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11474555 No.11474555 [Reply] [Original]

Gen X needs to fully understand Heidegger.
What did he mean when he wrote that technology unveils the “being”? I don’t know why, but i’m obsessed with the idea that his insight could save us.

>> No.11475321

Source behind that image man?

>> No.11475326



>> No.11475327

Why Gen X in particular? They're old.

>> No.11475329

>that gen x boomer trying to keep up with the times

>> No.11475367
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>gen x
Rot in hell

>> No.11475424

Gen z is the beholder of conscious enlightenment.

Mark my words

>> No.11475475
File: 16 KB, 368x221, Heidegger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i’m obsessed with the idea that his insight could save us.
only a god can save us

>> No.11475539

can someone explain to me why he thought a hydroelectric dam is a big spoopy evil techne mosntrosity but a windmill isn’t? is it just because the former is more disruptive of the local environment?

>> No.11475553

One is all about bending and accepting nature's wills, the other is about terraforming and turning those wills into our own.

>> No.11475596

I understand the terraforming part but I don’t see how either is more accepting of nature's will. either way you’re making use of a natural phenomenon to harvest energy.

>> No.11475649

Windmill accepts that is will only spin when the wind blows. A damn is erected to literally black the flow of water. Are you retarded?

>> No.11475659
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>> No.11475666

Maybe read the Heidegger?

>> No.11475689

Trump crossed over to the other side of the mirror by just saying whatever comes to mind without regard for consistency. is this how you break the end of history and subvert the mechanisms of cybernetic control?

>> No.11475698
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>only generational marxism can save us now
>dictatorship of the zoomers is coming
Right after the boomers throw your ass under the bus, I'm sure...

>> No.11475703

Does every hbo show devolve into female power fantasy shit now?

>> No.11475711
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>> No.11475715
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Read this and From Counterculture to Cyberculture by Fred Turner together with the works of Cristopher Lasch and Adam Curtis' documentaries. the 60s were a turning point and the source of many of the tensions and contradictions afflicting present day society. After the failure of the new left, the utopian aspirations of the counterculture turned inwards towards personal transformation and technology. However, this lead to a world with no sense of temporal continuity, a world where it's increasingly harder to tell fantasy and techno hype from reality.

>> No.11475716

Windmill brutally forces wind currents around its blades, disrupting the wind's natural dictation. Hydrodam literally just lets water already flowing flow through a turbine lel.

It's because Heidegger had a shallow conception of disruption. Presumably the difference between the windmill and hydrodam is dictated according to a human-scale metric, and therefore utterly tainted.

>> No.11475718

Maybe give us a quote?

>> No.11475771
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>t. ancap who also insists that it's really Global Cooling

>> No.11475790
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I'm no Trump supporter, but it's telling how most of his vocal opponents can't think beyond a cold war framework. Trump HAS to be a Manchurian Candidate who is engaging in capital-T Treason by literally 'being gay for Putin'. Maybe it's the 18th century whig representative democracy charade up in Washington that can't cope with social and technological change. The only thing that can save us is a turn towards localism and the platonic christian idea of human perfectibility and away from mass media spectacle and hyperrationalised managerial capitalism

>> No.11475791

It's about the living things dummy.

>> No.11475794
File: 82 KB, 1002x541, 1531798833358.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If Heidegger were a young today, would he be a frogposting incel?

>> No.11475806

I've been thinking constantly that if leaking emails and sending memes can really sway elections that drastically than maybe democracy just isnt meant to be anymore in the age of the internet.

>> No.11475853

the role of emails and memes is overplayed precisely because existing power structures have a vested interest in occluding the broader field of the social. Trump doesn't owe his victory to /pol/ and magic frog memes, he won because he offered traditional dem voters in the rust belt an easy answer to the postindustrial question: ''China took your jobs''. liberals have abandoned material concerns by simultaneously and paradoxically doubling down on both cold war jingoism and petty culture war aesthetic/cultural policing. I can't say conservatives are much better, having long lost sight of anything actually worth conserving. it's all about 'owning the libs' these days. meanwhile the technocracy has lead to an unprecedented accumulation of power, wealth and information at the very top, but barely anyone seems concerned about this.

>> No.11475863

when beavers make dams is it techne run amok too?

>> No.11475930

The problem is not technology, but the way technology enframes our understanding of the world. Despite the thin philanthropic veneer, Silicon Valley aims only to maximize stockholder value and accumulate information as fast as possible with little regard for social cost or democracy.

>> No.11476106

technology enframes being, it doesn't unveil it. we need techne not technology. the abolition of great distances has brought no nearness. read Land, technology has already won. it was the boomers that needed Heidegger.

>> No.11477273

I agree. We may have learned the means to produce incredible technology today, but we are so far from understanding how to properly use it and the mass repercussions from this misuse. If things keep going on like this we're basically fucked. Society will become a hollow shell.

>> No.11477341

what is a society?
why is it worth preserving?

>> No.11477349
File: 102 KB, 600x646, D5F33806-BEA9-47E7-AC0F-C3D91BB4B250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Technology is going to be he thing that saves us from the impending doom that awaits us. We need to achieve the ability to explore outer space before we expend all of the resources the earth has

>> No.11477354
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>tfw honestly can't wait for the coming of hyperthatcherist neotribal patchwork

>> No.11477360

Thanks for this post.

>> No.11477379

What he meant was the same as several other people have noted before him, namely that technology isn't value neutral, which is the common idea of it.

What you need to understand about Heidegger was that he was a monist, which means that matter and subjectivity needs to collapse into something that explains and contains both of them.

>> No.11477682

Why are neoreactionaries just post-ironic ultra-leftists?

>> No.11477700

>just burn down the house cause we can live in a forest fire
Capitalist philosophers, everyone...

>> No.11477751
File: 93 KB, 749x927, Dgg5msrUEAE1axG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

postironic ultraleftism is the only way out. being an unironic reactionary is just tiresome i don't want to waste my time getting angry at 'the libs' and their antics.' just set everything on fire, starting by me personally' begins to sound like an eminently reasonable idea.


>> No.11478216

Heidegger was projecting his own fascistic tendencies into Technology, the man was a ferret

>> No.11478968

what a pretentious old cunt

philosophers are really so irresponsible and cringy. Just from studying them for a little while I can see this. They learn enough to the point where they can trick the world and get its paw stuck in some trap... then it limps around in a circle for a while, dies, and the next generation carries on with existence, unblighed.

Honestly, what a FUCKING faggot. Only A God. Oh, so you're not a theist, Heidegger? Still an unrepentant Nazi? Cool man just checking up on that. A God. What a fucking childish pagan larper... that is probably the most infuriating indefinite article in all of philosophy.

Playing his stupid Teutonic ring cycle cosplay to the very end. Hope he rots in Hel

>> No.11478970

ease up on the booksmarts and try to develop some common sense. it will balance you out

>> No.11479008

>late Heidegger

>> No.11479010

rhetoric of authenticity. literally no discernable difference except that Heidegger prefers the one over the other as more "authentic."

>> No.11479048
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>> No.11479052
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Joke is on you Stephen... you are the dead one now!

>> No.11479069

I'm not a STEM guy. I agree with Hawking, but I don't think it has to be that way.

>> No.11479071


>> No.11479091

Speculative philosophical approach can never be concrete enough to compare with science

fight me

>> No.11479125

Science is just a subset of epistemology, brainlet

>> No.11479128

you sound very mad (at your dad)

>> No.11479147

What does this actually mean? Solidity? You can reach out and touch the string vacua landscape?
Is the flipped sign term in the metric tensor, the static universal wavefunction more real to you than the ecstasies of past, present, future?
Why do you care about VV Cephai A?

>> No.11479153

yeah dude the linnaeus system is the only way to experience nature lmao

>> No.11479159

no one cares
that's why french postmodernists love Heidegger so much

>> No.11479169

>deride something as irrelevant and dead
>be irrelevant and dead

>> No.11479171

Gen X comes after boomers.

>> No.11479383

I will re-post it periodically here on /lit/...
Oh, i meant GEN Z, i’m sorry guys

>> No.11481141

All gens do

>> No.11481524

>says something is dead
>dies himself before the thing he declared dead dies
what a LOSER lmfao

>> No.11483009

So this is the power of STEMbros?

>> No.11483021

wrong. too tired to expand

>> No.11484272

Please expand.

>> No.11484279

so this is the power of philosophy...

>> No.11484726
File: 1.41 MB, 1531x949, knifey spoony.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the Ratzel and Kjellen reccs.

>> No.11484740

What's the source for this image or where can I find more like it, google, tineye and iqdb give nothing.

>> No.11484774

sometimes differences in quantity amount to differences in quality. t. jacques ellul

>> No.11486619

Are there any charts yet for Heidegger on here?

>> No.11486642


that's where the money is

>> No.11486666
File: 206 KB, 960x1073, 1423115408038.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cristopher Lasch

Reading Culture of Narcissism has been terrifying. Thanks for the other recs, much appreciated.

>> No.11488215

I had the same reaction.

>> No.11488345
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>> No.11489658

you rot in hell brainlet

>> No.11489691

forget about windmill shit - not an argument. he was limited by the technology of his time & being a german hermit.

>> No.11490532

You sound delusional.