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/lit/ - Literature

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11476549 No.11476549[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Should one take the literature and philosophy of those who do not maintain their bodies seriously?

Do people with degenerate physiques have degenerate thoughts?

>> No.11476600
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>Should one take the literature and philosophy of those who do not maintain their bodies seriously?
Yes, but approach skeptically. Their work is shaped by their unsuitability to human nature.

>Do people with degenerate physiques have degenerate thoughts?

Tbhwyfamily you have hit upon exactly why western culture is failing.

>> No.11476614

Didn't Plato's Academy have a sign that said "Let None but Lifters Enter Here"?

>> No.11476622

My grandfather and plato agree so yes

>> No.11476683
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>complaining about degeneracy on the most degenerate site on the internet
Never ceases to amaze me

>> No.11476695

>tfw Plato convinced me to hit the gym

>> No.11476707

>t. dyel

>> No.11476788

180 cm 60 kg here. Definitely, nobody overweight in here.

>> No.11477281

I can't even imagine what it must be like to be 0'0" and 0 lbs.

>> No.11477310


>> No.11477323

>Do people with degenerate physiques have degenerate thoughts?

absolutely, philosophies are basically psychosomatic

>> No.11477367


physique reflection context of individual existence

keep slaves; swim thrice daily; and anoint thyself with lotion after thy swims

thus enlightened kannst thou of the higher orders of structure and meaning perceive

>Do people with degenerate physiques have degenerate thoughts?

Well, it depends. How many miles since their last oil change?

>> No.11477386

Are you saying I should work out then slather myself in olive oil, anon? Is that what I should take with me from your post?

>> No.11477416

Yes, read A Confederacy of Dunces.

>> No.11477846

>Should one take the literature and philosophy of those who do not maintain their bodies seriously? Do people with degenerate physiques have degenerate thoughts?
please. just fucking leave htis board. FUCKING PLEASE

>> No.11477874

Didn't Plato write something in the Phaedo about not giving a shit about your body? Being as close to death or some shit

>> No.11478110

Yes, the truth

This was precisely Nietzsche's conclusion

I'd say thinking to start with may be the act of a degenerate, it's what one does when Something's Gone Wrong

Not that there's anything wrong with being a degenerate

>> No.11478176

Yes, Gregory B Sadler should be taken seriously.

>> No.11478720

b-but muh one quote of 'Socrates' saying u should have a good body!!!

>> No.11479308

Know thyself = know how much ya bench

>> No.11479314
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Bet you would think he didnt have degenerate thoughts

>> No.11479320


>> No.11479366


Do this mean Peterson>Zizek

>> No.11479421

no course not. though it is good advice that you shouldn't get fat.
and didn't socrates think the soul & body were different entities

>> No.11479470
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there are 3 parts to a man

1. physical

this is hugely important although is trying to be downplayed by academics since most of them are untermensch who cant do a single pullup or the topic is too sensitive. Good looks and health should go hand in hand, the more removed you are from your natural habitat of the wild and into civilization you will not reach your gentic potential unless you compensate. Its complex but some basic things to do are sports, gym, mewing, less sitting, less staring at screens

2, Skills/mind

Today this will go to what skills you need to make a living, what hopies you want and what helps you express yourself, music, art, literature, languages e.t.c

3. Personality

considered the most important by the mainstream, for a man the most important thing is to be fearless, always brave, confident in oneself, leading, funny and compassionate

most philosophers and ''intellectuals'' are really just degenerate untermensch, who see lit and philosophy as a fashionable tool to fuel their egos, take zizek for example whos ideas are childish and useless, there is more understanding from an infant

>> No.11479492

that was about what should happen with his corpse after hes dead

>> No.11479584

quite the opposite, he said he should live with a healthy and strong body and then die when the time comes instead of prolonging your life with medicine and your body becoming sick on a bed

>> No.11479692

I know fairies when I see them, sugar

>> No.11479845

Do you believe that stuff and just ask these questions because want reassurance or do you legit want to know.

In the first case: Fuck off to /fit/
In the second case: Yes, you should take it seriously and no, physique doesn't mirror an individual's thoughts

>> No.11479863
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>> No.11479909

t. 32 bmi

>> No.11480069

there are Degenerate boards and then there are Regenerate boards. Lit, Fit, Pol are among the latter.

>> No.11480181

BMI 20 actually

>> No.11481145

But what about living as close to death as possible? I thought he was saying not only to not bother with appetitive needs but to disregard your body completely and focus on the mind
He definitely didn't say anything like
>live with a healthy and strong body
in the Phaedo at least as far as I can remember

>> No.11481256

if you read the Republic? he made quite clear that you hav to have a balance of physical and mental training

>> No.11481310

Socrates mentions that one should take care of ones body as part of an argument about who one should listen to rather than the braying crowd; in this case the teacher of gymnastics,

>> No.11481332

>Should one take the literature and philosophy of those who do not maintain their bodies seriously?
No, Zizek proves your """theory""" wrong.

>> No.11481333

Forgot to mention that this in Crito, 47b and onwards.

>> No.11482000


>> No.11482016

>Fuck off to /fit/
Rude and mean.
>physique doesn't mirror an individual's thoughts
Mirror? No, it probably doesn't. It just might reflect though.

>> No.11482094

The act of getting fat is a way of making yourself ugly in the tradition of Socrates, to experience the worst the world has to offer and to sharpen the wit and build your courage & tolerance to pain by being socially kicked in the nuts every day. It also keeps women far, far away from you which frees you unfettered by feckless emotional burdens and carnal satiety so you can seek true virtue in the consolation of your philosophy.

>> No.11483114

I have and I know that, but I'm talking about the Phaedo only, which as far as I remember talked about ignoring your body's needs outside of its minimum requirements to live so that you don't get an attachment to having a physical form. Plato was obviously talking about what he saw as excessive pleasures that fed into the appetitive part of the soul but I also read it to mean paying any particular attention to your body at all, including spending hours of you life exercising when you could be thinking.
I know that in the Republic Plato values physical fitness very highly
Nice trips and yeah I looked it up and you're right, but again I'm talking about the Phaedo only.
I fully accept that I've probably badly misread the Phaedo, and should probably be adding a disclaimer to all my posts letting everyone know I'm a clueless retard

>> No.11483163

Socrates was fat portly old ugly fag when he was doing his philosophy

>> No.11483229

Thanks anon....

>> No.11483234


>> No.11483245

> echo-chamber like /pol/
> regenerate

>> No.11483247

Yes. Peterson is much clearer and more concise in explaining his positions. He will go on and on and on until a topic is exhausted in every detail. Zizek handwaves.

I should add that degenerate physiques are the result of degenerate thoughts. A lack of control, a giving over of the will to reptile-brain animal appetite. This is obvious, OP.

>> No.11483256

Socrates was a hoplite of Athens. Old age and injuries destroy the body, making it unable to train or repair itself as it could in its youth. You can't blame him for not looking 20 and age 60. Post your pic fatty.

>> No.11483260


>> No.11483274

Sorry, degenerate.. NO MERCY!!!

>> No.11483290

imagine actually believing this

>> No.11483441

The distinction between your immediate environment and your body is arbitrary (but still meaningful in some sense) the affects of things around you constitute your body as long as they affect you. Since the mind coincides simultaneously with the existence of the body, if your body is weak and incapable of producing affects instead it will be affected against it's will. From this your mind will perceive these affects and so to will your mind will be affected by the bodies in your environment. Physical fitness is only the measure by which we can alter our environment via force and move from a state of being affected against our will to affecting as we choose. If you do not possess the strength and will to change your environment your body will be affected negatively and this will negatively affect your thoughts, decomposing both. The strength of the body and the strength of the mind grow and change in proportion to each other. From a pure eliminative-materialist standpoint this holds true. Your brain is just another organ, if your body is weak your mind will be weak. Exercise, eat clean, sleep 8 hours a day and remove negative affects from your environment. You will find yourself thinking with more clarity than you thought possible.

>> No.11485017

you dont understand philosophy and meta-physics if you have pregidous against the opinions of those who are thinner or fatter,
its not about accepting someone's ideas as being imperical, its giving them a shot ;since there always lies some (even minuscule) kernel of the overarching/universal truth in a mostly false ideology or set of ethics

>> No.11485018
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>its another fit pseuds think they are philosophers episode

>> No.11485057

you're fucking retarded and your post reads like something out of /r/theredpill

bizarre runtoid

>> No.11485059


>> No.11486756
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*Breathes in*

>> No.11486778
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WOW you might be the most stupid person on this board congrats

>> No.11486802

seriously, is getting fit REALLY worth it? it's a minimun of 1 hour each day for the rest of my life, that's a lof of fucking hours that i could spend making more money, reading, or just wasting my time like a normal person. do the benefits of being fit REALLY balance out?

specially in today's society where you can have a good life with certain degree of hedonism. i know people who take hard drugs regularily and are fine members of society

>> No.11486866
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>guys should I read people with different priorities and opinions than me?
You're a goddamned idiot, OP, and your "interest" in philosophy is only something you wear to seem cultured, intelligent, and interesting. You are none of the three.

Don't do what you can't justify to yourself. For instance, in my life, reading has been productive and fun, but I certainly would not recommend "reading literature" to someone like OP. I also really like lifting weights and long-distancing running, but these things appeal to a very specific type of person. Commit to something for a month and drop it if you don't like it; don't ask questions of "worth" on a tibekistanian mousepad irc chat

>> No.11486969

Both charlatans, but I do agree Peterson is the greater charlatan.

>> No.11487113

it's a problem because this is one of those things that you don't know if it is worth it until years go by.

i tried a couple times to go running every couple days, but never did it long enough or with good enough regularity to be sure i did or did not like it. always had to drop it for a whole week because of travel or some other excuse and forgot about it.

>> No.11487301

>Should one take the literature and philosophy of those who do not maintain their bodies seriously?
Personally, I don't take it seriously. It's akin to Freud's death instinct, and therefore offers nothing productive.

>Do people with degenerate physiques have degenerate thoughts?
Yes. Although people with fit physiques can have degenerate thoughts, too if they don't handle their mentality well.

>> No.11487316

We don't push our /d/egeneracy outside in our politics or in our habitus.

Sure, I write a book about an intersex elf girl but that's just a fact about her.

>> No.11487340

so what's the point of writing philosphy at all? just take selfies of your natty physique and post them online since apparently it boils down to the same thing