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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 440 KB, 974x676, bloom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11478334 No.11478334[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Yeah, I'm thinking he's back.

>> No.11478352
File: 243 KB, 449x471, 1519522271808.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He doesn't look so good... :(

>> No.11478358

*smacks lips*

>> No.11478362

*sucks teeth*

>> No.11478391
File: 12 KB, 249x243, 1526212232464.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I will soon be 88. I have wasted a good part of the last 50 years in ranting against (???) and polemicising. i wish now i hadn't, it was for no purpose, it's just used up energy. It made enemies, i don't care about that; That's a good thing, if you get the right enemies. But we lost the war. and it's time to uh... stop fighting a lost war and just... gather a saving remnants, and teach them properly how to read deeply and well.

>> No.11478411
File: 9 KB, 250x250, Bloom Giggle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11478438

>ranting against (???)

against cant u fucking mong

jesus couldnt they have put the mic somewhere better so we dont have to hear his fucking dentures rattling around in his skull

>> No.11478448

*lives longer than you will*

>> No.11478461

>gather a saving remnants, and teach them properly how to read deeply and well.
I am a novitiate to the order #IAM

>> No.11478465

well, considering I'm offing myself on Saturday, that's a distinct possibility

>> No.11478473

Oh fucking hell

>> No.11478474

he didn't like inherent vice? what a cunt

>> No.11478492

So you're free on Saturday? Wanna hang out?

>> No.11478494
File: 143 KB, 227x287, pycnhoneees.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit is this Pynchon?

>> No.11478499

This nigga eating yogurt or something?

>> No.11478517

>called saving literature with Harold Bloom
>2/3'rds of the video is interviewing two random cunts on campus

>> No.11478519

"hanging" out is exactly what I had in mind actually

>> No.11478521

thats cuz bloom recited some gay ass poem and tired himself out after 20 minutes and kicked them out so they had to fill the other 25 minutes of the show somehow

>> No.11478543

I hope it is

>> No.11478741

I'm not a Trump fan but do people sincerely believe he's a fascist?

>> No.11478754 [DELETED] 

trump is basically just a pre-clinton democrat, before the dems bet the farm on salvadorans and trannies, i would have hoped bloom would have been more insightful but the guy basically just made a career of sucking the dicks of sure thing no risk canonical figures like shakespear its not like he's gonna come out with some crazy contrarian position at 88 or whatever

>> No.11479330

>muh Drumpf
>muh fascism

>> No.11479338

>trump is a fascist
>fascism comes from stupidity
Glad I never wasted my time reading this guys book. I'm going to burn it tonight.

>> No.11479340

These kneejerk reactions are disconcerting. Fascism seems to be winning.

>> No.11479343

This is what happens when you're old, and you learn all your politics and current events from television.

>> No.11479345

Trump is not a Fascist. Not even close.
In fact, we wish we was.

Sincerly, /pol/.

>> No.11479348

He's clearly a fascist but has to toe the line to remain in power. If he were too uncompromising a fascist he would be impeached.

>> No.11479350 [DELETED] 

Intellectual? This nigga look like wheelchair nigga that died this year, Dawkins or some shit? Lil retard ass nigga wit da broke dick n sheeet lmao this nigga look like a headass too wit his wheelchair nigga neck having ass lmfao he finna spin out his shit one day yo and wil out start fucking hoes and shit nomsayin ahahahah

^^^lmk writing an alt-lit teen novel for kids in the ghetto need pointers plssss only time i speak to brown people is when I buy fat MIDS from my dealer thx /lit/
-your friend, r/mens fashion

>> No.11479356 [DELETED] 

>fuck you stupid fascist drumpf you can't even read the canon
get this senile Jew out of here

why is his neck so fucked up though?

>> No.11479360

Stopped coming to /lit/ a few years ago once /pol/ started poisoning the discussions. Judging by this thread, the problem is only worsened. What a shame. /lit/ used to have some intelligent, well-read posters.

>> No.11479369

This video would pass for a comedic sketch if it weren't so long and tragic. The interviewer acts just like the intended audience with his reverence for Bloom creating a pretension that is immediately let down by Blooms hunched posture, tired voice and just overall looking like he'd rather be anywhere else. The interviewer eating biscuits while Bloom talks about how all his poet friends are dead and how he feels he wasted most of his life is pretty hilarious. Funniest of all is the ending.
>It's such a pleasure to meet you Harold, and to become your friend.
>Yes, I'll sign the book

>> No.11479374

I actually find reddit to be more annoying than /pol/ in this case. People from reddit are the ones asserting Trump's a fascist.

That makes no sense, you fucking imbecile.

>> No.11479380

Read the canon if you want to end up like Bloom

>> No.11479382

Bloom gets worse as the Cannon dies.

>> No.11479384

where do you go instead? If you want /lit/ free from /pol/ rejects just go to threads which sound a little more advanced than just a yt video, they're retards so they can't chime in on anything intelligent

>> No.11479387

There is no contradiction between right wing and "intelligent, well-read posters" unless you believe your Jewish brainwashing. Being intelligent or educated doesn't just magically make one left wing, as if it's objectively the correct policy given the full breadth of available data.

>> No.11479391

>*starts listing all the dead white men writers without anyone having asked*
yup he got culture

>> No.11479393


>> No.11479397

I don't understand Blooms politics here, 20 years ago he was very publically aware about the marxist/feminist ideologies creeping into the humanities. He seemed self aware then, so why is it now he has become the totally out of touch new york liberal he warned against decades ago.

>> No.11479400

>they're retards so they can't chime in on anything intelligent
Programmed by Jewish television and media to believe the right are "retards"; follows confirmation bias to feel better about his brainwashing; never reads serious right wing intellectuals who challenge his position.

Who's really the retard here?

>> No.11479405

Too much TV and tap water.

>> No.11479410

no, but posting on /pol/ usually means that you're unintelligent, regardless of your political leaning
the board is a cesspool, full of sensationalist garbage, and posting on it doesn't require thinking just parroting the opinions of the hivemind; this mentality spills over to everything, politicizing everything, simplifying everything, seeing agendas instead of ideas, jews everything. This isn't insightful, I know exactly what you're going to say, and I know that I will be bored out of my mind reading your drivel.

>> No.11479413

I'm mostly on /lit/, /fit/ and /out/. The only reason I check /pol/ (Usually for around five minute per day) is to keep up with current events without poisoning my mind from the extreme bias of the mainstream media, or sensationalism of controlled op news like infowars.

Once you're already fully redpilled, there is nothing more /pol/ can offer you, so it makes sense to work on yourself instead. I'm sure I'm not the only one in this boat.

>> No.11479414

Intellectual is a very good term to describe Bloom (sterile, essayist, often incoherent or unfounded ramblings)

Writer isn't, Bloom is not any more of a writer than anyone who's ever put pen to paper

>> No.11479418
File: 170 KB, 1013x1500, 22413386267.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*blocks your path*

>> No.11479419
File: 23 KB, 306x306, 1529258071155.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's another enlightened /pol/tard that pretends that he can explain everything with jews

>> No.11479423

Just replace Jewish with 'left wing' and he's right.

>> No.11479424

his fiction has been published therefore he's a writer
I put alcohol on my scratch therefore I'm a doctor

>> No.11479425

>ywn show Harold this board, so he sees that young men are still interested in literature and the canon, and that the politics of resentment have only won in academe
>ywn scroll past critique of culture threads quickly so Harold doesn't see them

>> No.11479429

>seeing agendas instead of ideas
Ideas do have agendas though Anon.

>jews everything
Have you even considered the possibility that it actually is? That you may in fact be following the natural consequence of decades inside a propaganda machine designed to give you exactly what you see now as "truth"? Or is that too much of a painful self reflection to consider?...

One thing is for sure: If you think you're right and have nothing to learn, then certainly nothing can be learned, and onwards may you continue in ignorance.

>> No.11479430
File: 178 KB, 1488x1488, 1525915968623.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> *replace faulty generalization with other faulty generalization

>> No.11479433


>> No.11479437

It's both. The left are zog puppets. Victims of zog brainwashing in the media and our schools. This is not to say there is no truth in the left at all. For in every convincing fiction and folly, there must be a little truth.

>> No.11479441

Bit of a false equivalence. Think through your post again.

>> No.11479444

>dismiss an explaination that accounts for 95% of the situation because it doesn't account for 5% of it

>> No.11479446

yaay, let's do more simplifying and generalizing. It's not that there is a strong anti zionist movement inside of the left.

>> No.11479448

No, and no

>> No.11479455
File: 193 KB, 450x418, 1526326518009.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lets pull some statistics out of our arses too, it's not like we're derailing the thread or something.

>> No.11479460

It's refracted truth. The people who rigged an election want to warn you about fascism. The people who silence with blackmail insist Trump has a pee tape somewhere. I still have liberal values, but one thing I've learned from the left is that a lot of scum gathers beneath good intentions.

Time to explode.

>> No.11479466

How is he still all there at 88?

>> No.11479467

>propaganda machine designed to give you exactly what you see now as "truth"?
On this board I couldn't really care less, this is neither the time or place for political theories about bullshit. What I mainly want is ideas, not ideologues.
>Or is that too much of a painful self reflection to consider?...
HIV testing is 99% accurate. Which means, there are some people who test positive, who live with their own impending doom for months, even years, before finding out that everything is okay. Weirdly, most of them don't react with happiness or even anger. They get depressed. Not because they wanted to die, but because they defined themselves by their disease. Suddenly, what made them "them" isn't real.

I think for most of /pol/tards the ideology they got from /pol/ is their identity. To consider anything else is too painful.

>> No.11479469

There is more common ground between the hard right and hard left than the neoliberals and neocuckservatives. But certain forces keep this divided, so it cannot threaten the establishment. Let's not forget that the far right doesn't like capitalism either, it just sees mostly (Not all) which particular people is behind its propagation.

>> No.11479471

it's a "polfag attempts to speak for "the right" in its entirety" episode

it's a "polfag assumes that any attack on them is an attack on the entire right, despite the attack most likely coming from a right winger who is embarrassed to be associated with their reddit groupthink" episode

it's a "polfag recommends serious right wing intellectuals, meaning people like evola and guenon, when real right wing intellectuals, like heidegger and schmitt are literate in the history of philosophy and thus have earned their place in the philosophical canon, and cannot be avoided, while said polfag's favored "traditionalist" writers exist in a vacuum sealed echo chamber of their own making, making simplistic use of outdated ideas and ignoring the entirety of philosophy after the birth of christ, and thus are pointless to read unless one is already a right wing schizoid autist with a twitter account with 300 followers who quote tweets twitter moments about trannies to say things like "demons are real" without the sense of reflection to realize that their own pagan political framework is more or less exactly the rollout of a genuinely satanic and luciferian political system" episode

>> No.11479472

Does he sound all there to you? He seems impaired to me.

>> No.11479485

>What I mainly want is ideas, not ideologues.
You don't understand that all ideas have an ideological dimension. Then don't take it from me, take it from someone on the left. Read Zizek.

>I think for most of /pol/tards the ideology they got from /pol/ is their identity
I think you're dismissing /pol/ as one arbitrary category. There are people from all walks of life, with varying degrees of success. The thing that binds them is awakening with the realisation of a system designed to enslave and destroy them (Wow look, it's exactly like the left except not sterilised by ((( political correctness )))). There are different solutions and no unanimous agreement.

>> No.11479495

You say I make assumptions about a whole group, then write a long diatribe making assumptions about a whole group. This post is hilarious.

>> No.11479500

He's actually quite right, the "This post is hilarious." only shows how salty you are. You're not laughing at all.

>> No.11479503

>equating the generalization of an intellectual tradition with the generalization of a group of fags on a islamic prayer rug cum tribute review website

>> No.11479508

>There are people from all walks of life
16 year old redditors and ancapistani americans?

>> No.11479513

I mean that his capacity to think is all there

>> No.11479517

I'm over 30, not Ancap and not American.

This is far from anecdotal. If you spent any decent amount of time there, earnestly searching for answers, you would completely invalidate your assumptions.

>> No.11479526

You're closed minded and you have no idea what you're talking about. I read left wing intellectuals too, as do many on /pol/. You're living in an echo chamber.

>> No.11479529

Everyone I have met who loves /pol/ (and browses it frequently) is either underaged or a conspiracy theorist retard desu

>> No.11479530
File: 63 KB, 675x601, 1527954773257.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm over 30
>This is far from anecdotal. If you spent any decent amount of time there, earnestly searching for answers, you would completely invalidate your assumptions.


>> No.11479537

Ignorance is your loss, not ours. Continue to be a puppet, destroying your health and happiness. We are better off without your weakness.

>> No.11479556
File: 39 KB, 560x386, 1523400254627.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Inspiring. Truly.

>> No.11479592

I read left wing intellectuals, I read right wing intellectuals, and find myself often agreeing more with right wingers than the left wingers who are supposedly on my side

all this can be true and yet I still think pol is gay

>> No.11479595

This may sound strange coming from an absolute nobody, but your hubris makes it worse. I have supported you my entire adult life and the next time you need me, I won't be there.

>> No.11479598


>> No.11479601
File: 7 KB, 196x250, 53f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can't tell if you're a redneck retard or a city dwelling limpwrist

>> No.11479604


>> No.11479606

It's no different than /lit/. The vast majority of the posts are garbage but we are here for a few gems that surface every now and then.

>> No.11479632

It's vastly different. You're deluding yourself or you just lack intelligence and view everything through the same /pol/ lens.

>> No.11479636

no, pol is full of true gutter trash and ruined the site!

>> No.11479641

It wasn't our fault that reddit came there during the election... We hate them too.

Also, >/lit/ isn't full of trash

>> No.11479647

not gutter trash, and yes it is pol's fault that reddit came here during GG and never left :P

>> No.11479649

>Also, >/lit/ isn't full of trash

so you finally admit /pol/ is raiding this board?

>> No.11479735
File: 2.56 MB, 4000x2631, cole adulthood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11479743


>> No.11479762

Best painting.

>> No.11479771


>> No.11479793

kitsch garbo

>> No.11479803

Looks like artwork for a magic card

>> No.11479812


>out of touch elitist spouts DRUMPFFF BAD for the upteenth time
>people don't care for it

wowwwwwww must be /pol/

>> No.11479828


>> No.11479928

Ok I’ll bite. Tell me how.
Consider he made them as a series.

>> No.11479929

Ugh, I'm so sick of /pol/ raiding our board. /lit/ used to be about respectfully discussing Zadie Smith and James Baldwin. Remember how everybody used to think Junot Diaz was a genius? The election really changed things for the worse

>> No.11479967

/pol/ is old news. The new marauders are reddit Clintonites who invaded reddit full force in 2016. They have a background in media and they believe - like no one else I have encountered online - that they are entitled to frame the truth as they see fit. This sort of makes sense. They've spent their whole lives deciding the parameters of the Overton window in other mediums and they don't see why the internet should be any different.

>> No.11479981

Doesn't seem like /pol/. A lot of /pol/acks would probably agree with Bloom, given he's been ranting for decades about the "School of Resentment" infecting the humanities.

>> No.11479985

Zadie is a good writer you massive faggot

>> No.11479992
File: 366 KB, 830x764, L718S_SuzIyl3b0f-fGcmrXrqp0YO8Am6waBX673g7M[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I sincerely enjoy the writing of Zadie Smith. The stories she writes are entertaining and not dogshit. NPR is an informative resource. I have an IQ of 110.

>> No.11479997

I'm not talking about being left wing or right ring. I'm talking about idiotic phrases like "Jewish brainwashing". I'm conservative myself but that doesn't make me an anti-semite.

>> No.11480007

let him go you ticks, cant you see your collective incel wills are keeping him in pain!?

>> No.11480012

Has there ever been a post about IQ not made by a retard?

>> No.11480018

how is npr not informative?

>> No.11480023

Defending Trump on 4chan is a pathetic display of conformism. The mainstream denunciations of Trump are annoying, but still ultimately right despite any seedy ulterior motives.

>> No.11480025

Someone explain the mind of a trump fanatic? Even when he was visibly cucked by putin you still defend him.

What is it you like? Perhaps you just want the chaos, but in that america certainly loses its current position of hegemon.

>> No.11480027

acidic and bluepilled af

>> No.11480033

fucking boomers

>> No.11480044

It's very ironic that the same people who criticize the right for its "anti-intellectualism" are the same people who uncritically believe such insults to human intelligence as the Trump-Russia conspiracy and open borders.

>> No.11480045

They're idiotic when you're bluepilled.
We used to be like you too.

Read the Culture of Critique.

>> No.11480056

>he believes the completely unsubstantiated Trump-Russia conspiracy theory

>> No.11480088

Can someone identify the intro music?

>> No.11480197

Back you go

>> No.11480230

Okay, Vlad.

>> No.11480233

That's a Meme book from a meme writer though

>> No.11480239

Shut up, you banal worm.

>> No.11480270

Prove him wrong

>> No.11480305

The burden of proof is on him that drumpf is a literal fascist, and /lit/ used to have 'some intelligent, well-read posters' (however he defines that).

>> No.11480322

But he never claimed that

>> No.11480332

>'Judging by this thread, the problem is only worsened. What a shame. /lit/ used to have some intelligent, well-read posters.'

>> No.11480350

Posts like this are why I voted for Trump in the first place

>> No.11480360

I dont believe in the conspiracy, I watched his press conference and saw how limp wristed he was with putin over complimenting him with no reciprocation.

Im a euro so I love trump but not for the same reasons as you.

>> No.11480385

What I find fascinating about college job positions is how much forced writing is needed for one to retain a position. There is zero chance that anyone save the brightest geniuses have more than 5-10 meaningful papers in them during their entire career.

Yet Universities demand that number yearly. No wonder so much marxism nested in there as a result; you can coat anything in it and write endless sophistry.

>> No.11480407

>I voted for a retard because of retards on a retard imageboard

>> No.11480416

As opposed to...?

>> No.11480417

lol cope

>> No.11480533

No, me too. I don’t even lurk /pol/ these days and I only post on /lit/. I always try to keep my political ideas for myself as well since I have noticed a big group of youngsters parroting /pol/ speak to seem trendy and I do not want to be grouped with these kids. I don’t mind and never have minded shitposting though so I cannot care about them.

>> No.11480560

Most people from /pol/ were libertarians who noticed that almost all libertarians are white and most jews, hispanics and blacks want bigger government.

>> No.11480566


>being tired of celebrities trying to score by saying DRUMPF is defending him
>The mainstream denunciations of Trump are still ultimately right

Drumpf isn't a "fascist" and i'm not American

>> No.11480577


>Even when he was visibly cucked by putin
>Hardest sanctions packages that ever that keep visibly tanking the Russian economy

Someone explain the mind of a person that beleives the "Russia" narrative?

>> No.11480630

this touched a nerve

>> No.11480686

moot’s greatest mistake was not nuking /pol/ again on the way out

>> No.11480689


>> No.11480748

Good. Fuck gone and stay gone

>> No.11481324
File: 62 KB, 960x856, proxy.duckduckgo.com.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they are STILL mad about it

>> No.11481385
File: 397 KB, 612x576, quote_barzun[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jacques Barzun wrote From Dawn to Decadence at 90+
here he was at 103

>> No.11481390
File: 2 KB, 118x125, BloomSad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ywn redpill Bloom so hard he becomes one of those self-hating Jews supporting our cause

>> No.11481483

Was that a photo of Pynchon?

>> No.11481513

the reason you think emotions are dirty and impure and deserve always to be mocked is because you have never had a genuinely intimate relationship or even friendship with another human being

>> No.11481537

I show plenty of emotions. Is happiness not an emotion? Now keep crying about how someone who you don't like got elected.

>> No.11481542

interesting analysis desu.

>> No.11481641

Yeah, I remember some anon saying this a few months ago. Most of what Academia publishes is a giant paper mill of banal information.

>> No.11481649

Lifetime of engaged reading, writing and teaching keeps him active.

>> No.11481709

Was Obama cucked when he let Putin take the Crimea? Or when he said this:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XsFR8DbSRQE
If so why is the backlash against trump so much bigger?

>> No.11482405
File: 8 KB, 225x224, images[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11482515


thats all they need

>> No.11482561
File: 903 KB, 1920x1200, 1498497113266.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Turns out one can critique bad scholarship and problems within academia without supporting sad fascist wannabes. But this requires a level of nuance impossible on /pol/lit/ since the 2016 election

>> No.11482773

*will have lived longer than you

>> No.11482804

>Shakespeare says you must make friends with the necessity of dying... going on 88 that is a dark thought [...] there are no illusions in Shakespeare, at the end of king lear you are left with nothing, but on the way to that end you had absolute abundance of thought feeling, language, enormous insight into the predicament of being human. Nothing else matches that.
>Now approaching the end, I cannot imagine life without the highest of literature


>> No.11482810

he would be if he could be but he cant so he isnt

>> No.11482816

Whatever you feel about Trump, he is not a bastion of higher education embodied

>> No.11482930

There's an FBI investigation and indictments. Not even the Republicans in Congress are going against the investigation. Nothing will change your mind. I bet the Jews are behind it all right?

>> No.11482937

I don't like anyone who's been elected. Voting is for retards.

And you've deliberately misunderstood my point. Yes, happiness is an emotion, yes you are probably happy about Trump winning, but quite obviously my post referred mostly to negative emotion, such as anger or sadness, which your ilk views as dirty or impure because you e never had a social context where you'd be comfortable expressing it.

>> No.11483008
File: 29 KB, 245x368, 23-thomas-pynchon-2.w245.h368.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Doesn't fit the computer generated aging program's image

>> No.11483017
File: 204 KB, 1038x742, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poor old Jew was right

>> No.11483055

that chick is wearing a orthodox jewish style headscarf even tho the story quotes a muslim

>> No.11483079


Take up the White Man's burden —
The savage wars of peace —
Fill full the mouth of Famine
And bid the sickness cease;
And when your goal is nearest
The end for others sought,
Watch sloth and heathen Folly
Bring all your hopes to nought.

God it's so ironic.

>> No.11483092


wtf I #resist Drumpf now