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/lit/ - Literature

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11487403 No.11487403[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Have you tried to understand women perspective/worldviews through the books? If so, what books did you read and how much it changed your own worldview?

>> No.11487411

women don’t read. that “girl” in the pic is probably a girl (male)

>> No.11487412

cat person


>> No.11487415

The Bible. It taught me that they don't think anything of value.

>> No.11487425
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>> No.11487451

final chapter of ulysses

>> No.11487461

Women are simply inferior to us as white men of virtue
Reminder that women can't act authentically, only the white man can
reminder that women can't love, only white men can
reminder that women can't be loyal, only white men like us can
reminder that women aren't ethical beings, only the white heterosexual male like us can

>> No.11487467

>look at my legs
>graphic novels
>big book of pokemon
Tell me OP, why is the patrarchy holding women back? Why should a man fear female intellect when he has salvia in his garden?

>> No.11487468

The Phenomenology of Spirit taught me that there is no gender only the ideal

>> No.11487471

based and redpilled!

>> No.11487472

Roasties love Jane Austen and Emily Bronte

>> No.11487482

Women aren't as good as us, hope we'll see a lot of people agreeing with that in this thread, because it makes me feel good inside

>> No.11487495


And usually in those bookstores you have the comics/manga near the Young Adult and Scifi/Horror/Fantasy section. So I doubt she's reading anything of any worth.

>> No.11487500
File: 221 KB, 1024x1024, 1531574589812.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminder that women are closer to a farm animal than to man.

feels bad to know the truth

>> No.11487514

The Second Sex was interesting. I learned that women can be spectacularly intelligent, they just use it on the wrong things.

>> No.11487550

kind of scary how this is seen as an accurate satire, like gives me the chills

>> No.11487561

does someone have the edit of this picture explaining how the way she's sitting would be uncomfortable

>> No.11487580
File: 21 KB, 500x501, 1458597013810.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you will never be a woman
>you will never be so fucking stupid that when people want to take sexy pictures of you, and for you to doll yourself up and make neoteny-enhancing poses for them, you think they are just interested in your work and your soul
>you will never be so naive that you don't understand that a B- with a vagina is instantly boosted to an A+
>you will never be the equivalent of the one college athlete SO dumb that he doesn't even understand the system is rigged for him but actually thinks his essays were good
>you will never live life with that naivete and stupidity filtering into everything else, so life is like a dream of life and everything is happy all the time and everyone worships you and it all seems to make perfect sense
>you will never die with your head in an oven after writing 11 years worth of poems about makeup and expressing deep pathos that you just cannot possibly fit ALL the tall men's penises inside you
>you will never gleefully accept domination by and slavish deference to men as your natural station without feeling your pride weakened at all by it
>you will never be able to reconcile completely contradictory states and still feel like you held fast to the most difficult principles of both
>you will never be the soulless worthless quintessential trivial but nevertheless content and joyous husk that is a woman

>> No.11487584

feels good man.

>> No.11487599

The Way of Men - Jack Donovan

>> No.11487610
File: 27 KB, 448x401, manofculture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11487618


>> No.11487633

don't forget
-aren't allowed to have or enjoy sex, only white men like us can
-can't appreciate works of literature and films properly, only white males can