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11484659 No.11484659 [Reply] [Original]

>It's like... society, man: the philosophy.

Decadence and nihilism are problems, not solutions, products of the industrial revolution. N advocates perspectivism, but rejects a Christian perspective outright. His slave morality is a definition born out of misunderstanding, and is prejudiced by his own irrational anti-religious bias; I can't blame him for that, Protestant institutions of his day were a source of great miseducation. Still, being ignorant of theology, anthropology, and the psychological demand for the mystical, Nietzsche declares God is dead.

Why is this proto-fedora still taken seriously?

>> No.11484662

Hello butthurt nu-Catholic. Maybe the podcast Common Filth is more suited to your abilities...

>> No.11484668
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What works of Nietzsche have you actually read?

>> No.11484670

Not mad, just annoyed. It's a slog cutting through all his misconceptions and having to follow his train of thought through them anyway. Makes me want to throw the book away.

>> No.11484671
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>metaphysics of aesthetic
Does this seriously resonate with anyone? I have a hard time reading this childish man, for even his ideas are filled with a childishness like a virgin raging against society as a surrogate for arguing with his parents. That's all his prose is, him on an angry rant like some guy you pass on the sidewalk holding a cardboard sign.

>> No.11484672

>It's a christfag thinks he has any valuable insight whatsoever

What the fuck are you saying? Nietzsche proposed that any man, oce free of the shackles of phony morality, elevated himslef trough knowledge and work
While it seems that you propose any man should try and find meaningby accepting an higher power.

Who do you really think it's more unrelevant?

>> No.11484679

>Protestant institutions of his day
hidden and saged

>> No.11484714

>cardboard sign.
bro you are describing kike on the stick book and his followers.

>> No.11484721

Because it's still worth following The citational histories of major areas of thought you are interested in. If you aren't you should focus on other works in areas that are important to you. Great

>> No.11484780

It is not just the Christian world, against whom Nietzsche howls, that knows this, but it is an eternal supreme law towards which all humanity has developed, including Brahmanism, Buddhism, Confucianism and the ancient Persian religion. And suddenly a man appears who declares that he is convinced that self-renunciation, meekness, submissiveness and love are all vices that destroy humanity (he has in mind Christianity, ignoring all the other religions). One can understand why such a declaration baffled people at first. But after giving it a little thought and failing to find any proof of the strange propositions, any rational person ought to throw the books aside and wonder if there is any kind of rubbish that would not find a publisher today. But this has not happened with Nietzsche's books.

The majority of pseudo-enlightened people seriously look into the theory of the superman, and acknowledge its author to be a great philosopher, a descendant of Descartes, Leibniz and Kant. And all this has come about because the majority of the pseudo-enlightened men of today object to any reminder of virtue, or to its chief premise: self-renunciation and love - virtues that restrain and condemn the animal side of their life. They gladly welcome a doctrine, however incoherently and disjointedly expressed, of egotism and cruelty, sanctioning the ideas of personal happiness and superiority over the lives of others, by which they live.

>> No.11484797
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>Decadence and nihilism are problems, not solutions, products of the industrial revolution.

Nietzsche would agree, adding that Christianity is nihilistic in that it makes this world illusory and with no intrinsic worth compared to the real transcendent world.

> N advocates perspectivism, but rejects a Christian perspective outright.

Perspectivism is not relativism. There is no such thing as a Christian perspective because it gets taken apart by the perspectivism of the drives and their will to power resulting in the combinations that they set in motion (different types of Christianity emphasizing different logics: fire and brimstone, universal love, radical pacifism, crusades defending the faith, secularism etc.) so that claiming a unique perspective will always clash against this pluralism or polytheism of perspective (the gods laughed when God claimed he was the only One).

> His slave morality is a definition born out of misunderstanding, and is prejudiced by his own irrational anti-religious bias

Maybe, but the reactive logic (you are evil, therefore I'm good) that it's based on is very real and, at least in its effects, so is every attempt to use transcendence to justify one's perspective. That's not to say that it's the only possible Christian interpretation.

> Still, being ignorant of theology, anthropology, and the psychological demand for the mystical, Nietzsche declares God is dead.

He knew all too well that the death of God was not something that happened in a vacuum, but rather against a very precise background (the need for meaning etc.), even Protochristians like Peterson admit this.

But hey, you can always pretend that protestants appeared out of thin air and pure coincidence, lead by Satan to destroy the West's eternal pure perfect unquestionable faith, much like many will do the same with jews and/or cultural marxists because it's easier to find an evil enemy than to actually study.

>> No.11485557

>Why is this proto-fedora still taken seriously?
Because there are people who have read him and who know when retards like you are dealing with pathetically construed strawmen.

>> No.11485714

Dude there were and they are increasing a shitton of atheists

>> No.11486990
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Yep, this goes in my "Christians call everything they don't like childish because of some childish Bible verse they found profound" collection.

>> No.11487955

Hes right though. Also vidya is fine as long as you treat it like any other hobby and subject it to the higher virtues/things in life.

t. Catholic

>> No.11488179

Nietzsche predicts the industrial condition of the common man: a creature of energy more succinctly and subliminally yoked to a machine through the discipline of the desiring will than when he is shackled and thus incentivized to kill his masters. If this retarded thread had actually read Nietzsche, then it would have understood will-abnegating morality is a product of a system of mass-control more adequately-suited to mobilizing groups than violent subjugation. Industrialiazation is an epistemological product of technological rationalization, and with the industrial rationalization of society came the efficient passification of hu-man through a managerial liberalism born out of the lie that humanism foretells the ascendance of all.