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/lit/ - Literature

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11472811 No.11472811[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Does /lit/ have an artistic muse?

I did up to recently. It was a girl that I met in an English class. We just spoke casually about our lives and literature. After a few months of talking and spending time together I learned through casual conversation that she had been in a long-term relationship with a guy who had mistreated her, and that he had come on her face without asking her if she was okay with it. For the rest of the time we were together all I could picture as she talked was a big floppy moist cock in the place of her head wobbling around and pointing at me.The depth of the pain I felt upon hearing her say that was ineffable. I couldn't believe she was the type of girl who would have sexual encounters with men before marriage, who would buy in to the replaceable nature of modern relationships. I had everything planned out -- the route we'd take on our travels through Europe, where I would propose to her, where we'd get married, our house in Vermont, the cozy evenings we'd spend together reading near the fireplace in silence, etc. -- and she ruined it all with just one sentence. I've been ignoring her since that encounter. I doubt I'll talk to her again. On the bright side, however, I now have the emotional fuel I need to complete my magnum opus.

>> No.11472831

The Virgin Mary.

>> No.11472904

So you're telling me she felt comfortable enough with you to divulge an unsavory sexual happenstance that she denounced almost instantly. And you... Gave her the cold shoulder because it made YOU uncomfortable? Get over yourself.

>> No.11472907

No, but I wish I did.

>> No.11472932

I've got a polygamous relationship with two woman named misery and solitude, they visit me late in the evening, stay overnight, and three times out of five they've slipped out the window by the time I awake.

I've been told they have many other lovers, but never have I met any women so faithful and consistent and those two sisters.

>> No.11472934
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For a moment, I thought this post would be somewhat romantic and optimistic. It didn't feel like /lit/, but like some off-world image board where everything is comfy and sweet. After a few sentences though, it was tinged with the normal vulgarity, disappointment and autism one typically expects from 4chan.

I then realized that I had undergone a microcosm of what OP went through with that thot: from comfy heights to gutters all in an instance. May the gods of 4chan and the patron saint of /lit/ bless everyone ITT.

>> No.11473023

OP here, thread is dead. Bump to revive since I effort posted.

>> No.11473040

You know, even though this is a troll, I sympathize with it. It’s a bit degrading to go out with a whore.

>> No.11473057

On the contrary, who in their right fucking minds would want some prudish, unconfident, ultimately shallow tart for a girl? I may not speak for everyone - most likely the minority - when I say those women who are either open to unconventional sexual practices or otherwise reminiscent of the countless whores and brothel-dwellers of the 19th century are the very ones capable of delivering each of us into literary genius.

>> No.11473063

Jezebels are my muse because with every jezebel I see, my hate for /lit/ and humanity in general is stoked like a noxious fire. This fire fuels my writing processes, and I try my best to channel it into something of artistic and creative merit -- but, alas, in the end my brain is seared by images of mocking jezebels. These scantily clad women are an anti-muse to me. They seek to take away my monolithic writing fortitude and replace it with sinful thought. For all the jezebel posters reading this, I feel no hatred towards you. I only feel a mild indifference: how could you know what you are doing with every click of that "post" button? And this has been why I consider 4chan jezebels to be my collective muse. Thank you.

>> No.11473066
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Toned booties are my muse

>> No.11473108

>that pic

>> No.11473145

Back then the muses were literal godesses of creation, the only real source of artistry, poets didn't sing their songs, it was the muses who took over their bodies and possesed them to sing of heroes and gods. Hesiod would never dare to attribute the Theogony to himself, it was the muses of the Helicon who created the poem and taught it to him. For this very same reason Sappho was nicknamed "the tenth muse", because her overwhelming creative power was that comparable to that of a godess. Now compare it to the modern use of the word, a muse is used to describe whatever random girl an pseudo-artist has the hots for which inspires him to write mediocre poetry at best, all the power of creation has been robbed of the muse by this masturbatory fuckheads. A muse has stopped being the source of art, all an "artist" wants nowadays is for his ego to be elevated, he's the creator and no one else can claim that, the muse has been relegated to a passive actor by these pretentious fucks and it sickens me to my stomach whenever I hear someone claim that "this x girl makes my peepee go whoosh, she's my muse all right man", it's the bae of middle brow pretentious fuckwits and I hate anyone who uses it that way. Unironically kys

>> No.11473339

>Hesiod would never dare to attribute the Theogony to himself, it was the muses of the Helicon who created the poem and taught it to him
lel, he was just a lonely horny beta who couldnt get with real chicks so who made up the equivalent of an anime waifu tulpa who instead of 'the real girl muses' you talk about, he had an imaginary one

>> No.11473368


>> No.11473387

He fell for the nigger big ass meme lmao.

>> No.11473390

variety is the spice of life. One person may enjoy only the taste of one type of fruit, one person may enjoy many, one of these may be missing out

>> No.11473396

I like this desu. book for this feel?

>> No.11473397

yeah but big asses are like braphogs and ass-eating. Your favourite rapper talks about it but everyone actually just pretends to like it to fit in with their urban youth friends. Most people are really disgusted by it deep down inside.

>> No.11473418

that girl in question with the pic up theres ass is not insanely huge, if you think it is, you are a picky fruit eater that only likes bananas and probably has a small dick and dont want to be made to look small by a girl bigger than you so are really hung up about these things

>> No.11473440

dude you sound like a fucking faggot and i am seriously disgusted by that type of shit. get off the board man. christ fucking god i can't stand faggots

>> No.11473454

>Not liking ass eating makes me a faggot.
Think that one through anon

>> No.11473584

I’ve been dating this polyamarous woman and she is by far the most emotionally developed person I’ve had the pleasure to sleep and spend time with. Her lifestyle is the site of investigation for both of us, and the intellectual skills she’s developed through serve as a rich source of challenge (meanwhile, there are other skills of mine that I challenge her with).

Furthermore, because of the inability to possess her (possessiveness is anathema to the poly community), the relationship has been developing in a way much different to the ones that I’ve had previously. My attraction to her must happen in the context of preserving her alterity. It’s like a double undoing of the ego: the first work of learning to live with another, and then the subsequent work to not feel that undergoing the first work entitles me to anything. It has all the horror and thrill of romantic abandonment without the oneitis.

Having watched the woman I love kiss another man, I totally understand why internet fuckheads have such a neurosis over cuckoldom. It signifies the absolute absence of any form of entitlement and he ability to function and find joy therein. Hence, it reflects back to them their own abject poverty of mind and spirit. Their only strategy for attaining joy is to have it owed to them. It’s like sexual rent-seeking.

Perhaps this may elucidate some of

>> No.11473691
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>I’ve been dating this polyamarous woman.
stopped reading right there senpai. Absolute bugman

>> No.11473695
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No you dimwit. The size of the ass is much less important than its definition when judging something as "toned" or not. You posted some random girl's butt and that butt is far from toned.

>> No.11473696

>sexual rent-seeking.
Stopped reading there.

>> No.11473709

Sex is shallow, idiotic, and mostly a waste of time unless you’re reproducing.

>dude much pleasure
>dude muh intimacy
>dude u don’t kno what ur talkin about bro when da chik lookz u in da eyez and sez she luvz u wen u both cum at da same time... thats some lit shit senpai fo real

You’re deluded if you think that glorifying sex is somehow any nobler than glorifying candy or heroin. It just makes you feel pleasant and can be a way of showing your intimacy. You’re literally a piece of barely conscious flesh when controlled by lust and blindly seeking after sex, you’re not being controlled by your head. Sex saps your emotional and mental energy, I fully advocate for a more repressive culture when it comes to sex.

>dood wat r u talkin bout lel u r an angry virgin bro lel cant kno these pleasures lel I feel bad for u bro

Sex obviously feels great but you’re, again, just an idiot if you think it’s somehow sacred because of how good it feels. Is heroin sacred? People say it feels better than sex.

>> No.11473722

I didn't post that flabby arse, nigger. I said that he fell for the big fat cellulos'd rap meme

>> No.11473724

Those guys are religious betas lmao. Never gonna make it when they worship sex with washed up thots

>> No.11473743

Sounds degenerate

>> No.11473757

I agree. Milton did something interesting though by atributing Paradise Lost to the Holy Spirit as his muse. I think you can still write poetry about a girl and not consider her your muse.
I just want a virgin maiden who wants to wait for marriage and doesn't slut/party around. It's tough because there's no surefire way to meet someone like that who is of my religion

>> No.11473759

Wait, they slip out by morning? So you wake up happy surrounded by other people?

>> No.11473789

yea - I was thinking of making a connection between the concept of debt and capitalism. It faltered.

>> No.11473804

I agree, bul using words like “shallow” and “idiotic” demonstrates that you’re still just frustrated by it.

>> No.11473822

One must have tremendous strength for true joy.

>> No.11473823
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>> No.11473832
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>> No.11473839

You don't have a father, do you?

>> No.11473852

I am very sad that I will likely not be able to check in with how you are doing and your relationship and your next relationships over the years

>> No.11473855

>I got too emotionally attached to someone way too quick like a 14 year old girl and am now sad because they had sex before and I feel condescended because I'm a virgin

>> No.11473860

Yeah mate I didn't mean engage in polyamorous relationships. This whole esoteric release of the ego is wimpy as shit. My advice is to cultivate your ego into a highly possessive machine that plays around with women and their feelings as much as possible.

>> No.11474309

Completely agree
It's ok when you do it the first few times and then it gets very old very fast

>> No.11474897

Is this real? The depravity of this is beyond words.

>> No.11474899

stop being such a massive faggot and talk to her, even if she had never told you she still would have done it. what is different about her now that you know this little fact?

>> No.11475254

It means she is an unchaste slut unfit for romantic courtship and marriage.

>> No.11475885

You're a pathetic cunt. Kys

>> No.11475970

if such a small thing chnaged your conception of her then you’re either fragile AF or you never had real feelings for her. Or, if you’re actually into the purity spook, then you’re too autistic to have picked up on her lack hereof.