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File: 35 KB, 343x393, 1268648027144.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1149849 No.1149849 [Reply] [Original]

fuck /tv/ is such a terrible board

perhaps /lit/ could recommend me some movies?

>> No.1149855

what kind of movies?
also, inbfore pulp fiction, american history x, fight club, memento, goodfellas, and the usual suspects

>> No.1149852

>Black Hawk Down
>Apocalypse Now
>Full Metal Jacket
>The Hurt Locker

>> No.1149861

pulp fiction
american history x
fight club
the usual suspects

wait whut.

>> No.1149860

I only go to /tv/ when a new Mad Men episode is on, there is always a good thread about it

The Umbrellas of Cherbourg
Last Year at Marienbad
Wild Strawberries

>> No.1149866


>> No.1149871

thank you i liked hurt locker and black hawk down, i'll watch the others

the only movies i'm really crazy about are tarentino's i guess just any decent thriller, action, adveture

>> No.1149872

I watched Harry Brown recently. It was very good.

>> No.1149880


>> No.1149883

My favorite directors are David Lynch, Alejandro Jodorowsky and Darren Aronofsky.

>> No.1149890
File: 25 KB, 495x440, primer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1149898

thank you all

i'm writing these all down

>> No.1149900


Anything by Bruno Dumont.

>> No.1149974

Oooooh my god, oh my god.

I had that play-set in my childhood.


>> No.1150004

I still have that playset in my closet! My younger siblings play with it each time they come over to visit.

>> No.1150065
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Anything directed or produced by one of these guys:
Coen Brothers
Guilliermo Del Toro
Jean-Pierre Jeunet
Terry Gilliam (the earlier the better)
Akira Kurosawa
Christopher Nolan
Martin Scorsese
David Fincher
Paul Thomas Anderson
Michael Mann
Johnnie To

Anything with these actors in it:
Guy Pearce
Philip Seymoure Hoffman
Robert Downey Jr
Daniel Day Lewis
Lee Marvin
Sam Rockwell

Or one of these:
Scent of a Woman
The Magnificent Seven
The Man With No Name Trilogy
The Game
High Fidelity
The Way of the Gun
District B13

>> No.1150071


Sorry, should have said the "Dollars Trilogy," but for some reason I always call it the Man With No Name Trilogy. Fucking great either way. Once Upon a Time in the West is probably a better film, but not as easy to love as the consummate westerns Sergio Leone created

>> No.1150076
File: 43 KB, 640x414, donniedarko-715696.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was thinking earlier that we need a film or movie thread

>> No.1150077

not probably, but definitely: better actors, better story, less action, but a much stronger build to the climax. plus henry fonda as the bad guy: awesomeness! "People scare better when they're dyin"

>> No.1150087


i meant board my b

>> No.1150096

um... /tv/ is television and film

>> No.1150133

Robert Altman, Nashville, Short Cuts
Ingmar Bergman, The Seventh Seal
Luis Buñuel, The Exterminating Angel
Alfonso Cuaron, Y Tu Mama Tambien
Federico Fellini, La Dolce Vita
Sam Fuller, The Naked Kiss
Peter Greenaway, Drowning by Numbers
Alfred Hitchcock, Vertigo
Peter Jackson, Meet the Feebles
Stanley Kubrick, Clockwork Orange, Full Metal Jacket
Fritz Lang, M
Renoir, La Grande Illusion
Martin Scorsese, Casino

>> No.1150140

Billy Madison

>> No.1150153

This isn't the greatest movie ever made, but "Bringing Out the Dead" is a really underappreciated film, IMHO.

>> No.1150168
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>> No.1150765


I agree with you but it's a matter of perspective- if you're a bigger fan of explosions and immediate gratification than you are of character development then you'll probably like Fistful more.

>> No.1150766

holy fuck I used to have that castle

>> No.1150767

you're my new friend

Louise Malle- My Dinner With Andre
(Don't know Director) - Naked (1994)

>> No.1150772

Yeah that guy likes good movie

>> No.1150780

Hell yeah, Happiness is one of my favorites. Check this one out first and then the other movies by Todd Solondz.

Also for some punkier stuff: Shinya Tsukamoto's films.

>> No.1150793


aw, thanks. you're my new friend too.

and it's mike leigh who directed "naked"....i forgot suggesting him, but he's just a fascinating director all round....like the late bob altman, he builds the screenplay out of actors' improvisation: when the results are good they're really really good (and so good that i'm willing to ignore the fact that both leigh and altman have made some terrible movies too)

>> No.1150797


Random films I watch regularly:

Spirited Away
Conan the Barbarian
Anything by Akira Kurosawa
Raiders of the Lost Ark (the other 2 if you feel Indiana Jonesish)
Original Star Wars trilogy
Dr. Strangelove
Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid
Coolhand Luke
Good Will Hunting
The Graduate
Rocky I and II (the rest are meh imo)
Blood Sport

>> No.1150851
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Blade Runner
Princess Mononoke/virtually every Ghibli Film
Dark City
Taxi Driver
Apocalypse Now
Requiem for a dream
Cat Soup
Ghost in the Shell 1/2
Angels Egg
Strange Days (Cyberpunk-tier)
Meshes of the Afternoon (Pretentious-tier)

I haven't gotten the chance to see many films lately, so the list might be a little familiar

>> No.1150868

>CTRL+F "gattaca"
>no results found

Also, Jude Law being smooth as fuck was the only thing entertaining about Repo Men.

>> No.1150876

Werner Herzog
Lars Von Trier
Michael Haneke (but don't go for his adaptation of Kafka's the castle, it sucked big time)
Chris Marker (sans soleil and La Jetee are great films)
John Cassavettes (Shadows, Faces, The killing of a Chinese Bookie)
Jean Cocteau (only if you like experimental films)
Brewster McCloud, Harold and Maude, The Darjeeling Limited, The Fantastic Mr.Fox, Splice, Breathless, Vivra Sa Vie, Machete...

>> No.1150880

I can't say I watch much of cinema, but I'd be happy to recommend some random flicks from my limited library:
Lucky Number Slevin
O Brother, Where Art Thou?
The Legend of Drunken Master
Waltz with Bashir
And someone recommended every Ghibli film. I will second this. Castle of Cagliostro and Porco Rosso are my favorites.

>> No.1152061
File: 95 KB, 650x295, bladerunner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bliss 1985, dir. Ray Lawrence
Touch of Evil dir. Orson Wells
Revolver dir. Guy Ritchie

The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo/The Girl Who
Played with Fire/The Girl Who Kicked The Hornet's Nest (english subtitled)

The Spanish Prisoner
The Fantastik Mr. Fox

Lock,Stock, And Two Smoking Barrels
Roshomon AND THEN The Outrage (1964)

The Shining
The Third man
The Maltese Falcon
The Outlaw Josie Wales

The Dogs of War
The Ninth Gate
Glengary Glenross

BladeRunner (I watch it over and over again)

Hope This Helps!

>> No.1152079

A Woman Under the Influence, Red Desert, L'avventura, L'eclisse, La Notte, Teorema, Fellini's Satyricon, Syndromes and a Century, Silent Light, Ulysses' Gaze, Time of the Gypsies, anything by Tarkovsky, The Hour of the Wolf, Death in Venice, Arsenal, Battleship Potemkin, Orphée.

>> No.1152080

One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest
City of God

>> No.1152081

The Maltese Falcon
The Stranger
The Adventures of Don Juan
La Belle et la Bete

For something more modern:
Flame and Citron

>> No.1152101


>> No.1152121


For god's sake, download this film and watch it. It is truly beautiful.

>> No.1152126

HOLY SHIT! I loved that fucking castle as a child! Fuck, I even remember playing the fisher-price cd rom of that castle when I was 6. That and Kings Quest as a child made me want to be part of a Knighthood.

>> No.1152136


/tv/ here. Do not watch this movie. It is garbage.

>> No.1152144

didn't they just say they hated you?

>> No.1152207
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Hiroshima Mon Amour
Harold and Maude
Annie Hall
Run Lola Run
Donie Darko 1
Butterfly Effect
Lost In Translation
The Dreamers
Hard Candy
Garden State
Little Miss Sunshine
500 Days of Summer

>> No.1152373
File: 58 KB, 480x680, prosperosbooks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Prospero's Books

This is by far the best film adaptation of Shakespeare ever.

>> No.1152380

Good taste, anon, most of these are my favorites.

>> No.1152385
File: 153 KB, 359x512, ddashoop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/r/ing Dog Day Afternoon just because I made this when I was bored and now have a reason to post it

>> No.1152396
File: 18 KB, 400x350, 1281650897330.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everyone starts remarking how they had the castle in OP's pic

>click on picture even though I most likely have no idea what it is since I wasn't really into stuff like that


>> No.1152415
File: 47 KB, 461x446, fp7043-2-pirshipset.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying this one wasn't better

>> No.1152434


Prospero's Books, seriously? If he wanted to cast Gielgud in every role, I don't see why he didn't do The Comedy of Errors and cast Gielgud as both Dromios and both Antipholuses.

Or John Gielgud and John Gielgud in "The Parent Trap", for that matter.

>> No.1152438


To my darling wife Leon....