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11503654 No.11503654 [Reply] [Original]

How do you get rid of that fuzzy feeling in your head after reading for a long time.

>> No.11503672

eat your girlfriend's asshole for 15 minutes

>> No.11503678

awww, did anon start using his brain for once and now it can't handle a little workout?

>> No.11503698

I haven't got a girlfriend

There is some truth to this. I'm 19 and spent a lot of my childhood not reading. Now that I've started I've kinda felt the effects of not reading. It's getting better though and I'm able to read for longer periods of time before I get that fuzzy feeling.

>> No.11503721

>I haven't got a girlfriend
Get one, retard

>> No.11503743


>> No.11503761
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just bee yourself bro

>> No.11503780

Used to be easier when I was younger. Now I need therapy to be able to be myself again. I mean, it worked, but now I'm so mentally fucked that I'm not able to be myself.

>> No.11503783

Go up to a pretty girl, engage her in conversation, be charming, get her number, ask her out, establish a relationship, bend her over, stick your tongue up her ass

>> No.11503808

See, that's the issue. I can't just go up to a girl like that and get her number like I used to. I'm intrinsically bad. People all around me pretend to be nice to be either out of pity or just human etiquette. I'm intrinsically bad and people always look at me with contempt. It's why I miss church and too afraid to find another job.
I'm just intrinsically bad. :sad:

>> No.11503813
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Dude its so easy

>> No.11503823
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alcohol or stimulants or both

>> No.11503830


>leave house
>talk to women

two steps, brah

>> No.11503840

Read what I wrote here: >>11503813

I'm trying to not use any artificial means to gain my goals.

>> No.11503842

im even worse, im pretty goodlooking so girls approach me on the street or in stores from time to time and i respond in monosyllables and then walk away.

i was anormal teenager too, i was actually popular, it's insane what ive become

>> No.11503844

by being evil and charismatic by being loud and confident by not being a pussy with a cowards heart and not sure of himself because hes never been in a fist fight so hes afraid of interaction inherently since he fears what he doesnt know

easy as that

>> No.11503851

Nah, if girls approach you because you're so good-looking then I don't pity you at all. It's all.I'm your fucking head and don't you dare compare my struggles to yours. You don't know what it's like to be where I am.

>> No.11503857
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Yeah, but when I try that I just end up.over thinking and seeming like a try hard.

>> No.11503862

How do I stop being so isolated? I literally have no friends.

>> No.11503869

i wasnt comparing my suffering to yours, i was just saying that i am given every possible opportunity and i completely squander it, im just that retarded now

>> No.11503871

Welp, this thread took a turn for the worst.

>> No.11503876

because you're a pussy who has never been in a fist fight

all of those anxieties disappear after because you realise life can end at any minute

>> No.11503885

I've been in school fist fights. And before you say "those don t count." Well, once like 5 guys ganged up on my and kicked my ass. Broke my back tooth and couldn't eat properly .

>> No.11503886



>stop being a pussy
>do a big huge line of amphetamines
>leave house
>talk to women

>> No.11503899

They don't count
Stop being a poofta and cancel your internet connection
You won't though because you just want feel good advice but never acting on anything

fuck off wasting time

>> No.11503915

Yeah, this is how these convos usually end. Sorry for wasting your time.

Ok, but can you answer my OP now?

>> No.11503920


>> No.11503933

So start MOVING AND DOING you fucking idiot
Time is finite faggot
First few weeks will be hell no doubt, but after that? Not so bad

>> No.11503939


drink some water faggot

>> No.11503949

Please answer my question because I'm kind of an idiot like you but you have a looking glass into a world I have never known. I don't know to to cold-approach a strange girl and make conversation, so please tell me: what is it that they say when they approach you? What is the conversation like that they attempt to make? You don't have to write out a whole dialogue, I'm just interested in the questions they ask you as a stranger, so I might get to know what approaching a stranger is sort-of, supposed to? be like. (Seeing as my number one mental block is, "what would I even say to them? I don't know anything about that person!")

>> No.11503971

nearly every one of them has said 'i like your shoes' or 'i like your pants'. A couple have just said something like 'are you in line'. then they might ask a couple other questions which i respond to with yes or no. then i turn away so as to remove even the slightest possiblity that i am acting as if im interested in them. this process is so uncomfortable for me that i couldnt evenhave any emotions related to the girl in the first place, i just want to get away

>> No.11503990
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>tfw I will never be able to walk up to a girl and say I like your ass
It's hopeless, utterly, utterly hopeless. Abandon ship!

>> No.11503996

the other day i was walking by the luxury condos were all the asians live and this chick was in right workout clothes and i was marveling at how wide the space between her hips was it must have been like three inches across and i guess she noticed cuz when she passed me she like walked really close and looked up at me like she was expecting me to say something but what am i supposed to say "damn girl your hips are wide af" i mean i guess a black guy would say that but everybody hates black guys

>> No.11504022

Healthy teenager goes to 4chan, spends too much time on the internet, doesn't feel good and changes - AUTISM. Many such cases!

>> No.11504062

it's actually just mental illness. i thought i was a religious prophet then when i realized i was just insane i lost every shred of self-confidence i ever had. I am constantly plagued by doubts that im imagining the things in front of me, and i am terrified of misinterpreting peoples' behavior such that i would make some unwelcome advance, whether just a friend or romantically

>> No.11504067

it happened to me and you can too!

>> No.11504072

I'll lick your asshole for 15 minutes dude instead then, I'm a good guy like that.

>> No.11504110

Is this about eating box? Cuz that's disgusting and the fast track to women disrespecting you. Nothing signals more powerfully to a woman's primal instincts that a male is unfit for reproduction than him risking the health of his face and mouth to lap upon her beef. It's a huge thrill for her, sure, but not because of any clitoral stimulation. Her "ohs" and "ahs" are entirely derived by amazement at the male's silly self sacrifice. Completely deluded, the box eater will munch away confident that he is a supreme lover, when the woman is secretly aghast at the implications of where he's putting his tongue. She's had that part of herself bored and excavated by many colors of cunt conquerors until she lost count. So many suitors have emptied themselves inside that box, smacking victoriously her vulvar filets with their slick protuberant phalluses afterwards. And here is her blessed self-avowed "pussy eater," breaking a sweat trying to lick that same battered clam meat. He even thinks those the prickly sensations in his mouth are from his muscular exertion, but the box eater has just ingested the top STDs of all 37 countries visited by that writhing, smiling woman, and those itching sensations in his throat are microscopically shown to be the conquest of his nerve tissue by her minge's army of misandrist microbes. Destroying his cells outright, the box's pox overwrites the beta's genome, rendering him more reproductive for the Papilloma species than his own. Don't be a goof and lick cloven meat.

>> No.11504124

t. incel

>> No.11504219

OP, here. This entire thread went to shit and didn't even address my initial question. THE GUYS!

>> No.11504292

Take a nap. Drink a coffee. Rub one out.

>> No.11504293

/lit/ - literature

>> No.11504506

You'd think huh, you'd think.

>> No.11504513

imagine knowing so little about female anatomy you can’t distinguish the asshole from the vulva

>> No.11505624

go for a run, get some sleep

>> No.11506054

The real question is, who's that in OPs pic?

>> No.11507624

Wouldn't you rub one out before taking a nap?

>> No.11507794
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By going for a brisk walk so your brain gets oxygenated.

>> No.11507980

keep your eyes closed 10 minutes