author_Part_Of_Western_Canon is overrated.
>I read _non_native_language books - is 18-24 years old and honestly hasn't read more than 300 books in their own language yet.

>> No.11505564
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>Oprah's Book of the Month Club

>> No.11506036

It's ALL fiction. It's only a matter of degree.

>> No.11506082

>he posts on 4chan

>> No.11506131


>> No.11506149
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lol yeah who would actually read the trash oprah picks

>> No.11506150

>reads from pewdiepie's reading list

what do /lit/?

>> No.11506164

>He reads philosophy
Pseud alert

>> No.11506179

>complains about being a stemfag with literary interests

>> No.11506203

>X is my favorite book
>Oh I've only read it once, I don't really remember all the details.

>> No.11507311
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>reading at all

>> No.11507329

>hasn't read The Scarlet Plague
>has read The Scarlet Plague

>> No.11507397
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>> No.11507666

>Thinks reading History, the Classics or any Sacred Text is boring.

>> No.11507739

>didnt read SIEGE by James Mason

>> No.11507759
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Why would any sensible woman read philosophically sophisticated literature when their husband can do it for them, and then discuss his perspectives with her.

>> No.11507768

>There isn't symbolism in nonfiction

>> No.11507782

>I read non-native-language books
I doubt I'd find 300 books worth reading in Swedish, at least not without reading badly translated books.

>> No.11508071

Why is Sweden so uncultured?

>> No.11508084

Small country that until 100 years ago was mainly concerned with not starving.

>> No.11508128

>loves the Bronte sisters
nothing wrong with this on its own, but...
>says Wuthering Heights is the best book of all time
>claims Jane Austen is better than other Western author
>likes Regency and Victorian stuff because it's "more pure" than later fiction
>eventually admits she refuses to read any authors that aren't female
>I read The Tenant Of Wildfell Hall, think it's okay, tell her I liked it
>she reads Fathers And Sons, Dubliners, Blood Meridian
>says that they were all terrible, that she hated the style of each
>later admits she never actually read more than a few pages of each book
>says that the style of simple declarative sentences mixed with risky eloquence ruined literature


>> No.11508172

>claims he reads seriously
>talks to she's

>> No.11508181

>>Thinks reading History, the Classics or any Sacred Text is boring.
I'm concerned by your numbers

>> No.11508852

Would you be able to name 300 books worth reading that were written by New Yorkers?

>> No.11508895

Trips confirm

>> No.11509056
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>mfw you just described my entire BA course

>> No.11509567

This but unironically

>> No.11509606

Yeah, it only counts if there is anything worth reading.

Well, there are probably a lot more than that. Can you even name 300 english authors right now?

>> No.11509616

She doesn't miss you, don't waste the energy.

>> No.11510333

Given some time I'm pretty sure I could find 300 authors who has written something in english worth reading. More than 300 million people have english as their native language while the number for native Swedish speakers is just short of 10 million.

>> No.11510336

>she browses /lit/

>> No.11510380
