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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 149 KB, 940x940, Kerouac3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11472284 No.11472284 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.11472298
File: 32 KB, 381x353, 219321327.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one of the greats

>> No.11472325

Better writer than everyone on lit, at the least, probably more we’ll read than us as well

Doesn’t stop us from hating him tho

>> No.11472360
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>boom boom bam bam bam, boom boom bam bam bam, boom boom boom bam ba ba ba ba, da boo boo tss

>> No.11472534

He did inspire literal boomers so you're not exactly wrong.

>> No.11472572

alright when i was 17 but not as good as Celine

>> No.11472581


>> No.11472592

Overrated hack

>> No.11472690

On the Road deserves its reputation, but it was also the limit of what he could do.

>> No.11472720

That's not writing, that's typing.

>> No.11472738

Said the guy whose claim to fame was a true crime book

>> No.11472759

And a bloody good one.

>> No.11472770

Dharma Bums is his actual best work, and the comfiest. I read it once a year. it's just about two dudes hiking and getting really into zen buddhism and being depressed yet happy at the same time. it's wonderful.

I like Visions of Cody and the Subterraneans a lot too. I think history is already being revisionist with the beats with more beat scholars coming out of the woodworks here and there.

>> No.11472778

It was fine, but what did it contribute to American literature? Thomas Pynchon drew inspiration from Kerouac and the beats. Who drew inspiration from Capote?

>> No.11472779

>it's just about two dudes hiking and getting really into zen buddhism and being depressed yet happy at the same time

>> No.11472784

/lit/ hates him because he was depressed and neurotic just like they are but wasn't too much of a pussy to actually live an interesting life.

>> No.11472785

>you're only good if good writers "were inspired" by your work

>> No.11472792

This is the reason why chads shouldn't be allowed to write books. A disgrace to American literature, and world literature.

>> No.11472809

Never heard of it? There's a lot of sexual exploration in his books.

>> No.11472816

It's okay if you're into fag stuff, I guess. But it's not for me.

>> No.11472841

>It was fine, but what did it contribute to American literature?
It popularized and perfected the true crime genre, what did Kerouac achieve on his own?

>> No.11472913

hard agree. dharma bums is the best kerouac. so fuckin comfy.

>> No.11473052


mmmmmmmm no

>> No.11473068

>tfw even 30 year old chad boomers are afraid to approach girls

I like his style of writing

>> No.11473078

Has anyone else read Orpheus Emerged?

>> No.11473089

Liked On The Road, have read it like 3 times. The first one was when I was in highschool (started a period of sex, drugs and all that teen shit), so I loved it. After that I still think it has its merits, some passages that went unnoticed to me became very relevant, but I could be more objective about it. Read Big Sur, it was ok but nothing I would read again. As a person (at least as it comes across through his writing) seemed like a cool guy.

>> No.11473421

beat poetry was a mistake and so was kerouac

>> No.11473471

>we’ve tried nothing and we’re all out of ideas!

>> No.11473480

Digging On the Road right now. Pretty gone little book.

>> No.11473485

I disagree completely. The Dharma Bums and Big Sur were far superior.

>> No.11473495

Fuck off, virgin.

>> No.11473502
