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11471592 No.11471592 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.11471605
File: 7 KB, 558x565, abstracta.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why does this totally banal jungian psych dude and mainstream conservative trigger leftists so much?

>> No.11471650


>mainstream conservative

He's a Neocon

>> No.11471893

Lit endorses him

>> No.11471916

It was better last night as a bunch of goofs.

>> No.11472004

its still a place for goofs. But it needs to be more structured. following the academic formula.

>> No.11472599

Is that a Pepe?

>> No.11472603

A constructionist version

>> No.11472617

he's a liberacon
he distorts jung to suit

>> No.11472638

Why does anyone take Jung's pseudoscience seriously other than for introducing a few terms and providing the basis for a decent Japanese vidya game?

>> No.11472657
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Its fun to laugh at pseuds

>> No.11472665
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Not to mention the greatest anime ever

>> No.11472672

Then write a good long critique on Peterson. a REAL GOOD ONE, so good that he can't recover from it.

>> No.11472683
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Plenty have been published on the net already



>> No.11472704

He's a straight white male, which puts him on the far-right.

>> No.11472715

he said a good critique, not fucking opinion pieces written by morons

>> No.11472718

but I thought oppression narratives didn't exist?

>> No.11472726
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lol who's being the reductive postmodernist now lmao.

The dude is good at what he does, which is clinical psychiatry, and the application of clinical processes is different from straight up philosophizing. He's a charlatan, sorry.

>> No.11472739

They do on the mental level tho.

>> No.11472742
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but I thought it was the SJW oppression narrative that had to be dismantled because it doesn't actually exist? But it's okay for you to act like you're being oppressed, because...?

>> No.11472752

It doesn't exist on my mind.

>> No.11472762
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so then what are you crying about?

>> No.11472768

I'm not though?
I just said his straight white malehood positioned him on the far-right.

>> No.11472856
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It seems more likely that your just scrambling for a reason to discredit him, since he's starting to become mainstream and in your teenage brain, its now cooler to "not" acknowledge his arguments, the same way you think its cool to bash GoT and white family tourists.
The fact that you sourced articles that are directly targeted for the demographic i described is pretty damning in and of itself.

The only way for you to save yourself at this point is to clearly and logically explain your point of view and how it directly refutes Petersons points.

That was a pretty good pic related though, i chuckled.

>> No.11472862

which manloving bucko took out my penishwashing and dragonslaying/fapping memery

>> No.11472870

peniswashing is there.

>> No.11472881

>american't politics

>> No.11472954
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will this post modernist war on cisnormaty never end?

>> No.11472957


>> No.11472961

okay, this is epic

>> No.11473262

Stop pretending to be me to make me look bad.

>> No.11473324

i think it's time to openly start talking openly about the need to defeat ZOG and destroy cultural marxism. when you see one of those blue haired lgbt freaks on the street, challenge them to a round of one on one physical combat. thats just how it goes. fuck ZOG btw.

>> No.11473343

what game?

>> No.11473438


>> No.11473447
File: 239 KB, 1267x888, Screen Shot 2018-07-10 at 09.41.20.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dear cuck,

Please take the alt-right cock off your mouth and dedicate to self-help books.


>> No.11473449

because conservatives worship this totally banal jungian psych dude

>> No.11473484

paraphrased from nick mullen: jp fans are all "facts and logic guys" who got boners when he started talking about dragons and shit

>> No.11473864

>being this much of a basedboy leftist
Hello Dyson's cock worshipper.

Also ITT: people that have only heard of JBP from /lit/posts or opinion pieces. Go watch his latest videos instead of just trying to jump into conclusions from 3rd-rate opinions. This thread itself is a definite proof of how fucking 'edgy' and trash /lit/ has become in recent years. Old /lit/ would've at least made good bants while still posting substantial material.

Also your critique is shit. No proper citations 6 pages in and your arguments has more holes than a nigger that's been through a KKK firing range.

>> No.11473946

What do you want us to cite? Our hearts?

>> No.11473953

assuming this project doesn’t die I’ll expand on my “Third Critique” later, fyi

>> No.11474248

Silent Hill

>> No.11474254

Cool. Thanks!

>> No.11474264

He's a radical conservative a la Maistre, that is to say from the post-revolutionary days, with the same misanthropic views on people as naturally murderous, incapable of containing their animal nature with only human rational keeping them at bay.
He also has strong post-revolutionary Roman Catholic tendencies that could be seen in radical-conservatism of those days, with the idea of western societies in rapid decay unless a certain spirit is restored and upheld, and similar to the radical-conservatives he believes in a Christian metaphysical necessity.

Even Burke rejected these people by the way, and they were kicked out of every country until they ended up in Russia, in the hands of Jordan Peterson's favorite writers who adopted these views.

>> No.11474266

Feel free to edit and improve on the critiques :-)

>> No.11474270

He's a classical liberal. The guys at Jacobite dislike him because he's too liberal for them.

>> No.11474271

What if I told everyone you were secretly trying to destroy civilization with your views, used all the theories you're inspired by only as a tool to instill this necessity of destruction in everyone around you, called everyone you read destroyers of western civilization, and only stuck to rejecting your views morally instead of methodically?

It would trigger me too, I'm not a leftist but is it so hard to engage one another how we should?

>> No.11474612


>> No.11474618

already done

>> No.11474622

No, he is a neocohen.

>> No.11474810
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>> No.11474834
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Threads like these is exactly why I voted for trump

>> No.11475728


>> No.11475744


>> No.11476588
File: 206 KB, 700x525, acc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Maps of Meaning; Fanged (((Noumena)))
>The Complete Dialogues
>Or, The Fourfold Root of the Principle of Sufficient Autism


>> No.11476599

a million monkeys...

>> No.11476663
