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11477099 No.11477099 [Reply] [Original]

What are your thoughts on "optimistic nihilism?"
The idea that since there is no meaning to life you can make up your own meaning for it seems like an odd position for someone to take. Isnt that just having a set of beliefs or goals?

Any recommended reading on the topic while we're at it?

>> No.11477144

What book it "optimistic nihilism" from?

>> No.11477146

a youtube channel lmao

>> No.11477166

>What are your thoughts on "optimistic nihilism?"
aka access to the bourgeois lifestyle

>> No.11477170

I mean, it makes sense but it's not a real philosophy.
>well, the Earth is gonna die some day, might as well risk getting shot down by a hot girl

>> No.11477181

>The idea that since there is no meaning to life you can make up your own meaning for it

See artifical meaning

>> No.11477294
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>Nothing matters bro, just make it up lol, not like all those old writers could have any good ideas, your consumerist bourgeouis lifestyle is perfectly meaningful as long as you ascribe it to this nebulous jargon we just pulled out of our arses

>> No.11477297

it’s pure reddit, kill yourself for even thinking about it

>> No.11477300

You are presupposing that nihilism is inherently pessimistic, which it is not.

>> No.11477304

bug ideology for bug people. optimistic nihilism is pretty much "life is a godless void but you're comfortable/distracted enough to never have to deal with that"

>> No.11477320

Yeah, I’d say it really is just having beliefs/goals. Maybe the youtuber was just trying to say how nihilism doesn’t need to be seen as depressing. I mean, isn’t that what everyone does? Everyone lives for some goal they somehow think they need to achieve (marriage, getting a job, etc).

>> No.11477331

>Yeah, I’d say it really is just having beliefs/goals. Maybe the youtuber was just trying to say how nihilism doesn’t need to be seen as depressing. I mean, isn’t that what everyone does? Everyone lives for some goal they somehow think they need to achieve (marriage, getting a job, etc).

dude its just mushmouth reddit platitudes, if all value is null and void there is no criterion for goal-setting

>> No.11477415

>The idea that since there is no meaning to life you can make up your own meaning
Is that even nihilism?

>> No.11477434

Duuude, just play vidya, smoke weed everyday, and Netflix and chill until you die lmao

>> No.11477941

There is no 'meaning' in life. That doesn't make sense.
I don't know of any ideology outside of religion that believes there is inherent meaning in life

>> No.11477944

It’s the only valid outlook on life tbqhwyfam

>> No.11478093

"Make your own meaning" is the new "find your passion"

What does it even mean, how does one do this

>> No.11478152
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>just make your own meaning bro