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File: 8 KB, 299x169, sapio2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11470611 No.11470611[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

This shit is a ruse, eh?

>> No.11470622
File: 90 KB, 900x900, pseudosapiosexual.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11470697

It's real.

>> No.11470712

It’s an amusing anomaly. It is the result of pseud-intellectuals falsely attributing a desire of theirs that would normally fall under the category of eugenics as some sort of edgy quirk. But, were you to challenge them saying their opinion is like that of a eugenicist, they would retract.

>> No.11470720

Damn, that was an awful sentence. I’m sorry OP, I really butchered that.

>> No.11470735
File: 43 KB, 911x569, 1477907977916.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yes, women are a meme.

>> No.11470743

I don't know if I am sapiosexual but my erection can and has deflated after realizing the chick whose breasts I'm groping is a pseud. The first time that happened I was helping the girl undress herself and saw a deathly hallows pendant hanging from her neck. I ended up fucking her regardless but I swear my motivation to fuck was diminished after seeing that.

>> No.11470750

Not really. Sexual selection does value the display of intelligence.

>> No.11470756

which would make everyone sapiosexual and render the word unnecessary

>> No.11470801

I have fucked a lot of girls from OKCupid, Tinder, and Fetlife who call themselves "sapiosexual." It's the #1 thing that horrible pretentious cunts with completely average intelligence always say. Think 20-35 year old daddy's girl who proudly calls herself a "writer" because she wants to be one and she "cares about issues," or a chick who is so shallow and narcissistic that two years of getting B's at a state college, and having smoke blown up her ass by male classmates, is enough to make her think she's some kind of up-and-coming junior intellectual, or horrid bitter shrew whose social life dried up when she stopped being in high school or college and she compensated by becoming a Twitter slacktivist perpetually on her period, or etc. Those are the kinds of women who say "I'm sapiosexual," usually followed by 250 pages of bitter, dick-withering insane rigmarole they want you to go through like a fucking obstacle course in order to talk to them, like "Don't even fucking think of messaging me if you are racist, misogynistic, or you aren't up on the latest HuffPo article I read. I will fucking hit the fucking delete button so fast you can't even imagine. I have had enough of you fucking piece of shit men who don't DESERVE to talk to me and I won't have my TIME WASTED by you FUCKING LOSERS anymore. So come on and message me I don't bite :). By the way I'm 33, fat (if that's a problem for you, we won't get along), and the mother of two beautiful children. No immature posers or fuckboys please! I'm turning over a new leaf and I DON'T need another LOSER PATHETIC MAN in my life who doesn't have his shit together. Tall guys to the front of the line! I love frogurt :P"

>> No.11470817


>> No.11471104

Regardless I understand what you're saying and you are correct.

A sapiosexual...someone who believes they are attracted to the meme, intelligence. Almost always a woman in an attempt to appear that she is not shallow. All you have to do is make her feel stupid or that she is missing knowledge and she will get naked for you. Do not enter into the territory of mysticism of any kind. Most likely she is interested in the day's standard for intellectualism. Namely positivism, scientific inquiry, or encyclopedic knowledge of something deemed valuable to society (literature is pushing it). See The Big Bang Theory for better understanding.

>> No.11471134

It's what dumb as shit art-thots put on their Tinder profiles to seem smart

>> No.11471164


>> No.11471244


>> No.11471254

Hi baby grill u think I forgot about u NEVER

>> No.11471259

Emotionally intelligent people are confident and confidence is attractive.

>> No.11471286

it's not a ruse so much as an extremely convenient excuse

>> No.11471288

A ruse in being defined as a sexuality reducing the legitimate intelligence fetish? Yes, obviously. But the fetish is real, when paired with obvious natural desires.

>> No.11471300


>> No.11471326
File: 292 KB, 1304x1304, chris hemsworth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sapiosexual means they want a Chad with glasses

>> No.11471390

"I really liked that hot guy at the library, I'm such a sapiosexual", she thought, as she opened her legs for the fifth thug that week.

>> No.11471393
File: 51 KB, 500x464, pvpoxmtfizfz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Where did I hear this term before

>> No.11471404

Is there a word for only being attracted to blondes? Hard mode: don't say racist.

>> No.11471408

Being a normal human being

>> No.11471416

Who the fuck said anything about women?

>> No.11471427

A new pasta is born!

>> No.11471430

Literally every woman I've heard proclaim themselves sapiosexual is also a proud fan of "The Big Bang Theory". I know it's anecdotal evidence, but its frequency is so uncanny that I can't just ignore the correlation. Have any of you noticed this too?

>> No.11471432

It's a regular r9k post.

>> No.11471441

good post, could've been shorter

>> No.11471443

Ah, sapiosexual is a code word for "I FUCKING LUV SCIENCE XDDD!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

>> No.11471447

These rants give me life.