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11482001 No.11482001 [Reply] [Original]

Who was right?

>> No.11482007


>> No.11482014


>> No.11482015


>> No.11482017

Let me rephrase that, who was more right?

>> No.11482018


>> No.11482023


>> No.11482048


>> No.11482063

Jung because his work was the basis for a videogame series.

>> No.11482067


>> No.11482098


>> No.11482102


>> No.11482103

yeah, neither

>> No.11482105

Jordan Peterson

>> No.11482117


>> No.11482145

Neither. Jung was less wrong though.

>> No.11482227

Jung is literally on the right side of this picture

>> No.11482235

c. Lacan

>> No.11482456


>> No.11482471


>> No.11482493

They're just a regurgitation of Nietzsche. Read him, he's better than both.

>> No.11482532

Obviously hasn't read either of them.

>> No.11482554

I've read enough. Nietzsche is a more concise thinker and consequently has much better ideas for psychology.

>> No.11482650

I suppose you're entitled to that value judgement.

>> No.11482704

Obviously Freud, Jung was too spooked. Freud's theory was organic and constantly developing, he used abstract concepts without falling into ideological underpinnings, whereas Jung's theory was mainly static, he would go into ramblings about "growth" of the individual, unconcious being God and other speculations about divinities. If you want speculative thinking go for Freud if you want comfy bedtime stories go for Jung

>> No.11482776


>> No.11482867

Is this supposed to be a joke? Freud's dogmatism is well documented in the relevant literature. Consequently, it's also one of the primary criticisms sent his way.

>> No.11482887

Both are great and different.


>> No.11482904


>> No.11482913

What videogame series?

>> No.11482923
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>> No.11482933
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>> No.11483148


>> No.11483203

You are a tripfag so you are wrong.
The right answer is: Both

>> No.11483207

Wow! Synchronicity!

>> No.11483210


>> No.11483248


>> No.11483359

I'll take Jung any day over that fucking kike who ran around Vienna high out of his mind on coke force-feeding his own Jewish neuroticism to the stoic Germanics.

>> No.11483447

Lacan represents the only consisting interpretation of Freud, and that interpretation directly contradicts Jung.

>> No.11483489

Schopenhauer, Kierkegaard and Nietzsche essentially founded psychology. If you're familiar with Freud, it's fascinating to read these three and see the similarities. Freud only gets credit for actually taking those ideas and trying to treat patients with them.

>> No.11483739

Freud believed telepathy was real, look it up

As for Jung, pick a lane mafucker, he's master at politician doublespeak :[

>> No.11483751

Freud. If you need any reminder, a Freudian interpretation is still entirely valid in academia. I have never heard of a jungian interpretation of anything.

>> No.11483828

Both were wrong, but Freud was more right, and he’ll probably be remembered for longer. His works have the depth of Platonic dialogues.

Jung was essentially a new age feelgood gentile. Freud is still painfully close to reality in a kind of terrifying way.

>> No.11483893

I prefer Jung because I (taking into account his superstitions) was closer to the elemental objective truth, but Freud was more scientific in his conclusion, even though and because, he kept correcting himself.

>> No.11484012
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>Jung was essentially a new age feelgood gentile
He literally argued that the internal mythological reality is capable of springing up from a thousand year old sleep to posses an entire nation and drive them into a blood-lust against their neighbours and the largest war the world has ever seen and that humanity has no defense against its inevitable return.

"If we apply are admittedly peculiar point of view consistently, we are driven to conclude that Wotan must, in time, reveal not only the restless, violent, stormy side of his character, but, also, his ecstatic and mantic qualities — a very different aspect of his nature. If this conclusion is correct, National Socialism would not be the last word. Things must be concealed in the background which we cannot imagine at present, but we may expect them to appear in the course of the next few years or decades.Wotan’s reawakening is a stepping back into the past; the stream was damned up and has broken into its old channel. But the Obstruction will not last forever" - Essay on Wotan

>> No.11484168

just seen the freud vs jung movie. I liked it. Jung is based. Freud is less self disciplined.

>> No.11484175

>less self disciplined
>than fucking Jung, nonetheless
Freud was borderline autistic in his research and let his life be consumed by his work while Jung was seriously organizing orgies as some sort of paganic german retarded ritual or whatever.

>> No.11484298

>Dude I was afraid my dad would cut my dick off so I stopped trying to fuck my mom lmao

>> No.11484299

All psychoanalysts are wrong.

>> No.11484302


>> No.11484310
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Came here to post this.

>> No.11484312

I can‘t think of anything I‘d want to embody more. Also, you‘re completly deluding yourself. Do you have any idea what nervous wrecks fin-de-siècle upper class vienna people were? Stoic my ass.

>> No.11484325

Im generally suspicous of Jung because his conclusions are more or less comforting. I‘ve got an intuition that reality isn‘t comforting at all.

>> No.11484332

Freud did drugs tho

>> No.11484334

If your study of myths ends with Jung you are simply a mongoloid.

>> No.11484337

Freud is the harsh blackpill; Jung is the much softer bluepill

>> No.11484372

Freud fucked his cousin, did coke and had inevitable sexual thoughts-intentions towards their patients.
Freud also didn’t conceive the idea of mysticism. Which shows he didn’t had the higher chakras balanced. That’s the reason why he always concentrate his energy in lower planes and see all in a sexual-neurotic prism.
Jung himself understood how crown and 3rd eye chakra resonates. That’s explain the concept of synchronicity and seeing mándalas at the end of the individuation process.

>> No.11484475

Drugs are bad.

>> No.11484501

ya, that quote is basically """arguing""" (i.e: wildly speculating) that now the bad half of the nazi storm is over, it's time for the (ecstatic, mantic) age of aquarius

>> No.11484507

you hippies don't understand spirituality

>> No.11484532


How can people take shit like this seriously?
Why take a far-fetched, completely speculative, spooky 'mystical' theory about psychology to explain huge events like WWII instead of plain economic and sociological explanations?

Freud seems way more realistic really because his theories are compatible with the idea of a libidinal economy which is itself compatible for example with the antropology of Rene Girard, which actually has explanatory power unlike this spooky mythological shit

>> No.11484537

Any good contemporary psychologists to read?

>> No.11484565
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>> No.11484911

They both fall into the category of people who take their abstractions too far.

Freud might seem like a person who has a more scientific outlook as he grounded psychoanalysis in sex, and sexual development, but grounding something in sex isn't the same as inflating it to mean everything is about sex.

The same is true of Jung. His theories of the collective unconscious and archetypes are very interesting, but the weakness of the theories show themselves when he tries explaining what seems to be simple psychological phenomena with reference to hundreds of thousands of years of religious myth-making.

>> No.11485051

He’s pointing at us...

>> No.11485070

>you are simply a mongoloid
Religionism in general is very simplistic, isn't it?

>> No.11485105

Scientific method won

>> No.11485254

>understanding spiritualiy

>> No.11485615

>Do you have any idea what nervous wrecks fin-de-siècle upper class vienna people were?
As a result of Jewish control? Yes.

>> No.11485645

Wilhelm Reich

>> No.11485662

fucking Star Wars ass bullshit. Jungianism is literally ontological fanfiction

>> No.11485671

hahahaha wow

>> No.11486258


>> No.11486261

Neither, but Freud was much less right.

>> No.11486264
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