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/lit/ - Literature

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11477585 No.11477585 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.11477587

Mein Kampf

>> No.11477597

Extreme ownership

>> No.11477604

if killing yourself in a bunker doesnt get your shit together

>> No.11477608
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12 Rules for Life - Dr. Jordan B. Peterson

>> No.11477609

just be a man. don't be a pussy ass bitch its that simple

>> No.11477610

that book is shit lol

>> No.11477616

nah i got my life together, im just bored of reading classic literature and philosophy books.

>> No.11477639

nice try, but Hitler went to south America

>> No.11477655

read some occult stuff to spice things up

start with gustav meyrink since he writes occult novels

>> No.11477658

Then recommend something better you petulant faggot

>> No.11477661

Songs of a Dead Dreamer by Thomas Ligotti is a collection of some great short stories

>> No.11477662
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he's hiding in an underground bunker in the atlantic ocean with an armada of UFOs

>> No.11477666

I've read prometheus rising. what else would you recommend?

>> No.11477679

i don't read self help books homo, but id probably recommend meditations by marcus aurelius over that steaming pile of shit anyway of the week lol.

Extreme ownership is jut jocko willing jerking himself off about how tough he is.

>> No.11477681

there are 3 parts to a man

1. physical

this is hugely important although is trying to be downplayed by academics since most of them are untermensch who cant do a single pullup or the topic is too sensitive. Good looks and health should go hand in hand, the more removed you are from your natural habitat of the wild and into civilization you will not reach your gentic potential unless you compensate. Its complex but some basic things to do are sports, gym, mewing, less sitting, less staring at screens

2, Skills/mind

Today this will go to what skills you need to make a living, what hopies you want and what helps you express yourself, music, art, literature, languages e.t.c

3. Personality

considered the most important by the mainstream, for a man the most important thing is to be fearless, always brave, confident in oneself, leading, funny and compassionate

>> No.11477726
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>> No.11477779

kys you stoic faggot. enjoy the dicks in your ass. just be strong and get through it!

>> No.11477787

i think the stoics are fags too, but they're way better then cocko dicklink

>> No.11478108

Platos Republic and Aurelius's meditations my dude. Easy reading, should not more than a few days.

>> No.11478117
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Augustine, pray for OP

>> No.11478844

sauce on this please

>> No.11478966


Going from art school reject, to ruling an entire nation is pretty much the definition of getting your shit together.

>> No.11479155
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The New Testament.

>> No.11479170

Has anyone read this before? worth the 26bucks?

>> No.11479194



>> No.11479197

Maps of Meaning

>> No.11479368
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Meditations - Aurelius

>> No.11479612
