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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 109 KB, 488x351, eve-paradise-lost.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11487626 No.11487626 [Reply] [Original]

"Tis all over, babe", said Adam, "we lost everything. Paradise? Lost."

WTF Milton??

>> No.11487640

Why are you mad, this was the most powerful line of the book

>> No.11487652

"Praise the Lord", said Jesus, "we regained everything. Paradise? Regained."

Holy fuck, Milton

>> No.11487684
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>Pierre clutched Andrei by the arm. "You know, I'm starting to understand what you meant."
>"Meant by what?"
>"That all is fair in war and peace. I think I get it now."
>"Oh, Pierre, never change." His eyes slowly closed. Natasha gasped. Andrei sighed, "Never change..."

Tolstoy sure phoned in that ending.

>> No.11487740
File: 33 KB, 400x199, Rublev_Boriska.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"And as the sound faith from that bell resonated through his body he truly became the icon painter we all know and love Andrei Rublev"
What the fuck Tarkovsky?

>> No.11487754

>Finnally, after this journey thru' the Zone, I have become the Stalker

A masterpiece my ass

>> No.11487755

One of the few good versions I’ve seen

>> No.11487762

>And so the doctor passed the faggot ass baby to OP's mother's hands - and that, kids, was the Birth of Tragedy.
truly amazing foresight

>> No.11487765

>"why is it so hot in here?" asked Virgil The devil answered him we're at Dante's house and he likes to keep it toasty, I call it Dante's Inferno
what the fuck...

>> No.11487826

>and after a long night she had finally learned her fathers entire life story. She looked confused and disappointed. "What the fuck? His life was soooooo boring! He was not even a stoner?"
What the fuck Williams?

>> No.11487835
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>in the end he truly did make friends and influence people
Carnegie why?

>> No.11487841

>and so he died, and soon the world would forget the sorrows of the young Werther
c'mon Goethe, you're better than this...

>> No.11487843

I wish the ending was like that.
With Andrey surviving and all that jazz
Also no 100 page long essay

>> No.11487846
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>even though the inhabitants of the Sonoran Desert believed the murders and rapes would be endless, in the end, they added up to a grand total of 2666.
really, Bolano?

>> No.11487875

>”Bloom sighed, ‘Heavens, this day, June 16th, has truly been a long journey, filled with hardships; a personal Odyssey of mine. And I of course, its Ulysses.’”

Bravo James, Bravo

>> No.11488019


Everytime I see these threads there's one in particular that always makes me laugh like a retard, and I hope it is the same guy posting it every time. It's something like:

Wow, I guess I really was a The Idiot.

>> No.11488054

I wonder why you love that one in particular...

>> No.11488085

>Stick around, don't be a The Stranger
really, camus?

>> No.11488090



>> No.11488141

And so the 100 years of solitude were over, so it was a good thing he fucked his sister and had a disgusting pig hybrid child.

Wow really Gabriel Garcia Marquez?

>> No.11488252

Kek, this reads as a trump tweet.

>> No.11488265

>and the knight walked up to me, and said to me "fair sir, will ye just?", to which I replied "what? what for? i'm just A Conneticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court!"

Jesus christ twain what the fuck.

>> No.11488454

>I am thinking of aurochs and angels, the secret of durable pigments, the refuge of art. And that is the only immortality you...
-wait a minute..

>> No.11488463

>And as Socrates passed away we all knew that he would always be remembered as the great man by the name of "The Collected Dialogues of Plato"

>> No.11488616
File: 41 KB, 314x499, 51melNweBAL._SX312_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>so ends the beautiful story of Joseph and his brothers.
Wow, really, Mann? A little on-the-nose, don't you think?

>> No.11488639

>Why is Trump President?
>Tocqueville stands on the precipice of a large cliff and takes off his sunglasses
>I guess that’s because it’s Democracy In America

>> No.11488739

>and then by going to the war and shit he left The Magic Mountain
man, mann sure is bad

>> No.11488771

>and by coming to the endeth of this piece has't i hath shown thee The Completeth W'rks of Shakespeare
total hack

>> No.11488883

>Lolita, light of my life, fire of my loins.
And on the first fucking page. Bravo Nabokov, you fucking hack.

>> No.11490171
File: 138 KB, 1200x1474, 1200px-Percy_Bysshe_Shelley_by_Alfred_Clint.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So, come on and slam
>The Revolt of Islam


>> No.11490174

good one

>> No.11490278

This ones the funniest since it actually is a direct quote.

>> No.11490394


>> No.11490421

>"Hey, Benny," said Pig, "what's the letter that follows you?"
really...... i mean really really

>> No.11490535
File: 1.30 MB, 767x930, Fukuyama-Francis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And so it was the End of History, and the Last Man on earth sat alone in a room.
>there was a knock on the door.

>> No.11491943

>“But Captain John, the fact that you don’t want to go on missions means that you ARE in fact sane!” “Damn, said John, bit of a Catch-22 by Kurt Vonnegut situation, huh?”

You ever think about how mere ink symbols can move us to tears?

>> No.11492132

Fucking kek

>> No.11492227

>Over the stretched sand before them lay the Sun, the crimson color gushing from its entrails like a blood meridian or the evening redness in the west embracing the hacienda.

can't believe I was memed into reading this pos

>> No.11492272

>Thus says the Lord, the God of Israel: Write in a Bible all the words that I have spoken to you.
Really, Yahweh?

>> No.11492303

you didnt understand V lol

>> No.11492310

Pity it was done more subtly 6 posts above it, except using the conclusion....

>> No.11492339

>Oedipa settled back, to await the crying of Lot 49.
Bravo, Tommy Pee

>> No.11493745

>"This life truly is one of Infinite Jest 25th Anniversary Edition," Orin said.
I heard DFW was a hack but I didn't know it was that bad geez.

>> No.11495410

>How dare thou be such a Macbeth!
They call THIS guy a genius playwright?

>> No.11495425

>Arrakis - Dune - Desert Planet.
For fuck's sake

>> No.11495988

>And know ye, mankind, that this book is the Quran
Allah can't keep getting away with it

>> No.11496043

What a hack, I stopped reading right there.

>> No.11496086
File: 110 KB, 476x311, Sem título.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> And when he[1] came back to, he was flat on his back[2] on the beach in the freezing sand of his bed[3], and it was raining out of a low sky[4], and the tide was way out as he realize the stupid look on his face derived from the enormous joke he just read, a truly infinite[5] jest.

[1] The reader, certainly a young white male since niggers can't read.
[2] Specially on the spine of scapula and deltoid muscle
[3] Length: 207 cm; Height: 80 cm; Mattress length: 200 cm; Mattress width: 80 cm.
[4] The most he could see of the crepuscular night in the darkness of his room.
[5] Limitless or endless in space, extent, or size; impossible to measure or calculate.

>> No.11496107

Truly underrated

>> No.11496114

>We may not have won our bet, but we in fact gained something far more valuable. The friends we made on our trip Around the World in Eighty Days

>> No.11496138
File: 24 KB, 300x250, 1531991807836.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> And so I say unto you, yes sayers affirming life, you who are brave, crude, refined, palpable! One must calculate - for it is a calculation - the member girth to prostate orgasm ratio in order to found the Gay Science!

>> No.11496154
File: 15 KB, 220x220, 220px-Odysseus_Tiresias_Cdm_Paris_422.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And as she helped him out of his tattered cloak, he whispered in Penelope's ear, "Boy, that was one hell of an Odyssey, wasn't it?", kissed her on the cheek, and closed the door behind him.
I suppose it was a different time.

>> No.11496160 [DELETED] 

>Thus spoke Zarathustra.
>Thus spoke Zarathustra.
>Thus spoke Zarathustra.

>> No.11496166

>Thus spoke Zarathustra.
>Thus spoke Zarathustra.
>Thus spoke Zarathustra.
>Thus spoke Zarathustra.
What a dick.

>> No.11496188

>I guess we all carry Demons™ by Fyodor Dostoevsky within ourselves

>> No.11496378

Dean Moriarty, we’ll see each other… On the road.
Uh.. wtf Kerouac?

>> No.11497068
File: 46 KB, 332x499, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Petya you are a stupid"

I always imagined petya having something as akin to a brainlet wojack face in response to his scolding

>> No.11497110
File: 30 KB, 331x460, Brothers-Karamazov.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Ivan, Mitya, it took us a very long time, but we finally became the Brothers Karamazov"
What hax0ry is this?

>> No.11497120
File: 28 KB, 220x331, 220px-Louis_Français-Dantès_sur_son_rocher.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Who are you?
>I'm the Count of Monte Cristo
hahaha seriously?

>> No.11497126

this wasnt very funny but here's a (You) for effort

>> No.11498201

Don’t believe OP everybody; this is NOT actually a line from Paradise Lost!
Nice try OP, but the fact that your quotes are NOT iambic pentameter totally tipped me off that you made them up. And to think you almost got away with it to, you stupid FUCKWEED.

>> No.11498241
File: 9 KB, 196x266, 7869.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> There it was, the Journey to the End of the Night, and by night I meant niggers


>> No.11498431

> "Wow life is hard and painful" cried cosette " i wish it would be Les Miserables"
Wow really????

>> No.11498463
File: 332 KB, 1110x1000, ご奉仕53 by みしね.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sumptis virgineisque vocatus Achilleida acer
fucking Stace I can't believe Dante and Chaucer respected thee

>> No.11498510

And as Easy E laid there, dying of AIDS, he felt that the whole journey had been worth it. Taking one final breath into his AIDS filled lungs, he looked into Dr. Dre's quasi homosexual eyes and said. "Well Dre, I guess I'm going Straight Outta Compton"

>> No.11498959

fukuyama you HACK

>> No.11499370


>Actually, don't call me Ishmael. Call me Moby Dick; or, The Whale

This is why American literature will never be taken seriously

>> No.11499390


fucking plebian.