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File: 62 KB, 209x277, Might_is_right.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11497611 No.11497611[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is this the most red pilled book in existence?

>> No.11497683

Nah that's Culture of Critique, which is fucking redpilled :D

>> No.11497696

The thing with a book like this is that it seems undeniably true when I’m bothered by how weak it makes me feel, but hopelessly false when I want to turn to it as a weapon against all the moralists who make me feel so guilty.

>> No.11497709

Gravitys Rainbow

>> No.11497714

Get a fucking life, you loser, lmao

>> No.11497720
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>> No.11497810

It's satire

>> No.11497852

Is it? People always say that about uncomfy books

>> No.11498060

literally me

>> No.11498471

Bitter white incel the post

>> No.11498560



>> No.11498564

Tao Te King

>> No.11498854
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>> No.11498862


>> No.11498863

baste and red pilled

>> No.11498866

Explain this meme

>> No.11498894

Not a "meme". Just a very important book to read.

>> No.11498898


>> No.11498924

she should clip her nails desu

>> No.11498946

It explains that there are two paths in life for any individual or the species as a whole- the path of destruction or the path of building, and then extrapolates the incredible understandings of the core philosophy into creating a flourishing civilization in which people are connected with nature and one another.

>> No.11500853

Not even a meme. Literally every time it has been shilled here for over a year now it has been Goonan himself doing it.

>> No.11500857
File: 126 KB, 750x1025, black_beauty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Redpilled book coming througj

>> No.11500867

>and its fu

>> No.11500988


Whoa, Black Betty (Bam-ba-Lam)
Whoa, Black Betty (Bam-ba-Lam)

>> No.11501019

Based and redpilled

>> No.11501026

The highest purpose an individual can aspire to is the rebellion against their own Darwinian nature. Darwinism is the natural order of things and in a traditionalist and cowardice "flee from the light" perspective, can be argued as "true". However, to rebel against nature, to apply and adhere to morality is to aspire to Godhood, to go beyond nature.

>> No.11501246

Its a satire of social darwinism and edgy fedora tipping anarchists. It was written by a socialist ffs. Only low iq retards read it unironically.

>> No.11501259

That’s the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard. We can debate if the book itself is satire, but people aren’t saying it because it’s ‘unconfortable’. I’m pissed off at you, because you’re stupid and this book is stupid. I don’t want anyone catching what you have.

It’s a funny read because the author cannot possibly be serious. Learn to be an intelligent conservative like everyone else on /lit/

>> No.11501272

If you mean redpilled in the sense of "superficial symbolism from a rather poor late 1990s SciFi-Action movie that is purely a plot device" then I agree, OP.

>> No.11501273

No it's not. That something leftists say to feel less insecure.

>> No.11501276

>red pilled
fuck off /pol/

>> No.11501278


>> No.11501280
File: 373 KB, 398x567, disdain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The highest purpose an individual can aspire to is the rebellion against their own Darwinian nature.
Wrong. It's to fulfill ones nature to the greatest degree. Rebellion is for failures and the weak.

>> No.11501281

>not being a creationist
All Darwinists off /lit/ NOW

>> No.11501289

>video opens with 1min of low energy, pathetic excuse making and apologising for existence
>supports antinatalism, literally self hates enough to believes existence should not be perpetuated
Yeah, I'm looking forward to this strong rebuttal!

>> No.11501295

Redpilled in the sense that it's so ridiculous people often confuse it for satire.

>> No.11501298

God in his infinite wisdom, made us the way that we are. To go against his wishes (Our nature) is futile and stupid.

>> No.11501304

It is, though.

The Prince is also satire but has a good point to make.

>> No.11501311

Accordingly, the greatest glory and his approval can be found in becoming the best of what we were born to be, not something we weren't.

>> No.11501314

>God created evolution and therefore an Earth much older than that depicted in The Holy Bible

You aren’t fooling anyone

>> No.11501321


Lmao just lol at being a cuckold to le darwinian laws of nature. Nihilistic egoism is the surest way to become depressed, powerless and lonely. Man is not a solitary being, but performs best in a small, related group of kin and kith, as we have done for 100 000 s of years. The lone wolf is probably the biggest meme pushed by edgy people without friends or family.

>> No.11501330

If the good point is displaying how people arrive at certain misconceptions about nature then I agree.

>> No.11501334

I'm not a nihilist, I'm fervently religious.

>> No.11501338

The Prince isn't satire you fucking cretin. He doesn't even claim anything controversial, just sense. How stupid do you have to be to believe this?

>> No.11501349

>Man is not a solitary being, but performs best in a small, related group of kin and kith, as we have done for 100 000 s of years. The lone wolf is probably the biggest meme pushed by edgy people without friends or family.
I agree 100% with this (Being that it is according to our nature). I have no idea who you are arguing with.

>> No.11501360


Because ragnar argues for an extreme individualist egoistic amorality, which is anathema to in-group cooperation.

>> No.11501366

I bet you fell for many of the memes about what is and is not natural too, like "capitalism is natural" and "Darwinism means that there is a linear progression from less efficient forms to more efficient. Just ignore that all evolution demands is to make babies that make babies. So the virus and the bacterium are the absolute top of this supposed pyramid"

>> No.11501371


What do you think of the antireligious, amoral and egoistic views in might is right?

>> No.11501376



>> No.11501424

You don’t have to be claiming controversial things to be satire.

>> No.11501471

>I bet you fell for many of the memes about what is and is not natural too
> like "capitalism is natural"
Wrong. I'm not a capitalist.

>Just ignore that all evolution demands is to make babies that make babies
No, I only want the strongest to survive and Ragnar agrees.

I think that the ancients weren't so hung up on ego as being negative (See how men behave in the Iliad for example).

The only morality is nature (See that as the wisdom of God's perfect design if you wish). Degenerates usually die from disease and those who waste nature's gifts are put to waste by her.

It is a sin to go against His wishes by helping the weak to survive and aiding degeneracy to flourish.

>> No.11501530
File: 142 KB, 434x434, 1529935448666.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know, the one thing that really destroys and contradicts the whole core belief of the book is antisemitism.

The author upholds that "might is right" but then he goes on to shit talk the Jews because they have obtained power in society trhough "cowardly" means. Power is power, yet this whiny little faggot gets all uppity when someone (the Jews) manages to obtain power through means other than brute force and explicit violence.

In the natural world, the ability to deceive other creatures is just as important (if not more important) than brute force. The survival of the fittest cannot be reduced to a simply matter of military might; there are also other, more versatile, forms of power. The supremacy of the Jews over other races exemplifies that might is indeed right, but it is another kind of "might", a more refined kind, and the dumb Anglo-Saxon who wrote this book shouts: "It's not fair! You should play by MY rules! Only the sword will decide the victor!"

This dumb Anglo is just mad because the Jews are smarter than him and they can win without having to actually fight. In conclusion, Redbear is right, might is indeed right, but his definition of "might" is disingenuous and tailored to fit the virtues of Germanic barbarian tribes, disreagrding the suprior virtues of Chosen People.

P.S.: Note that I'm neither a Jew nor a philosemite. As a gentile, the Jews are my potential enemies (and potential allies as well, depending on circumstances), but I am not intellectually dishonest enough to deny that they're good at what they do.

>> No.11501544

The Jews got power through usury.

It’s all meaningless though because the idea of a Darwinian struggle is inherently stupid and puerile to focus on

>> No.11501572

>The Jews got power through usury.

So what? Whether you get power trhough violence or questionable financial practices what's the difference?

>It’s all meaningless though because the idea of a Darwinian struggle is inherently stupid and puerile to focus on

It's the best available explanation of what happens in the natural world. And I don't believe humans are special enough to be exempted from it; humans are still part of the natural world, just like any other animal.

>> No.11501573

It's interesting that Israel is the one nation now which promotes a culture of strength and warriorism.

>> No.11501593

Then you should understand that his stirring resentment against his perceived enemies is also a strategy of competition and is entirely consistent with what he proclaims.

>> No.11501608

Israeli Jews are not the same as diaspora Jews. I know /pol/ loves to see the Jews as one monolithic group that conspires against the white race, but I suspect there are many divisions in the Jewish ranks. (Orban is best friends with Netanyahu yet he hates Soros.)

Israel needs military might because it is a national ethno-state who must defend its borders from hostile neighbors. Diaspora Jews have no land; they built their wealth upon banking and lending. Therefore they have no interest in defending borders. On the contrary, they're globalists who want to get rid of nation states in order to further thier self-interest at the expense of the interest of the host country.

>> No.11501614

Might isn't right, might MAKES right. The difference is subtle, but it matters.

>> No.11501628

If he can't make a consistent argument against the Jews, he is not doing a good job at furthering his antisemitic propaganda. If his argument against the Jews contradicts the core tenets of his book, his argument is useless and even counterproductive.

Redbeard also has this weird idea that aristocracy is, by and large, already set in stone. He believes that the sons of the weak are themselves weak and that the weak will never produce worthy offspring. He is the kind of person who hates the "nouveau riche" and self-made men because it goes against his old aristocratic views.

The world is constantly changing and new aristocracies emerge all the time, just like the old ones disappear into obscurity.

>> No.11501644

>People talking about usury as if it is any different than any other financial pursuit

I don't get it. How is usury any different than selling a product for more than it's worth? Do you guys even know what profit is?

>> No.11501653

They're just mad that their Christian morals prevent them from taking advantage of the profitable business of selling money.

>> No.11501656

Its because we hate kikes, idiot

>> No.11501665

And why do you hate them? Oh right, because they're wealthier than you.

Envy is one hell of a feeling.

>> No.11501679

Their Christian morals stopped them from doing it in the 14th century, not in 2018.

>> No.11501692

Interesting, I checked Bibis haploshit and it's an European one R1a and not a semetic one like J.