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/lit/ - Literature

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11472134 No.11472134 [Reply] [Original]

Since this can undergo changes in style due to time. Is DFW a good dialogue writer?

>> No.11472150
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>”Your wife’s hair is a living wonder”
>”Yes it is”
>”She has important hair”

>> No.11472487

Am I a pleb for being driven crazy by how much DeLillo truly did not give a fuck about authentic dialogue in that book

>> No.11472503

No. I have never hated a book more than I hate White Noise

>> No.11472515
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>> No.11472559

He and his sort write dialogue that wouldn't be out of place in a sitcom or a movie. It's not bad, but it's not literary either. When I think of literary dialogue I think of that which is mostly divorced reality, highly theatrical, and only really makes sense on the page and within the mood and narrative that the author's arranged for it. So DeLillo is, IMO, a very literary writer of dialogue. Hemingway too. Salinger is a very readable and natural writer of dialogue, but not that literary, whereas Dostoevsky is.

>> No.11472565

McCarthy's dialogue is great. All the Pretty Horses' seemed nearly effortless.

>> No.11472586
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>highly theatrical
Theatricized dialogue in what I consider to be literary is crazytalk. Subtlety is everything to me. Alice Munro, Raymond Carever, Eudora Welty, Chekhov, even Corncob YeCarthy, are all masters of contemporary dialogue. It's another example of show over tell, in which you get the full organic experience in which these characters behave and react to one another. I prefer the subdued over the ridiculous bombast.

>> No.11473210

William Gaddis is GOAT

>> No.11473237

>Is DFW a good dialogue writer?
sometimes, but he's better at portraying inner monologue

>> No.11473248

shut the fuck up

>> No.11473255

White Noise is pleb tier garbage

>> No.11473359

I know this is /lit/, but Richard Linklater and Aaron Sorkin

>> No.11473370

what's wrong with White Noise/DeLillo? I was planning on reading it soon

>> No.11473375

+ David Mamet

>> No.11473429

Gaddis IS goat

>> No.11473756

I'm still convinced Linklater is /the/ man to do an Infinite Jest movie/tv series adaptation