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/lit/ - Literature

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11504750 No.11504750 [Reply] [Original]

Dostoyevsky ((based and red pilled)) btfos feminism in 1871

>Yes, these buds are ravishing in their youth for two, perhaps three years - but then they open up once and for all, and that is what causes that sad indifference in their husbands that is such an important factor in the feminist movement..."

How did dosto predict post-wall feminist harpies settling for beta bux post-cock carousel back in the 19th century?

>> No.11504756

based, redpilled, and incelled my dude!

>> No.11504760

He was a brilliant student of human behavior.

>> No.11505602


I always suspect that Dostoyevsky's faith in God is as much drawn from his skills at observing human beings as anything else. He's too good at figuring out what makes people tick to trust any institution that is based solely on people. He needs God as a a polestar.

>> No.11507265

>Be Russian pseud writer with average level of education
>Look around you
>Notice that roasties are indeed a thing
>Get shilled on /lit/ over a hundred years later as some sort of genius
Wow... so this is the power of Russian literature...

>> No.11507297

Are these threads leftypol's falseflags trying to ruin Dostoevsky's reputation because Mr. Clean Your Room recommended hin?

>> No.11507299

Like a boss! Dosroyevsky DESTROYS sjw feminists with FACTS and LOGIC!

>> No.11507312

Legitimately cringy

>> No.11507317

cursed thread

>> No.11507326

Dostoyevsky redpilled as fuck my nigger.

He got literally everything that went wrong in the 20th century right by the middle of the 19th century. It's astounding that he could write Demons in the 1860s, dude was just a good study of human behavior imo

>> No.11507327

Probably yes. /leftypol/ is so sad because they have no impact on the wider culture (unlike /pol/) but instead spend all of their time shitting up slower boards like this one. Fuck off with your political shit already.

>> No.11507358

What the hell, women should have at least 1m long roast beefs before they can marry some tech giant, not only that but he has to pay for the uprising of his step-son as only specific males can breed. I really can't understand what was going in his head, why does he hate free will and speech so much. Not only is he a sexist but probably a racist as well, I guess this is what happens to you when you don't get educated.

>> No.11507400


>> No.11507403

In his time he was far from being a conservative, tho

>> No.11507417

>this is your mind on reddit
No one cares about lefty/pol/ and yet you keep bringing them up.

>> No.11507614

I can see it, he was a straight fascist after all!

>> No.11507629

Reminds me of that part in C&P when the socialist dude talks about how he would gladly let someone else fuck his wife

>> No.11508046

Citation needed

>> No.11508062

>not /leftypol/
Are you literally this much of a newfag? /leftypol/ is an actual board on cripplechan and they frequently raid boards like this.

>> No.11508116

do you think sex was invented in 1850 or something?

>> No.11508177
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I enjoy reading Dostoyevsky

>> No.11508202

it's how they handle the constant stream of retards who agree with them
>school shooter
false flag to take our guns
>/pol/tard posts like a dipshit 12-year-old for some mysterious reason
must be lefty/pol/ trying to trick me
>NATO actually did false flag terrorist attacks to smear and jail left wing parties
Well that's fine.

>> No.11508215

cute pepe
post more cute pepe

>> No.11508264

lol Dostoyevsky this guy was calling it out since 1871, lmao, fantastic

>> No.11508306

Damn, Razhumikhin? Flew right over my head back in high school.

Come to think of it, my English teacher DID bring a cap with a tiny pair of antlers to Crime and Punishment discussion one day. I first learned what cuckolding was in that class.

>> No.11508377
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Dostoevsky for cucks

>> No.11508751

Nah Lebyzyatnikov (derived from the Russian word for "cringe") when he's talking to Luzhin about his 'convictions', emancipation of women, etc - I died during that passage

>> No.11508893
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