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/lit/ - Literature

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11493292 No.11493292 [Reply] [Original]

What are some nice vaporwave books or books with similar themes?

>> No.11493371

I listen to vaporwave while reading early cyberpunk novels by Gibson and Sterling, it fits surprisingly well

>> No.11493484

What are some books which explore more the rejection of modern, late stage capitalism and consumerism?
Less Than Zero by Ellis?

>> No.11493508

I'm also interested in this. I think just having an understanding of Marx would be a good start.

>> No.11493539

I think I need to specify myself a bit more:
What are some books which explore more the alienation from and the rejection of modern, late stage capitalism and consumerism?

>> No.11493594

The God Delusion because they're both loved by fedoras.

>> No.11493602


maybe try reading some essays/articles about vaporwave&capitalism and read the reference material they use?

>> No.11494324


>> No.11494351
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I enjoy vaporwave, but I'm a massive cross tipper though.

>> No.11494359


did I suddenly time travel back to 2013?

>> No.11494462

no whats happened is youve encountered one of those people who is completely out of touch with the world they live in and discovered vaporwave like 2 months ago

>> No.11494470

I’m more interested in books that teach you how to get the best out of school.

>> No.11494605

probably the bible

>> No.11495008

isn't that more appropriate, somehow?

>> No.11495064

Vaporwave is dead, long live vaporwave

>> No.11495069

vaporwave is basically just slowed down catchy music right?

>> No.11495079

is vaporwave still a thing? it seems so obama

>> No.11495085
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No. Only some vaporwave is like that. There are many different flavors of vaporwave. It's mostly just music that triggers nostalgia and intense emotions for times/ places that never really existed.

>> No.11495092

well then, give me some recs that actually have a lot of work put in them.

>> No.11495094

It’s supposed to capture the melancholy aesthetic of failing capitalism. Usually it’s just catchy 80s pop music that has been edited to sound degraded

>> No.11495098

the ones that dont just lean on pitch shifted 90s rnb loops all fuckin suck

>> No.11495115

Oneohtrix Point Never/Daniel Lopatin is still the king

>> No.11495122

Nick Land

>> No.11495154

This one is pretty gud

>> No.11495181

that's all pitch shifted samples dumb ass


if even has a fucking kenny g loop, gtfo out of here, vaporwave blows

>> No.11495202

Dont give a fuck about vaporware. Just want to say hitler did nothing wrong and jews have been rapists foe millenia. Fuck jews and their rapist occupation of palestine. Fuck trump for supporting these billionaire racist fucks who think theit big noses, curley hair,, and short stature makes them gods chosen people. Fuck the fucking jews and fuck anyone who buys into their zionist racist bullshit that has been going on for thousands of years while they play the victim.

What are thesw jew cunts going to do? Stop harassing me on the disney channel and nickelodean and newspapers? Are these big-nosed racist fucks going to realize i dont like their murderous childish impulses and stop stalking and harassing me? Im so very fucking scared.

>> No.11495226

did stormfront send a new shill? this guy is so different than the usual /lit/ anti-semite, the standard one never whines about palestine

>> No.11495266


well at 3 am in the states must be the iranians on the troll shift.

>> No.11495531
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Works of Paul Virilio.

>> No.11495539

White New York existed

>> No.11495800

Did the vaporwave movement produce any literature? I mean authors actually identifying with the subculture, not just similar themes

>> No.11495805

Is pic related a good place to start with him?

>> No.11495811

>oh noooooooo he doesnt know about this gya thing i know about heheheh i knew it first
You're a faggot for knowing what this is

>> No.11496217

Judging by the cover, yes.

>> No.11496676

The Elementary Particles by Houllebecq

>> No.11497022


>> No.11497081

late stage capitalism is a communist meme

>> No.11497180

it's an internet musical fad that burned out as soon as it started, i.e. with eccojams

of course it didn't produce anything beyond shitty songs and even worse graphics

>> No.11497283

deaths dynamic shroud.wmv - I'll try living like this
surfing - deep fantasy
oneohtrix point never - replica
oneohtrix point never - r plus seven

>> No.11497386


are you high?

>> No.11497793

Read the Ware series.

>> No.11498136


i like me some blanc banshee!

my machine

teen pregnancy

the floral shoppe album is aight too