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/lit/ - Literature

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11504627 No.11504627 [Reply] [Original]

How do you get children into reading?

>> No.11504640

>implying kids don't like story time
story time.

>> No.11504660


Hell if I know. I've been trying to get my nephew interested by getting him all the major authors of the western canon, and in good hardcover editions from publishers like Everyman and Library of America, but he hasn't even opened a single one. He spends all his time watching cartoons and playing video games according to his father.

>> No.11504673

Have you tried getting him into something easier like Harry Potter or something like that, as cliched as it is?

>> No.11504691


No because I don't want him to grow up to be a pleb. Next time I'm visiting him I'm giving him The Portrait of a Lady by Henry James, which is an accessible introduction to his work and should set him up well for his mature late work.

>> No.11504698

Just how old is this kid?

>> No.11504711

Jesus christ man, how old's the kid?

>> No.11504715

Too many children are into reading as is. As attention spans collapse and algorithm-generated streaming content + celebrity imitation software explodes (if you want a glimpse of the future, imagine agents licensing celebrity images to the Tonight Show's car seat karaoke), literature will return to its rightful place as a fogyish hobby of the intellectual elite.

>> No.11504721

read to your kid
read with your kid
help them identify letters and sound out words
make the experience of reading a book a comfy one


>> No.11504725


8 or 9 or 10. I don't know exactly. Old enough to fucking read a book like an intelligent human being.

>> No.11504730

You are severely overestimating a child's capacity for art.
Which isn't necessarily bad, having overly high standards is better than having no standards at all, but man, that's too young.

>> No.11504733

You don't.

Even if you get them reading at a young age, they'll completely abandon books by age 10 in favor of Youtube and Fortnite (or whatever meme game is popular at the time).

>> No.11504744

by fucking their lives.

>> No.11504770

All you're going to do is make the kid hate reading and hate you.

>> No.11504788

This, that anon is going to have the same effect on that child as obligatory readings at schools. After they forced us to read Don Quixote when I was 10 it took a decade for me to consider giving it another chance.

>> No.11505364

My little cousin has read the entire saga of Harry Potter seven fucking times in a row, and albeit counted exceptions, refuses to read anything else.

>> No.11505372

too ezy of a question. no cable televsion.

>> No.11505375

your cousin is based and redpilled.

>> No.11506031

Storytime in my lap, and no goddamned Rowling. CS Lewis, maybe.

>> No.11506077

As a kid I fell in love with Geronimo Stilton books and eventually grew from there. Or go to the library tell him to pick out 3-4 books he likes and at the end of the week have him tell you what happened, eventually you can even get him to tell you the deeper meanings in the books.

>> No.11506091
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Reading literature will always be a niche pursuit. Less than 5% of the population will ever pursue it, and it can't be forced. We need most of the population to be plumbers and mechanics and a tiny minority to be the brains. Let kids play and learn trades. When the brainy kids start asking questions, then put them in smart classes.
To teach those kids to read, just expose them to how it's useful.

>> No.11506126

I don't know.

I just read a post by an anon describing being shamed in elementary school by his teacher, who valued "reading books without pictures" and shamed him because his book about science had pictures on it. The Anon never borrowed another book from library.

>> No.11506148

Read to them.

>> No.11506161

Have you tried giving him War and Peace?

>> No.11506204

You have to restrict internet and make reading the path of less resistance when there is down time. But watch out if they're too smart they're just going to make up their own stories and go catatonic and not use the books, and in that case just gradually up the daily dose of onions until autism ensues; you need to balance that too so not too much autism that they look and act autistic, but enough to make them avoid risk taking and free thought. A good litmus test for this is to ask the child to play a game labeling objects in the house with sticky-notes, and then observe and see how long they keep doing it. 20-40 minutes is optimal.

>> No.11506210

read to them as a kid, dont force anything on them, have books laying around the house

>> No.11506244

This, I read my kid from a French translation of the Iliad, I have the Odyssey too and a bunch of other books like it, he absolutely loves every second of it.
He loves medieval knights most though, so I'm picking up a bunch of stuff and will read him from it.

>> No.11506353
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>> No.11506357

A kid I know was amazed upon realizing, when she learned to read, that she could read fairy tales whenever she wanted.

>> No.11506655
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>> No.11506675

Why don't you just give him Infinite Jest while you're at it, you fucking try-hard?

>> No.11506689

tell 'em its illegal and they'll be doing it all the time

>> No.11506696

Your cousin has read more books than 90% of /lit/

>> No.11506848


>> No.11507016


>> No.11507031

my 10 year old cousin needs summer reading, rate what i found around the house for him

(as a test i had him read a random page out of infinite jest and he didn't mispronounce a single word. proud of the dude but he hates reading, just plays minecraft all day)

>The Phantom Tollbooth
>The Trumpet of the Swan
>Watership Down
>The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time
>Lord of the Flies
>Animal Farm

>> No.11507032

Force him to read Hegel and see what happens.

>> No.11507034

Milkiesposting again?

>> No.11507436

I don't know, my mom got me really interested in Jurassic Park before the movie was even a thing. It may have been announced that they were filming it. I wanted to read it because dinosaurs, and I did, and it took me a while. I was eight.

>> No.11507438

Read to them.


>> No.11507456

Hey... I'm a mechanic.

>> No.11507514
File: 167 KB, 500x374, awiuerh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Back in my day, comics used to be scanned and translated by book nerds because they were the only ones to understand english and shut-ins losers enough to have time and energy to translate volumes.

The outcome were comicbooks with beautiful prose that made you "get it".

>> No.11507518

simply ebin.

>> No.11507550

The only reason I read a lot was because my parents were strict and wouldn't really allow me to watch tv, which left only reading. Then by the time I got more freedom, my love for reading was already there. My brain has still been fried by the internet though

>> No.11507827

Why tho? Kids are pretty adaptive crearures. If he uses the right carrots and sticks his child could have a massive benefit in life. It could be less dependend on cheap entertainment but find pleasure in difficult bit meaningful stuff. This whole kids literature and kids tv etc might create bad habits

>> No.11507835

Read to them as soon as they're in the womb and have listening organs developing. They'll get a knack for language then.

>> No.11507837


You don't "get children into" anything you psychopath. Children imitate whatever they see adults doing. If they see your reading they will want to know what its all about. They will say "what are you doing?" And you just say "reading". And they'll say, "what's reading". And all you do is hand them a book and tell them to see for yourself. Voila, they are reading.

Now stop treating children like a project.

>> No.11507889

that's right you get into them :)

>> No.11507968

You tell them good stories again and again, without making them bored.
You make them crave the story, you make them want to extend the story time.
When they learn how to read, you give them a book and let them discover that they now have the power to actually create their own story time.
fpbp obviously

>> No.11508002

Some of those are pretty intense. Surprisingly since they are like books about bunnies. I don’t remember what a ten year old is like, he’ll be ok?

>> No.11508034

Henry James fucking sucks tho

>> No.11508072

I figure the spectacle will be enough to shake him into realizing literature is metal as fuck. I'm actually excited to read Watership Down myself, I'm thinking of going through it with him and holding discussions.