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11502952 No.11502952[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Post the most pseduointellectual opinion it is possible to hold.

I'm writing a book where one of the characters is an abrasive arrogant prick and I want to make him defend an indefensible position while being smugly dismissive of everyone who disagrees, but I'm struggling to find something that it the perfect mix of cuntish, sociopathic, but somewhat believable and apolitical.

Something on par with "we should let the poor starve" in terms of how selfish and conceited it is, but without the political baggage.

I want to write a man with this face.

>> No.11502961

"jews have high verbal iq"

>> No.11502962

That video games are good for you, or worth doing, or 'fun', and that life should be based around pure and unadulterated self indulgence that a video game, or anime cartoon might offer.
Basically, he should be the average 4chan poster. The biggest pseudo-intellect I never met. Totally lacking in experience or knowledge but making up for it in typing speed. Stagnant, repulsive, worm-like, weak, and so on.

>> No.11502968

"consciousness is not real"

>> No.11502973

Jews are trying to genocide the white race, especially men. They do this through subversion, attracting women to nonwhites through brainwashing.

>> No.11502974

"fate isn't real"
"determinism and fatalism are bullshit and dont make sense"

>> No.11502977

Don DeLillo is a good writer

>> No.11502978

This but ironically, because that is literally what is happening throughout the West

>> No.11502981
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>> No.11502994

Wow it's like you read three pages of genesis or something, astounding!

>> No.11502996

There’s that trope with the seatbelts that economists are fond of.
“buckle up for safety”
“if you want me to be safe - then I’ll buckle up and you should unbuckle yours”
It’s not. It’s an illusion, just like the ego.

>> No.11502997
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I've got it.

The American invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan were good things that have been fully justified by the outcomes in the region, as well as being morally correct in principle and effectively carried out.

>> No.11503004

isn't this the fag who claims 200 IQ but has accomplished nothing with his life?

>> No.11503011
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My God.

It's perfect.

An utterly indefensible opinion, which is not really connected to actual politics anymore but is still political enough to make people angry, which allows for exorbitant grandstanding and offensive caricatures, with stakes high enough that the fact the opinion is wrong actually matters. Indicative of a deeply warped worldview and utter ignorance of facts, allowing the arguer to present facts for the asshole to dismiss with Kingly arrogance.

This is, quite possibly, the worst opinion that a person could hold.

>> No.11503012

Yes, this is what I was writing, was it not? See the rise of interracial relationships while we're finding it harder and harder to find a women with whom to breed white children to save our white race

>> No.11503026

No, that's incels maybe, sure. But they most definitely ramped up adverts featuring this and so on. I obviously know you're being ironic, but irony is for literal cuckolds, but yeah, they really are doing as you said in the previous post, or attempting to anyway.

>Inb4 you call me an 'incel', because married 3 kids

>> No.11503031

Same fag but they should have just glassed the middle east and done the world a favour

>> No.11503035

peak pseud. emulate this post.

>> No.11503049


>> No.11503071

based and redpilled

>> No.11503087

>Post the most pseduointellectual opinion it is possible to hold.
Multiple intelligences.

As for the rest I dunno. I always get annoyed by people who act aghast at other people not kowtowing to them when they hold their own wellbeing hostage but that's getting political. Maybe something about his favorite art expressing truths unavailable to people fixated on analytical reasoning but that's getting cliche.

>> No.11503088
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>That video games are good for you, or worth doing, or 'fun', and that life should be based around pure and unadulterated self indulgence that a video game, or anime cartoon might offer. Basically, he should be the average 4chan poster. The biggest pseudo-intellect I never met. Totally lacking in experience or knowledge but making up for it in typing speed. Stagnant, repulsive, worm-like, weak, and so on.

>> No.11503097

"How do you know that what you're holding is really a pencil? What if it's not?" - my mathematics teacher in 8th grade.

>> No.11503103

>you should unbuckle yours
i don't understand. what point are economists making?

>> No.11503109

This, especially when he resorts to hair-splitting pedantry when asked how playing vidya and watcymovies are constructive, and will say things along the lines of "aren't reading books also a waste of time and entertainment?" or defending their hobby by giving XYZ reasons why they are astheatic and have intellectual merit or how it's less financially expensive than actual constructive pursuits.

>> No.11503122

The mainstream scientific establishment privileges a highly biased standard of knowledge. I think we should explore other forms of knowing based around consensus and not conflict.

>> No.11503125

That if the driver actually cares about passanger safety then the driver will drive more cautiously if they aren’t wearing their own seatbelt.

>> No.11503168

any variation of marxism based around obscure eastern bloc figures

>> No.11503216

mmmh... yes. based and redpilled

>> No.11503223

responding to questions by creating false equivalences is the higest and purest form of pseudistry.

>> No.11503243

Absolutely agree. I've tried having the discussion before posting pretty much something along the lines of my first post, and almost every reply was
>"Hurrrrrrrrrr what do you do BRO?! No fun allowed!!! xD hurrrrr"

>> No.11503259

There is no reason or evidence for the existence of God.

>> No.11503297
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>> No.11503348

We shouldnt give retarded people benefits, so they die off and make the gene pool stronger

>> No.11503361

The whole meaning of life is to fuck and have children because evolution

>> No.11503428

but what's the point?

>> No.11503456
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>we should let the poor starve
Honestly its just more humane to put them down before we reach an environmental Malthusian Catastrophe but this is too woke for average plebs to comprehend

The only solution is final

>> No.11503467

Why not just sterilize them and make it illegal to have children with the retarded?

>> No.11503494

things 'having a point' is just a psychological tool that developed because it made us more likely to reproduce

>> No.11503497


>> No.11503498

You wouldn't need to make it illegal if they were sterile, but yes, sterilization is a good idea

>> No.11503502

For real though if you want the ultimate pseud opinion this is it

>> No.11503521

>if its illegal no one will do it
wrong, the retard lovers must be hunted down and stopped from breeding the few that slip through the cracks

>> No.11503532

>they can still have kids even though they are sterile

I can do the arrow too, motherfucker

>> No.11503539

I think you missed the point of
>if its illegal no one will do it
referring to the sterilzation as well?

>> No.11503544

"Anime is just for kids"

>> No.11503556
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Dude, if they can outsmart the sterilization process, then they are smart enough to reproduce. Trips will confirm

>> No.11503605

Make him a racist or anti-semite.

>> No.11503611

>off by one
fucking rekt

>> No.11503617

I could get behind this

>> No.11503644
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Livestreaming sudoku in an hour, just polishing up my note to my parents.

>> No.11503649
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>> No.11503657

Gödels incompleteness theorem shows *something unrelated* which proves that Nietzsche was right about *something Nietzsche never said*. I think that everyone who hasn't figured out that reality has a *my ideology* bias, just needs to be cleansed, it would make the world such a better place.

>> No.11503671

My favorite philosopher is Nietzsche

>> No.11503673

But video games are the highest artistic medium.

>> No.11503677
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>> No.11503679

You could quote Richard Dawkins verbatim.

>I've forgotten the details, but I once piqued a gathering of theologians and philosophers by adapting the ontological argument to prove that pigs can fly. They felt the need to resort to Modal Logic to prove that I was wrong

>> No.11503682

Yeah, God is dead, so fuck having morals ans shit, am I right fellow Nietzschean?

>> No.11503684
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>> No.11503686

Anon, Godel is a math bitch, kys stemfag

>> No.11503692

This is the one OP

>> No.11503695

Do you lift though?
We need /fitlit/

>> No.11503696



>> No.11503704


>> No.11503707

The post you are quoting is actually right, it just has NOTHING to do with what the guy responded to.

>Godel is a math
Debatable, he was certainly closer to philosophy then most mathematicians.

That guy is absolutely right.

>> No.11503713

It was a great time, a strong mind needs a strong body and a strong body a strong mind.

>> No.11503737

make him a staunch believer in physiognomy
a good-looking person is ugly because of some small imperfection and it's actually a tell-tale sign of some huge personal failing
and ugly and boring guy is completely vindicated by his aristocratic nose

>> No.11503741

Tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow, that is all I ever hear anons like you say. Tomorrow I'll stop wanking my pee-pee, tomorrow I'll clean my room, tomorrow I will get a job, tomorrow, because today I am just so full of potential! I mean, I could do anythig, especially since "God is dead". I could get on the bus without paying, I could tell my mom she's stupid and not even feel bad, I could throw a lit match into the forest and start a wildfire: I am beholden to no one! I am a God! And tomorrow I shall wield my infinitely potential power over the masses! Muahahahah

>> No.11503762
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>> No.11503784

wow its almost like out of all the fags who took iq tests just statistically at least one mother fucker had to get a perfect score, and it happened to be him, too bad for him you can't even use an iq test to get admissions to college lol

>> No.11503799

>admissions to college
yeah because this is such a strict meritocracy

>> No.11503800

"Now that we have science we don't need philosophy."

>> No.11503806


>> No.11503814

moral nihilism
moral relativism
hard determinism
psychological egoism
political libertarianism
reddit atheism (includes naive materialism/reductionism about pretty much everything)

>> No.11503817

The SAT is both an IQ and a learned aptitude test.

>> No.11503829

also ethical hedonism
and of course scientism (but that's included in reddit atheism)

>> No.11503834

Just make him your general outspoken anti-natalist.

>> No.11503835

>>psychological egoism

cant refute it

>> No.11503836

"The present day is the best time to be alive because, it's peaceful and there isn't as much suffering and war."

>> No.11503845

That mankind is good

>> No.11503846

yeah no shit fgt because making little patterns out of colored blocks doesnt really have anything to do with succeeding in academia

>> No.11503853

bonus points if the character overuses terms like "rational", "logical", "biological imperative", "supernatural", "pseudo science", "unverifiable", "utility", "fallacy", "illusion"

sure buddy

>> No.11503858

and yet people who are good at making little patterns out of colored blocks on average are also good at academia. imagine that

>> No.11503859


>> No.11503861

"the standard of living is dropping not because of class war by the capitalist class but because of automation"

>> No.11503877

yeah? then why is that guy so buttblasted about academia then? just get some hella high gres and then go bang out a phd in something quick like math or cs, dude is a fuckin pseud

>> No.11503914

>moral relativism
cant refute this either

>> No.11503923

i imagine he lacks discipline, which once you have at least a basic threshold of intelligence becomes the most important element of success

>> No.11503950

that one is debatable though...psychological egoism is pretty self-evident i believe

>> No.11503987

Have the character defend a criminal who rape/murdered someone using nature/nurture arguments to pass off any opposition while blaming the victim and have him create an example where his opposition are in a position where they commit a crime but have it bare no resemblance to the original crime

>> No.11503995

Came here to post this.

>> No.11503998

This, but unironically

>> No.11504020

"Human identity is stratified, and thus has both individual and group levels. Accordingly, we can (and sometimes must) reason in terms of group identity. But when group self-identification is officially granted to some groups yet denied to others against which they compete, this can only result in imbalance and injustice. For example, when some overpopulating groups which have overtaxed their own resources by reproductive incontinence and homegrown oligarchy are allowed to migrate into the sovereign territories of worldwide ethnic minorities - e.g., people of European descent - and enjoy special “oppressed” status whereby they reap special benefits such as free food, free housing, free education, free healthcare, affirmative action, reproductive subsidies, and special treatment under the law, and are even credited with moral superiority due to their alleged “oppression”, this can result in the destruction of the national, cultural, and ethnic identity of the hosts, leading ultimately to their extinction. Incoming groups which assert their own collective identities while denying their hosts any reciprocal right of political group cohesion thus amount to noxious, invasive, and ultimately lethal socioeconomic parasites. Obviously, any governmental authority which enforces or encourages such asymmetry - e.g., the European Union - is illegitimate."
- Chris Langan

>> No.11504114

Greek and Roman religions were immoral.

>> No.11504133

So are there political, economic, and social varieties of libertarianism now?

>> No.11504143

"Clinton and Trump were both fine choices and I would have been happy with either outcome"

>> No.11504250

"Christianity is oppressive against homosexuals, but criticizing Islam is Islamophobia."

>> No.11504277

I agree with all of your post except
>or "fun"
"Fun" as we know it is a subjective term. Mr. 4chan psued over here has every right to call video games fun, because they bring him a form of enjoyment and pleasure.

>> No.11504311


>> No.11504316

>Enjoyment and pleasure
"No pressure, no diamond" - Carlyle

>> No.11504326

OK, that makes sense. But in terms of economics, this is analogous to trade regulations or the Fed or the FDIC or what?

>> No.11504329
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>Mwen vle fè yon ti ti bebe ti bebe bou ti bebe ti bebe ki renmen anime ak vin foutu pa ti gason ti gason bou

>> No.11504417

if people are hooking up with retards---or they're hooking up with each other---in any statistically significant number, I've certainly never heard of it.
I thought retardation is a genetic anomaly, not something that is passed down because it is sexually selected. But even if it's 100% guaranteed that a retard will beget another retard, who the hell is fucking all these retards? They're repulsive. They aren't really a significant part of the population to begin with, the few that are actually able to reproduce are going to be overshadowed by retards begat from normal parents, which again, is a small number anyhow. Come to think of it, there was an old 60 Minutes program about a normal kid whose parents were both retards.
Let's focus our money and energy towards something more productive than a solution to a non-problem.

>> No.11504440
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1/59 have autism
More with assbergers

That's signifigant,

>> No.11504448

autism is separate from retardation, but your point is taken.

>> No.11504494

Claim societal acceptance of something absolutely insane in the name of leftist inclusion/progress. For example, the Ted Talk about defending/accepting pedophilia. You can do this with multiple topics too.

>> No.11504495

And the best defense of this opinion?
"That wasn't real communism/marxism/socialism"

>> No.11504496 [DELETED] 

>who is fucking these retards

bro i have to share this story its so wack ok there's was this dude at my work who had some kind of retardation like "learning disability " type shit but at least he had like a sort of ok officey kind of job, so some like 30 something bitch with a kid seduces him, gets him to marry her i assume to take care of her kid, he knocks her up, kid is also retarded, he gets fired from his job, get a wagecuck job, loses his transportation can't do that, so finally she leaves him looking for another sucker but now she has two kids from two baby daddies and one is literally retarded, these people are white btw lmao

>> No.11504608


>> No.11505520

I laughed at that gif for like 10 mins anon

>> No.11505998

but moral nihilism is patrician

>> No.11506037

asuka is best girl

>> No.11506061

but unironically based tho