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/lit/ - Literature

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11501879 No.11501879[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why is it that literally *any* thread that has anything to do with Hitler, Nazi-ism, or anything remotely similar is deleted way before it's slid off the board?

I just saw 3 threads get deleted immediately despite not breaking any rules because of this.

Are the mods on this shit serious with this blatant personal bias? I see Marx threads left up for days at a time, not deleted. Same with others. So what's the deal here?

Is it fine to delete things just because you don't like them now? Is that what the deal is here?

How is this allowed?

>> No.11501886

You keep deleting your own threads after embarrassing yourself and getting rekt
It's not that hard to understand
Or do you think /lit/ is so pedestrian as to fall for the Nazi snowflake victim narrative?

>> No.11501892

I've not made any threads you retard. I was watching 3 threads and they were all deleted at the same time.

Go fuck yourself.
>Muh I can't debate and I don't like it so I'll delete
Unironically hang yourself and do the world a favour

>> No.11501896

Cry more brainlet

>> No.11501902

>Calls others brainlet
>Deletes threads cos gets blown the fuck out
How silly are you?

>> No.11501911
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Poor little Nazi needs the strongman to fight the big bad Marxist cyberbullies

>> No.11501916

>Can't argue
>Deletes threads instead

Go buy some pre-ripped jeans you goof

>> No.11501931

>keep posting Hitler's worst book
if anything the mods are trying to protect the reputation of the futurists, vorticists, and other such forerunners as lawrence and d'annunzio. stop making fascists look like stupid and tasteless art ho lovers and maybe the mods will allow you to post. this thread should really be on /qa/ not /lit/. you have awful rhetorical style. read all of cicero and come back to us.

>> No.11501947

I'm more well read than you, and I'd be willing to bet money on this via cryptographic smart contract so you can't back out. Interested?

>> No.11501950
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>help i'm being oppressed police pls halp!!!!!!!!!!!!
stay mad nazi

>> No.11501961

>Beta male brainlet who enjoys watching men fuck his girlfriend (if he has one)
Cringe and bluepilled

>> No.11502012

based post fellow white man

>> No.11502017

i doubt it. you'll just have to live with it, like the rest of your life which seems to be written by zola.

>> No.11502038

Take my bet then chump?
Free money for you, right?

>> No.11502049

i don't need a gambler's money.

>> No.11502084

>He's not a gambler

>> No.11502087

i see you haven't read zola. sorry i'm not doing you a favour, but i have read disraeli too.

>> No.11502092

Probably because after the shutdown of Stormfront this entire website was flooded with schizophrenic neo-nazi's.

>> No.11502104
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/pol/ infiltrations are fucking annoying, imagine your whole board turned into an anti-intellectual garbage pile, Nazism is about genealogy, and maybe 5 to 6 books, it gets boring quick.

>> No.11502109

>Hur durrrr french author
I wouldn't read a frenchman's work if you paid me
>Le nadzies are mentally ill
How come some of them achieved more in one lifetime than you, your son, grandson, daughters, and whoever will ever manage? (if you manage to procreate in the first place lmao)

>> No.11502112

>I wouldn't read a frenchman's work if you paid me
and yet you're living your life like a character written by a dreyfusard in a nazi thread.

>> No.11502113

>Le big evil nadsies are smarter than me and I DONT LIKE IT :(
Oh dear

>> No.11502120

>hurrrr durrrr le ebil nadsies
Cry me a river old man, you go the way of the dodo shortly and I laugh for only he who is alive is in the right hehe sleep tight

>> No.11502122

i was comparing you to a jewlover. you'd know that if you were well read.

>> No.11502125

>Accomplished more
>Get millions of people murdered
>Grow your economy on the theft of Jewish assets all over Europe
>Deliberate famines in places like Greece to feed the 'true Aryan people'
>Kill the idea of German nationalism forever
>Germany becomes a Dutch-liberal state despite being center-con naturally since forever
>Help kill the European birthrates which now require immigration to fill
>Nazis were killed or committed suicide

Damn, guess I'm just too stupid to get those frequently mistaken Nazis.

>> No.11502126

I was comparing you to an extinct bird and dropped a pretty popular quotation from a well known author, you'd have known that if you weren't distracted by listening to your fat wife fuck your neighbor

>> No.11502128

>everyone will believe me because nobody really read western canon
as i said at the outset, i doubt it, and you'll have to live with it.

>> No.11502129
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Fuck off, there's the door.

>> No.11502130

I was talking about individual Nazis like Von Braun or Hamsun, you pathetic bitch, lmao
You've got nothing... le ebil nadsies are smarter than you hehee

>> No.11502133

Not an argument
Go buy some pre-ripped jeans and Converse shoes

Are you trying to talk yourself in circles? You can't recognise a quote from Stirner, perhaps one of his most well known, and still reckon you're well read? You go extinct soon lmao

>> No.11502134

Muh masterrace defeated by mods


>> No.11502136

>Muh we're all equal eating mud cookies and surviving on handouts and charity

>> No.11502137

>Not an argument
>Go buy some pre-ripped jeans and Converse shoes
>Are you trying to talk yourself in circles? You can't recognise a quote from Stirner, perhaps one of his most well known, and still reckon you're well read? You go extinct soon lmao
recognise a quote from Stirner, perh one of his most well known, and still reckon yo

>> No.11502141

Thanks for bumping the thread champ

>> No.11502142

Based mods desu

>> No.11502143
File: 177 KB, 668x1024, e2c146a3fdc967d78893f68a79d8a8ee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lets turn this thread lit-related, what is Moby Dick actually about?

>> No.11502145

Because /pol/fags are like vermin, if you allow them in, the'll completely hijack a board (ironically, while also spouting how refugees are bad for the same reason)

>> No.11502149

It’s about women, kikes, and niggers being inferior to white men

>> No.11502152

>Are you trying to talk yourself in circles? You can't recognise a quote from Stirner, perhaps one of his most well known, and still reckon you're well read? You go extinct soon lmao
Why don't you just go become the illiterate j'accuse posting Stalinist your behaviour belies? There are literal cocksucking faggots who quote Proust who are better read than you, and the best you can do is someone popularized by Marx to defend your "nazi"ism? You're a failure of materialism, not just of eugenics and education.

>> No.11502155

t. No arguments

>> No.11502157

So take my bet then? What are you waiting for, genius?

>> No.11502159

The whale symbolizes the thirst for knowledge without ever finding it, and what is and what we turn into not being the same thing.

Is the whale even real, is Ahab making things up, is Pip real?

>> No.11502160

>please do me a favour
Not a chance, I've done enough for you.

>> No.11502164

t. Pseud
Why wouldn't you take free money if you're so sure? It's cryptographic so none of us could back out or not pay. Afraid?

>> No.11502172

>you'll just have to live with it,

>> No.11502177
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>> No.11502187
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>> No.11502191
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>> No.11502194

Doesn't matter. Hitler served only as drummer and agitator. The next one though... hehe

>> No.11502200

World war 1 and 2 were just the prequels... the real one is not quite here yet. But it will be.

>> No.11502204
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>> No.11502209
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>> No.11502215

Wow that looks cool as shit
How did they nail the aesthetic so well?

>> No.11502220
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>> No.11502225

He's a Zionist, what does he have to do with Nazism?

>> No.11502234
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>> No.11502238

>Zionist Jew gets BTFO
Based and redpilled

>> No.11502242
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>> No.11502249
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>> No.11502252

Faulty people
Like faulty products you send back before they are discarded... thats what nature does with them

>> No.11502254

the Nazis for a while considered creating Zion in Madagascar, so it could be because they were both Zionists? Like Stalin and Balfour.

>> No.11502261

No they just wanted rid of Jews

>> No.11502268

which is also why Stalin and Balfour were also Zionists. it's also why the evangelicals are Zionists because they need lots of Jews to die and convert there for Armageddon. you don't have to like jews to be a Zionist.

>> No.11502274
File: 127 KB, 800x568, Death-of-Mussolini.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11502277

t. Jew

>> No.11502288

>implying the nazis didn't decide they wanted them all in the same place
it's more likely you're a jew and an american one at that.

>> No.11502291
File: 64 KB, 654x433, 20160127__20160128_A14_nd28holocaustp_p1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11502293

Nazis get em a chance to leave but they didn't listen because they're Jews

>> No.11502299
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>> No.11502300

>Nazis get em a chance to leave but they didn't listen because they're Jews
the danish jews listened, but that's just because they're danes.

>> No.11502304

They're reminiscence about the Holocoaster ride they went on when it did loop to loops and sped at high speed into the burning gas chamber and instantly gassed them all by Goebbels himself

>> No.11502314
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>> No.11502323
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>> No.11502325

Damn, I guess the Nazis were right afterall... huh
I think I just took the nazi pill

>> No.11502331

>would of
lol the state of cucs

>> No.11502340
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>> No.11502347
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>> No.11502355

Faulty human beings
They go extinct on their own

>> No.11502357
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>> No.11502360
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>> No.11502375

cringe cuc kpilled

>> No.11502459
File: 510 KB, 400x400, 1525830529557.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you have to go back >>>/pol/

>> No.11502549

At first they came for the Nazis and I did not speak for I was not a nazi...

>> No.11502554

Go suck your mom's dick

>> No.11502581

Wow great argument! SO this is the power of the cuckold intellect?!!?

>> No.11502588

Cry harder, kiddo

>> No.11502696

I think this thread is a sterling example of why all of those other threads were rightfully deleted, and why really this one should be too

>> No.11502700

Shut up pussy