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File: 534 KB, 1200x1600, Ronald Dworkin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11496423 No.11496423[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

/law/ Law Lit General

Come to me, my law students and legal scholars.

>> No.11496485
File: 13 KB, 220x291, Carl_Schmitt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All hail the patron saint of /law/

>> No.11496491

If I have a big weiner and it noticeably bulges my pants, to what extent am I legally liable? Can I be sued for indecent exposure?

>> No.11496493
File: 39 KB, 400x400, Lawrence Friedman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*blocks your path*

>> No.11496598

T14 ama

>> No.11496968

What LSAT study materials did you use and what was your study timeline like? I'm an incoming senior majoring in IR and I'm hoping to begin studying this August for the November exam.

>> No.11497010

i did testmasters on recommendation. nothing else, and i didnt do any exercises in my own time unless i had trouble with a particular question type on a practice test. the course lasted maybe ten weeks. kind of expensive but it was worth it for me cause i wouldnt have studied otherwise lol.

take a practice test before you sign up. logical reasoning you can improve, and logic games are pretty easy to perfect, but if you do bad on reading comprehension just give up.

>> No.11497102

Glad to see this general again. I'll be back with some posts tonight.

>> No.11497139

continental legal system in my part of the world
feels good, man
feels so good

>> No.11497177
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I'm sorry but Natural Law is the true measure of Jurisprudence

>> No.11497237
File: 1.47 MB, 1440x1090, IzoAgGh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was considering academic philosophy, but had second thoughts when:
>a respected (tenured) professor asked me to check out an Andrea Dworkin book for him, so that he could write a half-hearted essay on it
>a respected (Catholic) professor told me that it would be very hard-going to get a professorship as a white man today who wants to study metaphysics, without devoting your career to Islamic and/or gender philosophies
I still love philosophy, but now am considering pre-law. Is there a field of law that specializes in the interpretation of old constitutional documents — maybe tort law? I am American, which means that constitutional law ≈ Constitutional law.

>> No.11497263
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Also: Paschukanis

>> No.11497362
File: 165 KB, 900x900, Flavius Petrus Sabbatius Iustinianus Augustus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only official and approved patron saint of any respectable law system

>> No.11497385

European here. American jurisprudence is considered extremely stupid outside of the country.

Nobody cares about Dworkin or any other American jurist outside of USA. He is considered a nobody with stupid ideas and influences nothing.

>> No.11497478
File: 168 KB, 786x576, 616F6085-5195-4063-9AD2-5B6C0222506B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

167 LSAT score

>tfw too brainlet for law school

>> No.11497515

That's funny, because the entirety of European culture is held in much the same regards when Americans exercise their freedom of speech whilst simultaneously exercising their right to self defense.

>> No.11497534

>American jurisprudence is considered extremely stupid outside of the country.

>> No.11497550

Freedom is scary.

>> No.11497562

If anything that just reflects poorly on Europe. America has the finest legal scholars in the world.

>> No.11497713

>European here. American jurisprudence is considered extremely stupid outside of the country.
well, as long they keep their silly law on their side of ocean and we do our thing our way (all hail Code Civil and BGB!), noone gets hurt

on the other hand, stupid UE and their stupid unification of succesion law ("brussels iv") forced me to use in some cases american estate laws. man, that shit was so fukken silly...

>> No.11497867
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>> No.11497891

Is it true that 1L is hell but it gets much easier afterwards?

>> No.11497894

I enjoyed reading Blackstone.

>> No.11497937

Yes. You can make it if that's what you are worried about anon.

>> No.11497950

Photocopied several practice tests from Princeton prep from a book I checked out from the library. Then ordered 5 old exams from LSAC and got lucky because they sent me 10 for some reason. Didn't look a gifthorse in the mouth.
This guy is more or less correct, but my experience was to the contrary with the games in that I always lost the most points there. Everything else was a breeze, got into law school with 167 after scoring close to 175 on average in practice, so assume you won't do as well in the test as on the practice test. With 165, you can basically get in most schools with some form of scholarship. I will tell you I have already dropped out because the LSAT is absolutely useless in reference to the coursework, and the classroom environment is useless for anything but bolstering the autistic teacher's ego. Legal work itself is almost entirely pointless reading and pointless writing to satisfy the arbitrary whims of a fat, repressed monkey in the office/courtroom/police station, or the equally arbitrary whims of one of a line of his predecessors. Go if you want to do corporate law or other high-paying bitchwork, but otherwise, law school is not a place for smart people but rather smart parrots.

>> No.11497964

What? You could get in anywhere with 165. Everything else about you must suck.

>> No.11497969

Best law is to carve out an extremely specialized niche and be the world expert in that. You won't be anybody's bitch or parrot you'll be literally writing the book.

>> No.11497976

This seems like bait. That's a great score unless you're applying to a T-14 maybe, and even then it's not a huge disadvantage especially if your GPA and other soft factors are strong enough.

>> No.11498044

Who else /undecidedundergrad/?
I'm in 3rd year of poli sci (Canada) and still don't know if I want to take my 1L. Both law and my current major interest me, but law school is vastly more risky and expensive. On top of that, I was offered a summer research position by one of my profs. I was told that Lady Justice courts her students, I'm not sure if I should take a leap of faith

>> No.11498086

Take the test but see what kind of work you can get with just your polisci degree.

>> No.11498142

Sure, but then you'll be running a firm or a professor. Even if you think that's your career trajectory, I guarantee you will spend the best years of your life as a dog or at least broke and miserable

>> No.11498410
File: 490 KB, 449x401, Girls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dworkin? More like dork kin!!!

>> No.11498608

I was very fortunate to get a reference from working with research under my professor, so I have a good feeling I'll eventually have connections to get a good job in local or even federal government. Still, I think a part of me really wants that JD

>> No.11498680

Sorry. I couldn't hear. You need to be more relevant if you want to be heard.

American realism holds no substance. American law is juristocracy and that means there's no technique, thought or anything for that matter in your law. The judge makes the case; anything else is irrelevant.

>literal whos that no one besides you know them
Good for you, bud.

>> No.11498724
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>> No.11498729

Chevy Chase?


>> No.11498735
File: 13 KB, 170x226, 170px-Franz_Kafka_1910[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>/law/ Law Lit General

>> No.11499085

Nah, it is Tom Hanks.

>> No.11499483


>> No.11499732

He's cute, for a German guy.

>> No.11499897

What's the social scene like at law school? Is the atmosphere collegial or very competitive due to the emphasis on class rankings in the law firm recruitment process?

>> No.11499935

How much financial aid did you receive? If you went to prestigious undergrad, is the student body similar?

>> No.11499939

NU downtown campus is kino

>> No.11500147


I can understand finding enjoyment in reading legal philosophy, but ultimately that's useless. What we need in the practical world is knowledge of the codes, at least in my country.

I can't stand spending hours reading about the different legal dispositions about the different types of property violation and whatnot.

>> No.11500295
File: 240 KB, 1656x1009, 1443484668816.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, do you have friends that go there?

>> No.11500352
File: 17 KB, 249x249, 3c7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

went to nu undergrad and had some summer classes there

>> No.11500374

>not a rich boys club purposefully built as a monopoly practice to maximize wealth and social prestige

>> No.11500441

>not being a poor boy using law degree to gain social stature and ascend class ladder

>> No.11500460

so this is the power of those who follow american legal realism...

>> No.11500468

>not dropping out of society all together, spending your time battling over feeling good for escaping the indecency of ambition and feeling bad for thinking that makes you better than others.

>> No.11500495

take the desert father pill and live on a pillar brother

>> No.11500536

Always found it very appealing but ultimately too dramatic for my tastes. Seems like some last act to gain notoriety for yourself. If you are going to waste away, why not do it alone where no one would ever see or know of you? That must be the greatest achievement, to have no effect on anything.

>> No.11500544

Are you religious? You can be dramatic in your worship and admiration of God. If you aren't religious idk why you'd worry yourself over escaping ambition or trying to live some ascetic life. Why deny yourself vro have fun with it

>> No.11500563

Im at a t14 and its basically high school 2.0 for people who didn’t have a normal high school experience. A lot of drinking gossip fucking and sucking

>> No.11500571
File: 42 KB, 399x322, 1483485925736.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm tired of ghey nerds acting out because they didn't play beer pong until they were 19. When will they exit my life

>> No.11500844

You certainly can be dramatic but what difference is it to god if you die on a pillar or in a ditch? One gets you a place in history and the other barely a place in creating a bad smell, what with with all the other trash. Again, seems like unnecessary attention-seeking.

>> No.11500950

Literally who?

>> No.11502545

Is law worth it? I'm interning at a firm right now and its so much fucking paper work, seems miserable. I'm really trying for academics (econ or IR) instead I think

>> No.11502703

Thinking about academics myself. Do what you enjoy.

>> No.11502734

Is political science a burger flipping tier degree or is that just a meme

>> No.11502791
File: 343 KB, 1276x1168, political science earnings.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As a political science major, I can say that reputation's mostly a meme. But in all honesty I would have dropped my political science major some time ago for Econ if I wasn't pre-law, since Econ opens up a broader range of job opportunities (and generally more lucrative ones as well)

>> No.11502808

>of all social science majors
not a great competition lol
economics and related ones are the only that can get you a job in the private sector

>> No.11502832 [DELETED] 

yes, idiot
you don’t know what you’re talking about and are a subhuman parasite

>> No.11502976

sorry for late replies i was banned

imo the difficulty of 1L is overstated. unless you're trying to be first in your class it's fine.

depends on where you go. the other guy is right though. feels like high school.

most of my tuition was covered by merit based aid

cases are generally more interesting to read than statutes. law is pretty boring though.

when will europeans realize that americans dont even think about them

sorry senpai

shitlaw honestly seems more interesting than anything else. tort cases can actually be interesting, and if you get class actions you can become absurdly wealthy.

maybe if urm lol

i think it would be interesting to go to law school in quebec

hello brother

biglaw a few years and quit, just like everyone else.

>> No.11502979

nice arguments, good post

>> No.11502989 [DELETED] 

we don’t argue anymore, discourse is dead. go baq to reddit or facebook and continue being anal pumped by the vision machine consensus trance nigger polisci people are subhuman

>> No.11502999

sure, whatever appeases your incel-driven resentment and autism anon

>> No.11503027

>you think one of the lowest iq majors filled with people who can’t do math or invent anything or write is subhuman
>you are ressentiment filled against these unemployable demonstrably low iq political hacks
again, go baq you aren’t from here.

>> No.11503062

>who can’t do math or invent anything or write

You've clearly never taken a political science class before. It's all papers, essays, etc. You're writing all the time. You sound like a NEET.

>> No.11503376

This thread took a turn for the worst. Should try again later, but with a focus on legal philosophy.

>> No.11503482
File: 517 KB, 2048x2048, 1519547863681.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any book recommendations for aspiring law students?

>> No.11503661

My uni im at for undergrad is a top five law school, how can I take advantage of this?

>> No.11503666

None at the moment but this image is great on so many levels.

>> No.11503955

>Any book recommendations for aspiring law students?

aka you go to columbia

>> No.11504679

Political philosophy, ethics, philosophy of law. I'll link the ethics thread later if I think about.

>> No.11504957

What are your specific interests?

>> No.11505037

jsut finished carl schmitt
with whom do i proceed
can i get a quick rundown of law philo, like main currents and timeline?

>> No.11505146

law is the will of the strongest
God is the strongest

>> No.11505604

Who here, history majors

>> No.11506268

Considered it. Might go for it.

>> No.11506301

Literally a fucking nazi
How big is your penis?
God is dead, law and economics replaced it. Classical positivism is superior.
Constitutional law is in EVERY PART OF AMERICAN LAW.
When was the last time anyone in Europe was a world power?
It depends on how much you give a shit. Do you want to work hard? Will you work hard the entire time? Its hard, but in a different way.
I wrote a law article about new knife laws, and I didn't get published. Now im just THAT GUY.
>the gang goes to court without a lawyer
Codes are fun when you get into the details and try to find loopholes and shit like that. It's about the work not the content.
Just read. Read. Read. Read. Don't lose the skill. Don't lose the passion.
Jurisprudence is the least regulated class. it doesn't seem like any professor or book are consistent except for a few because it's all opinions and not real law. It's basically natural law -> formalism -> realism -> positivism -> critical theory -> law and economics. These are all broad fields and everyone wants to be published so no one agrees.

>> No.11506572

Praise Schmitt!

>> No.11508187

None of us.

>> No.11508226
File: 253 KB, 600x632, 1531987309509.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol tries to justify telling people to drop out of law school by his own twistings of individual philosophical moral outlooks on life and existence

>> No.11508806

Law school isn't about philosophy, no matter how much T14 gunners and undergrads want to think it is.

>> No.11508919

>How big is your penis?
breddy large

>Law school isn't about philosophy, no matter how much T14 gunners and undergrads want to think it is.
Nobody thinks it's about philosophy here. Most people just want a paycheck. The rest are lefties who see impact litigation/joining the 'deep state' as good praxis, and maybe there's one libertarian in FedSoc who strongly believes in textualism as a panacea for bureaucratic inefficiency.

The only philosopher who has received more than a passing reference from a professor is Mill.

>> No.11509058

old guy lawyer here. I’ve worked big law mid law, and for the feds. Feel free to ask me anything.
All i’ll say is (1) successful lawyers and those with judicial aspirations put the law above all else; (2) legal theory and legal practice are very very different; (3) you will have less time to read fiction than ever before and in any profession except medicine.
That said, i’ve enjoyed my life and profession immensely, if only for small moments of human drama and the sense of having helped someone in a clear and direct way.

>> No.11509091
File: 210 KB, 350x350, profile-finnis-john.JPG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heil Finnis, father of Gorsuch

The complete state of this sweating liberal dweeb

>Literally a fucking nazi
Oy vey!

>> No.11509141

only worth going to law school if you get into yale, harvard, or stanford. otherwise it's a bust and not worth the stress (hys don't have grading and it's impossible to fail out) and generally law school is filled with terrible ppl.

you need to have expectations going in...
if you are in it to "help people" - lmao. enjoy being nearly 200k in debt and making only 40-50k a year and being treated like garbage.

on the other hand, if you're in it for the money it can make sense...

going to any school in the top 6 will almost guarantee big-law, where you will wage-slave for around 200k starting (it's 190k now starting without bonus for many top firms). like i said, 200k in debt, but can be paid off in a couple years. after that, you burn out and try going in-house for half the pay but better hours.

that's the trajectory for most decent lawyers. anyone outside t14 is probably doomed unless top of the class.

>> No.11509175

>I believe everything the prelaw forums say and can't think for myself

>> No.11509407

Hi /law/yers

I have two questions , however I feel a little bit of background may be necessary first.

I study law and polsci in the best law school in my country. I'm getting good grades and want to springboard to a post grad in america or England (I'm from a common law country) . how do I into american legal academia? (I have fuck all interest in practicing)

2. any jurisprudence or books relating to anarchism and law? I'm politically an anarchist but i find the philsophical bridge between the two is lacking. anarchist critique of the law can often be lacking.

>> No.11509425

Once you finish school there you'd get into an LLM program here in the states in whatever state you want to be in. The best way to get into academia is to have good grades, write/publish a fuck ton, and be willing to move to whatever shitty law school has jobs available.

>> No.11509644

t. litigation

>> No.11509664

>anarchist critique of the law can often be lacking
gee i wonder why
buddy, i dont think academia is for you

>> No.11510012
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Based and redpilled.

>> No.11510172

Of all the T14, what are the differences between them? Are there any differences at all?

>> No.11510193

im a terrible person to ask but they do have different reputations e.g.
>Yale = Academia
>Penn = Big Law
>NYU = Public Interest
>Cornell = LOL
etc. If you want to work in a major market though it's best to pick a school that is close by, especially if you have no other connection to the area.

T14s are all good but the higher you are the easier it is to coast into a job. Personally I would rather be top of the class at a decent regional school than low-mid at a bottom T14.

>> No.11510240

What about the Midwestern ones in specific? U of M, Northwestern, Chicago?

>> No.11510477
File: 9 KB, 250x250, Bloom Giggle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How old are we talking here grandpa?

>> No.11510482

if you get into U of T Law then go

if you don't get into U of T Law then go to a T14

if you don't get into a T14 or U of T Law, don't go to law school

>> No.11510486

>As a political science major, I can say that reputation's mostly a meme. But in all honesty I would have dropped my political science major some time ago for Econ if I wasn't pre-law, since Econ opens up a broader range of job opportunities (and generally more lucrative ones as well)
this, I very much wish I had done econ and english instead of polisci and english

still, it was fun to study polisci during the Trump election while living in the US

>> No.11510488

Chicago is very academic, like a Yale-lite
Michigan is 50/50 public interest/gov and biglaw (mostly Chicago and also some NYC)
Northwestern I'm not that familiar with

>> No.11510508

>U of T

Are you bluebooking that right?

>> No.11510513


>> No.11510789

>Are you bluebooking that right?

UofT, then

>> No.11510793


>> No.11510799

If I don't end up achieving anything in my STEM field should I go into law? I want to know what it's like to fuck shallow sluts I meet in high class NYC bars.

>> No.11510803

no, University of Toronto, not Texas, lol

he said he was Canadian in the post

>> No.11511132
File: 1.07 MB, 1189x1118, IfOnlyLaw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who here would want to read some law together sometime?

>> No.11512451

If you have a technical background you can get an IP/patent job straight out even with shit grades

>> No.11512459


>I want to know what it's like to fuck shallow sluts I meet in high class NYC bars.

Feels like emptiness.

>> No.11512819

Well he is a STEM bugman so emptiness is all they really know.

>> No.11513566


>> No.11514214

I think it would be fun to read a law related book, but not law itself. Like, I don't think it would be very beneficial for us to read the Magnuson–Moss Warranty Act together. I have a big stack of law related books I need to read, but there just never seems to be time. Biographies, thriller fiction, historical books. Some of them seem really cool.

>> No.11514762
File: 45 KB, 620x383, NeilGutBusterGorsuch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I meant law in the general sense. Probably legal philosophy. However, I now really sort of want to read the Magnuson-Moss Warranty Act together with you all just for the hell of it.

>> No.11515291

So what law related readings would this thread be interested in? Thinking about making a few polls to cover different types of readings.

>> No.11515311

How do you go to law school and end up a drunk poorfag? Only asking because that's what happened to my gfs dad.
>tfw your dad didn't fall for the law meme
Because the pillar thing draws people to you, they find out why you did it, and then they think "wow if someone would live on a pillar then maybe this God guy is pretty important". There's no reason to do that if you're not trying to spread a message.

>> No.11515318

>How do you go to law school and end up a drunk poorfag?

>> No.11515346

right, exactly

>> No.11515354
File: 95 KB, 844x792, 1532233196421.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

U of T is clearly for downtown urban basedboy starbucks cucks

Go for the authentic Canadian Law experience - Daily reminder Osgoode Hall Law School was the first Law School in Canada

Osgoode Hall Law school rules

U of T drools

>> No.11515358

Will law school make me a better writer?

>> No.11515440

It will certainly make you a better cocksucker if you can’t convince people to suck your cock

>> No.11515465

Wrong. this is my life and it’s the greatest imaginable. only issue is worrying about stds/pregnancies and whether my girlfriend will find out.

>> No.11515482

actually Osgoode Hall is for the borderline retarded, LGBT++, and affirmative action liberal arts majors who think they actually go to a good law school despite getting in with a 3.4 and 158

the only respectable law schools in this country are U of T and McGill

>> No.11515975

Ha. This would help for my sales class.
>How do you go to law school and end up a drunk poorfag?
Very easily. Stress gets to you and you are too paranoid to do other drugs.
Not really. They don't teach you how to write very well. It'll be a shitty powerpoint and then a professor with their own opinions will give you some shitty edits. People's writing skills coming into law school define how good a writer they are. Some of the people who were engineers or economics majors struggle. People who don't shitpost or didn't have a job that required writing or anything like that are shit out of luck. Even on journal you're only a cog editing others writing, doing the minimal amount of work. The paper you have to write for journal has barely any feedback until you submit it and then YOUR work is what other's in your place edit.

>> No.11515983
File: 54 KB, 640x360, 1532362556868.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yet you cannot refute the title, nor can you say that Osgoode doesn't have essentially the same employment networks and connections to the big shots in downtown if you have the merit

At the end of the day what does the law school want to do...make money....you can go to law school for almost anything these days.

Anyways U or T / McGill - I will admit these places generally rank higher in University reviews. There is really marginal difference in any event and the most important thing in all cases is your personal merit and ability because all these law schools regardless are hooked into the top firms and places people want to go to

>> No.11515992

reminder: lawyers are the most obviously evil of the classic professional caste, you will always repulse people viscerally. Anyone who doesn’t find associating with you distasteful is as bad, without being sullied by law school and gaming the job market for legal professionals, or possibly significantly more evil. I would if i were you, probably consider another vocation because despite the immense potential for social status and wealth, you never shake off that you are a snake manipulator of logos and have done nothing but perpetuate the encroachment of technocapital on the biome. Its up to you anon i do not make the rules.

>> No.11516021

That has been one of the most hilarious things I've noticed.
>get into law school
>1 year left of law school
>"Keep it up buddy!"
>Become lawyer
>"Get the fuck out of my face! Lawyers are scum!"
>Person has legal problem
>"Hey can you do my 200 work hour divorce with assets and 6 children for free?"

>> No.11516033
File: 112 KB, 850x850, 1532365716949.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck man i just wanted to save the whales and rain-forests, but of course /lit/fags are going to socially construct the most nihilistic Satanic interpretative twisting to any arbitrary action or behavior of the human race

>> No.11516041

It sounds like a good time honestly. You want to start the thread anytime soon so we can all get reading and busy?

>> No.11516185
File: 7 KB, 250x169, 1443933685813s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How did the lawyer hurt you anon?

>> No.11517530


>> No.11517623

Europeans talking about law
>Jurisprudence is the theme of the dialogue

Americans talking about law
>Dick measuring contest about which college is better

This is why this thread never go anywhere. If only we could ban them from joining these threads.

>> No.11518814

Sad but true. I'm an American interested in legal philosophy myself.

>> No.11518956

I don't care about which college is better. The running joke for mine is that in order to end up at our school everyone fucked up somewhere.
Was Hobbes idea's based more in natural law in the sense that humans have innate actions or was he more a proto-classical positivist following command theory?

>> No.11519178

originalism v. living document has been done to death, and there's no point discussing it because we all know that its fundamentally political. Same with Textualism vs. Legislative Intent.

Read Holmes' The Common Law and you're done. If you're interested in policy study something else.

>> No.11520125


>> No.11520144
File: 100 KB, 1920x1080, texas blind salamander fuck off commiefornians don't mexico city this shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey anon thanks
t.wildlife bio

>> No.11520158

all of these are me...

>> No.11520181

What about Harvard, Georgetown, and UVA specifically?

>> No.11520861

Could you be more ignorant about philosophy of law? Holy fuck, anon. Fuck off from this thread if you may.

>> No.11521064

This. This is why law generals should start of with a more clear focus on legal philosophy in order to keep out the school obsessed Americans.

>> No.11521370

I'm still angry. That burger eating fat cunt thinks the whole subject of Philosophy of Law can be subsumed into a subsect of legal interpretation. This why we should bully them out of this type of threads. What do they have to offer really? "Muh Carl Schmitt"? And they don't even talk about Schmittian constitutionalism but rather about Schmittian ideas on Political Science. These mongs have nothing worthy to share to the discussion of Jurisprudence.

>> No.11522587

10/10. Works as both bait and as a valid statement.

>> No.11522939

>I was only pretending to be retarded the post
How predictable. In the end you're only damaging your country's reputation

>> No.11523029

Pretty much this. It's a sad indictment of the American legal profession where people care more about who you were at the time you started law school than who you are after you finished it.

This is why overseas lawyers laugh at Americans.

>> No.11523125
File: 66 KB, 609x609, A9204CC2-B7DB-4AB8-B339-2982F9C4B143.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Not doing an MA programme in legal philosophy

>> No.11523487

Where at my man?

>> No.11523665

But like... why? Legal philosophy is fun and all, but what's the point?

>> No.11523682

What were your stats like?
My gpa is probably gonna end up 3.3, 3.4 if I'm lucky.

>> No.11523990

If I have a shitty sGPA but a 4.0 English GPA have I still got a shot at a decent law school?

>> No.11524248

If you gave a shit about becoming a lawyer you would just apply and not question it online. Only someone with doubt of their future makes 0L posts like this.

>> No.11524272

To my utter amazement about six months ago I qualified as bong lawyer. We have a split profession here - I'm the one that start a with B.
To all of you still studying, it's fucking worth it.