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/lit/ - Literature

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11484431 No.11484431[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>tfw there are embarrassing, unaesthetic videos of you on Youtube
>tfw there are embarrassing, unaesthetic photos of you on the internet
>tfw your Mystique has already been dispelled
>tfw you will never make it as a writer because people will just see the above and quickly summarize, correctly, that you aren't worthy of sustained interested, research and study

I truly envy those of you who have not been exposed to the world yet either in the form of publishing a piece of writing, or of being caught on camera and uploaded onto the internet forever.

>> No.11484449

Those add to your mystique and interest, dumbass. Don’t go and ruin it with shame and self-pity you little cuckoid. “How could this man give us his literature to read?” they will muse, astonished, after the biographers pore through the digi-brain archives and discover what you have wrought beyond the domain of letters. Yes, like Joyce, that old letter-flirt fart-sniffer - but this generation, with its iphone videos, 4chan posts, Facebook messages and adobe premiere YouTube poops, is so much more intimate - at turns repulsive and ingenious - in these records of baseness they left of themselves.

>> No.11484455

We are entering the age of embarrassment, anon. Privacy is almost dead. You are not alone.

>> No.11484467

Not true at all. If there was a video of Kafka appearing embarrassingly overdressed, smiling like life was great, trying (too hard) to be funny etc you would rightly dismiss him as a writer to invest your time in. There's a reason Pynchon hates photographs. There's a reason Ligotti hates photographs. There's a reason Pessoa hated photographs. It is so, so important to carefully manage your "image" and limit the photos available to the public of you to only a handful of carefully selected ones. Otherwise you are reduced to mediocrity by your over-exposure and tryhard people-pleasing persona.

>> No.11484497

there won't be anymore writers. just sci-fi LARPers and some MFA pricks

>> No.11484502
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Dullard obsession with privacy and careful curation is in fact a surer indication of a tryhard and people-pleasing (people-pleasing unpleasantly tinged with autistic misanthropy too, most likely) persona. Privacy is of course fine, noble, sensible. Overly self-conscious hermeticism is gross and banal. There are embarrassing silly photos of Kafka. We have unfettered access to his piteously depressive, neurotic, self-deprecating diary - as well as his letters. Not to mention his bizarre erotica collection. His stories are masterful self-exposures of the grossest, most embarrassing and vulnerable elements of his life and imagination.

None of this decreases our respect, sympathy for and interest in Kafka; as far as I know, it increases it.

>> No.11484522

Diary and letters are different, and I would be fine with people being so interested in my work and PERSONA that they feel the need to read my diaries or letters which, had I been born when such things were common, would have been the absolute stuff of genius etc.

As for photograph (the most important thing), there are NO embarassing photos of Kafka. No single photograph exists where he does not seem at least somewhat mysterious, interesting, distinct, unique and, I say this as a heterosexual male, erotically alluring. He always appears smart, well-groomed, etc. In the photographs which exist of me online, taken with HIGH-RESOLUTION DIGITAL CAMERAS by normgroids at various angles, I appear overweight, retarded, ptosis-inflicted, autistic and above all absolutely repulsive. There is NO coming back from this, all my instincts tell me as much. If I had been born before digital cameras had been invented then maybe, just maybe, I'd have had a chance to leave a legacy worthy of maintaining after my death. Now I'm FUCKED.

>> No.11484533

Maybe the answer is to embrace dismissal and contempt, to turn yourself into a pitiable jester... liberated from all bondage to human opinion.


>> No.11484553

Kafka's life itself was probably more interesting, being the reason his pictures reflect that. But why not delete that shit? Steal facebook passwords if necessary.

Also this.

>> No.11484569

I can't fucking delete it because it's not only on Facebook but also Twitter and a website. Nor can I ask to take them down because it turns out a bunch of normies took photos from different angles, like a pack of vultures trying to SAP MY MYSTIQUE and reduce me to their level of mediocrity.

>> No.11484578

Was it in public space, assuming you're American? Either way I'm sure you could intimidate some normalfags into dropping that shit.

>> No.11484581


>> No.11484586

No, it was at a dumb writing competition I attended. Granted they asked me to pose for the photo with a bunch of other writers, but it turns out a ton of people took photos and all posted them on social media etc. I also had a guy take a photo of me with a flash camera, and I look fat, autistic, lazy-eyed, insecure, angry and utterly repulsive. I am so embarrassed and it has completely neutered me artistically speaking.

>> No.11484587

Regardless of whether video had been invented at the time, he does not appear in any video. Video is like what 1000 photos per second? That's 1000 attacks on my Mystique.

>> No.11484603

Getting /fit/ with some plastic surgery may do the job. Or oversaturate your online persona with you being a badass, climbing a fucking mountain or something. But definitely don't be a cuck about it or it wouldn't even matter if the pictures existed or not.

>> No.11484610

Hmm this pathetic, stubborn and completely single-minded obsession is perfect OP. If you do something really outrageous and pathetic to try and get rid of these photos (and either succeed or fail; hopefully spectacularly and ironically) it will really add to your writerly persona.

>> No.11484623

I did consider at one point getting in touch with the company running one of the twitter accounts which took a photograph of me, but the thing is that because there are like 20 people in the photo it would seem absolutely pathetic and absurd for me to do that. I did ask, via email, that NO PHOTOGRAPHS OF ME BE POSTED TO FACEBOOK, but the normie I spoke to explained they would only be posted to a closed group (as if that will hinder the attempts of my biographers in tracking such photographs down) and even though I insisted that I DO NOT ENJOY viewing photographs of myself, or having them taken, the normie kept sending me an email every few weeks with new photographs they had found in which I had been included. JUST FUCK OFF!?!?

>> No.11484642

>mom has embarrassing pictures of me on her facebook page
It's over.

>> No.11484657

Some little kid took a picture of me with his dsi on the street. A comic shop took a picture of me, while I was browsing, for their facebook page. In this day and age, it's like dodging a MG42 anon.

>> No.11484665

But nobody can find that shit in your case, and in fact it may be actually beneficial for you to be photographs in these scenarios because at least you get a sense of what you look like on camera. In my case it was like that old social media meme on /b/ where the autistic kid is photographed at a party and the social media comments are like "Haha player!", "Look who finally came out of his cave!" while the kid is dressed like a retard and looks out-of-place as fuck.