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/lit/ - Literature

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1150444 No.1150444 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.1150447

It's just the opposite with me. I will be sitting there reading a very good book, and he will look over and me and go "Aren't you bored? Don't you want to play a video game or something?" It has taken me a very long time to get him to realize I enjoy reading. And still to this day he still bothers me about doing other things when I'm reading.

>> No.1150454

Are you a woman?

>> No.1150465

jesus christ kill yourself, delete this thread then post it on /r9k/.

>> No.1150477 [DELETED] 


>> No.1150482

Bump for answer

>> No.1150486

/lit/ isn't as misogynistic as other boards, try /v/

>> No.1150509

Oh look a Namefag who doesnt know any better.

>> No.1150539


/lit/ is also consideribly more desperate than other boards.

>> No.1150577

bump for literary relevance

also I lol'd at the tripfag telling others to post on /r9k/ when she's the one who spews livejournal-grade bullshit all over /lit/

>> No.1150580

Win/win solution: Listen to an audiobook and go on a walk together.

(Why would you ever get married to someone who didn't like to read? Wut?)

>> No.1150752

women, LOL. men have been and always will be the best writers out there.

>> No.1151105

Yes I am a woman. Why would I say "Just the opposite" if I was a man?

>> No.1151109

whats and woman

>> No.1151118
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This board was good as recent as half an hour ago. Then the Twilight troll and this shit
