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11472710 No.11472710 [Reply] [Original]

Any good comprehensive books on all of Christianities denominations and how they came to be? What they differ in? etc

>> No.11472736
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>> No.11472823


>> No.11472863


I assume you are on mobile?


>> No.11474170
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Unironically. Deals with the major radical American Protestantisms sympathetically, from Mormonism to Jehovah's Witnesses chapter to chapter. For mainline stuff like Presbyterianism, Episcopalianism, etc., youll have to look elsewhere. He does however cover the Southern Baptist convention rather well, and the 'Northern' Baptists (with whom he seems to like rather much) they broke away from.

>> No.11474218

There isn't, because new (as in protestant) Christian denominations keep springing and dying every year, it's an excercise in futility, they're estimated to be 20 or 30 thousands at least. Somehow I doubt you're going to waste your existence to try and figure out how many of the Snake Handlers in Appalachia believe in the contents of the Nicene Creed. Much better to study schisms, heterodoxies, heresies, reformation and their responses.

The infinity of protestant denominations can be classified based on soteriology ("arminian", etc.), eschatology ("premillennialist", etc.), hermeneutics ("fundamental", etc.), church governance ("congregationalist", etc.), politics ("conservative", etc.), skin color ("black"), approaches to other denominations ("evangelical"), etc. without end.

>> No.11474328

There are only three Christian denominations: Orthodox, Heretics, and Schismatics

>> No.11474330

Mormons and Jehovah's Witnesses aren't even Christian. Those are totally different religions.

>> No.11474338

Diarmaid MacCulloch

>> No.11474578
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Chart-anon strikes again.

>> No.11474672

You should look at Churches with actual apostolic succession: Roman Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, Oriental Orthodox and other non-Calcedonians, of course no Protestant movement can claim apostolic succession.

>> No.11474685


>> No.11474694

pretty good, but add Institutes of the Christian Religion and The True Christian Religion

>> No.11475061

Mormons, yes. I would call Jehovah's Witnesses the outermost edge of Christianity.

>> No.11475100


Not a book, but a great channel on all things christian theology

>> No.11475686

JWs are not Christians because they do not believe in the Trinity

>> No.11475707

Against the Day

>> No.11475723


>Don't beleive in Trinity
>Don't beleive in the Bodily Ressurection
>Don't belive that Jesus was put on the Cross, and say it was a fucking STICK instead

yeah nah they're not Christian my dude

>> No.11475798

The History of Christianity by Diarmaid MacCulloch

>> No.11475939

hilaire belloc