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11489765 No.11489765 [Reply] [Original]

Is it even possible to have sincere faith in God if you weren't raised that way? Christianity interests me but I feel like I'd always be LARPing

>> No.11489786

Of course it is. How do you think it began?

>> No.11489787

You're not ready OP. If you were on a deserted island, would faith be important to you? With no one around to see you and no church services to attend? If not then what is it exactly which you are worshiping? You are dressed up in clothes but we don't address your clothing. And why are you afraid of LARPing? Everyone is LARPing. LARPing as a business man, a father, a crime lord. You're the only one who is afraid of LARPing. You should LARP full on, go around blessing people and saying Glory be to God. This is what we would do if society were in a healthy state anyway. You're not tired of this world yet. That's why you feel like you're LARPing. So you're not a true Christian yet anyway.

>> No.11489790

harvest rituals -> nature worship -> polytheism -> monotheism

>> No.11489796

The evidence points towards there being religion before agriculture though.

>> No.11489799

I get what hes saying on one sense. Like he wouldnt be "worthy" of it or like hes a fake. Dont think too much about it OP (in that respect), you feel the same in new careers/jobs and thats obviously a reality. Take that step, God loves you brother.

>> No.11489851

then just add "hunter rituals" at the start. ritualistically reconstituting the animal you just ate to placate your anxiety over future hunts and all that.

>> No.11489857

Yeah. Every serious faithful will have a point where nature overtakes nurture. But for many it doesn't and they see through the nurture. I don't regard them as true faithfuls. Because if your own inquiry isn't leading you to God and it's a blind adherence to rituals, you're going elsewhere.

>> No.11489860


I think the same question could be asked for the opposite case. Aren't you just LARPing if God has always been around, and you've never had to turn away from yourself and towards Him? I guess this problem is why adult baptism is a thing.

>> No.11489862

ur faith doesnt hav to be like 100% sincere to hav faith lolol just read the mf bible

>> No.11489873

The first chapter of Eliade's A History of Religious Ideas vol. 1 talks about this, it's one of my favorite sections.

>> No.11489909

Not sure how biblical you are but J-man ate regularly with tax collectors and whores, a symbolic gesture of open arms to those of little or waivering faith that should be remembered by the more zealous members of the faith. All are welcome, even those who don't have faith.
If you are going in blind be mindful of the amount of symbolism in the parables within the Bible--ignoring that seems to be a common mistake when you introduce people to the faith

>> No.11489962



>> No.11489996

>Eliade's A History of Religious Ideas
I've been looking to check out this guy for some time. This book sounds exactly like the kind of thing I enjoy. Thanks for this!

>> No.11490010

Yes, obviously it's harder but the rewards will be great.
When you feel the presence of the holy spirit in you, then larp faze will be over.

>> No.11490016
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Don't be insecure Anon, us Christians love seeing people become Christians, that's half the pleasure of Christianity.

>> No.11490019

What if I already went through this and then slipped back into feeling more cynical about the whole thing? I know there is a creator... the bible being his written word, not so much.

>> No.11490023

Redpill me on the size of a cross or crucifix, what are the acceptable designs, metals and sizes?

>> No.11490033
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Authorship of the Bible is a theological question, asking questions about it doesn't mean you are not a Christian.

I'm a Protestant and I disagree that the Bible was written by God or that the apostles of Jesus Christ were told what to write, but that doesn't mean I'm not a Christian.

>> No.11490037

Sincere prayer, talking about it, getting communion, seclusion, fasting.

>> No.11490038
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>> No.11490041

Okay. Let's be real here. We all know religion is bullshit. It's a NEET club wherein you devour Jesus or tear your knees to Allah. It's functionality of curiosity brought gradual rise to the sciences and increased humanity's understanding of the natural world. That's it. Mysticism deep fried in social construct. It's run its course. But for that, I applaud it, we praise it. We don't denounce it and spit on it; just another block in the pyramid to the heavens. If you want to be a good little Christian and go around saying sappy shit, go right ahead, it's not hurting anyone. But if you are going to sit here and LARP a disciple of teh gawd awmitty, savior of umanity, you can go jump in a lake, because it's rather obvious where we are as a species. Stop propagating old world hogwash and start contributing, the God-well has run dry and there is nothing more to be attained from studying it.

>> No.11490044
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James 1:6
"But let him ask in faith, with no doubting, for the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea that is driven and tossed by the wind."

>> No.11490046


>> No.11490059
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>> No.11490060

how big is your fedora ?

>> No.11490069

Bigger than my neck beard

>> No.11490092

Thanks Anon


>> No.11490339

i've said this multiple times in /lit/. A lot of christians today were in some point atheists. Just like, through reasoning, people become atheists, people return to christianity after they stop being arrogant and start studying it seriously with the mind and the heart open.
And turning to atheism is fine, usually it is done by one honestly questioning about matters related to christianity, however, the problem is that after they become atheists they think they reached the absolute truth, therefore, don't need to study the topic anymore and get blinded by arrogance. All the questions about christianity that may turn people to atheism have been answered a long time ago by some of the best thinkers, like aquinas.
Remember, you are just a little faggot, if you think your logic and reasoning is superior to that of aristotle, aquinas and the like, publish a book already.

>> No.11490366
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Reminder that the Koine word for "faith" meant "belief justified by evidence" and that the NT, and indeed Jesus' actions themselves, are at their core attempts to persuade the doubter that belief in the Jesus movement's claims is justified by evidence.

>> No.11490643

You can be a Christian, not be raised a Christian, and have doubt.
To be Christian and follow a certain denomination is to be doubtful of another denomination.

Christianity is by nature to be doubtful unless you are a zealot and think you know God.
Nobody knows God, and therefore you are doubtful, the Christianity comes when you choose to be doubtful and to put faith in God at the same time.

God is beyond your grasp, it is the subjectivity where the objective fails, that means that God will never reveal to you.

>> No.11490659 [DELETED] 

Daily reminder science is a religion

>> No.11490702

Any books to read before the Bible

>> No.11491199

Read Pascal’s Pensées

>> No.11491316

OP I was indoctrinated evangelical/calvinist, converted to Eastern Orthodoxy few years ago after being agnostic.

A lot of the rites and rituals of old Christianity are essentially foreign to me and it does feel like LARPing esp praying to saints which is something I was never raised to do. The thing is all the Christian traditions most people take for granted today were invented at some point by humans because it seemed proper or felt appropriate. Similarly to how there's certain etiquette around the death of a member of society (which, like religious practice, also varies by culture).

So the LARPing feeling you are getting is just culture shock. Like grief, feelings of wishing to worship the divine are timeless and cultureless. Focus on those instead, I presume you have felt them before, given your interest in the religion? Take some walks alone in the woods, ponder the nature of reality and the logic in the universe. At the end of everything it's not about the rituals and labels but about what they point to and celebrate.

Best wishes

>> No.11491484


>is it possible to be a legit Christian if my parents never took me to church?

Yes, but you have to attend church now, and attend regularly. The power your faith has to benefit you is largely dependent on your ability to empathize with others [of your faith]. If you want to understand God's influence on your life, you have to put forth consistent conscious effort, and right now you're way behind all the kids who got it "for free."

The other way is to experience spiritual revelation through near death experiences or otherwise being way out of your comfort zone, but it's generally not something you plan for.


>If you were on a deserted island, would faith be important to you?

I don't know, does my sax wash up on the beach next to me? Spare me these bullshit hypotheticals.

>> No.11491725

Let me assure you, anon, that being a Christian doesn't have to do with sentimentality, or being overly nice to everyone etc. It's a choice, that is why you can doubt on the matter. God gave you free will so you can choose to love him, and if you do so in faith and actions, your love for Him will develop. St. Aquinas' 4 arguments for the existence of God is a good starting point, as well as apologetics. Don't deceive yourself into belief, do it with intellectual integrity and reason and you will reach the truth.

t. non-raised christian

>> No.11491741

I feel like christians kinda ruin christianism, specially medieval theologians and their sperg neoplatonic philosophy.

>> No.11491747

>Remember, you are just a little faggot, if you think your logic and reasoning is superior to that of aristotle, aquinas and the like, publish a book already.
I am christian but hasn't Aquinas's beliefs been combated by modern atheist ((philosophers))

>> No.11492115

>blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven

Don’t give up hope, OP. I am too struggling to find faith. Acknowledging that problem is the first step to faith

>> No.11492423

Burn yourself, heretic.

>> No.11492431

Not according to Wilhelm Schmidt who has a more extensive research on so-called primitive societies.

>> No.11492749
File: 99 KB, 900x900, Jesus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. Just follow this guide:
Step 1. Truly believe in Jesus Christ and his rising from death.
Step 2. Read the Bible every day that you can and pray often.
Step 3. Baptism, Church going, doctrine, etc. are not mandatory, but strongly advised, especially if you feel your faith is weak.

>> No.11492788

I don't even know what you're attempting to ask here. Is English your first language?

>> No.11492796

It depends on what country you're from. If you are from a cunt with a Christian culture, it should not feel like larping. You are probably american so idk what advise to give you other than read and pray

>> No.11492820



>> No.11493096

This was an epiphany I had awhile ago one night when I was despairing over everything being too larpy or too meaningless

I realized larking isn't a bad thing

Considering converting to either islam or some form of apostolic christianity and once I do I will larp like no man has ever larped before

>> No.11493117


>> No.11493124

You can only be a true Christian if you have an ecstatic conversion experience and are "born again." This can happen to your average non-Christian just as much as your average Christian. "Christians" who have not had such an experience are themselves LARPing.

>> No.11493169

doubt is also part of faith, anon, otherwise it wouldn't be faith

>> No.11493174

ignore the heretic trying to lead you into mortal sin, baptism and church attendance are in fact mandatory

>> No.11493176


>> No.11493193

yes, it is possible. the 12 disciples were jews, and titus was a greek or roman i think.