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/lit/ - Literature

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11501379 No.11501379 [Reply] [Original]

>Zeus who thunders on high made women to be an evil to mortal men, with a nature to do evil.

>women who live amongst mortal men to their great trouble, no help meets in hateful poverty, but only in wealth.

What the FUCK did Hesiod mean by this?

Source [Theogony 585]:

>For from her is the race of women and female kind: of her is the deadly race and tribe of women who live amongst mortal men to their great trouble, no help meets in hateful poverty, but only in wealth.

>And as in thatched hives bees feed the drones whose nature is to do mischief—by day and throughout the day until the sun goes down the bees are busy and lay the white combs, while the drones stay at home in the covered hives and reap the toil of others into their own bellies— even so Zeus who thunders on high made women to be an evil to mortal men, with a nature to do evil.

>And he gave them a second evil to be the price for the good they had: whoever avoids marriage and the sorrows that women cause, and will not wed, reaches deadly old age without anyone to tend his years, and though he at least has no lack of livelihood while he lives, yet, when he is dead, his kinsfolk divide his possessions amongst them.

>> No.11501382

>women are bad
>they only care about you if you're rich

>> No.11501394

Based and 100% redpilled

Roasties B T F O in 700 BC

>> No.11501396

>Don't be fooled by a woman wiggling her figure at you. She's after your barn.

Was there any man wiser than Hesiod?

>> No.11501399

>do not let a flaunting woman coax and cozen and deceive you; she is after your barn
>the man who trusts womankind trusts deceivers

Bitches aint nothing but hoes and tricks

>> No.11501404


Reminder that Hesiod> Homer

>> No.11501410

It's an injunction to put women on a leash. Don't let them take your barn, anon.

>> No.11501427

Where can I find the part about the barn?

>> No.11501431

I'm redpilled.

'True love' is a jewish Hollywood fiction made to emasculate the white man and make him easy to control. It's a way to get women power and subsequently have liberal beliefs (women feelings) pervade all aspects of society so that the white race can be eradicated, i.e. by lowering birth rates and importing immigrants.

In reality women cannot truly love, as they are too shallow to be truly ethical or loyal. true love exists only between white male nationalists fighting for a cause in the trenches.

>> No.11501441
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I agree, woman are mean and evil to people who don't stand out and have no mantle to fight for. This is good to force you to push yourself into a state of higher being and more success so that they will naturally gravitate towards you.

Embrace the carrot on a stick that is a woman.

>> No.11501442


Works and days line 370

>> No.11501447
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This is the most redpilled thing I've ever read on /lit/.

>> No.11501451

Amazing. Thanks Anon.

Is this why shills recommend Edith Hamilton's mythology instead of based Hesiod before reading the Iliad? Why the FUCK would you read a woman when you can read this absolute genius.

>> No.11501456

The most based an redpilled thing I have read today.

>> No.11501465


The emotional needs of men used to be fulfilled by fellow men in fraternal societies, all-male workplaces, sports/events, the proverbial mateship. Women should be seen as calculating sows, good for breeding and house work, but much more dangerous in every other way

>> No.11501479
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>> No.11501484
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What did Aristophanes mean by this???

>> No.11501492

Bluepilled af

>> No.11501499

cringe and bluepilled

>> No.11501545

There's a letter by St. Paul were he commands a husband to love his wife but a wife just to be obedient, he already knew women just can't love. Sadly, the ancient wisdom is now forgotten thanks to women and manginas occupying places of power.

>> No.11501554

Or he already knew that a woman doesn't need to be commanded to love her husband.

>> No.11501574

How long until a woman comes into this thread to tell us that we are just bitter because we are "losers" who "can't get laid"?

>> No.11501579
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>> No.11501635
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>> No.11501640

Redpill overload ITT

>> No.11501698

“Let the people who never find true love
keep saying that there's no such thing.

Their faith will make it easier for them to live and die.”
Wisława Szymborska

I always find it fascinating how epic redpill crowd is always ready to universalize darker elements of female psyche and use it as a reason why they don't want to be with women at all, while being silent about all evil that men do, towards women and each other.

If "redpill" ideology would have any kind of positive thought to be learned, it would be this: women as people are as broken, capable of evil and egoism as men and putting them on pedestal makes you vulnerable towards these kind of women. But no - redpillers seem to operate on an assumption of idealized man to further contrast themselves against demonized women.

Redpillers will never comment on decade-old marriages, happy with each other and gently going into their lives' winter (for they're not as flashy as women being evil and divorcing their husbands on a whim), redpillers will never comment on women sacrificing themselves for men who, as women think in their shallowness and depravity, "love" (for certainly they had a underlying motive). No - any positive contibution of a woman is shunned and "don't real". Women can't be imperfect people - each and every woman who commited act of evil is a proof of a women as a whole. Such pars-pro-toto thinking, supplied with cherry-picked screenshots, is a definitive Mark of a Brainlet, be it holocaust negationists or flat earthers.

ITT: bitter brainlets swallowing "redpill" which is in fact rationalization and self-defense against their crushing loneliness.

>> No.11501711

The Bible also contains "Song of Songs" in which is the woman's love that moves "plot" forward and Book of Ruth, where also woman's love is very much present.

>> No.11501743

>implying anyone outside of reddit takes the red pill seriously.
even robots deny it

>> No.11501755

Yeah, I do imply it. For every post-ironic, epic-troll view expressed on 4chan you can bet with 100% certainty that somewhere out there there's a guy who believes in it wholeheartedly and unironically.
>even robots deny it
Some do, some believe it. I mean /r9k/ always was more self-aware than, for example. /r/incels, but it's like saying that run-of-a-mill communists aren't as insane as unironic stalinists.

>> No.11501757 [DELETED] 

Based and fucking redpilled

>> No.11501759 [DELETED] 

not wrong at all
100% distilled truth

>> No.11501760 [DELETED] 

cringe and bluepilled

>> No.11501774


>> No.11501781 [DELETED] 


>> No.11501791

>being this mad

>> No.11501796

the (PUA misogynist) red pill is reddit as fuck. it idolises the hollywood "suave aloof" aromantic suit wearing modern archetype of man that has strings of meaningless sexual encounters that supposedly make him successful as a person. this ideal is only worshiped by highly oversocialised numales who cant conceive of any higher success than a social one or any higher character trait than merely "cool". when you consider that a lot of the conversion to it comes from the titular "waking up" from the progressive narrative of equality and that this is something that pretty much only numales have faith in in the first place its pretty clear that your average anon is immune to this. as i say, even robots dont entertain the delusion that being a pick up artist is possible for them, or even desirable.

>> No.11501813 [DELETED] 

Trump is a Zionist Jew, nice try

They are embarrassing but they're not misogynist, really. If anything, they're the opposite... they dedicate their whole lives to women, to picking them up, to trying to better suit them, and so on.
The ideal for a female is the Byronic hero, and the average "pua" guy is not this.


>> No.11501829
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>> No.11501835

>the (PUA misogynist) red pill is reddit as fuck. it idolises the hollywood "suave aloof" aromantic suit wearing modern archetype of man that has strings of meaningless sexual encounters that supposedly make him successful as a person. this ideal is only worshiped by highly oversocialised numales who cant conceive of any higher success than a social one or any higher character trait than merely "cool".
True, true. But wouldn't you agree that there was a time few years back when 4chan version of redpill - which is not identical to "reddit" one - was quite popular? All those posts with carefully picked studies about female sexuality, screenshots of news items or blog posts confirming to this view... I mean reddit version of redpill took lot of vocabulary from chans AFAIK. Maybe I'm mistaken, maybe it was other way around?
>when you consider that a lot of the conversion to it comes from the titular "waking up" from the progressive narrative of equality and that this is something that pretty much only numales have faith in in the first place its pretty clear that your average anon is immune to this.
>having faith in anons
Anons are a varied bunch. Many anons were raised by single mothers and as such could have idealized view of women (in some cases, in others - giant ressentment) so reality of courtship/relationships could be shocking to them. Besides, even if you don't believe it you get imbued with underlying ideology - hell, look at right-wingers using liberal values to fight with liberals not aware of implications.
>as i say, even robots dont entertain the delusion that being a pick up artist is possible for them, or even desirable.
I distinctly remember that between 2012 and 14 there lot of threads about PUA on /r9k/ and /pol/ but ultimately it fizzled out, true. There was a time where anons were interested in that, though.


>> No.11501840

Great movie which gives both sides of this:

>> No.11501842

I'm to autistic to distinguish satire from real posts, someone help me out.

>> No.11501843

>2012 and 14
i wasnt there at that time, you are probably right then.

>> No.11501845 [DELETED] 

Not an argument
Do you wish to address any of my points or can't you?

>> No.11501851 [DELETED] 

>robots dont entertain the delusion that being a pick up artist is possible for them, or even desirable
But they did though. You can still watch the videos on YouTube if one looks for them and wishes to waste precious time doing so.

>> No.11501865

>winning the discussion by admitting to know what happened on /r9k/ and /pol/ few years back
where did it go so wrong

No, lol.


>> No.11501873
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>The ideal for a female is the Byronic hero
Never take dating advice from a woman.
>says she wants a male version of her lunar-days self
This just reinforces it.
When women evolve to realise that they can't have everything then they will be given the free choice to love. Until then arranged marriages will remain the standard.

>> No.11502067

Satire always has some truth...

>> No.11502071

based and maga

>> No.11502099
File: 65 KB, 1109x320, Cwg9HxrWQAA0pMM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Say it with me!

Hesiod Was Lovecraftian

>> No.11502106
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wtf. Imagine translating πυγοστόλος as 'wiggling' or 'flaunting'. Philology is dead.

>> No.11502409

Greeks had a good taste

>> No.11502616

James J O’Meara pls go, you just want us all to be a buncha gays

>> No.11502855

>Femoids are faggots

>> No.11503596

Absolutely redpilled.

I am not even ironic, you swallowed a harder redpill then most people who call themselves "redpilled", great post.

>> No.11503658
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>bitter brainlets
>crushing loneliness
Right on cue.

>> No.11503811


>> No.11503878

I'm not a woman, I'm a man, my dude.

If you think that redpill sophistry doesn't lead to bitterness and the main motivator for holding such views would be loneliness/betrayal by some woman then I don't know what to tell you.

Thanks, but I wouldn't call it "redpill".

>> No.11503894

>You have to live and believe lies, otherwise you'll be bitter.

>> No.11503904

Lies such as?

>> No.11503909

the redpill stuff is a reaction to our extremely feminized culture. they take it way too far, but in the current social climate youre not allowed to blame literally anything on women so its understandable they get out of control when theyre finally allowed to let it out

>> No.11503930

Women can love and are our equals.

>> No.11504010

>Women can love
Ok then, have fun with your life

>> No.11504046

Calling it "sophistry" is not a fucking argument.

>> No.11504055

Good thing I didn't try to argue it then. My reasons were already stated in earlier post.

>> No.11504291
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Hey /lit/, is there anything glaringly wrong with my recent pickup? Ive heard that Penguin should be avoided, but also that Fagles is a good translator (not as good as Fitzgerald perhaps on the Odyssey though).

How is Paul Roach? I loved the Medea and Bacchae that I read but I'm a pleb

>> No.11504299



>> No.11504346

I just laugh at all the posts, including yours. What does it matter if it's real or not?

>> No.11504710

this'ing this

>> No.11505065

based and 4chanpilled

>> No.11505076

(In America) - Women were different decades ago than they are today, brainlet

You would do well to note that basically all the negatives of modern women apply _only_ to american women.

Europeon Women Remain Primarily Unblemished

>> No.11505090

That's how Suzanne Lye translates it in The Oxford Handbook of Hesiod

>> No.11505367

Not that guy, here. I’d take away women’s driving and voting rights if it were up to me, but I’m not so fucking insane to believe that they can’t love.
Sure, they love for different reasons, and they show it in different ways, but to think that means they’re incapable of love only shows that you’re a massive faggot who’d prefer a man’s love.

>> No.11506518

Based and redpilled.

>> No.11506906
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>Europeon Women Remain Primarily Unblemished
Where are you from, anon?

>> No.11507222

t. ressentimental incels

>> No.11508959
File: 64 KB, 736x725, not today sata_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is what peak degeneracy looks like
you need jesus son